List JS: `TypeError: list.templater is undefined` - listjs

I'm wondering if anyone has had an issue with or can help with TypeError: list.templater is undefined when using list.js, and how they solved it? A clue might be that I'm also getting an Source Map URL: 404 / not found error.
If there's another better-used / better-documented package that does something similar to list.js, I'd definitely be open to that too.
Perhaps this question was a bit too much information, but it gives more context to what's going on.


How to fix hydration errors in Next.js?

I'm receiving these two errors, but it doesn't tell me where to fix this problem
[Update] it looks like the error is in here
(b=3!==a.tag)&&!(b=5!==a.tag)&&(b=a.type,b="head"!==b&&"body"!==b&&!Ef(a.type,a.memoizedProps));if(b&&(b=yg)){if(Dg(a))throw Hg(),Error(p(418));for(;b;)Ag(a,b),b=Lf(b.nextSibling)}Fg(a);if(13===a.tag){a=a.memoizedState;a=null!==a?a.dehydrated:null;if(!a)throw Error(p(317));a:{a=a.nextSibling;for(b=0;a;){if(8===a.nodeType){var;if("/$"===c){if(0===b){yg=Lf(a.nextSibling);break a}b--}else"$"!==c&&"$!"!==c&&"$?"!==c||b++}a=a.nextSibling}yg=
It tells you how to fix the problem: you should fix it (running minified react without sourcemaps) before you can see the error in your code.
The links you are given are accurate.

React-Images and React-Photo-Gallery Compile Error

I am trying to install React-Photo-Gallery and React-Images to get a lightbox gallery.
I am getting this error:
Error in ./~/react-scrolllock/dist/index.js
Module not found: [CaseSensitivePathsPlugin] /Users/anmareewilliams/Apps/anmaree/anmaree/node_modules/react-scrolllock/dist/Scrolllock.js does not match the corresponding path on disk ScrollLock.js.
# ./~/react-scrolllock/dist/index.js 7:18-41
I am not sure what I did wrong because I didn't touch anyting related to the Scrolllock and I am seeing that the Scrolllock.js is in fact named dist/ScrollLock.js
Any help would be much appreciated.
Thank you.
You haven't done anything wrong so far.
React-Images is using an old version of react-scrollock (4.0.1 latest is 5.0.0), which might be a problem.

How to debug delete() in CakePHP

how to debug delete() in CakePHP? When I do:
I get this error:
"message": "SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column \u0027session_id\u0027 in \u0027where clause\u0027",
"url": "\/api\/sessions\/delete\/2856",
"code": 500,
"file": "\/var\/www\/vendor\/cakephp\/cakephp\/src\/Database\/Statement\/MysqlStatement.php",
"line": 39
EDIT: Figured out my problem, I had called the session_id column "sessions_id" in the table by mistake. I updated this, and it solved my problem. However I'd really like to know how to debug delete() and find() properly. I noticed there is a debugging console bin/cake console. Then help to debug stuff, but I dont know how to use it, and cant seem to find any documentation on this. Can anyone help out? Thanks.
The error message stems directly from the DBMS, not from CakePHP, and it tells you pretty much all you need to know about why the query failed, there's not really a way to get more info on that.
Unless you're talking about the line where the exception is being thrown, pointing to a specific line would be rather complicated, as in this case there isn't an exact line causing a problem, the CakePHP side is working perfectly fine, you just mis-configured/named things, which led to a non-working SQL query being generated.
I would suggest to use a proper IDE and a debugger like XDebug that can halt on exceptions, then you have your stacktrace and a bunch of contextual information right at hand, and you can easily step through the code. A plain stacktrace can also be found in the logs (/logs/*.log).

Store not being read or recognized

I get this error when I try to start up my ExtJS 4.2 app:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'buffered' of undefined
I've double checked all my store ids and and names to ensure that they are all spelt correctly but I'm still having this issue :(. Is there anything else I could try to solve this error?
Thanks in advance.
I typically get this error when one of my grids is referencing a store that has not been defined in either the controller instantiating the view or app.js (depending on how the app is structured)
In my case, usign Sencha Architect 3.5, I had to drag to the Store Section the store and it works again. I didn't know when the Application loss the relation with the store but doing that it's working again.

IE error with rallyGrid

I'm getting an error with an SDK2.0 app using a rally custom grid:
It only errors with IE (current), and it does not error if I run it locally, only when I install it in Rally and run it.
I don't know if its a Rally issue, or a EXTJS issue.
SCRIPT5007: Unable to get value of the property 'modelField': object is null or undefined
sdk.js, line 4 character 1276692
The code that failed:
Context around that error:
{xtype:"rallytextfield",allowBlank:false,removeNameAttribute:true}}},PortfolioItem:function(){return{hidden:true}},AttributeType:function(b){return a.apply(Rally.ui.grid.FieldColumnFactory.defaultRenderer(b),{sortable:false})}})})();(function(){var a=window.Ext4||window.Ext;var b=function(g,e){var d=g.text;var c=e.text;if(d>c){return 1}if(d<c){return -1}return 0};a.define("Rally.ui.grid.ColumnBuilder",{requires:["Ext.Array","Ext.util.Format","Rally.ui.grid.FieldColumnFactory"],constructor:function(){this.defaultColumns=[];this.autoAddAllModelFieldsAsColumns=true},withDefaultColumns:function(c){if(a.isArray(c)){this.defaultColumns=this.defaultColumns.concat(c)}return this},withSortableColumns:function(c){this.sortable=c;return this},shouldAutoAddAllModelFieldsAsColumns:function(c){this.autoAddAllModelFieldsAsColumns=c;return this},build:function(d){var,function(g){if(a.isString(g)){return Rally.ui.grid.FieldColumnFactory.getColumnConfigFromField(d.getField(g),this.sortable)}return g},this);if(this.autoAddAllModelFieldsAsColumns){var c=this._buildModelColumns(d,this.defaultColumns,e);e=e.concat(c)}this._removeHiddenColumns(e);return this._stripTagsFromColumnText(e)},_removeHiddenColumns:function(d){for(var c=d.length-1;c>0;c--){var e=d[c];if(e.modelField&&e.modelField.hidden){a.Array.erase(d,c,1)}}}
Not sure what other guidance I can provide to help locate this issue.
The code was a bit large, so I started to do some divide and conquer before I posted it and I found the cause in my code, though probably not the root cause:
In my columnCfgs when adding the rallygrid, I had a trailing ',' on the last entry.
The really annoying thing is this works in all browsers locally, but only fails in IE on Rally with a super obscure error, so its really hard to chase down...even my JavaScript syntax highlighter did not warn me...
I suspect this is actually a problem in either Rally or EXT-JS code where IE is just really finicky...
