Retrieve form input values using React Children as a wrapper - reactjs

I need to retrieve the input form data using the wrapper save button (Togglable component) and not a submit button inside a form component.
I have this form.
const BasicDataForm = () => {
return (
<label htmlFor="nameInput">Your Name: </label>
<input placeholder="Write your name here" type="text" id="nameInput" />
<label htmlFor="ageInput">Your Age: </label>
<input placeholder="Write your age here" type="number" id="ageInput" />
And the wrapper
const Togglable = ({ title, children }) => {
const [visible, setVisible] = useState(false);
const hideWhenVisible = { display: visible ? 'none' : '' };
const showWhenVisible = { display: visible ? '' : 'none' };
return (
<div style={hideWhenVisible}>
<button onClick={() => setVisible(true)}>Show</button>
<div style={showWhenVisible}>
<button>Save</button> {/* This button needs to retrieve all input form data from children */}
<button onClick={() => setVisible(false)}>Close</button>
And the main component
const App = () => {
return (
<h1>Form Wrapper</h1>
<Togglable title="Basic Data Form">
<BasicDataForm />
I don't know if it's necessary to add a useState inside the form component. I also tried adding a new prop in the Togglable component that bind the onClick event of the save button to the onSubmit event of the form, but not work because there is no submit button inside form component.

The solution was much easier than I thought. You only need to wrap the entire children inside a <form> label and render only the content of the inputs. For every children a button will be added and you will manage the form outside the wrapper.
const Togglable = ({ title, children, handleSubmit }) => {
const [visible, setVisible] = useState(false);
const hideWhenVisible = { display: visible ? 'none' : '' };
const showWhenVisible = { display: visible ? '' : 'none' };
return (
<div style={hideWhenVisible}>
<button onClick={() => setVisible(true)}>Show</button>
<div style={showWhenVisible}>
<button onClick={() => setVisible(false)}>Close</button>
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
<button type="submit">Save</button>


Input field not cleared after using useState with onClick

I have a React app, where I'm using an input field as a searchbar, which upon typing, returns a list of products, and upon clicking any product takes you to that product page. I want to clear the typed text in the searchbar after the redirection to new page has happened but I haven't been able to achieve this yet.
I've tried many methods and went over similar posts, but I don't know what am I doing wrong as text is never cleared.
I'm using Material UI for rendering the list and have imported everything as needed.
Below is my code:
Navbar component (contains searchbar)
const Navbar = () => {
const [text, setText] = useState('');
const [liopen, setLiopen] = useState(true);
const getText = (text) => {
const handleClick2 = (e) => {
return (
<div className="middle">
<div className="nav_searchbar">
<span className="search_icon">
<SearchIcon id="search" />
onChange={(e) => getText(}
placeholder="Search for products, categories, ..."
{text && (
<List className="extrasearch" hidden={liopen}>
.filter((product) =>
.map((product) => (
onClick={(e) => {handleClick2(e)}}
export default Navbar;
You need to set the value of the input if you want it controlled by the component state.
<input value={text}
onChange={(e) => getText(}
placeholder="Search for products, categories, ..."

how to get the data from a component within a form in react

I have a with the following structure in react...
<input />
<input />
<input />
<AddressComponent />
<button type='submit'>
Does anyone know if there is a way for me to pass the AddressComponent data up to the parent form component onSubmit? The AddressComponent has a lot of state to manage and a load of functions and it appears a few more times across my website and so I don't want to keep repeating the same code over and over again.
Anyone know if there's a way for me to pass the AddressComponent state up to the parent form component onSubmit?
you can use ref to get access to the child functions so:
const AddressComponent = ({}, ref) => {
const [data, setData] = useState();
useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({
getData: getData,
const getData = () => {
return data;
return <div></div>;
export default React.forwardRef(AddressComponent);
and you can get data in your parent and in submit like this:
const ParentComponent = () => {
const AddressRef = useRef(null);
const handleSubmit = (event) => {
const data = AddressRef.current.getData();
return (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
<input />
<input />
<input />
<AddressComponent ref={AddressRef} />
<button type='submit'>

Grabbing the Value of a Dynamically Created Object

I am dynamically creating buttons from an API call that looks like this:
My goal is that when a button is clicked the inner text will display in the search bar above.
below is the code for this auto complete component:
const Autocomplete = (props) =>
const btnSearch = (e) => {
{ => (
<button className={style.btn} onClick={btnSearch} key={e}>{e}</button>
export default Autocomplete;
The Autocomplete component is then being placed in a div as seen here:
return (
<div className={style.container}>
<div className={style.title_hold}>
<h1>turn one</h1>
<h2>a search engine and game companion for Magic: The Gathering</h2>
<input className={} type='text' placeholder='search for cards here...' value={search} onChange={handleInputChange} onKeyPress={handleSubmit}></input>
<div className={style.btn_wrap}>
<Autocomplete suggestions={results} />
<div className={style.data_wrap} id='user_display'>
<div className={style.img_wrap}>
<div className={style.display_info}>
Any help would be appreciated.
You can create a state variable in your parent component and then pass a function to the Autocomplete's button for the onClick which will then update the state in the parent. Something like this:
const Autocomplete = (props) => {
{ => (
<button className={style.btn} onClick={() => props.setSearch(e)} key={e}>{e}</button>
export default Autocomplete;
Your parent component:
import React from 'react'
const ParentComponent = (props) => {
const [searchText, setSearchText] = React.useState("")
const handleClick = (textFromButtonClick) => {
return (
<div className={style.container}>
<div className={style.title_hold}>
<h1>turn one</h1>
<h2>a search engine and game companion for Magic: The Gathering</h2>
<input className={} type='text' placeholder='search for cards here...' value={searchText} onChange={handleInputChange} onKeyPress={handleSubmit}></input>
<div className={style.btn_wrap}>
<Autocomplete setSearch={handleClick} suggestions={results} />
<div className={style.data_wrap} id='user_display'>
<div className={style.img_wrap}>
<div className={style.display_info}>
export default ParentComponent;
I took over your input value in the parent component, but without seeing any of your other code, I have no idea how you're managing that but you can likely merge it into this workflow to wire it up.

Set textarea to pristine after submit in React

In my React component there is a required textarea that shouldn't submit empty. After submit I stay within the same component so the textarea has red borders to indicate its errored state.
const CommentForm = ({ postId, addComment }) => {
const [text, setText] = useState('');
const onSubmit = evt => {
addComment(postId, text);
const onChange = evt => {
return (
<div className='post-form'>
<div className='bg-primary p'>
<h3>Add a Comment</h3>
<form className='form my-1' onSubmit={onSubmit}>
placeholder='Comment on this post...'
<input type='submit' className='btn btn-dark my-1' value='Submit' />
How do I remove the red borders after submitting a non empty value? The complete component code is at

Make a component Rerender on useEffect

I'm creating a search bar, which calls an API to return a list of devices with matching names.
Ideally, when the user first looks at the component, it sees just a search bar. Once the user types in the search bar, the API returns a list of matching names. A list of these names is then shown below the search bar.
I'm trying to do this with hooks, but I can't get the list to show / the component to update and show the new list.
What am I missing, is this the correct way to go about this?
const Search = () => {
const [input, setInput] = useState("");
let devices = [];
const handleChange = e => {
useEffect(() => {
apiService.getDevices(input).then(response => {
console.log("response:", response); // This brings back the response correctly
const newDevices = => <li key={device}>{device}</li>);
devices = <ul>{newDevices}</ul>;
}, [input]);
return (
<div className="form-group">
<div className="form-group__text">
placeholder="Search device by serial number"
<button type="button" className="link" tabIndex="-1">
<span className="icon-search"></span>
Store devices in state, and then do the map rendering directly in the return, like so:
const Search = () => {
const [input, setInput] = useState("");
const [devices, setDevices] = useState([]);
const handleChange = e => {
useEffect(() => {
apiService.getDevices(input).then(response => {
}, [input]);
return (
<div className="form-group">
<div className="form-group__text">
placeholder="Search device by serial number"
<button type="button" className="link" tabIndex="-1">
<span className="icon-search"></span>
{ => <li key={device}>{device}</li>)}
A component will only re-render when the props or state change, so a useEffect cannot trigger a rerender without also updating some state
