Create Test Class for After Insert/After Update - loops

this is my first question here.
Nice to meet you all, and looking forward to be here with you from now onward.
I am relatively new to coding with apex in general.
And I need to create the test class for the following code:
trigger CPTC on ContactPointTypeConsent (after insert, after update)
for (ContactPointTypeConsent c :
Id ii = [Select PartyId From ContactPointTypeConsent WHERE Id = :c.Id].PartyId;
List<ContactPointTypeConsent> cptcL = [Select id, (Select id, Name, PrivacyConsentStatus From Individuals)
From Individual Where id = :ii].Individuals;
List<Contact> contacts = [Select id, (Select id, Name, MarketingSubscription__c From Contacts)
From Individual Where id = :ii].Contacts;
List<Lead> leads = [Select id, (Select id, Name, MarketingSubscription__c From Leads)
From Individual Where id = :ii].Leads;
Boolean checkBoxValue = checkStatus(cptcL);
for (Contact contact : contacts)
contact.MarketingSubscription__c = checkBoxValue;
for (Lead lead : leads)
lead.MarketingSubscription__c = checkBoxValue;
update contacts;
update leads;
public Boolean checkStatus(List<ContactPointTypeConsent> cptc)
Boolean result = false;
for (ContactPointTypeConsent c : cptc)
if (c.PrivacyConsentStatus == 'OptIn')
result = true;
return result;
Thank you all for your help, and time!


Write test class for apex(salesforce)

I write code for Apex trigger, now i need to test him. Can u help me?
here is the code:
public with sharing class Sharing_Sales {
public static void SharingRelatedOrdersAndAccount(List<Sales_Rep_Assignment__c> triggerNew,
Map<Id, Sales_Rep_Assignment__c> oldMap){
List<Order> relatedOrders = new List<Order>();
List<Sales_Rep_Assignment__c> activeAssignments = new List<Sales_Rep_Assignment__c>();
Set<Id> accIds = new Set<Id>();
Set<Id> salesRepsIds = new Set<Id>();
Map<Id, List<Order>> ordersByAccountId = new Map<Id, List<Order>>();
for(Sales_Rep_Assignment__c sar: triggerNew){
if(sar.Active__c == true && (oldMap.get( == false || oldMap == null)) {
for(Order ord : [SELECT Id, AccountId FROM Order WHERE AccountId IN :accIds]) {
if (!ordersByAccountId.containsKey(ord.AccountId)) {
ordersByAccountId.put(ord.AccountId, new List<Order>());
List<OrderShare> sharingRecords = new List<OrderShare>();
for (Sales_Rep_Assignment__c srs : activeAssignments) {
for (Order ord : ordersByAccountId.get(srs.Account__c)) {
OrderShare sharingorderrecord = new OrderShare();
sharingorderrecord.OrderId = ord.Id;
sharingorderrecord.OrderAccessLevel = 'Edit';
sharingorderrecord.UserOrGroupId = 'Sales_Rep__c';
sharingorderrecord.RowCause = 'Manual';
insert sharingRecords;
public static void Sharingorderandaccountisdelete(List<Sales_Rep_Assignment__c> triggerNew,
List<Order> relatedOrders,
Map<id, Sales_Rep_Assignment__c> oldMap){
List<Sales_Rep_Assignment__c> falseAssignments = new List<Sales_Rep_Assignment__c>();
Set<Id> accIds = new Set<Id>();
Set<Id> salesRepsIds = new Set<Id>();
Map<Id, List<Order>> ordersByAccountId = new Map<Id, List<Order>>();
for(Sales_Rep_Assignment__c sar: triggerNew){
if(sar.Active__c == false && oldMap.get( == true || triggerNew == null){
List<OrderShare> sharingDeletedOrder = new List<OrderShare>();
for(Order ord : [SELECT Id, AccountId FROM Order WHERE AccountId IN :accIds]) {
if (!ordersByAccountId.containsKey(ord.AccountId)) {
ordersByAccountId.put(ord.AccountId, new List<Order>());
for(OrderShare sharingRecords: [SELECT Id FROM OrderShare WHERE Id =: AND UserOrGroupId IN :salesRepsIds]){
delete sharingDeletedOrder;
deskp of task Use
Apex Trigger to share Account and related Orders to Sales Rep when new Sales Rep Assignment is created.
When Sales Rep Assignment record is deleted or set to Active = false Sales Rep should not have edit access to account and related orders anymore, if Active is set back to true – share records again.
You have to create a test class. Here you will find some guidance:
After you worked it through and wrote a test class, we can help with problems.

how to fix System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object in apex class using Map<parentId, child>?

Getting the error in line " taskObj.OwnerId = ConMap.get(ben.contact__c).contact__r.OwnerId;" becasue the ownerid field is on contact.
Contact is the parent of benefit, Here I am getting all the benefits in start method. I want to add contactid only once if it has more than one child for that I used SET. I want to use maps as I need to get the contact OwnerId field from contact object which I am fetching in the query in start method. How do I Access contact.ownerId field using a map? below is the code.
global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext bc) {
Query='select contact__r.ownerId, contact__c, Task_creation_date__c, Status__c, task_created__c, type__c from Benefit__c Where Task_creation_date__c= TODAY AND Status__c IN (\'Active\',\'Pending\') AND Task_created__c =FALSE AND Type__c!=\'Short Term Medical\'';
return Database.getQueryLocator(query);
global void execute(Database.BatchableContext bc, List<Benefit__c> scope){
// process each batch of records
List<Contact> contacts = new List<Contact>();
List<Task> TaskList = new List<Task>();
set<id> conset = New set<id>();
Map<id,benefit__c> ConMap = new map<id,Benefit__c>();
for (Benefit__c b : scope) {
ConMap.put(b.contact__c, b);
b.task_created__c = TRUE;
system.debug('contact and its benefit------'+ConMap);
recordsProcessed = conset.size();
//List<Contact> tempList = new List<Contact>();
// tempList = [Select Id,OwnerId, firstname from Contact where Id IN:(conset)];
for(Benefit__c ben : ConMap.values())
Task taskObj = new Task();
taskObj.OwnerId = ConMap.get(ben.contact__c).contact__r.OwnerId;
I want to populate contact ownerid as the task ownerid but how do I access it from the map and keep the unique contact id in the map?
I see that the batch query does not have the filtering condition 'Contact__c != null'. So, it's possible that one of the benefit records is missing value in the 'Contact__c' field and you wouldn't find it in the map. You can solve this in two ways:
Add 'Contact__c != null' to the selector query if you don't care about those records.
Check for 'null' value in the for loop as below:
for(Benefit__c ben : ConMap.values())
/* continue;
throw exception()
Task taskObj = new Task();
taskObj.OwnerId = ConMap.get(ben.contact__c).contact__r.OwnerId;
I re wrote the code to resolve this nd optimize the code as below.
public with sharing class MyBatch implements Database.Batchable<AggregateResult>{
public Iterable<AggregateResult> start(Database.BatchableContext context)
return [
SELECT Contact__c, Contact__r.OwnerId owner FROM Benefit__c
WHERE Contact__c != null AND ...
GROUP BY Contact__c, Contact__r.OwnerId
public void execute(Database.BatchableContext context, List<AggregateResult> scope)
Set<Id> contactIds = new Set<Id>();
List<Task> tasks = new List<Task>();
for (AggregateResult aggregate : scope)
Id ownerId = (Id)aggregate.get('owner');
Id contactId = (Id)aggregate.get('Contact__c');
tasks.add(new Task(OwnerId=ownerId, /*other fields*/));
insert tasks;
List<Benefit__c> benefits = [
SELECT Id FROM Benefit__c WHERE Contact__c IN :contactIds
for (Benefit__c benefit : benefits)
benefit.Task_Created__c = true;
update benefits;
public void finish(Database.BatchableContext context) { /*additional logic*/ }}

To get the number of opportunities in an Account

how to count number of opportunities related to account,
total number of opportunities field on account should be increment/decrement when Opportunity is created/deleted.
How to solve it, pl help me with sample code.
Actually, you don't need write a code if you need count of all opportunities related to an account. Create a “Rollup/Summary” field type on the Account. Evaluate the Opportunity object, and run a “Count” operation. That’s it!
If you need to solve it with trigger it will looks something like this:
trigger CountOpportunitiesOnAccount on Opportunity (after insert, after delete){
Set<Id> aId = new Set<Id>();
if(Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isDelete || Trigger.isUndelete){
for(Opportunity opp : Trigger.New){
for(Opportunity opp : Trigger.old){
private void updateAccounts(Set<Id> accIds){
List<Account> accs = [select id, OpportunitiesAmount from Account where Id in :accIds];
List<Opportunity> opps = [select id from Opportunity where AccountId in :accIds];
for(Account a : accs){
a.OpportunitiesAmount = opps.size();
update accs;
So, here you go. This is the Exact code that counts the Exact number of Related Opportunities of an Account and Populates it on the Standard field of Account Number ( you can add it on the custom field also).
trigger TriggTask on Opportunity (after insert, after delete)
List<id> TriggerList = new List<id>();
List<id> TriggerList = new List<id>();
for(Opportunity Opp :
List<Account> DML = New List<Account>();
List<Account> Ls = [select id,(select id from Opportunities) from Account where id in:TriggerList];
for(Account AccNew : ls)
Integer Num = AccNew.Opportunities.size();
update ls;
for(Opportunity Opp : Trigger.old)
List<Account> DML = New List<Account>();
List<Account> Ls = [select id,(select id from Opportunities) from Account where id in:TriggerList];
for(Account act : Ls)
update Ls;
If you must write a trigger, you might also consider the re-parenting of an Opportunity. This is why the Roll-Up Summary field is preferred by many developers. There may be edge cases that generate errors or unexpected results.
trigger CountOpportunitiesOnAccount on Opportunity (after insert, after delete, after update){
Set<Id> aId = new Set<Id>();
if(Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isDelete || Trigger.isUndelete || Trigger.isUpdate){
for(Opportunity opp : Trigger.New){
if(Trigger.newMap.get(opp.Id).AccountID != Trigger.oldMap.get(opp.Id).AccountID){
if(aID != NULL && aID.size() > 0){
for(Opportunity opp : Trigger.old){
private void updateAccounts(Set<Id> accIds){
List<Account> accs = [select id, Number_Of_Opps__c, (select Id from Opportunities) from Account where Id in :accIds];
List<Account> liAccToUpdate = new list<Account>();
//Should be able to handle more than one opportunity/account in the trigger.
for(Account a : accs){
//Prevent recursive updating
if(a.Number_Of_Opps__c != a.Opportunities.size()){
a.Number_Of_Opps__c = a.Opportunities.size();
if(liAccToUpdate != NULL && liAccToUpdate.size() > 0){
update accs;
public static void opportunityCount(List<opportunity> oppList) {
set<id>accountIDs = new set<id>();
list<Account> accList = new List<Account>();
for (opportunity eachOppAccId:oppList) {
for (Account eachAccount:[select id,No_Of_Opportunities__c, (select id, AccountID from opportunities) from Account where id In:accountIDs]) {
update accList;

How to Create a read-only group in SalesForce

I want to know how to create a read-only group + like + comment and not being able to post for members except admin and owner
* how to use triggers on the posting in this group?.
i tried but it not work:
trigger N_GroupReadOnly on FeedItem (before insert) {
ID groupId = [Select Id from CollaborationGroup where Name = 'Group_ReadOnly'].Id;
CollaborationGroup ownerId = [Select OwnerId From CollaborationGroup Where Name = 'Group_ReadOnly'];
for(FeedItem item :{
if((item.ParentId == groupId) && (item.InsertedById != ownerId.OwnerId)){
system.debug('you can not add post in this group');
alert("you can not add post in this group");
delete item ;
insert item;
Thank you.
as per this forum entry:
trigger GroupReadOnly on FeedItem (before insert) {
CollaborationGroup gp = [Select OwnerId, Id From CollaborationGroup Where Name = 'Group_ReadOnly'];
List<FeedItem> feedItems = new List<FeedItem>();
for(FeedItem item :{
if(item.ParentId == gp.Id)
if(feedItems.size() >0) GroupReadOnlyClass.FilterFeedItems(feedItems);
public class GroupReadOnlyClass{
public static void FilterFeedItems(List<FeedItem> feedItems){
CollaborationGroup gp = [Select OwnerId, Id From CollaborationGroup Where Name = 'Group_ReadOnly'];
for(FeedItem item :feedItems){
if(item.ParentId == gp.Id)
if(UserInfo.getUserId()!= gp.OwnerId){
item.addError('You cannot post! Just Owner can post in this group');

Apex Test Class - How to set a rollup count field in a test class

Trying to set a value for a roll up summary field in the test class to improve code coverage. How do I do it?
public class clsPreferredIASetExt {
List<PreferredIA__c> preferredias;
public static PreferredIA__c[] tobeClosed = new PreferredIA__c[0];
public static PreferredIA__c[] newPreIAs = new PreferredIA__c[0];
public static PreferredIA__c loopadd;
public static PreferredContact__c[] contactlists = new PreferredContact__c[0];
public static Account[] InvoicedAccounts = new Account[0];
public static PreferredIA__c[] monkey;
public clspreferrediaSetExt(ApexPages.StandardSetController controller) {
preferredias = (List<PreferredIA__c>) controller.getSelected();
public void getInitCloseInv() {
tobeclosed = [select id, Account__c,, Account__r.Name,
Account__r.AccountNumber, Specialist__c,
PreferredInvoice__c, Status__c
from PreferredIA__c where Status__c = 'Invoiced' limit 150];
list<string> testme = new list<string>{};
for(PreferredIA__c a:tobeclosed) {
InvoicedAccounts = [select id, EligibleIAs__c, PreferredOverride__c,
Preferred_Territory__r.rep__c, LastSurveyDate__c,
InitialInspectionComplete__c, Program_level__c,
PreferredExempt__c, Account_Status__c,
Active_IAs__c, Last_Training__c
from Account where id IN :testme];
Contactlists = [select id, Account__c
from PreferredContact__c where Account__c IN :testme];
for(PreferredIA__c q:tobeclosed) {
q.Status__c = 'Closed';
for(Account z:invoicedaccounts) {
The following condition is where I am trying to set the z.EligibleIAs__c
which is a roll up count field of PreferredIA__c objects associated with
the account.
if(z.EligibleIAs__c == 0
&& z.Program_Level__c == 'Preferred'
&& !z.PreferredExempt__c
&& (z.Account_Status__c == 'Active'
|| z.Account_Status__c == 'Product Only')) {
loopadd = new PreferredIA__c();
loopadd.Account__c =;
if(z.PreferredOverride__c != null) {
loopadd.Specialist__c = z.PreferredOverride__c;
else {
loopadd.Specialist__c= z.Preferred_territory__r.Rep__c;
for(PreferredContact__c q:contactlists) {
if(q.Account__c == {
loopadd.PreferredContact__c =;
loopadd.CreatedDate__c = Date.Today();
if(z.Last_training__c != null) {
loopadd.DueDate__c = z.Last_Training__c.AddDays(365);
else {
loopadd.DueDate__c = Date.Today().AddDays(365);
loopadd.initial__c = false;
loopadd.Status__c = 'Unacknowledged';
z.InitialInspectionComplete__c = true;
try {
update tobeclosed;
update invoicedaccounts;
insert newPreIAs;
catch(system.dmlexception q) {
public void ReceivePPW() {
monkey = [select id, Status__c from PreferredIA__c
where id in :preferredias and status__c = 'Training Completed'];
for (PreferredIA__c m:monkey) {
m.status__c = 'Awaiting Invoice';
update monkey;
I can't actually see where you're trying to write to the field — or did you remove it because it wasn't working?
That aside, the answer is that you can not write to a roll-up summary field. If you require a value in that field you should insert child records to your parent test records, with appropriate field values such that your summary field calculates a value.
Also, I can see that you're querying PerferredIA__c at the start, your test methods should never depend on data being in the system already, you should insert your records yourself in your test code. The reason for this is that if you try to deploy to an org which has no relevant data, your tests will fail and so, subsequently, will your deployment.
For situations like these, consider mock objects (or just variables simulating expected values), similar to inserting test values as Lacey suggests. This technique is required to achieve 100% coverage when doing callouts, for example, since they terminate tests at the moment of the call.
