How can I DM the user an embed before he is kicked (discord.js) - discord.js

I'm trying to make a blacklist command, and how do I make it so it sends an embed instead of normal message.
(Also, I'm new to discord.js)
Here's my script:
module.exports = {
data: new SlashCommandBuilder()
.setDescription('Blacklist someone from the server')
.addUserOption((option) => option.setName('member')
.setDescription('Who are you blacklisting?')),
async execute(interaction) {
await interaction.deferReply();
const member = interaction.options.getMember('member');
if (!interaction.member.roles.cache.some(r => === "Blacklist perms")) {
return interaction.editReply({ content: 'You do not have permission to use this command!' });
member.send("You have been blacklisted!")
member.kick().catch(err => {
interaction.editReply({ content: `I do not have enough permissions to do that.`})
await interaction.editReply({ content: `${member} has been succesfully blacklisted!` });

Since your function is already async, simply await sending the message before you call kick.
await member.send("You have been blacklisted!")
member.kick().catch(err => {
interaction.editReply({ content: 'I do not have enough permissions to do that.'})
You might also wanna catch() on the send method because users can have DMs from server members disabled or blocked your bot.
You also might consider banning the user instead, because this system would fail if your bot ever happens to go offline when a blacklisted user tries to join. Additionally, depending on how fast your bot reacts, the user may still have time to spam in channels or do something harmful before your bot is able to kick them.
To send an embed either use an EmbedBuilder or a plain JavaScript object with the correct embed structure.
member.send({ embeds:[{
title: "Title",
description: "Hello World!"
}] })


Discordjs 14.7.1 Skips First Reaction

Problem is the Discord bot is skipping the first reaction emoji.
If I un-react and re-react with the same emoji, then the bot registers it.
I've been trying to figure this out for a while, and am stumped as to what I am missing in my logic or if I need to find another solution.
Discord bot gathers and prints out all reactions to a message by a user
Relevant Information:
Discordjs 14.7.1
Discord Developer Website:
Presence Intent: Enabled
Server Members Intent: Enabled
Message Content Intent: Enabled
const { Client, Events, GatewayIntentBits, Partials } = require('discord.js');
const { token } = require('./includes/config.json');
// create a new discord client
const client = new Client({
intents: [
partials: [
// ready
client.once(Events.ClientReady, () => {
// if partial, fetch full
client.on(Events.MessageReactionAdd, async (reaction, user) => {
if (reaction.partial) {
try {
await reaction.fetch();
} catch (error) {
// define the message component
const message = reaction.message;
// all userReactions by
const userReactions = await message.reactions.cache.filter(reaction => reaction.users.cache.has(;
// print emojis
try {
for (const reaction of userReactions.values()) {
console.log(`Emoji: ${reaction.emoji}`);
} catch(error) {
// login
The bot is not registering the first reaction placed
- I react to a message in this order: 😄❤️🔥
- the logfile shows:
Emoji: ❤️
Emoji: ❤️
Emoji: 🔥
Expected result:
Emoji: 😄
Emoji: 😄
Emoji: ❤️
Emoji: 😄
Emoji: ❤️
Emoji: 🔥
I noticed that the bot works fine for all messages sent after it is running
The problematic behaviour is experienced only for messages sent before the bot was running
MessageReactionAdd() does get called, as tested by placing 'console.log(test output); statements. I learned that it works on cached messages only, which I thought was mitigated by fetching the full reaction. Such was not the case. I tried testing by forcing a message fetch manually by and, it still did not work.
My Solution:
Used an sqlite database to keep track of reactions.
From within MessageReactionAdd() I was able to check for the reactions I was interested in logging, and added them to an sqlite database.
Within an equivalent MessageReactionRemove() section, I was able to check for removal of the reactions and delete the pertinent row from the database.
Thank you for reading and assisting. :)

Permissions checking discord.js

I tried to make a bot that can kick users and I have a probem with checking if user has a permision to do so. I have aready searched for it trough the whole internet and everywere it was sad to use .has but it doesn't seems to work, console always returns error: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'has').
Here's my code:
const { SlashCommandBuilder } = require("#discordjs/builders");
const { Permissions } = require('discord.js');
module.exports = {
data: new SlashCommandBuilder()
.setDescription("Kicks someone")
.addUserOption(option =>
.setDescription("Select the user")
async execute(interaction){
const user = interaction.options.getUser("user");
const userId = interaction.guild.members.cache.get(;
if(!interaction.user.permissions.has(Permissions.FLAGS.KICK_MEMBERS)) return interaction.reply("You dont have perrmisions to kick KEKW!");
if(! return interaction.reply("I dont have perrmisions to kick KEKW!");
if(userId == return interaction.reply(
content: "You cant kick yourself bro!",
ephemeral: true
content: `You have succesfuly kicked user: ${user}!`,
ephemeral: true
Here's the error:
interaction.user is a User object, so methods only available to GuildMember, like permissions.has cannot be applied to the interaction.user. Change it to interaction.member will solve the problem. It's also a good idea to read more about User and GuildMember objects and their differences in the discord.js documentation and guide. I've linked these below:
discord.js documentation pages on topic: -User -GuildMember
discord.js guide on topic:

DiscordJS Backdoor Command

I have had reports off my support server of my discord js bot of my bot being abused in multiple ways.
I want to have a way upon launch of my bot to see a list of servers as well as invite links to those servers. I do not know the id of server or anything.
The most I've managed to find out how to do is this
var server = client.guilds.get("idk the id part");
console.log('I am in the following servers:');
server.createInvite().then(invite =>
console.log( + "-" + invite.url)
In your ready event (client.on('ready', () => {}), add the following lines:
client.guilds.tap(guild => {
console.log(`Name: ${} ID: ${}`);
This should output
Name: Test1 ID: 00000000000000
in the console for each server.
Also, considering that making a lot of invites might clog up your bot, and is generally more of a hindrance than help to server admins, you might consider making a createinvite command:
const svID = args[0];
const guild = client.guilds.find(guild => === svID);
const channel = guild.channels.find(channel => channel.position === 1);
.then(invite => message.reply(invite.code));
You can either wait for the bot to emit it's ready event and loop through the guild collection:
client.once('ready', () => {
// client.guilds should be ready
or handle each guild individually:
client.on('guildCreate', (guild) => {
// The guild the bot just joined/connected to
// Should also be emitted when the bot launches
Either should work, but my recommendation would be the second approach, as this will also allow you to track join events whilst the bot is running.

Grabbing the permissions from a TextChannel - Discord.js

Basically, I need to grab the permissions from the current text channel the user is in. I have already got the channel name, if I need to get the ID that should be pretty easy to do.
const Discord = require("discord.js"); = async (client, message, args) => {
let currentChannel =;
let category =;;
message.guild.createChannel(currentChannel).then(mchannel => {
mchannel.setParent(category).then(() => {;
} = {
name: "a.cleanchannel"
// Need the channel permissions to overwrite the new channel's permissions with the old ones
The expected results are that the channel should have the same permissions as the old one.
To answer your question directly, you can use GuildChannel#permissionOverwrites to create the new channel with the same permissions as the old one. For example...
message.guild.createChannel(, {
type: 'text',
However, it looks like you're trying to clone a channel. To help make that easier, there's a method built into Discord.js for it - GuildChannel#clone(). You can use it like so..., true, true) // Same name, same permissions, same topic
.then(async clone => {
await clone.setParent(;
await clone.setPosition(;
console.log(`Cloned #${}`);

How to fix 'Supplied parameter was neither a User or Role.'

I'm trying to make a bot make a role and go to a specified channel in the arguments of a command.
The code will make the bot go to the specified channel, and add permissions for the role that the bot just made, and that's where the problem is.
The console in VSC says that "a role / user was not specified" and it skips over that.
I've tried changing the arole to a var, and setting the arole (message.arole) to and it still didn't work. Messing around and changing the settings did not work at all.
let woaID = message.mentions.channels.first();
if (!woaID) return"Channel is nonexistant or command was not formatted properly. Please do s!woa #(channelname)");
let specifiedchannel = message.guild.channels.find(t => ==;
var arole = message.guild.createRole({
name: `A marker v1.0`,
color: 0xcc3b3b,
hoist: false,
mentionable: false,
permissions: ['SEND_MESSAGES']
}).catch(console.error);"Created role...");"Role set up...");
/*const sbwrID = message.guild.roles.find(`null v1.0`);
let specifiedrole = message.guild.roles.find(r => ==*/'Modified');
specifiedchannel.overwritePermissions(message.arole, {
.then(updated => console.log(updated.permissionOverwrites.get(
I expect the bot able to access the specified channel in the args, and create a role and overwrite role permissions for that channel.
The actual output is that the bot does everything fine, but the role does not have special permissions for the channel.
There are two main issues with your code:
The Guild.createRole() does not synchronously return a Role: it returns a Promise<Role>, so you're in fact not providing a role as argument for .overwritePermissions()
After you create the role (if you properly store it in arole) you can't access it as message.arole.
You can either do that with async/await or using the .then() promise method.
If you're not confident with promises or asynchronous code you should try to learn something about it, it's really useful: check out Using promises, the Promise and async function docs by MDN.
Here's an example:
name: `A marker v1.0`,
color: 0xcc3b3b,
hoist: false,
mentionable: false,
permissions: ['SEND_MESSAGES']
}).then(async arole => {
let updated = await specifiedchannel.overwritePermissions(arole, {
