How to send emails when a new user signs up? - reactjs

I'm looking for advice on how to send a welcome email when a new user signs up and when I add new web development challenges to my website.
I don't have any idea how to do that, so I've been doing some research and found that we need to make an API call to the mail service (i.e., Mailgun) when a new user signs up.
Here are some questions for you:
Do I need to buy an email address on my custom domain? I already have a custom domain.
2 Which service should I use for this? Meantime, I want to stay away from paying for the email service right now as I have less number of signed-up users.
I'm using GitHub firebase authentication to authenticate the users.
My Tech Stack: ReactJs, Firebase


React Native mobile app authentication using google and facebook

I am completely lost, with even what to look at. However, I am creating my first react native application. In this app I wish to allow the user to authenticate with Google as well as Facebook.
My Issue is: User logs in using google auth. They then log out and re-authenticate with facebook. However they have already logged in before and under this second auth I wish them to connect back to the same account.
Could someone please help me, is there a way to do this, I am lost. I need direction on this so appreciate all/any help given.
Any further questions on this. I will do my best to answer. Thanks
I think this issue has more to do with persisting data and keeping duplicates out. When you do authentication you habe to store some kind of universal ID like the users email and Google/Facebook IDs. When a user logs in with whichever account you can identify them and match the correct profile.
Lets say the user has different emails with facebook and google, you might tell him after auth with google, that a User will be created newly on your app with the given data. At this point users can realize thats not what they expected, as they have already an account and retry with facebook.

How to provide user authentication option to users in a React app?

I am creating a web app that allows users to user their own social network services (Instagram, facebook, spotify, etc.) and display the information like photos, posts, playlists from the SNS.
I know we need each users to authenticate their SNS account first to make the API accessible.
I have no experience with authentication, so I want to get some TIPs of how to do this.
My idea is to provide buttons called Authenticate for each SNS. When the user clicks this, I want to open a window for the user to login to their SNS and when the login is successful, it will give a list of whatever information that is related to the SNS (photos, playlists, etc.).
I want to know what I need to know to do this. I know that we need access tokens to access the user's API. Is there a way to use the access token that the user earns by authenticating his account to access the API?
Any advice will be great. Thanks.
Try firebase authentication. A lot of work is involved in what you want to do, and they have done much of this work for us...

Do all my future users need a google account to access my web app hostet via GAE?

Total GAE beginner here.
Maybe total obvious answer. Maybe so obvious that I was not able to get a clear information via search because nobody spend even a single thought on it.
I just uploaded my first test app into GAE and in order to access it I need to login with my google account.
Why is that? If I want a login logic for my app, I will implement one by myself?
And if I do implement a custom auth mechanism: What is the user experience? Do a user need to first login into his google account and then into my app?
Do all my future users need a google account to access my web app hostet via GAE?
Clarification would be much appreciated.
Switch to "Federated Authentication" shown here to deactivate the google login screen.
This is clearly shown in the google gae documentation. Even a google search about 'google appengine user authentication' shows in the 1st result:

Google Accounts customization in GAE

Well, this question is regarding the authentication system of an app in GAE. I've read several posts and found out the best way to manage the user authentication stuff is using the Google Accounts service. I've read several suggestion (here is one of them) but they don't really give a solution to the problem.
Here is what I want to do: I am going to use the Google Accounts service and I want to know if there is a way to change the login and create account page, so that I don not have to redirect the user to the Google Sign-in form, but rather redirect the user to my own login form and then forward those data to Google Servers. I would like to do the same exact thing with the register form. In conclusion I need that the user feels she is using the login of my application, but is really using the Google Accounts service.
Here is an example of something I want to do: This webpage uses Google Accounts Service, but the login form, is a custom form that then (I imagine) forwards the data to Google Servers and then logs the user in.

Auto subscribe a user when signing up to app

This is so interesting question, I think. I am developing a chat application using xmpp in google go. Upon testing, I could not send chat message to a google user unless that user would add my app as contact or initiate the chat session via gtalk/chat at his gmail account. Is it possible to subscribe the user to my app when he signup for membership in my app? User service does not have any properties for this nor a hash or code or cookie for me to store and know that this user has approved sending chat from the app. Thanks a lot!
No, this is not possible. The user has to give explicit permission to add your bot to their contact list; simply signing in is not enough.
