How to change the language of my app in iTunes?
I have searched the answer on Google, and it seems realated to info.plist.
Change iOS App List of Supported Languages in App Store
How do I set the language of my App on the App store with codename1?
We have the build hint ios.devLocale which has the default value of <string>English</string>. You can try playing with it and add additional strings. I'm not sure if the syntax is <string>English</string><string>Spanish</string> etc. or <string>English,Spanish</string>.
I made a progressive web app with Create React App.
The user shall be able to make data available offline by clicking i.e. a button. Is there a convention or best practise to do that?
I have read this awesome documentation, that helps to make your PWA work offline
Part 1
Part 2
Have a look at workbox. It's used in Create React App as well as Next.js.
The actual answer to the question can be found in section Access Caches from Your Web App's Code.
I have an angular app currently in Electron. (It was built by someone else) I would like to run this in my browser (possibly converting it to a Progressive Web App). Is this possible? If so how?
A short summary from some of my own experience doing something similar. In my case it was possible but this might not always be true. Hope this helps.
Find and assess the app's dependencies on the Electron api - try searching for require('electron') or more likely in Angular, ngxElectron or another Angular Electron api wrapper, fixing or changing the app so that it no longer depends on Electron.
Do a search for Electron API keywords and usages and decide how to handle them. Examples where the app might use Electron - the Electron menu, clipboard, BrowserView, or more behind-the-scenes the app might use IPC.
The app might reference the Node api since Node is relatively easy to mix in to your app in Electron, and this will be a problem that needs to be fixed. Search for Node api references.
Some apps have native dependencies outside of Electron, you'll need to find any such API's and decide how to handle them.
The size of work (and even if it's possible at all) will depend on the functionality the app itself provides and the extent of native features required, the extent of dependency on Electron features, dependencies on Node.
For example, within Electron, developers have more control over the browser than usual, and can choose to switch off normal web security features. Cross site scripting (CORS, etc) or other security issues might crop up when you move the app to the browser. Take a look at the options passed when BrowserWindows are created. If the app has exotic settings these might necessitate architecture changes.
You need to decide whether the app still needs to work in Electron after porting (this might be possible but can make things complicated)
If the app should still run in Electron, you'll need to decide a strategy for how to handle this (for example, if statements checking for Electron, or another strategy).
I know that hybrid has already provided these wrappers in the form of android SDK and ios SDK.
But what if I have to use ionic to develop an app for hybris? Can I use SDK that provided by hybris?
Yes you can, one of the nice things of Hybris is that you can create your own extensions in Hybris to do what you want, I.E. create a custom UI, or make use of the web services to create a UI completely outside of hybris. I know there are projects which had a front end completely using Angular. You might struggle to find documentation on it as it is not OOTB, but Hybris won't prevent this sort of development.
It's possible for sure so just give it a go and try.
just make sure to ENABLE this CUSTOM extension in Local.Properties.
If i develop a mobile application using a specific BaaS SDK like parse. later on i decide to move to another BaaS.
Will the user need to remove and then install the app. Or i can offer the new application as an update?
Regarding moving from Parse to another BaaS I know about apiOmat which lets you import all your data from Parse (see this blog post). Then you upload your updated app to the app store / play store and the user only needs to update the app - no removing and reinstalling necessary. Have a look in the official documentation here.
I am using Google app engine and python to build an application. I am incredibly new to python as well as GAE. I have a index.html file with the basic template for my site. However I would like to replace the contents of a few tags depending on the URL. For example update the title tag for each individual pages. From what I can tell the recommended way to do this is using the lxml library.
And so... Tonight is my first time I have ever worked with lxml and I am having a really hard time wrapping my head around it. I have been fooling around with several permutations of the basic syntax and have not had much success understanding how it works. I have looked for different tutorials and the documentation is few and far between.
When I try the following code I get a 'lxml.etree._ElementTree' object has no attribute 'find_class' error, however the documentation here: it sure looks like it should have that class
Am I on the right path? Is this the most efficient/best way to replace the content of html tags?
import os
import webapp2
import lxml.html
doc = lxml.html.parse('index.html')
doc.find_class("title") == 'About Page'
This is definitely not the way to that on Google App Engine. You should use some kind of template framework like Jinja2 or Django to achieve your goal.
But before all that you will have to make sure that you completed the Getting Started Tutorial, where you can see these things in action.