How to use Create-React-App in non react app - reactjs

I have created an app using create-react-app. I want to build it so I can add it to a non-React webpage. How do I bundle it up so I can just add the script at the bottom of an HTML page and the app will show?


How to use react-router-dom in React + Electron?

I have problem to use react-router-dom for build desktop app with React JS and Electron. I want my App can move like single page application as my website that build with React. But after build React and Electron, the react-router-dom cant display, even i got white screen
pls help me to fix it
I hope:
i want to know how to use react-router-dom for build electron app

How to publish full React app as an npm Package

How can I publish my react app as an NPM package?
I have a task that My react app should work in any other app like angular or vue apps.
I tried a alibrary that convert my react component to a web component and it did work on angular and vue apps. But It's only signle components
How can I Push all the components as one single package as a web component so when someone install it he will use only one tag to run my app?
and is React SDK related to this?

Embedding a react native inside Cordova App

we want to build new functionality in React Native but the main app is cordova app.
current production app created in cordova. but is it possible to call production cordova app to React Native app?
example: cordova app->Footer menu button click-> trigger/invoke the React Native screens
is it possible to embedding a react native inside existing cordova app?.
we have an app build using cordova. However, the client is not happy about the performance. so we like to build new screens in react-native and we thought about combining the current state of the app, embedding a react native inside cordova app. Does this make any sense?

Ionic 5 React build browser

I am following Ionic guides to create a samples project
when I use the command
ionic build browser
it generates a public/ directory with a blank HTML
any idea on how I can build ionic react app?

How to create a React app without webpack and Create-react-app

without using webpack and create-react-app how to create a React app
i would like to use following in my react application
2.react routing
You can simply copy the cdn and implement your component to the project. That is if you have already a web page and you want to implement a few components with reactJs. Check this page has your answer.
