EpiServer Form element is not published because of the validator's error message - episerver

We are using Dotnet Framework 4.7.2., EPiServer CMS 11, EPiServerFormsCore 4.30.4 NuGet package, EPiServerFormsUI 4.30.4 NuGet package.
Error message in the validators, which are added to the forms element (for example the Text block) are preventing the element from being published properly (the Error message of validator is not saved correctly, which causes the problems with publishing block).
When any validator which is derived from the ElementValidatorBase class (EPiServerFormsCoreValidation namespace) is ticked in the forms element block, the publishing is not completing successfully. Looks like the Error message cannot be saved and read properly, which causes unpredictable behavior.
Additionally, if you untick all the validators of the form element, the problem will disappear. If you don't add any value to the Error message, it will still cause the same problem.
1.A validator is added to the element and field of the validator is edited, element is published (everything works fine):
2.After we quit the page in the CMS (for example we press F5 and update the page): “Publish changes” appears again, when no changes were done to form element and Error messages are reset to default. Every time you access the element once again, it will keep resetting the Error message to default state and element will be marked as "to publish".
If anybody has any ideas what this issue could be related to, I would appreciate it very much.
Thanks in advance.
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/0ynRJ.png
[2]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/kTUKh.png
[3]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/2siNA.png
[4]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/Jq9u0.png
[5]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/31D3l.png


Umbraco cms AngularJS Regular Expression Keep appearing

Umbraco uses angularJS as based library and backoffice totally developed on it. The reason telling first is to tell that I have a field on which URL regular expression applied. If someone entered invalid url like below image
it shows error as need.
But if a user try to remove whole text by selecting it and removing at once. It still keep appearing the error like this
However, if a user erase text one by one like this
then the validation error removed and user need to click on button to see error again.
I would to know how screen 3 state can be achievable when user remove all text together? Its really annoying behavior for a user to remove text character one by one to refresh the state of the field. Screen 3 state should be applied on screen 2.
Can anybody tell me how it can fix or achievable? Right now, it seems like a default behavior.
Looking forward to hear from you guys. Suggestions will be much appreciatable.
Regards o
I've looked into this issue. This seems to be a product bug.
When you remove whole text at once, newValue is an empty string and the code responsible for resetting error messages doesn't run. If you have access to the umbraco code, you can easily fix it by removing highlighted check:

Appium: Element is not interactable error is getting displayed while tapping on the checkbox

Tried: xpath= //*[#id="mktoCheckbox_52362_0"],
Console Error: Element is not interactable.
Tried: Xpath= //[#id="mktoForm_2768"]/div[10]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/label,
console error: Element is not interactable.
Tried: xpath= //*[text()='I agree to the '],
clicking on 'License Agreement' link and open pdf file in other tab.
Applied all the above xpath but still got no result. Please provide some solution to this problem.
Assuming you're trying to automate this page: https://info.couchbase.com/couchbase_server_mobile.html
If you want to open the license agreement in a new tab - the relevant XPath would be
//a[text()='License Agreement']
If you want to tick the checkbox associated with the license agreement you need this one:
In both case it's better to use Explicit Wait to ensure that the element is clickable prior to attempting to interact with it via i.e. ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable() function
Going forward if you're working on mobile automation you can consider using Appium Studio which provides Copy Unique XPath feature, it can make your life easier when it comes to defining an element locator

DNN - Custom Registration Form Field Does Not Validate for Required After Upgrade

I am upgrading a DNN site from version 5.06.00 to version 7.03.02. I followed the recommended upgrade path, and worked out all of the kinks with the custom modules. The registration form has a custom boolean field, which is required to be set to TRUE. This used to validate correctly pre-upgrade, but now it is not post-upgrade. The user can submit the form without selecting the "TRUE" radio button.
The custom field is displaying properly. The required asterisk is also displaying. The DOM even has an error message element with the correct custom required message:
<span class='dnnFormMessage dnnFormError'>[required message]</span>
However, this field is set to "display:none" by default and never displays as inline like the other error message elements.
I am not a DNN expert and I did not create this site. I am upgrading it for a client and don't know a ton about how these custom fields all work. I see the custom field enabled in Admin > Site Settings > User Account Settings > Profile Settings. I also see a file called "Profile.ascx.Portal-0.resx" that contains the custom field's main text, help text, and required text. It lives in DesktopModules\Admin\Security\App_LocalResources. I don't know what else I would need to configure or check that would be different from version 5.6 to 7.3.
Thanks for your help!
It seems like you've checked all of the requirements, but you didn't mention wheter or not the checkbox to require a valid profile for registration is checked. Is it?
Can you verify that the custom field is marked as Required?
It may be worth your while to upgrade to the current version of DNN 7, which is 7.04.02.
I'd recommend making a full site backup before doing the upgrade as that is always the right way to proceed.
The .resx file aren't going to affect the functionality, just the texts that are displayed.
I assume that you are doing much of this work on a test copy of the production site. That being the case, you might want to add another custom boolean field, make it required and see if that one works.
This isn't the ideal answer, but since I can't figure out what's wrong DNN-wise, I'm just writing some custom jQuery to find the checked radio button span element, then show/hide that error message based on that. If there is more than one thing wrong with the form, it will only show this message. Then if you corrected that boolean, it would show all other messages. It's not great, but at this point it's better than nothing.
$(".dnnPrimaryAction").click(function (e) {
var $checkedRadioSpan = $(".dnnRadiobutton-checked");
var $checkedRadioInput = $checkedRadioSpan.prev();
var $errorMessage = $checkedRadioInput.siblings(".dnnFormError");
if($checkedRadioInput.val() === "False") {
else {
// continue on with other validation
I had quite the same problem. It seems that the error message is not displayed for the first form item, as there is not enough place for it.
After adding a header (h2) above the form, it worked fine.
See Validator errormessage is not displayed in the DNN Community forums for more information.

Selenium WebDriver cannot locate element within an iframe, and throws NoSuchElementException

I realise there are several queries on here for this same problem but none of them provide a solution to my particular problem.
I am running a web driver test that tries to fill out a form for a mail website to find postcodes based on address details. I keep getting this error when trying to locate the first text box:
org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException: Unable to locate element: {"method":"css selector","selector":"#ctl00_BodyContent_txtBuildingNumber"}
I have used xpath and the id to try and locate the element but I keep getting the error. I can see that this element is present when the webdriver is running and I have been able to locate another text element on the page and enter text, but I keep getting this error for this field and other fields within the frame.
I am guessing that the problem must be to do with the fact that this field is part of an iFrame.
I have used implicit waits within the test but with no success. I still get the error.
By the sounds of it you'll need to first switch to the iframe element that contains the element that you want to interact with. (Although without seeing the relevant HTML this is a bit of an extrapolated guess).
When you've finished interacting with the elements within the frame, you'll need to switch back to the main webpage.
Check your xpath .
try to use simple
with wait statement.
sorry a little correction the following worked for me
//*[#id='page-15']/div/p/iframe is the xpath of the frame in which the button i was trying to click was located. (driver is of type WebDriver i.e WebDriver driver ) thank you
The following worked for me
//*[#id='page-15']/div/p/iframe is the xpath of the frame in which the button I was trying to click.(driver is of type WebDriver i.e WebDriver driver)
thank you
you can use wait statement and after using the wait statement use simply

Cakephp 2.0 ReCaptcha plugin always wrong

I've taken a reCaptcha plugin from this guy
(github link of the plugin)
I've entered the following code form in my view:
[form creation]
echo $this->Recaptcha->show(array('theme' => 'white'));
echo $this->Recaptcha->error();
I've followed the steps suggested, and the reCaptcha window appears properly, but no matter what I enter in the captcha, it never gets verified and I always receive the 'message' field of beforeValidate (I've set it to "You've entered a wrong message" etc).
I'm not even sure how to debug it to see at which point it fails. Even if I just replace all the code in checkRecaptcha function with "return true" to try and skip the validation with the keys and just see if the rule itself is correct, it still remains the same, and I'm generally not getting any of the specific incorrect-captcha-sol messages that I read around.
Am I correct to assume that the only code I need inside my controller function (assuming I've already included the component and helper in the controller) is Configure::load('Recaptcha.key'); and no further manual validation checks?
(unfortunately I can't link you my whole project due to rights)
I had a similar issue. Try removing the 2 response and challenge field lines in the component and overwrite them with these:
