Microsoft Graph - Azure AD Information - azure-active-directory

I need to get the Tenant ID, Client ID and Cliente Secret of an Azure Active Directory, is it possible to do it using Microsoft Graph?

You can get the TenantId from the home page of "Azure Active Directory" that you can find in the search on
However Client Ids and Client Secrets are App Registration specific and define permissions your app can acquire when useing said credentials.
I suggest you read the Microsoft docs on that topic:


Which Active Directory tenant type to use for Auth0 social login?

We have a public consumer application for which we use Auth0 as identity platform and through Auth0 we have enabled a couple of social logins to which we now want to add "Login with Microsoft" as an option so that anyone with any type of Microsoft account can login.
Obviously we will need to enable the Microsoft social connection in our Auth0 instance and connect it to a Active Directory Application and Tenant created in Azure.
What I can't seem to find the answer for is which type of tenant we should setup for this, whether we should use a Azure Active Directory tenant with a multi-tenant application or if we should use a Azure Active Directory (B2C) tenant for this?
Thanks for posting your query. As per Azure AD would support for multitenant apps but not with social account (until you plan to send invitation to each user's personal account for Azure AD B2B).
For Microsoft Social accounts Azure B2C would suit your requirement.
On Auth0 Admin Console:
Create a web application in Auth0
Copy the client ID and secret
Add a callback URL from your B2C tenant in given format:
Copy the “OpenID Configuration” URI from advance setting.
On Azure B2C tenant:
Add an Identity provider to B2C, Azure AD B2C > Identity providers > New OpenID Connect Provider
Input “OpenID Configuration” URI you copied in above step to Metadata URL.
Similarly add client ID and Client secret you copied from Auth0.
Complete the claims mapping ref:
Hit Save and Auth0 will be saved as IDP in your Azure B2C tenant.
I've gathered the following insights since posting my question
Auth0 Social connection -> Azure Active Directory tenant with an app configured to support "Personal Microsoft accounts"
Auth0 Enterprise connection -> Azure Active Directory tenant with an app configured to support "Accounts in any organisational directory and personal Microsoft accounts"
See guide of different app types here
Since we wanted to support login with any microsoft account (multi tenant + personal) my initial attempt of using an Auth0 Social connection for this was incorrect, since the Social connection will only allow successful logins with personal accounts regardless of how you have setup the App registration in Azure
Auth0 Enterprise connection is the way to go for our case, with an Azure app registation supporting multi tenant + personal accounts. Also when setting the connection up in Auth0, make sure to enable the "Use common endpoint" setting as described here
The Azure Active Directory B2C tenant type is not useful with any of the Auth0 connections as you likely won't be able to get a satisfying consent screen with verified publisher. I'm guessing its just the wrong way of using the B2C tenant, where its supposed to be used the other way around with the Azure tenant being the identity platform optionally integrating applications from Auth0 like in the answer from Mavric20

Supported account types set for all accounts in Azure AD, Still not able to sign-in the application with personal account

I am following a tutorial Build Java apps with Microsoft Graph
and after using my personal account for Azure AD to register the application. I am not able to sign in using my personal account but I set the support account as 'Accounts in any organizational directory (Any Azure AD directory - Multitenant) and personal Microsoft accounts. Any help?
You need to change the /tenant id endpoint to the /common endpoint.
The /tenant id endpoint only allows users with work/school accounts
of a specific Azure AD tenant to log in to the application. It does
not support personal accounts.
Only the /common endpoints will allow personal Microsoft accounts to
log in to the application.

How should I secure an Azure Web App Excel Add In

We have an Azure Web App published that includes pages with Excel Add In integration using the Office.JS library. We've secured the Web App using Azure AD authorization and it is working well as long as the user it logged into Office/Excel with the same domain credentials. How can we allow our customers who are logged into Office with their companies credentials get access to our Add In site using credentials within our domain? Federating the 2 domains would work but isn't an option in most cases.
You could use Azure B2B to invite your customers as guest users in your AAD.
You could invite the user by using the Azure portal as an Azure AD administrator.
Azure Active Directory > Users > All users > add New guest user
For the details, you could read here.
Or you could use the powershell:
New-AzureADMSInvitation -InvitedUserDisplayName "Sanda" -InvitedUserEmailAddress -InviteRedirectURL -SendInvitationMessage $true
For the details, please refer to this docs.
If you want to bulk invite users, you could create a CSV file, and then use the powershell to import it. For the details, you could read bulk invite B2B.

Azure AD graph API using on-premise domain

I am trying to access the Azure AD graph API. I have successfully added users to my test environment (ADFS) and changed their domain to {mytestdomain} The password synchronization using Azure AD Connect works.
Now I have setup the production environment (including ADFS) accordingly and I am now synchronizing the users, but obviously can't change the domains to {mydomain} The users now have {mydomain}.net and I am synchronizing the users to a verified domain in Azure AD.
When trying to access{mydomain}.net/oauth2/token
using the following (yes, I know that grant_type is not recommended, but that's not the point)
grant_type: password
username: {user}#{mydomain}.net
password: XXXX
client_id: {Guid}
I get:
AADSTS70002: Error validating credentials.
AADSTS50126: Invalid username or password
If I use an administrator like admin#{mydomain} it works fine.
In the Azure portal I have tried changing the primary domain from {mydomain} to {mydomain}.net, but it does not make a difference.
It says in the management portal:
"To configure {mydomain} for federated sign-on to your Azure Active Directory, run Azure AD Connect on your local network."
Does that apply when using the graph API as well? Do I have to setup federation on my local network or is there another way around?
In the azure portal I have tried changing the primary domain from
{mydomain} to {mydomain}.net, but it does not make a
I'm not clear the details of your Syncing steps. Besides verified you custom domain in Azure AD, you also need some other configurations, like Azure AD sign-in configuration. You can see more details in this document.
Does that apply when using the graph api as well? Do I have to setup
federation on my local network or is there another way around?
Yes, Since you're using ADFS, you need to use Federated SSO (with Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS)) to allows your users to sign in to both cloud and on-premises resources by using the same passwords.
You can also see more details about Azure AD Connect user sign-in options in this official document.
Hope it helps!

On prem Active directory synced to Azure AD to allow on prem credentials to login to the portal

We have synced our on prem active directory to our Azure instance active directory using Azure AD connect (Express install). We can see the users in Azure from our on prem AD. The sync shows as successful.
Now we would like to use the domain name that we have synced to azure for user authentication in to the azure portal. The documentation that we have read says this is possible, but we can get it to work.
When we try to use an existing AD user we get the message that “We don’t recognize this users ID or password” but if we create a new user in Azure and assign it to our synced AD we can use it to login to the azure portal.
We have searched for a detailed document on prem AD synced to Azure AD to use for portal login and found some documents that we followed but did not help.
Can we use our on prem AD user name and password to allow users to login to the Azure portal?
Thanks for your help
yes, you can use users in Azure AD with tag "Sourced from: Local Active Direcotry" to login to azure portal.
The custom domain should be verified.
Password Synchronization should be enabled.
Also, assign coadmin right for at least one subscription to login to Management Portal.
