Does anyone know what the appliesToAddress variable value should be on the IdPInitiatedController of the ITfoxtec TestWebApp project?
The appliesToAddress in TestWebApp is the receiving systems issuer also called realm.
I've created a Saml2AuthnResponse and am passing it to Saml2PostBinding.Bind()
The X509Data node does not contain X509SubjectName although my cert obviously has one.
How can this be added?
Also, can the standard prefix "ds:" be added to all Signature nodes?
<Signature xmlns="">
-missing <X509SubjectName> should be here-
<X509Certificate>...cert data...
The ITfoxtec Identity SAML component use the .NET libraries to add generate the response and add the certificate. I do not thing what you request is supported, I'm afraid.
You are welcome to do at pull request if you figure it out.
Github repository
In ITfoxtec SAML 2.0 implementation, Saml2PostBinding object has SetRelayStateQuery() and GetRelayStateQuery() methods to set and get data from dictionary.
Sometimes, GetRelayStateQuery() returns Empty dictionary even though I have set values using SetRelayStateQuery(). I am not able to reproduce this while testing but it is happening for many clients on production. In which scenarios may this happen?
The SetRelayStateQuery() should be used in the RP (relying party) and then the GetRelayStateQuery() in the IdP (identity provider). The methods should not be used in the samme application.
You can trace the error by looking at the SAML send between the parties.
Kindly let us know, what are all the connection method available in SAML2.0 and which one used by default. Also, please let us know, where we can find that information.
If you are talking about SAML from a browser it's just https.
It's just POSTS and GETS.
The specification is on OASIS.
I want to get access token of go instant api and I when I did this it send me following error
17:21:46:505 EXCEPTION_THROWN [10]|System.CalloutException:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not generate DH keypair
Please help me with this problem.
The issue has been resolved. It was due to a misconfiguration on our TLS endpoint that made it incompatible with Apex Callouts (and some Java versions). I've confirmed Apex Callouts are once again working.
It sounds like your SSL Library doesn't support 2048-bit DH parameters. Take a look at the BouncyCastle SSL Library as an alternative to what you're using. If you continue to have problems after changing to BouncyCastle, please email us at support at so we can do a more in-depth debug of your problems.
App Engine python runtime, latest SDK ... using urlfetch to request over https. No matter what value I use for verify_certificate (True, False, None), I get back the same response from an internal site with a fake certificate,
Invalid and/or missing SSL certificate for URL:
The documentation suggests that setting verify_certificate to False should bypass this check. But again, I get the same exception no matter what I use. I checked the bug database but did not find anything.
We are using a made up certificate because we want the data encrypted over the wire, but we can trust the endpoint as it is internal.
Thanks for any thoughts.
Verify that your self made certificate is valid and installed correctly by accessing the endpoint using other software such as curl, wget or a web browser. You might have already done that, but the question does not (yet) say so.
If other software can access the endpoint but the url fetch service still cannot, then please report the problem with a link to your question in the AppEngine Issue Tracker. Thank you.