Secondary Oracle Database creation - database

I am trying to create a database (secondary) in Oracle (Linux based) using DBCA. But ended up with 'ORA-27125: unable to create shared memory segment'. I already have a database (instance) and now trying to create one more. Why am I getting this ORA-27125 error at 2% of progress? What wrong am I doing?

the Kernel parameter kernel.shmall is too small


ERROR 1772 ER_DISTRIBUTED_PARTITION_MOVE_FAILED: CREATE PARTITION DATABASE for operation `Create DB fail :Leaf Error reading from socket

I created a test lab for Singlestore on my local PC. I have a Master, child, leaf 1, and leaf 2 node in docker containers. I can connect to singlestore studio and I can see the system databases. When trying to create a new database (create database JTest) I get the error:
error 2004:Leaf Error (172...:3306): Error reading from socket.
Errno=104 (Connection reset by peer)
I have checked the memsql.log file and it looks like connection issues or something to the leaves.
SingleStore version 7.8 now supports Flexible Parallelism, which allows multiple cores on the same node to access the same database partition.
With Flexible Parallelism, as database partitions are created they are divided into sub-partitions.
Go thru the official documentation of Singlestore for more info
Click here

SSIS to Oracle "Could not create a managed connection manager."

I'm trying to use SSIS to load some data from Oracle database to MSSQL database.
I created the project and used the ADO.Net source and was able to create a connection to Oracle and run queries and view results.
However when I actually run the package I get the following error:
Error: 0xC0208449 at Data Flow Task, ADO NET Source 2: ADO NET Source has failed to acquire the connection {EECB236A-59EA-475E-AE82-52871D15952D} with the following error message: "Could not create a managed connection manager.".
It seems similar to the issue here
And I did find that I have two oracle clients version installed "11.1" and "12.2".
One is used by PL/SQL and the other by other entity framework project.
If this is the issue I just wanted a way to tell the SSIS to pick-up the correct one.
I tried adding Entry in machine.config for "oracle.manageddataaccess.client" section with the desired version.
I also tried using other types of data sources but couldn't even create a successful connection
I tried changing the Run64bitRuntime property in the project to False
Note: I don't have SSIS installed on my machine.
Eventually, I just had to remove the entries related to 11.1 in path variable then restarted my machine.
Also I switched to "dotConnectForOracle" for connection and now it seems to be working fine.
I'm expecting issues related to other applications that might still be using the 11.1 version, but that will be a problem for another day.
Always make sure to write the user (oracle schema) in uppercase and some special characters [in my case it was $] in the password needs escape character even if you're using the wizard not the cmd
I still don't understand the whole issue but I hope this helps someone some day.

The database has been placed in a state by user 'Admin' on Machine X that prevents is from being opened or locked - Single User

I have a bunch of legacy access based databases that I've been using for years without issue - queries have been running between them for years using ODBC/DAO/ADO. Now suddenly in the last few days, I've started getting the "The database has been placed in a state by user...." error on a bunch of them.
I have tried to narrow the problem down, but it seems to be getting worse. I have tried making a local copy of the database file, opening it, and then on the same machine, trying to create an ODBC connection to it, and get the error. I have also tried running successive queries on the database and still get the same thing (copy of the file on my local machine, so there is only my single connection, basically connect to the database, run a query, close the connection, wait 2 minutes, then try to open a new connection - FAIL - so it is definitely not a multi user limit problem or anything like that.
The issue is consistent across multiple platforms (directly in MS Access (2010 and 2013), with Excel (2010 and 2013) queries to the Access DB, and with Windows Forms applications trying to query the access DB (through datasets, OLEDB, and ADO)
Until this week all of these applications were working as designed and had been for years- I am the only Dev working on this stuff, so I know that nothing in the programming has changed, so it must be an external issue.
The back end databases reside on a shared server drive (server is running Windows Server 2008) - and we have had no other connection issues to the server or network; it is limited to connections to access database files.
Does anyone know if something has changed lately (in the last week or so) with the ODBC drivers? Maybe an MS update?
Thanks in advance!
It seems that you can fix this issue by buffering the Access binary. Use the Binary.Buffer function in a query that defines your Access database, then reference that query in order to use the binary in a query that pulls each table. Note: I also define parameters for my folder path and file names.
For example:
Source = Binary.Buffer(File.Contents(DataFolder_param & FileName_param),
// Table1 Query
Source = Access.Database(myDbBinary, [CreateNavigationProperties=true]),
_Table1 = Source{[Schema="",Item="Table1"]}[Data]
The source is this

How to configure ODBC Data Source Administrator (DSA) for MS Access db?

I ultimately want to query an existing MS-Access database (say, contacts.mdb) from a Lazarus program I will write.
It appears that configuring a User DSN is the first step.
In the ODBC DSA, I am stuck at Adding a driver for MS-Access databases. What do I need to download for this?
OK, I'm starting over from scratch. Please bear with me.
I'm now trying to use the Lazarus example given at
Following the Instruction given as "Goto your [Data sources (ODBC)] at the control panel administrative tools..." I run /usr/bin/ODBCConfig and get an error which says "Invalid window handle." Clicking OK closes without anything.
Does this mean I've gotten everything so FUBAR that's it's hopeless?
If your program is written in PHP you can use php5-odbc for access any odbc source, like mssql server or access databases.
This post illustrate you all the necessary step.
Thsi might be the thing you need
I think it should be enough to put something like the following in ~/.odbc.ini:
Description = The Contacts Database
Driver = /usr/lib/
Database = /home/dkjmusic/data/contacts.mdb
Of course you need an MDB ODBC driver (e.g. libmdbodbc Install libmdbodbc to be installed

Database Server Disk Memory is Full

I am using SQL Server for my web application. How will I know that an insert query failed because the database server memory disk is already full
The error code you will get back will indicate that the disk is full: 1105 (primary filegroup full) or 9902 (log file full)
You can simulate this by disabling the auto-grow feature on the database (It's a checkbox in the database properties on the file tab) and filling up the database. The error will be the same.
MODIFY FILE (name='YourFile' MAXSIZE=50MB);
if you want to find you memory usage
exec sp_spaceused
This will give you how much memory you are used for particular database
Check the error code you get back from SQL Server when you try to insert into the database.
With that error given back you can then decide what to do. (e.g. Try to insert again,
Try to free up some memory on the server) Also if you havent already, place your Insert statement inside a Transaction so that you can rollback if an error occurs.
I suppose you can believe that if the disk is full the SQL server will return the error code :).
You can make your testing code think it is communicating with the SQL server but instead it will talk to some fake object of yours that will respond with the error codes you want to test.
There are frameworks that can help you. One of them is Rhino Mocks you can download from
