I was working mostly on PostgreSQL, but recently I was assigned to project with SqlServer and I encountered very strange behavior of this engine. I am using transaction in my code and connect with server via System.Data.SqlClient library. The code in transaction is approximately 1000 lines long, so I would like to not copy it here, but transaction is handled via code below:
using (var transaction = connection.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommited))
//here code goes
//1. inserting new table metadata via inserts and updates
//2. creating new tables according to users project
//3. post execute actions via inserts and updates
//here is intended transaction freeze
await Task.Delay(1000 * 60 * 2);
During this execution I cannot perform any operation on database (query execution in SSMS or some code execution in application - doesn't matter). Simple selects f.e. SELECT * FROM "TableA" hangs, retrieving database properties in SSMS hangs etc. Any independent query waits for this one transaction to be completed.
I found several articles and answers here on SO, and based on those I tried following solutions:
Changing database property Is Read Commited Snapshot ON to true
Changing transaction isolation level in code (all possible levels were tested)
None of the above solutions works.
I tested on 3 different computers: desktop, two laptops - the same behavior (SqlServer and SSMS was installed with default options).
In this thread: Understanding locking behavior in SQL Server there are some explanation of transaction isolation levels and locks but the problem is that WITH (NOLOCK) doesn't work for me as mentioned in 1).
This is very big problem for me, because my asynchronous application works synchronously because of that weird locks.
Oracle and postgres databases works perfectly fine, the problem concerns SqlServer only.
I don't use EntityFramework - I handle connections myself.
Windows 10 Pro
Microsoft SQL Server Developer (64-bit) version 15.0.2000.5
System.Data.SqlClient version 4.8.3
.NET 6.0
Any clues?
Update 1:
As pointed out in comments I have indeed schema changes in my transaction - CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE statements mixed with standard UPDATES and SELECTS. My app allows user to create own tables (in limited functionality) and when this table is registered in table via INSERT there are some CREATES to adjust table structure.
Update 2:
I can perform SELECT * FROM sys.dm_tran_locks
I executed DBCC SQLPERF ('sys.dm_os_wait_stats', CLEAR);
The problem remains.
The cause of the locking issue is DDL (CREATE TABLE, etc.) within a transaction. This will acquire and hold restrictive locks on system table meta-data and block other database activity that need access to object meta-data until the transaction is committed.
This is an app design problem as one should not routinely execute DDL functions in application code. If that design cannot be easily remediated, perform the DDL operations separately in a short transaction (or with utocommit statements without an explict transaction) and handle DDL rollback in code.
You can use this useful store proc which I picked up somewhere along my travels. It recently helped me see the locking on a table and showed that after setting READ UNCOMMITED it was no longer doing row/page/table locks, but still had the schema lock. I believe you may have schema locks if you are modifying them! and also as commented don't keep a transaction open long, in and out is key.
What this does is runs the stored proc every seconds 20 times, so you will get a snapshot of locking, a really useful stored proc to remember.
EXEC [dbo].CheckLocks #Database = 'PriceBook'
WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:01'
GO 20
The stored proc is as follows
This script can be run to find locks at the current time
We can run it as follows:
EXEC [dbo].CheckLocks #Database = 'PriceBook'
WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:01'
GO 10
#Database NVARCHAR(256)
-- Get the sp_who details
IF object_id('tempdb..#WhoDetails') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #WhoDetails
CREATE TABLE #WhoDetails (
[spid] INT,
[ecid] INT,
[status] VARCHAR(30),
[loginame] VARCHAR(128),
[hostname] VARCHAR(128),
[blk] VARCHAR(5),
[dbname] VARCHAR(128),
[cmd] VARCHAR(128),
[request_id] INT
INSERT INTO #WhoDetails EXEC sp_who
-- Get the sp_lock details
IF object_id('tempdb..#CheckLocks') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #CheckLocks
CREATE TABLE #CheckLocks (
[spid] int,
[dbid] int,
[ObjId] int,
[IndId] int,
[Type] char(4),
[Resource] nchar(32),
[Mode] char(8),
[Status] char(6)
INSERT INTO #CheckLocks EXEC sp_lock
db_name(L.dbid) AS [Database],
object_name(objID) AS [ObjectName],
FROM #CheckLocks AS L
INNER JOIN #WhoDetails AS W ON W.spid = L.spid
INNER JOIN sys.dm_exec_connections AS EC ON EC.session_id = L.spid
--CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(EC.most_recent_sql_handle) AS ST
--CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_input_buffer(EC.session_id, NULL) AS IB -- get the code that the session of interest last submitted
WHERE L.[dbid] != db_id('tempdb')
AND L.[Type] IN ('PAG', 'EXT', 'TAB')
AND L.[dbid] = db_id(#Database)
Lock modes are as follows
S = Shared
U = Update
X = Exclusive
IS = Indent Shared
IS = Intent Update
IX = Intent Exclusive
Sch-S = Schema Stability lock so no we cant remove tables or indexes in use
Lock Type are as follows:
RID = Single row lock
KEY = Lock within an index that protects a range of keys
PAG = Page level lock
EXT = Extend Lock
TAB = Table Lock
DB = Database lock
This is what you might see if you can catch the locking, this was before an after example, left and right.
I've created a stored procedure to add data to a table. In mock fashion the steps are:
truncate original table
Select data into the original table
The query that selects data into the original table is quite long (it can take almost a minute to complete), which means that the table is then empty of data for over a minute.
To fix this empty table I changed the stored procedure to:
select data into #temp table
truncate Original table
insert * from #temp into Original
While the stored procedure was running, I did a select * on the original table and it was empty (refreshing, it stayed empty until the stored procedure completed).
Does the truncate happen at the beginning of the procedure no matter where it actually is in the code? If so is there something else I can do to control when the data is deleted?
A very interesting method to move data into a table very quickly is to use partition switching.
Create two staging tables, myStaging1 and myStaging2, with the new data in myStaging2. They must be in the same DB and the same filegroup (so not temp tables or table variables), with the EXACT same columns, PKs, FKs and indexes.
Then run this:
SET XACT_ABORT, NOCOUNT ON; -- force immediate rollback if session is killed
ALTER TABLE myTargetTable SWITCH TO myStaging1
-- not strictly necessary to use WAIT_AT_LOW_PRIORITY but better for blocking
-- use SELF instead of BLOCKERS to kill your own session
ALTER TABLE myStaging2 SWITCH TO myTargetTable
-- force blockers off immediately
This is extremely fast, as it's just a metadata change.
You will ask: partitions are only supported on Enterprise Edition (or Developer), how does that help?
Switching non-partitioned tables between each other is still allowed even in Standard or Express Editions.
See this article by Kendra Little for further info on this technique.
The sp is being called by code in an HTTP Get, so I didn't want the table to be empty for over a minute during refresh. When I asked the question I was using a select * from the table to test, but just now I tested by hitting the endpoint in postman and I never received an empty response. So it appears that putting the truncate later in the sp did work.
We have an ETL pipeline that runs for each CSV uploaded into an storage account (Azure). It runs some transformations on the CSV and writes the outputs to another location, also as CSV, and calls a stored procedure on the database (SQL Azure) which ingests (BULK INSERT) this resulting CSV into a staging table.
This pipeline can have concurrent executions as multiple resources can be uploading files to the storage. Hence, the staging table is getting data inserted pretty often.
Then, we have an scheduled SQL job (Elastic Job) that triggers an SP that moves the data from the staging table into the final table.
At this point, we would want to truncate/empty the staging table so that we do not re-insert them in the next execution of the job.
Problem is, we cannot be sure that between the load from the staging table to the final table and the truncate command, there has not been any new data written into the staging table that could be truncated without first being inserted in to the final table.
Is there a way to lock the staging table while we're copying the data into the final table so that the SP (called from the ETL pipeline) trying to write to it will just wait until the lock is release? Is this achievable by using transactions or maybe some manual lock commands?
If not, what's the best approach to handle this?
I would propose solution with two identical staging tables. Lets name them StageLoading and StageProcessing.
Load process would have following steps:
1. At the beginning both tables are empty.
2. We load some data into StageLoading table (I assume each load is a transaction).
3. When Elastic job starts it will do:
- ALTER TABLE SWITCH to move all data from StageLoading to StageProcessing. It will make StageLoading empty and ready for next loads. It is a metadata operation, so takes miliseconds and it is fully blocking, so will be done between loads.
- load the data from StageProcessing to final tables.
- truncate table StageProcessing.
4. Now we are ready for next Elastic job.
If we try to do SWITCH when StageProcessing is not empty, ALTER will fail and it will mean that last load process failed.
I like the sp_getapplock and use this method myself in few places for its flexibility and that you have full control over the locking logic and wait times.
The only problem that I see is that in your case concurrent processes are not all equal.
You have SP1 that moves data from the staging table into the main table. Your system never tries to run several instances of this SP.
Another SP2 that inserts data into the staging table can be run several times simultaneously and it is fine to do it.
It is easy to implement the locking that would prevent any concurrent run of any combination of SP1 or SP2. In other words, it is easy if the locking logic is the same for SP1 and SP2 and they are treated equal. But, then you can't have several instances of SP2 running simultaneously.
It is not obvious how to implement the locking that would prevent concurrent run of SP1 and SP2, while allowing several instances of SP2 to run simultaneously.
There is another approach that doesn't attempt to prevent concurrent run of SPs, but embraces and expects that simultaneous runs are possible.
One way to do it is to add an IDENTITY column to the staging table. Or an automatically populated datetime if you can guarantee that it is unique and never decreases, which can be tricky. Or rowversion column.
The logic inside SP2 that inserts data into the staging table doesn't change.
The logic inside SP1 that moves data from the staging table into the main table needs to use these identity values.
At first read the current maximum value of identity from the staging table and remember it in a variable, say, #MaxID. All subsequent SELECTs, UPDATEs and DELETEs from the staging table in that SP1 should include a filter WHERE ID <= #MaxID.
This would ensure that if there happen to be a new row added to the staging table while SP1 is running, that row would not be processed and would remain in the staging table until the next run of SP1.
The drawback of this approach is that you can't use TRUNCATE, you need to use DELETE with WHERE ID <= #MaxID.
If you are OK with several instances of SP2 waiting for each other (and SP1), then you can use sp_getapplock similar to the following. I have this code in my stored procedure. You should put this logic into both SP1 and SP2.
I'm not calling sp_releaseapplock explicitly here, because the lock owner is set to Transaction and engine will release the lock automatically when transaction ends.
You don't have to put retry logic in the stored procedure, it can be within external code that runs these stored procedures. In any case, your code should be ready to retry.
-- Maximum number of retries
DECLARE #VarCount int = 10;
WHILE (#VarCount > 0)
SET #VarCount = #VarCount - 1;
DECLARE #VarLockResult int;
EXEC #VarLockResult = sp_getapplock
#Resource = 'StagingTable_app_lock',
-- this resource name should be the same in SP1 and SP2
#LockMode = 'Exclusive',
#LockOwner = 'Transaction',
#LockTimeout = 60000,
-- I'd set this timeout to be about twice the time
-- you expect SP to run normally
#DbPrincipal = 'public';
IF #VarLockResult >= 0
-- Acquired the lock
-- for SP2
-- INSERT INTO StagingTable ...
-- for SP1
-- SELECT FROM StagingTable ...
-- TRUNCATE StagingTable ...
-- don't retry any more
-- wait for 5 seconds and retry
WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:05';
-- log error
This code guarantees that only one procedure is working with the staging table at any given moment. There is no concurrency. All other instances will wait.
Obviously, if you try to access the staging table not through these SP1 or SP2 (which try to acquire the lock first), then such access will not be blocked.
Is there a way to lock the staging table while we're copying the data into the final table so that the SP (called from the ETL pipeline) trying to write to it will just wait until the lock is release? Is this achievable by using transactions or maybe some manual lock commands?
It looks you are searching for a mechanism that is wider than a transaction level. SQL Server/Azure SQL DB has one and it is called application lock:
Places a lock on an application resource.
Locks placed on a resource are associated with either the current transaction or the current session. Locks associated with the current transaction are released when the transaction commits or rolls back.Locks associated with the session are released when the session is logged out. When the server shuts down for any reason, all locks are released.
Locks can be explicitly released with sp_releaseapplock. When an application calls sp_getapplock multiple times for the same lock resource, sp_releaseapplock must be called the same number of times to release the lock. When a lock is opened with the Transaction lock owner, that lock is released when the transaction is committed or rolled back.
It basically means that your ETL Tool should open single session to DB, acquire the lock and release when finished. Other sessions before trying to do anything should try to acquire the lock(they cannot because it already taken), wait until when it released and continue to work.
Assuming you have a single outbound job
Add an OutboundProcessing BIT DEFAULT 0 to the table
In the job, SET OutboundProcessing = 1 WHERE OutboundProcessing = 0 (claim the rows)
For the ETL, incorporate WHERE OutboundProcessing = 1 in the query that sources the data (transfer the rows)
After the ETL, DELETE FROM TABLE WHERE OutboundProcessing = 1 (remove the rows you transferred)
If the ETL fails, SET OutboundProcessing = 0 WHERE OutboundProcessing = 1
I always prefer to "ID" each file I receive. If you can do this, you can associate the records from a given file throughout your load process. You haven't called out a need for this, but jus sayin.
However, with each file having an identity (just a int/bigint identity value should do) you can then dynamically create as many load tables as you like from a "template" load table.
When a file arrives, create a new load table named with the ID of the file.
Process your data from load to final table.
drop the load table for the file being processed.
This is somewhat similar to the other solution about using 2 tables (load and stage) but even in that solution you are still limited to having 2 files "loaded" (your still only applying one file to the final table though?)
Last, it is not clear if your "Elastic Job" is detached from the actual "load" pipeline/processing or if it is included. Being a job, I assume it is not included, if a job, you can only run a single instance at time? So its not clear why it's important to load multiple files at once if you can only move one from load to final at a time. Why the rush to get files into load?
EDITED: I have a table with composite key which is being used by multiple windows services deployed on multiple servers.
UserId (int) [CompositeKey],
CheckinTimestamp (bigint) [CompositeKey],
Status (tinyint)
There will be continuous insertion in this table. I want my windows service to select top 10000 rows and do some processing while locking those 10000 rows only. I am using ROWLOCK for this using below stored procedure:
ALTER PROCEDURE LockMonitoringSession
SELECT TOP 10000 * INTO #TempMonitoringSession FROM dbo.MonitoringSession WITH (ROWLOCK) WHERE [Status] = 0 ORDER BY UserId
DECLARE #CheckinTimestamp BIGINT
DECLARE SessionCursor CURSOR FOR SELECT UserId, CheckinTimestamp FROM #TempMonitoringSession
OPEN SessionCursor
FETCH NEXT FROM SessionCursor INTO #UserId, #CheckinTimestamp
UPDATE dbo.MonitoringSession SET [Status] = 1 WHERE UserId = #UserId AND CheckinTimestamp = #CheckinTimestamp
FETCH NEXT FROM SessionCursor INTO #UserId, #CheckinTimestamp
CLOSE SessionCursor
DEALLOCATE SessionCursor
SELECT * FROM #TempMonitoringSession
DROP TABLE #TempMonitoringSession
But by doing so, dbo.MonitoringSession is being locked permanently until the stored procedure ends. I am not sure what I am doing wrong here.
The only purpose of this stored procedure is to select and update 10000 recent rows without any primary key and ensuring that whole table is not locked because multiple windows services are accessing this table.
Thanks in advance for any help.
(not an answer but too long for comment)
The purpose description should be about why/what for are you updating whole table. Your SP is for updating all rows with Status=0 to set Status=1. So when one of your services decides to run this SP - all rows become non-relevant. I mean, logically event which causes status change already occurred, you just need some time to physically change it in the database. So why do you want other services to read non-relevant rows? Ok, probably you need to read rows available to read (not changed) - but it's not clear again because you are updating whole table.
You may use READPAST hint to skip locked rows and you need rowlocks for that.
Ok, but even with processing of top N rows update of those N rows with one statement would be much faster then looping through this number of rows. You are doing same job but manually.
Check out example of combining UPDLOCK + READPAST to process same queue with parallel processes: https://www.mssqltips.com/sqlservertip/1257/processing-data-queues-in-sql-server-with-readpast-and-updlock/
Small hint - CURSOR STATIC, READONLY, FORWARD_ONLY would do same thing as storing to temp table. Review STATIC option:
Another thing is a suggestion to think of RCSI. This will avoid other services locking for sure but this is a db-level option so you'll have to test all your functionality. Most of it will work same as before but some scenarios need testing (concurrent transactions won't be locked in situations where they were locked before).
Not clear to me:
what is the percentage of 10000 out of the total number of rows?
is there a clustered index or this is a heap?
what is actual execution plan for select and update?
what are concurrent transactions: inserts or selects?
by the way discovered similar question:
why the entire table is locked while "with (rowlock)" is used in an update statement
In MS SQL Server, I'm using a global temp table to store session related information passed by the client and then I use that information inside triggers.
Since the same global temp table can be used in different sessions and it may or may not exist when I want to write into it (depending on whether all the previous sessions which used it before are closed), I'm doing a check for the global temp table existence based on which I create before I write into it.
session_id smallint,
login_time datetime,
USING (SELECT ##SPID, #HstryUserName, #HstryTaskName) as source (session_id, HstryUserName, HstryTaskName)
ON (target.session_id = source.session_id)
UPDATE SET HstryUserName = source.HstryUserName, HstryTaskName = source.HstryTaskName
INSERT VALUES (##SPID, #LoginTime, source.HstryUserName, source.HstryTaskName);
The problem is that between my check for the table existence and the MERGE statement, SQL Server may drop the temp table if all the sessions which were using it before happen to close in that exact instance (this actually happened in my tests).
Is there a best practice on how to avoid this kind of concurrency issues, that a table is not dropped between the check for its existence and its subsequent use?
The notion of "global temporary table" and "trigger" just do not click. Tables are permanent data stores, as are their attributes -- including triggers. Temporary tables are dropped when the server is re-started. Why would anyone design a system where a permanent block of code (trigger) depends on a temporary shared storage mechanism? It seems like a recipe for failure.
Instead of a global temporary table, use a real table. If you like, put a helpful prefix such as temp_ in front of the name. If the table is being shared by databases, then put it in a database where all code has access.
Create the table once and leave it there (deleting the rows is fine) so the trigger code can access it.
I'll start by saying that, on the long term, I will follow Gordon's advice, i.e. I will take the necessary steps to introduce a normal table in the database to store client application information which needs to be accessible in the triggers.
But since this was not really possible now because of time constrains (it takes weeks to get the necessary formal approvals for a new normal table), I came up with a solution for preventing SQL Server from dropping the global temp table between the check for its existence and the MERGE statement.
There is some information out there about when a global temp table is dropped by SQL Server; my personal tests showed that SQL Server drops a global temp table the moment the session which created it is closed and any other transactions started in other sessions which changed data in that table are finished.
My solution was to fake data changes on the global temp table even before I check for its existence. If the table exists at that moment, SQL Server will then know that it needs to keep it until the current transaction finishes, and it cannot be dropped anymore after the check for its existence. The code looks now like this (properly commented, since it is kind of a hack):
-- Faking a delete on the table ensures that SQL Server will keep the table until the end of the transaction
-- Since ##VTT_CONTEXT_INFO_USER_TASK may actually not exist, we need to fake the delete inside TRY .. CATCH
-- FUTURE 2016, Feb 03: A cleaner solution would use a real table instead of a global temp table.
-- Because schema errors are checked during compile, they cannot be caught using TRY, this can be done by wrapping the query in sp_executesql
EXEC sp_executesql #QueryText
-- nothing to do here (see comment above)
session_id smallint,
login_time datetime,
USING (SELECT ##SPID, #HstryUserName, #HstryTaskName) as source (session_id, HstryUserName, HstryTaskName)
ON (target.session_id = source.session_id)
UPDATE SET HstryUserName = source.HstryUserName, HstryTaskName = source.HstryTaskName
INSERT VALUES (##SPID, #LoginTime, source.HstryUserName, source.HstryTaskName);
Although I would call it a "use it at your own risk" solution, it does prevent that the use of the global temp table in other sessions affects its use in the current one, which was the concern that made me start this thread.
Thanks all for your time! (from text formatting edits to replies)
I have a table ImportSourceMetadata which I use to control an import batch process. It contains a PK column SourceId and a data column LastCheckpoint. The import batch process reads the LastCheckpoint for a given SourceId, performs some logic (on other tables), then updates the LastCheckpoint for that SourceId or inserts it if it doesn't exist yet.
Multiple instances of the process run at the same time, usually with disjunct SourceIds, and I need high parallelity for those cases. However, it can happen that two processes are started for the same SourceId; in that case, I need the instances to block each other.
Therefore, my code looks as follows:
SELECT LastCheckpoint FROM ImportSourceMetadata WITH (UPDLOCK) WHERE SourceId = 'Source'
-- Perform some processing
-- UPSERT: if the SELECT above yielded no value, then
INSERT INTO ImportSourceMetadata(SourceId, LastCheckpoint) VALUES ('Source', '2013-12-21')
-- otherwise, we'd do this: UPDATE ImportSourceMetadata SET LastCheckpoint = '2013-12-21' WHERE SourceId = 'Source'
I'm using the transaction to achieve atomicity, but I can only use READ COMMITTED isolation level (because of the parallelity requirements in the "Perform some processing" block). Therefore (and to avoid deadlocks), I'm including an UPDLOCK hint with the SELECT statement to achieve a "critical section" parameterized on the SourceIdvalue.
Now, this works quite well most of the time, but I've managed to trigger primary key violation errors with the INSERT statement when starting a lot of parallel processes for the same SourceIdwith an empty database. I cannot reliably reproduce this, however, and I don't understand why it doesn't work.
I've found hints on the internet (e.g., here and here, in a comment) that I need to specify WITH (UPDLOCK,HOLDLOCK) (resp. WITH (UPDLOCK,SERIALIZABLE)) rather than just taking an UPDLOCK on the SELECT, but I don't really understand why that is. MSDN docs say,
Specifies that update locks are to be taken and held until the transaction completes.
An update lock that is taken and held until the transaction completes should be enough to block a subsequent INSERT, and in fact, when I try it out in SQL Server Management Studio, it does indeed block my insert. However, in some rare cases, it seems to suddenly not work any more.
So, why exactly is it that UPDLOCK is not enough, and why is it enough in 99% of my test runs (and when simulating it in SQL Server Management Studio)?
Update: I've now found I can reproduce the non-blocking behavior reliably by executing the code above in two different windows of SQL Server Management Studio simultaneously up to just before the INSERT, but only the first time after creating the database. After that (even though I deleted the contents of the ImportSourceMetadata table), the SELECT WITH (UPDLOCK) will indeed block and the code no longer fails. Indeed, in sys.dm_tran_locks, I can see a U-lock taken even though the row does not exist on subsequent test runs, but not on the first run after creating the table.
This is a complete sample to show the difference in locks between a "newly created table" and an "old table":
DROP TABLE ImportSourceMetadata
CREATE TABLE ImportSourceMetadata(SourceId nvarchar(50) PRIMARY KEY, LastCheckpoint datetime)
SELECT LastCheckpoint FROM ImportSourceMetadata WITH (UPDLOCK) WHERE SourceId='Source'
FROM sys.dm_tran_locks l
JOIN sys.partitions p
ON l.resource_associated_entity_id = p.hobt_id JOIN sys.objects o
ON p.object_id = o.object_id
INSERT INTO ImportSourceMetadata VALUES('Source', '2013-12-21')
SELECT LastCheckpoint FROM ImportSourceMetadata WITH (UPDLOCK) WHERE SourceId='Source'
FROM sys.dm_tran_locks l
JOIN sys.partitions p
ON l.resource_associated_entity_id = p.hobt_id JOIN sys.objects o
ON p.object_id = o.object_id
On my system (with SQL Server 2012), the first query shows no locks on ImportSourceMetadata, but the second query shows a KEY lock on ImportSourceMetadata.
In other words, HOLDLOCK is indeed required, but only if the table was freshly created. Why's that?
You also need HOLDLOCK.
If the row does exist then your SELECT statement will take out a U lock on at least that row and retain it until the end of the transaction.
If the row doesn't exist there is no row to take and hold a U lock in so you aren't locking anything. HOLDLOCK will lock at least the range where the row would fit in.
Without HOLDLOCK two concurrent transactions can both do the SELECT for a non existent row. Retain no conflicting locks and both move onto the INSERT.
Regarding the repro in your question it seems the "row doesn't exist" issue is a bit more complex than I first thought.
If the row previously did exist but has since been logically deleted but still physically exists on the page as a "ghost" record then the U lock can still be taken out on the ghost explaining the blocking that you are seeing.
You can use DBCC PAGE to see ghost records as in this slight amend to your code.
DROP TABLE ImportSourceMetadata
CREATE TABLE ImportSourceMetadata
SourceId NVARCHAR(50),
LastCheckpoint DATETIME,
SELECT LastCheckpoint
FROM ImportSourceMetadata WITH (UPDLOCK)
WHERE SourceId = 'Source'
INSERT INTO ImportSourceMetadata
VALUES ('Source', '2013-12-21')
FROM ImportSourceMetadata
CROSS APPLY sys.fn_physloccracker(%%physloc%%)
The SSMS messages tab shows
Slot 0 Offset 0x60 Length 31
Record Size = 31
Memory Dump #0x000000001215A060
0000000000000000: 3c000c00 00000000 9ba20000 02000001 †<.......¢......
0000000000000010: 001f0053 006f0075 00720063 006500††††...S.o.u.r.c.e.
Slot 0 Column 1 Offset 0x13 Length 12 Length (physical) 12