Query to Print this Data pattern in Pl/SQL - database

How can I print data in this pattern in Pl/SQL
Here this 1, ABC, 20-June-1990 likewise other 2, DEF, 03-Aug-1999 stored in table. I have to fetch this data and print in the above format in a ROW only.
I am done with data fetch but not getting any clue for this pattern printing.

PL/SQL reads "Oracle". If so, then concatenate separate column values and use listagg to aggregate them all into the final result.
Maybe you don't need PL/SQL as SQL is capable of doing it in at least two ways.
Sample data:
SQL> select empno, ename, to_char(hiredate, 'dd-Mon-yyyy') hiredate
2 from emp
3 where deptno = 10;
---------- ---------- -----------
7782 CLARK 09-Jun-1981
7839 KING 17-Nov-1981
7934 MILLER 23-Jan-1982
SQL> select listagg(empno || '~' || ename || '~' || to_char(hiredate, 'dd-Mon-yyyy'), '^')
2 within group (order by empno) as result
3 from emp
4 where deptno = 10;
If the final result is longer than 4000 characters (is it?), then listagg won't work because of its limits - in that case, you'd use XMLAGG function.
Or: if it really is PL/SQL, you can always concatenate that string into a locally declared CLOB datatype variable.


How to render & insert alphabets row within the MS sql server records?

Database Records:
I want to represent as record set using stored procedure.
I have many records likewise in MS SQL DataBase.
It will be Listing record groupby A, B, C .. Z wize..
Automatically insert the Alphabets while got output from SQL Table.
I want below output from procedure..
How it will possible using Stored Procedure..?
You can use LEFT and UNION for this, though you will still get a 3 columns row for the rows that contains only the first letter:
Create and populate sample table (Please save us this step in your future questions)
Name varchar(20),
Location varchar(20),
CreatedOn date
('Alex macwan', 'New york', '2015-12-10'),
('Jone Dinee', 'Denmark', '2016-05-01'),
('Jolly llb', 'USA', '2016-01-02'),
('Amin Mark', 'India', '2015-01-08'),
('Ben Denis', 'Brazil', '2015-10-02')
The query:
SELECT Name, Location, CreatedOn
Name Location CreatedOn
-------------------- -------------------- ----------
Alex macwan New york 2015-12-10
Amin Mark India 2015-01-08
Ben Denis Brazil 2015-10-02
Jolly llb USA 2016-01-02
Jone Dinee Denmark 2016-05-01

How can I always return Null for a column without updating the column's value in the database?

ID Name tuition num of courses
1 Brandon 4430 6
2 Lisa 2300 3
3 Victoria null 0
4 Jack 3330 4
The type of the tuition column is money, but I need to return return null in my select statement without updating the values in the table.
I tried nullif(tuition is not null), but it didn't work.
How can I return results like those in the table below, without updating the table or modifying the data in database?
ID Name tuition num of courses
1 Brandon null 6
2 Lisa null 3
3 Victoria null 0
4 Jack null 4
If you are returning null for every row, just code the column as:
NULL AS Tuition
Example query:
SELECT Id, Name, NULL as Tuition, NumCourses FROM TheTable
I have created the table and inserted records as you have shown above
It is a self join query.
-- To make sure that the underlying table is not updated run both the queries together.
select TT.Id, TT.Name,
nullif(TT.Tuition, BT.Tuition) as Tuition, TT.NOCs
from tblTuition TT
join tblTuition BT
on TT.Id = Bt.Id
select * from tblTuition
Whenever you need to get value as null then you can use like this,
So above statement add one ABC column in your select list AS All NULL Values, same thing can be use as getting a Default value e.g. if you want to get 1 then simply use SELECT 1 AS ABC FROM MYTABLE

SQL Server - Update Column with Handing Duplicate and Unique Rows Based Upon Timestamp

I'm working with SQL Server 2005 and looking to export some data off of a table I have. However, prior to do that I need to update a status column based upon a field called "VisitNumber", which can contain multiple entries same value entries. I have a table set up in the following manner. There are more columns to it, but I am just putting in what's relevant to my issue
ID Name MyReport VisitNumber DateTimeStamp Status
-- --------- -------- ----------- ----------------------- ------
1 Test John Test123 123 2014-01-01
2 Test John Test456 123 2014-01-01
3 Test Sue Test123 555 2014-01-02
4 Test Ann Test123 888 2014-01-02
5 Test Ann Test456 888 2014-01-02
6 Test Ann Test789 888 2014-01-02
Field Notes
ID column is a unique ID in incremental numbers
MyReport is a text value and can actually be thousands of characters. Shortened for simplicity. In my scenario the text would be completely different
Rest of fields are varchar
My Goal
I need to address putting in a status of "F" for two conditions:
* If there is only one VisitNumber, update the status column of "F"
* If there is more than one visit number, only put "F" for the one based upon the earliest timestamp. For the other ones, put in a status of "A"
So going back to my table, here is the expectation
ID Name MyReport VisitNumber DateTimeStamp Status
-- --------- -------- ----------- ----------------------- ------
1 Test John Test123 123 2014-01-01 F
2 Test John Test456 123 2014-01-01 A
3 Test Sue Test123 555 2014-01-02 F
4 Test Ann Test123 888 2014-01-02 F
5 Test Ann Test456 888 2014-01-02 A
6 Test Ann Test789 888 2014-01-02 A
I was thinking I could handle this by splitting each types of duplicates/triplicates+ (2,3,4,5). Then updating every other (or every 3,4,5 rows). Then delete those from the original table and combine them together to export the data in SSIS. But I am thinking there is a much more efficient way of handling it.
Any thoughts? I can accomplish this by updating the table directly in SQL for this status column and then export normally through SSIS. Or if there is some way I can manipulate the column for the exact conditions I need, I can do it all in SSIS. I am just not sure how to proceed with this.
SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY VisitNumber ORDER BY DateTimeStamp) rn from MyTable
SET [status] = (CASE WHEN rn = 1 THEN 'F' ELSE 'A' END)
I put together a test script to check the results. For your purposes, use the update statements and replace the temp table with your table name.
create table #temp1 (id int, [name] varchar(50), myreport varchar(50), visitnumber varchar(50), dts datetime, [status] varchar(1))
insert into #temp1 (id,[name],myreport,visitnumber, dts) values (1,'Test John','Test123','123','2014-01-01 05:00')
insert into #temp1 (id,[name],myreport,visitnumber, dts) values (2,'Test John','Test456','123','2014-01-01 07:00')
insert into #temp1 (id,[name],myreport,visitnumber, dts) values (3,'Test Sue','Test123','555','2014-01-01 08:00')
insert into #temp1 (id,[name],myreport,visitnumber, dts) values (4,'Test Ann','Test123','888','2014-01-01 09:00')
insert into #temp1 (id,[name],myreport,visitnumber, dts) values (5,'Test Ann','Test456','888','2014-01-01 10:00')
insert into #temp1 (id,[name],myreport,visitnumber, dts) values (6,'Test Ann','Test789','888','2014-01-01 11:00')
select * from #temp1;
update #temp1 set status = 'F'
where id in (
select id from #temp1 t1
join (select min(dts) as mindts, visitnumber
from #temp1
group by visitNumber) t2
on t1.visitnumber = t2.visitnumber
and t1.dts = t2.mindts)
update #temp1 set status = 'A'
where id not in (
select id from #temp1 t1
join (select min(dts) as mindts, visitnumber
from #temp1
group by visitNumber) t2
on t1.visitnumber = t2.visitnumber
and t1.dts = t2.mindts)
select * from #temp1;
drop table #temp1
Hope this helps

T-SQL select rows by oldest date and unique category

I'm using Microsoft SQL. I have a table that contains information stored by two different categories and a date. For example:
ID Cat1 Cat2 Date/Time Data
1 1 A 11:00 456
2 1 B 11:01 789
3 1 A 11:01 123
4 2 A 11:05 987
5 2 B 11:06 654
6 1 A 11:06 321
I want to extract one line for each unique combination of Cat1 and Cat2 and I need the line with the oldest date. In the above I want ID = 1, 2, 4, and 5.
Have a look at row_number() on MSDN.
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY col1, col2 ORDER BY date_time, id) rn
FROM mytable
) q
WHERE rn = 1
(run the code on SQL Fiddle)
Quassnoi's answer is fine, but I'm a bit uncomfortable with how it handles dups. It seems to return based on insertion order, but I'm not sure if even that can be guaranteed? (see these two fiddles for an example where the result changes based on insertion order: dup at the end, dup at the beginning)
Plus, I kinda like staying with old-school SQL when I can, so I would do it this way (see this fiddle for how it handles dups):
select *
from my_table t1
left join my_table t2
on t1.cat1 = t2.cat1
and t1.cat2 = t2.cat2
and t1.datetime > t2.datetime
where t2.datetime is null

Find "regional" relationships in SQL data using a query, or SSIS

Edit for clarification: I am compiling data weekly, based on Zip_Code, but some Zip_Codes are redundant. I know I should be able to compile a small amount of data, and derive the redundant zip_codes if I can establish relationships.
I want to define a zip code's region by the unique set of items and values that appear in that zip code, in order to create a "Region Table"
I am looking to find relationships by zip code with certain data. Ultimately, I have tables which include similar values for many zip codes.
I have data similar to:
ItemCode |Value | Zip_Code
1 |10 | 1
2 |15 | 1
3 |5 | 1
1 |10 | 2
2 |15 | 2
3 |5 | 2
1 |10 | 3
2 |10 | 3
3 |15 | 3
Or to simplify the idea, I could even concantenate ItemCode + Value into unique values:
Value | Zip_Code
A | 1
B | 1
C | 1
A | 2
B | 2
C | 2
A | 3
D | 3
E | 3
As you can see, Zip_Code 1 and 2 have the same distinct ItemCode and Value. Zip_Code 3 however, has different values for certain ItemCodes.
I need to create a table that establishes a relationship between Zip_Codes that contain the same data.
The final table will look something like:
Zip_Code | Region
1 | 1
2 | 1
3 | 2
4 | 2
5 | 1
6 | 3
This will allow me to collect data only once for each unique Region, and derive the zip_code appropriately.
Things I'm doing now:
I am currently using a query similar to a join, and compares against Zip_Code using something along the lines of:
SELECT a.ItemCode
FROM mytable as a, mytable as b -- select from table twice, similar to a join
WHERE a.zip_code = 1 -- left table will have all ItemCode and Value from zip 1
AND b.zip_code = 2 -- right table will have all ItemCode and Value from zip 2
AND a.ItemCode = b.ItemCode -- matches rows on ItemCode
AND a.Value != b.Value
This returns nothing if the two zip codes have exactly the same ItemNum, and Value, and returns a slew of differences between the two zip codes if there are differences.
This needs to move from a manual process to an automated process however, as I am now working with more than 100 zip_codes.
I do not have much programming experience in specific languages, so tools in SSIS are somewhat limited to me. I have some experience using the Fuzzy tools, and feel like there might be something in Fuzzy Grouping that might shine a light on apparent regions, but can't figure out how to set it up.
Does anyone have any suggestions? I have access to SQLServ and its related tools, and Visual Studio. I am trying to avoid writing a program to automate this, as my c# skills are relatively nooby, but will figure it out if necessary.
Sorry for being so verbose: This is my first Question, and the page I agreed to in order to ask a question suggested to explain in detail, and talk about what I've tried...
Thanks in advance for any help I might receive.
Give this a shot (I used the simplified example, but this can easily be expanded). I think the real interesting part of this code is the recursive CTE...
;with matches as (
--Find all pairs of zip_codes that have matching values.
select d1.ZipCode zc1, d2.ZipCode zc2
from data d1
join data d2 on d1.Val=d2.Val
group by d1.ZipCode, d2.ZipCode
having count(*) = (select count(distinct Val) from data where zipcode = d1.Zipcode)
), cte as (
--Trace each zip_code to it's "smallest" matching zip_code id.
select zc1 tempRegionID, zc2 ZipCode
from matches
where zc1<=zc2
select c.tempRegionID, m.zc2
from cte c
join matches m on c.ZipCode=m.zc1
and c.ZipCode!=m.zc2
where m.zc1<=m.zc2
--For each zip_code, use it's smallest matching zip_code as it's region.
select zipCode, min(tempRegionID) as regionID
from cte
group by ZipCode
Demonstrating that there's a use for everything, though normally it makes me cringe: concatenate the values for each zip code into a single field. Store ZipCode and ConcatenatedValues in a lookup table (PK on the one, UQ on the other). Now you can assess which zip codes are in the same region by grouping on ConcatenatedValues.
Here's a simple function to concatenate text data:
Item VARCHAR(1000)
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.Implode (#List dbo.List READONLY, #Separator VARCHAR(10) = ',') RETURNS VARCHAR(MAX)
SELECT #Concat = CASE WHEN Item IS NULL THEN #Concat ELSE COALESCE(#Concat + #Separator, '') + Item END FROM #List
RETURN #Concat
DECLARE #List AS dbo.List
INSERT INTO #List (Item) VALUES ('A'), ('B'), ('C'), ('D')
SELECT dbo.Implode(#List, ',')
