Terminate user session when the browser or tab closes - identityserver4

I want to ultimately have user sessions end once the browser or tab is closed, and so far i had no luck. I have tried to enable offline_access in the IdentityServer config and in the client config but that doesn't seem to help. I am seeking some help with having my setup function in this way.
I use the flow of SignIn that redirects you too the IS4 login page then upon successful login you get redirected to the client app.

Here's how I handle it: I'm using a JavaScript sessionStorage variable to sense when the user has closed the browser (or tab).
var readValue = sessionStorage['checksession'];
If the browser was closed the variable will be undefined. In that case, I call a server-side page method to redirect the user to the login form:
var readValue = sessionStorage['checksession'];
if (readValue == null) {
// Redirect to Login
Server side page method must be static and marked as [WebMethod]:
public static void BrowserClosed()
Util.hasClosedBrowser = true;
The static web method updates a boolean property in a static utility class (Util.cs) that I use in my asp.net project.
In Util.cs:
public static bool hasClosedBrowser { get; set; }
In the asp.net Page.Load event, I am looking for a "true" value in the "hasClosed" property defined in the utility class. If it's true, I call the Logout() method, which redirects to the login form:
if (Util.hasClosedBrowser)
At the end of the .aspx page after all of the elements, in a script tag I am setting the sessionStorage variable:
sessionStorage['checksession'] = "somevalue";
You can use any value in the sessionStorage cookie that you want, just know that it has to be a string unless you want to format it as a JSON string.
What's great about this approach is it correctly redirects to the Login form when the browser or the tab page was closed, but does not fire when the user simply refreshes the page (assuming the session hasn't actually expired). On a refresh, and as long as the session has not expired, the user's login state remains intact because the variable will still be present in sessionStorage.


symfony 5 web debug toolbar showing anonymous and cannot redirect after onAuthenticationSuccess

I have been following along with the following Symfony tutorials, but I believe they are using version 4 and I am using version 5. They reach a point in the tutorial which shows that the web debug toolbar shows the user's email logged and they even pointed out that if you see logged as anonymous, then just refresh. I did refresh, but it still shows as anon.
As you can see by the following screen shot, login was successful and it shows the correct username as well:
I started to watch the first part of the tutorial - listed below - when I reached a point in the second part that pointed out that I should watch the first part, which made sense, that I might have missed something, but that was an even older version of Symfony and things have changed in version 5.
First part of the tutorial
Second part of the tutorial
After going through the tutorials, I still have the web debug tool showing anon. Now, I am using React as a form to POST the email and password - see next screen shot - would that effect how the web debug toolbar, but I do not see how, because the console shows that the system knows the user.
Does anyone know a config that needs to be changed?
I have tried changing the following within src\Security\TokenAuthenticator - getUser from:
return $this->em->getRepository(User::class)
->findOneBy(['apiToken' => $credentials])
return $this->em->getRepository(User::class)->findOneBy(['email' => $credentials['email']]);
But no change, still shows anon
Also, as the subject states, I cannot redirect via onAuthenticationSuccess
public function onAuthenticationSuccess(Request $request, TokenInterface $token, $providerKey)
// on success, let the request continue
return new RedirectResponse($this->urlGenerator->generate('app_homepage'));
I do not see why this does not work. Again, is it because I am posting via a React app?
Turns that it is because I am running an older version of the browser Firefox and the log in is working. You can see by the screen shot of both Firefox and Chrome, that it is working Chrome
As far as the redirect goes, PHPStorm was saying that I did not have urlGenerator available in the TokenAuthenticator class. As a result, I should have noticed before and this is what I did to correct it:
In my src\Security\TokenAuthenticator I have the following:
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\UrlGeneratorInterface;
In my constructor:
private $em;
private $urlGenerator;
public function __construct(EntityManagerInterface $em, UrlGeneratorInterface $urlGenerator)
$this->em = $em;
$this->urlGenerator = $urlGenerator;
My onAuthenticationSuccess:
public function onAuthenticationSuccess(Request $request, TokenInterface $token, $providerKey)
// on success, let the request continue
// redirect to some "app_homepage" route - of wherever you want
return new RedirectResponse($this->urlGenerator->generate('app_homepage'));
But it is still not working
I have tried
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse;
private $redirectResponse;
public function __construct(EntityManagerInterface $em, RedirectResponse $redirectResponse)
$this->em = $em;
$this->redirectResponse = $redirectResponse;
public function onAuthenticationSuccess(Request $request, TokenInterface $token, $providerKey)
// on success, let the request continue
// redirect to some "app_homepage" route - of wherever you want
return $this->redirectResponse->redirectToRoute('app_homepage');
But PHPStorm tells me that it cannot find method redirectToRoute within class RedirectResponse
The only thing that I have found to work with redirecting users to the home page after successful is login, is within my React login app. I have an async to my handleClick method, after the fetch POST, I have a setTimeout of 3000 that uses a plain javascript:
window.location.href = '/';
I would love to know the answer to why I cannot redirect via the Authenticator class that I have created, but at least someone who is using Firefox will not have to wonder why their web debug tool is not showing that the user has successfully logged in while still showing anon

Making a logged in user-variable in AngularJS+laravel

I'm trying to make a global variable called theUser which contains the userinfo if logged in.
I have tried putting this in my SPA php file:
app.value('theUser', '<?php echo Auth::user(); ?>');
And it works but only after refreshing page. (Login happens via angularjs logic + a $http request to auth/login which returns userinfo if logged in)
In my angular auth app, I have done this:
var login = $http.post("auth/login", sanitizeCredentials(credentials)).success(function(data) {
theUser = data;
$rootScope.theUser = theUser;
And that works, but only when the user logs in. If I refresh, theUser is empty. And I can't get these two solutions to work together. I probably need another approach.
All I want is an user variable that I can access from anywhere in my app,
which is set if the user logs in, or have been logged in before. Using Laravel 5.1.
Here is my auth app service js: http://pastebin.com/HcdLaZcD
How can I make this work?
Why dont you use PHP-Vars-To-Js-Transformer by Laracasts. Then whenever a User logs in, you could set a Session variable auth_user and then get that variable to JavaScript as shown below (in your Laravel AuthController#login):
\Session::put('auth_user', \Auth::user());
'theUser' => \Session::get('auth_user')
And when the User logs out: \Session::forget('auth_user');
theUser variable will be available anywhere in your JavaScript (or you can Namespace it also, check the Github link above).
on top of the page under script tag
window.user = <?php echo Auth::user(); ?>
app.run(function ($rootScope, theUser) {
$rootScope.theUser = theUser;
For accessing the logged in user from your JavaScript files, you may try something like this (Create a view composer, also layouts.master dictates layouts/master.blade.php):
View::composer('layouts.master', function($view) {
$user = null;
if(Auth::check()) {
$user = Auth::user();
$view->with('authUser', $user);
In the master layout try this (So User variable will be available as JS object if the user is logged in):
<script>var User = {{ $authUser or 'undefined' }}</script>
This is just an idea, implement it according to your need. Also, you may use a namespace like App.user. I wrote an article about this lasr year, you may
check it here. Btw, it was for Laravel 4.x.
We have made use of html5 local storage to overcome this once the user is logged in, you just put the user's info on html5's local storage (works on all browsers, even mobile).
It has some drawbacks which you have to overcome, and also have some control on your routes filters to avoid someone loading page they shouldn't be allowed to see.
But I'm afraid my answer applies better to our solution and I don't think this answer is perfect but might guide you in a better solution. Our app publishes an API for angular's use and this angular is somewhat empowered with some extensions to ease routing.

AngularJS: How to login once and do not need to login again

I have implemented the authentication/authorization using AngularJS, Jersey REST and Spring Security. After logged in, call the following "create" method to store the user information:
.factory('Session', function () {
this.create = function (user) {
this.id = user.sessionId;
this.username = user.username;
this.userRoles = user.roles;
... ...
return this;
But, the problem is, every time I do one of the following 2 things, the stored information is lost and I have to login again:
Reload the whole page by pressing F5 or reload icon of browser
Access the same URL from browser address bar
Could you please help me on how to reserve this information to guarantee login only once?
Check out sessionStorage. Not sure what the rest of your code looks like, but presumably your controller could save the Session created by your factory into sessionStorage.

How to make initial authenticated request with token from local storage?

I'm using vanilla flux with some utils for communicating with my APIs.
On initial page load I'd like to read some token from local storage and then make a request to my API to get my data.
I've got a LocalStorageUtils.js library for interacting with window.localStorage. My container component handles all login/logout actions and reads the current user on page load.
componentWillMount() {
LocalStorageUtils reads the value and brings it into Flux via ServerAction similar to the flux chat example.
get(key) {
var value = window.localStorage.getItem(key);
if (value) {
ServerActionCreators.receiveFromLocalStorage(key, value);
That puts the user into my UserStore and into my views where I can show the username and some logout link, etc.
I also have ApiUtils.js for requesting data from the server. So the question is: Where do I tell my ApiUtils that I have a logged-in user at initial page load?
I could call some method inside ApiUtils from my LocalStorageUtils but that does not feel right.
Or do I have to make another round trip whenever I get a change event inside my container component?
You should pass the user as data to your ApiUtils class and removing the need from being concerned about how your ApiUtils is used.
var ApiUtils = function () {
this.get = function (endpoint, data) {
return theWayYouSendAjaxRequests.get(endpoint).setData(data);
// Wherever your ApiUtils is used.
var api = new ApiUtils();
api.get('/me', {user: userFromStore});
I found a solution that works and feels right.
As getting data from local storage is synchronous there is no need to pipe it through Flux via ServerActionCreators. Simply use LocalStorageUtils to get the current user and call the login method with that user. The login Action is the same you would use when a user initially logs in. login triggers getting new data from server. The new data is saved in my DataStore and the user is saved to my UserStore.
Thanks for all hints at Twitter and at https://reactiflux.slack.com/.

AngularJS and Web API form authentication

I'm new to AngularJS and I'm starting to create a sample application, this application has 2 views:
Login View
Welcome View
Everything is working fine with my AngularJS dummy application but now I start implementing the Login functionality on server side:
public JsonResult Login(string credentials)
bool returnVal = false;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(credentials))
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie("DUMMY USER", true);
return Json(new
success = returnVal
And on Welcome Controller I have:
public JsonResult GetPersons()
return Json(new
success = false
Then in order to implement the Forms Authentication I have to set in the Web.Config:
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms loginUrl="/login" name=".ASPXFORMSAUTH" protection="All" timeout="1" slidingExpiration="true" />-->
The problem is that when doing that it will redirects the URL, so I get the following error:
GET http://localhost:21871/login?ReturnUrl=%2fperson%2fGetPersons 404 (Not Found)
And because AngularJS can't understand that route then I can't keep going.
Any clue on how to address this or maybe there is a better way to do it.
You can use any authentication/authorization mechanism that you like. But when you are calling $http.get() or $http.post() you expect to receive a JSON object. But if you are not authenticated you will be redirected to login page which is an HTML page. Hence your code which is checking for success will fail.
You need to create a new custom authorize filter (like MyAuthorize) that authenticate/authorizes your user by any available technology (SimpleMembership, OAuth, etc) and if authentication fails then instead of returning a RedirectResult, returns a JSON object with an Error flag. Then you can check that flag after each $http.get() or $http.post(), and redirect the user from client side. We always develop our own communication service that calls $http.get() or $http.post and always make that check over there.
