React Js - On change all select are changing - reactjs

I'm trying to create a list of select with one option but when changing any one they all changed, i want to handle them one by one. Im using map in order to get the data and display it using useState.
Here is the code below :
const positions = => {
return element.first_name + " " + element.last_name;
const [Position, setPosition] = useState(positions[0]);
const [serviceList, setServiceList] = useState([{service:""}]);
const handleServiceAdd = () =>{
const handleServiceRemove = (index) => {
const list = [...serviceList];

If you are using styled components, place them before writing the function that renders your component.
For example, your component name is "Component", your code shouldn't look like:
const Component => {
const YourStyledComponent = styled.div``
But it should look like:
const YourStyledComponent = styled.div``
const Component => {
Why ? Because everytime you will change one state, everything inside your component will rerender


React Native add to state array if value does not exist

I would like to know the best way to add a value to an array of the value does not exist in my state variable. The current code works but I a newbie and not sure if I am doing this correctly. This function is fired when a button is pressed
const App = () => {
const [answered, setAnswered] = useState([])
const handleConnectionAnswer = deviceId => {
if (!anwsered.includes(deviceId)) {
setAnswered(prev => [...prev, deviceId]);
you're doing it right or you can simply do it like
if (!anwsered.includes(deviceId)) {
setAnswered([...answered, deviceId]);

Execute Function when a State Variable Changes inside of a useEffect() Hook

so I am trying to create a graph visualization front-end using Antv's G6 and React. I have this useState() variable and function as shown below:
const [hideNode, sethideNode] = useState("");
const hideN = () => {
const node = graph.findById(hideNode);
The function is in charge of hiding the selected node. However, the problem with running this function as it is, is that it will raise the error TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'findById') because graph is assigned inside of the useEffect() hook, as shown below:
useEffect(() => {
if (!graph) {
graph = new G6.Graph();;
}, []);
It only works as intended if I call the function hideN() inside of the useEffect() hook, otherwise outside of the useEffect() if I console.log(graph) the result would be undefined.
So I wanted to ask, is there a way I could have this function run when the state changes while inside of the useEffect(), or is there a better way to go about this. I'm sorry I am super new to React so still learning the best way to go about doing something. I'd appreciate any help you guys can provide.
Full code:
import G6 from "#antv/g6";
import React, { useEffect, useState, useRef } from "react";
import { data } from "./Data";
import { NodeContextMenu } from "./NodeContextMenu";
const maxWidth = 1300;
const maxHeight = 600;
export default function G1() {
let graph = null;
const ref = useRef(null);
//Hide Node State
const [hideNode, sethideNode] = useState("");
const hideN = () => {
const node = graph.findById(hideNode);
useEffect(() => {
if (!graph) {
graph = new G6.Graph(cfg);;
}, []);
return (
<div ref={ref}>
{showNodeContextMenu && (
export { G1 };
Store graph in a React ref so it persists through rerenders. In hideN use an Optional Chaining operator on graphRef.current to call the findById function.
Add hideNode state as a dependency to the useEffect hook and move the hideN call out of the conditional block that is only instantiating a graph value to store in the ref.
const graphRef = useRef(null);
const ref = useRef(null);
//Hide Node State
const [hideNode, sethideNode] = useState("");
const hideN = () => {
const node = graphRef.current?.findById(hideNode);
useEffect(() => {
if (!graphRef.current) {
graphRef.current = new G6.Graph(cfg);;
}, [hideNode]);

Implementing undo/redo function in react

I am trying to implement simple undo/redo function in my react app. So I am trying to maintain an array with old state values. But when I check the values of the old states, its all updated with the new state.
state :
state = {
schedule : [],
const redoUndoObj ={
oldStateSchedule : [...this.state.schedule],
oldStateLoads : [...this.state.loads]
this.setState({ undo : [ ...this.state.undo , redoUndoObj]});
I hope this give you an idea on how to solve the problem. I made code only for undo now to point you in the right direction. This example I made via React functional component using useState instead of Component class.
const [schedule, setSchedule] = useState([]);
const [loads, setLoads] = useState([]);
const [undo, setUndo] = useState([]);
const [redo, setRedo] = useState([]);
const updateData = (newSchedule, newLoads) => {
const newUndo = {
schedule: [...newSchedule],
loads: [...newLoads],
setUndo([...undo, ...newUndo]);
const undoChanges = () => {
const lastElement = undo[undo.length - 1];
const copyOfUndo = [...undo];
// Update redo to be able to rollback
// Set the previous values to Schedule and Loads
// Remove the last element from undo

Cant use values from (fetched) context(provider) as input to my useState

Short version:
I have a useEffect in a ContextProvider where I fetch some data from server. In my component I
use this Context and want to init another useState()-hook with the "incoming" data. The value in
[value, setValue] = useState(dataFromContext) does not get set/inited with dataFromContext. Why, oh why?
The very long version:
Im trying to follow (and expand on) this example of how to use context/useContext-hook in react
So, I have an AppContext and a ContextProvider, I wrap my in in index.js, everything in the example works nice.
Now I want to load data in useEffect inside my ContextProvider, so my context provider now looks like this
const AppContextProvider = ({ children }) => {
const profileInfoUrl = BASE_URL + `users/GetCurrentUsersProfileInfo/`
const {loading, getTokenSilently} = useAuth0();
const [profileInfo, setProfileInfo] = useState( {})
useEffect(() => {
if (!loading && profileInfo.user.username === '' ) {
Communication.get(profileInfoUrl, getTokenSilently, setProfileInfo);
},[loading, getTokenSilently])
const context = {
return (
<AppContext.Provider value={ context }>
Now, in my component, I want to display this data. One of them is users selected categories, a list of an id and isSelected, which should feed a checkboxlist.
const TsProfileSettingsPage = ( ) => {
const { profileInfo, setProfileInfo } = useContext(AppContext);
const userCategories = Object.assign({}, => ({[]: c})));
const [checkedCategories, setCheckedCategories] = useState(userCategories);
console.log("profileInfo.userDetails.categories : " + JSON.stringify(profileInfo.userDetails.categories));
console.log("userCategories : " + JSON.stringify(userCategories));//correct dictionary
console.log("checkedCategories : " + JSON.stringify(checkedCategories)); //empty object!
// of code
So I load users selection and converts is to a dictionary that ends up in "userCategories". I use that "userCategories" to init checkedCategories. BUT, from the console.logs below, userCategories is set correctly, but checkedCategories is not, its becomes an empty object!
So my question is. Am I thinking wrong here? (obviously I am), I just want to have an external state.
Everything loads ok, but when I use it to init a useState() in my component it does not get set. I have tested to have another useEffect() in my component, but I just get the feeling that Im doing something more basic error.
Thanks for any help

Should I use useMemo in hooks?

I created useBanner hooks
const useBanner = (array, yardage) => {
const [bannArr, setBannArr] = useState(array.slice(0, yardage));
const [bannListIndex, setBannIndex] = useState(1);
return {
Am I doing the right thing and the props throw in useState.
It’s permissible to use useBanner.
const Banner= ({
}) => {
const { bannForth, bannBeck, bannArr } = useBanner(array, yardage);
return (
when props will change here.
Will change the state in useBanner.
or is it considered anti-patterns I have to write all this in useMemo
const useBanner = (array, yardage) => {
const [bannArr, setBannArr] = useState([]);
const [bannListIndex, setBannIndex] = useState(1);
useMemo(() => {
setBannArr(array.slice(0, yardage));
}, [array, yardage]);
return {
Yes, custom hooks are possible in React. Here is separate document discussing custom hooks.
But exactly you sample may require additional code depending on what is your final goal.
If you want initialize state only once, when component Banner is first created, you can just do as in your first sample
const Banner= ({
}) => {
const { bannForth, bannBeck, bannArr } = useBanner(array, yardage);
return (
This will work perfectly. But if props array and yardage will change, this will not be reflected in component. So props will be used only once as initial values and then will not be used in useBanner even if changed (And it doesn't matter whether you'll use useBanner or useState directly). This answer highlight this.
If you want to update inital values on each props change, you can go with useEffect like below
const Banner= ({
}) => {
const { bannForth, bannBeck, bannArr, setBannArr } = useBanner(array, yardage);
useEffect (() => {
// setBannArr should also be returned from useBanner. Or bannArr should be changed with any other suitable function returned from useBanner.
setBannArr(array.slice(0, yardage));
}, [array, yardage, setBannArr])
return (
In this case Banner component can control state itself and when parent component change props, state in Banner component will be reset to new props.
Here is small sample to showcase second option.
