AWS EC2 - SQL server with multiple writers - sql-server

I have a requirement where I need to see the possibility of having multiple read and write clusters for SQL Server deployed in Amazon EC2.
I understand that we can configure Always on High Availablity for SQL Servers which does support multiple read replicas.
My questions is, Is it possible to have multiple write replicas for a single database running in EC2?
We have multiple batch jobs running on single database and there are lot of load on this database, effecting the performance of application.
I am quite new to AWS and any help/pointers will be appreciated.


SQL server high availability solutions in Amazon AWS

I am in the process of migrating to Amazon AWS and need a SQL server high availability solution. The current licence that I have is SQL standard 2016.
At this time Amazon does not support shared volumes for Windows instances. Therefore, I am not able to do a regular SQL cluster fail over solution. This is the one where if the entire server goes down the stand by server picks up the slack and continues writing to the same storage. My only option is high availability always on basic groups. As I am starting to get familiar with this feature I find it very maintenance intensive and can see it becoming a problem when dealing with thousands of databases. In my case I have about 5k databases mostly small in size 600mb or less each. My question is Amazon not a viable hosting environment for a full SQL fail over solution. Is the high availability always on basic groups one per database a viable solution?

Whats the best redundancy setup on AWS for SQL Server 2014

We're migrating our environment over to AWS from a colo facility. As part of that we are upgrading our 2 SQL Server 2005s to 2014s. The two are currently mirrored and we'd like to keep it that way or find other ways to make the servers redundant. # of transactions/server-use is light for our app - but it's in production, requires high availability, and, as a result, requires some kind of fail over.
We have already setup one EC2 instance and put SQL server 2014 on it (as opposed to using RDBMS for licensing reasons and are now exploring what to do next to achieve this.
What suggestions do people have to achieve the redundancy we need?
I've seen two options thus far from here and googling around. I list them below - we're very open to other options!
First, use RDBMS mirroring service, but I can't tell if that only applies if the principal server is also RDBMS - it also doesn't help with licensing.
Second, use multiple availability zones. What are the pros/cons of this versus using different regions altogether (e.g., bandwidth issues) etc? And does multi-AZ actually give redundancy (if AWS goes down in Oregon, for example, then doesn't everything go down)?
Thanks for the help!
The Multi-AZ capability of Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service) is designed to offer high-availability for a database.
From Amazon RDS Multi-AZ Deployments:
When you provision a Multi-AZ DB Instance, Amazon RDS automatically creates a primary DB Instance and synchronously replicates the data to a standby instance in a different Availability Zone (AZ). Each AZ runs on its own physically distinct, independent infrastructure, and is engineered to be highly reliable. In case of an infrastructure failure (for example, instance hardware failure, storage failure, or network disruption), Amazon RDS performs an automatic failover to the standby, so that you can resume database operations as soon as the failover is complete. Since the endpoint for your DB Instance remains the same after a failover, your application can resume database operation without the need for manual administrative intervention.
Multiple Availability Zones are recommended to improve availability of systems. Each AZ is a separate physical facility such that any disaster that should befall one AZ should not impact another AZ. This is normally considered sufficient redundancy rather than having to run across multiple Regions. It also has the benefit that data can be synchronously replicated between AZs due to low-latency connections, while this might not be possible between Regions since they are located further apart.
One final benefit... The Multi-AZ capability of Amazon RDS can be activated by simply selecting "Yes" when the database is launched. Running your own database and using mirroring services requires you to do considerably more work on an on-going basis.

SQL Server Database real-time replication

I have a database on an SQL Server instance hosted on Azure Windows VM. There are two things I need to achieve.
Create a real-time duplicate of the database on another server. i.e. I need my database to make a copy of itself and then copy all of it's data to the duplicate at regular intervals. Let's say, 2 hours.
If my original database fails due to some reason, I need it to redirect all read/write requests to the duplicate database.
Any elaborate answer or links to any articles you deem helpful are welcome. Thank you!
You can have a high availability solution for your SQL Server databases in Azure using AlwaysOn Availability Groups or database mirroring.
Basically, you need 3 nodes for true HA. The third one can be a simple file server that will work as the witness to complete the quorum for your failover cluster. Primary and Secondary will be synchronized and in case of a failure, secondary will take over. You can also configure read requests to be split among instances.
If HA is not really that important for your use case, disaster recovery will be a cheaper solution. Check the article below for more info.
High Availability and Disaster Recovery for SQL Server in Azure Virtual Machines

Cloud Architecture

I'm researching cloud services to host an e-commerce site. And I'm trying to understand some basics on how they are able to scale things.
From what I can gather from AWS, Rackspace, etc documentation:
Setup 1:
You can get an instance of a webserver (AWS - EC2, Rackspace - Cloud Server) up. Then you can grow that instance to have more resources or make replicas of that instance to handle more traffic. And it seems like you can install a database local to these instances.
Setup 2:
You can have instance(s) of a webserver (AWS - EC2, Rackspace - Cloud Server) up. You can also have instance(s) of a database (AWS - RDS, Rackspace - Cloud Database) up. So the webserver instances can communicate with the database instances through a single access point.
When I use the term instances, I'm just thinking of replicas that can be access through a single access point and data is synchronized across each replica in the background. This could be the wrong mental image, but it's the best I got right now.
I can understand how setup 2 can be scalable. Webserver instances don't change at all since it's just the source code. So all the http requests are distributed to the different webserver instances and is load balanced. And the data queries have a single access point and are then distributed to the different database instances and is load balanced and all the data writes are sync'd between all database instances that is transparent to the application/webserver instance(s).
But for setup 1, where there is a database setup locally within each webserver instance, how is the data able to be synchronized across the other databases local to the other web server instances? Since the instances of each webserver can't talk to each other, how can you spin up multiple instances to scale the app? Is this setup mainly for sites with static content where the data inside the database is not getting changed? So with an e-commerce site where orders are written to the database, this architecture will just not be feasible? Or is there some way to get each webserver instance to update their local database to some master copy?
Sorry for such a simple question. I'm guessing the documentation doesn't say it plainly because it's so simple or I just wasn't able to find the correct document/page.
Thank you for your time!
Moved question to here:
We have one server setup to be the application server, and our database installed across a cluster of separate machines on AWS in the same availability zone (initially three but scalable). The way we set it up is with a "k-safe" replication. This is scalable as the data is distributed across the machines, and duplicated such that one machine could disappear entirely and the site continues to function. THis also allows queries to be distributed.
(Another configuration option was to duplicate all the data on each of the database machines)
Relating to setup #1, you're right, if you duplicate the entire database on each machine with load balancing, you need to worry about replicating the data between the nodes, this will be complex and will take a toll on performance, or you'll need to sacrifice consistency, or synchronize everything to a single big database and then you lose the effect of clustering. Also keep in mind that when throughput increases, adding an additional server is a manual operation that can take hours, so you can't respond to throughput on-demand.
Relating to setup #2, here scaling the application is easy and the cloud providers do that for you automatically, but the database will become the bottleneck, as you are aware. If the cloud provider scales up your application and all those application instances talk to the same database, you'll get more throughput for the application, but the database will quickly run out of capacity. It has been suggested to solve this by setting up a MySQL cluster on the cloud, which is a valid option but keep in mind that if throughput suddenly increases you will need to reconfigure the MySQL cluster which is complex, you won't have auto scaling for your data.
Another way to do this is a cloud database as a service, there are several options on both the Amazon and RackSpace clouds. You mentioned RDS but it has the same issue because in the end it's limited to one database instance with no auto-scaling. Another MySQL database service is Xeround, which spreads the load over several database nodes, and there is a load balancer that manages the connection between those nodes and synchronizes the data between the partitions automatically. There is a single access point and a round-robin DNS that sends the requests to up to thousands of database nodes. So this might answer your need for a single access point and scalability of the database, without needing to setup a cluster or change it every time there is a scale operation.

Can SQL Server CE support multiple connection from different pc at a time?

I have an windows desktop application running with with SQL Server CE, now my customer request to have a network version for this application, my question is can SQL Server CE support multiple connection and transaction at a time? Thanks
It does support multiple connections from the same computer according to this technet document:
The relevant section of the document:
SSCE Concurrency
SSCE allows multiple connections to the same database (.sdf file) from the same application or even multiple applications on the same computer. This gives you more freedom to structure your application as needed, such as allowing the user to continue to interact with data while performing synchronization with a back-end database, or to have multiple applications on the same machine share an SSCE data store. Transactional concurrency locks are made by the database engine to prevent concurrent connections from accessing the same records at the same time. The technical limit on concurrent connections for a single database is 256, but 70-80 is a better practical limit from a performance perspective.
No, for this requirement, you can use the free SQL Server Express
