How to invoke the Flow, On Button Click from LWC(Salesforce) - salesforce

I have requirement where I have to load flow having different screens, on click of button in LWC.
I found only one blog related to this is :
but not working for me. Please help me on it, how we can achieve it.

Have you tried using the lightning-flow-support LWC component?
The component documentation.
I've also found a usage example.


How do I use the same modal for add and edit in reactjs

I am noew to redux. I am working on an ecommerce application and I want to use the same modal box for both add and edit of the categories using redux but I dont know how to go about it
The code is to long for me to post here
I created a codesandbox where I uploaded my code.
this is the link below
how do I achieve this
Thank you

Cannot get Material UI radio buttons to work with Formik Part Two

Previously, I asked for help with getting radio buttons to work with Material UI and Formik here: Cannot get Material UI radio buttons to work with Formik. Luckily, I got a fix for it, but unfortunately it did not work for our application. Therefore, I have developed a code sandbox that more closely matches our environment, with the solution that was given in the previous question. Can anyone give advice on how to get it to work? For more details, we wrap Material UI, in this case the Radio.js class. This allows us to leverage it in different projects/repos. Here is the code sandbox: Thanks!
With some help, I found this answer works.
Do you mean radio button did not go to checked state?
You did not work and set the Checked Prop.
You have to use state hooks and onChange event.
See example:

Change tab content using router

I am making a react application. Can I change the "tab content area" on a button click using react-router. I have two tabs. I want to change content of one of the tab when I click a button. Everything else on the page should remain same but the content of the tab. How can I do this?
I am not very knowledgeable on react-router but I would recommend using material-ui. It's very neat and extremely easy to implement (albeit, there are some changes you need to make before using it).
If you still want to use react-router for your tabs, I did find a few solutions that might help you.
Possible solution #1
Possible solution #2

Can a salesforce custom button have some javascript in it?

What is the current way to do a custom button with some js in it?
We are building a custom button that needs to be able to read from the current contact (email address, phone, mailing address), and run a few lines of js. (We also need to create a call record.)
But how/where is this done in salesforce these days?
This page doesn't point me anywhere:
And this explanation of the new method in Lightning isn't clear where the js lives:
Where is the needed example/doc?
If you are using buttons on custom visualforce page there are no any problems with defining custom JS function for it. For example, if you use <apex:commandButton/> you can use such attributes as onclick, onkeydown, onkeyup and other. See more information in documentation.
If you are using buttons on object layouts, you can create custom button and chose executing of JS as a behavior, see attached screenshot.
If you mean some other cases, please, describe it.

salesforce: Is it possible to override Salesforce global search?

There's a search box on the top of Salesforce. Is it possible to override(re-implement) it? Like catching the click event, popping up dialog, or customizing the search result page...
I went over the Visualforce development guide, it seems I can't do this with Visualforce. Any suggestions?
You'd need to use custom sidebar components.
In one of them place javascript that will intercept the events from the global search -> and make that event invoke whatever you want.
