Can I connect my mern stack application to an OPC UA server - reactjs

I have my masters project due in a month and my professor has now asked me to connect what I've made using the MERN stack to an OPC UA simulation environment.
Is this even possible? I'm looking around online and can't find much, if anyone can point me in the right direction and provide helpful resources I'd be very grateful
Many thanks


Best way integrate a React e-commerce app with an existing Square store? (Collab?)

I'm working with my first E-commerce client and have used the Commerce.js API to build in React. They just got their inventory in today and they're trying to set up their in-store Square POS system (physical storefront). I'm trying to find the best way to integrate so the online sales AND updated inventory reflect in their Square database and not just the Commerce.js dashboard. Does anyone have experience with this or have a better API recommendation?
I'm also looking to hire a partner for this portion of the project. Would love to collaborate with a more experienced developer and share my piece of my compensation for the help. I tend to learn best this way. I've found some documentation on accepting payments but not much on inventory synchronization which is very important to my client.

where to start learning programming, goal creating map apps

totally newbie,
for long time I want to start learning but when I ask question I get question "for what purpose do u want to learn programming? u want make android apps? web development? etc etc".
I am totally new and dont have clue, I just want to start learning, and discover on the way what is more interesting for me. dont have clue whats the difference between android app developers or web developers.
now I have "goal" to create maps app, google maps always show wrong directions, and my country is not in their support list, they dont do changes when i report wrong streets etc. so I want to create map app or whatever its called. I want to take for example google maps source, and start recreating it, adding streets buildings, changing road directions, etc. but googling it does not help me at all, can anyone give me direction from where I should start? 3 years ago I gave up because when I followed articles i wasted months "studying" maybe absolutely not related stuff, I just need guidance. for first even it will be good to tell me where should I ask where should I search for answers, advices. which programming languages which books, or online courses, not going to pay for any courses till I have idea what I am doing. so am after free lessons. I am forced to write tag on post... dont have clue what to write. maybe maps? thats how clueless I am.
If you want to create mapping software to publish your own maps I think a good starting point can be ArcGIS Online from Esri. They offer a free resources for developers (create dev account here for free)
There is a lot of samples to learn from, and you can go through different technologies and programming languages, check resources page.
If you decide that you want to prepare some software components to easier collect GIS data (GIS stands for Geographic Information System) I would suggest to give a chance to QGIS application (QGIS website) which is mature mapping software with plugins system on board. It bases on plugins prepared with the python language to change UX of base QGIS application. There are also a lot of samples - you can even check how existing plugins are designed because most of them is open source.

Matomo - Tracking without API KEY

I start working with Matomo last week and the Analytics plataform is really interesting and gave me lots of hours extra. However its seems that the plataform has a serious problem with the application authentication, it doesn't have any! This problem allows non-allowed applications to be tracked, which is not really effective...
But this conclusion is kinda my opinion and maybe i should read more documentation.
Can you guys give me a opinion about this, before going deep in the Matomo Plugin SDK?
Thank you!

Silverlight client web application to connect to Lync 2010 online

I'm searching for a way to build a silverlight client web application that connect toLync 2010 Online with audio, video, files and whiteboard features. Could anyone recommend some documentation?
This won't be easy... You could implement IM and presence fairly simply, but there is no support in Silverlight or the Lync APIs for the real-time AV protocols needed to support Audio and Video - it's a similiar story with sharing and whiteboarding.
Unless you have the time on your hands and are willing to attempt this without support/documentation, i'd recommend against it.
Edit: Have you taken a look at the web app and attendee client? The web app is the closest I think to what you want to achieve - I think you'd find it very difficult to improve on this.
If you think this is the right answer, please mark it as accepted, to help anyone else browsing the question. Thanks!

Google app engine vs mochahost or similar

I have developed a site with google app engine using python and django, now I have another similar project to develop.
Well I have got some well-known problems using the datastore:
query: there's no "LIKE CLAUSULE" and GQL is not Sql
documentation is not so clear and easy to find
backup database is not so trivial
django support is not so great (I use google app engine patch)
I'm just a little scared about when my traffic go "into pay mode"
Now, I hope that this site will have a great number of visitors in my optimistic prevision :) so the question is, can an alternative hosting service offer me a professional service like google app engine?
Is it possible to make a professional web site that works starting from a 'conventional' hosting service?
An other stupid question, but I site like this where is hosted??
I'm a little bit confusing about which kind of hosting chosing...
Thanks for help :)
My individual opinion is that App Engine is ideal for prototyping for these reasons:
Free. Nowhere else can you run a web app for $0
Deployment and upgrading is extremely simple
You don't have to worry about backups or networking or anything besides programming
GQL is no problem. There are workarounds. It's a reasonable price to pay for free hosting and scaling.
However, once you think your site is popular, and especially if it becomes profitable, App Engine is not ideal.
Yes it scales. But as your site grows, you always wanting new reports on your data to gain knowledge. This is extremely tough in App Engine. You need case-by-case programming and possibly database changes. That takes time and resources. This is my #1 problem for App Engine for startups or small companies.
You want to control your backup and restore process
It is bad business to be locked in to a sole hosting provider
There is nobody to contact if something goes wrong. Forums schmorums. That's for hobbyists and discussion, not for time-critical problem-solving.
If you plan on having something you think will grow decently, maybe you should launch on something like linode or slicehost, where you have a VPS. That you, you control the instance of django, and have full control over your server. That way, your app doesn't have to contain some of hosting-specific code.
Yes, the initial setup for both may be a little bit of a headache, but you'll be able to create something that is a little more portable
really thanks, for link
yesterday I "discover" that exist IronPython and seems django compatible, or Ndjango for F#, so I love visual studio which one of best developer enviroments (in my opinion) so a good hosting service for microsoft product?
Thanks again I feel you are really an expert developer, so I take really care of your opinion
