Net 6: (T)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T)) throws an MissingMethodException: 'Cannot dynamically create an instance of type - activator

I Have Excel import feature with ClosedXM and meet the errror with ctivator.CreateInstance(typeof(T)). It throws:
System.MissingMethodException: 'Cannot dynamically create an instance of type
Reason: No parameterless constructor defined.
Please help !!!
// Controller
public async Task<ActionResult<int>> ImportAsync(ImportBrandsRequest request)
IList<Brand> result = new List<Brand>();
result = await _excelReader.ImportAsync<Brand>(request.ExcelFile, FileType.Excel);
return Ok(result.Count);
// Interface
public interface IExcelReader : ITransientService
Task<IList<T>> ImportAsync<T>(
FileUploadRequest request,
FileType supportedFileType,
string sheetName = "Sheet1");
// Service:
public class ExcelReader : IExcelReader
public async Task<IList<T>> ImportAsync<T>(FileUploadRequest request, FileType supportedFileType, string sheetName = "Sheet1")
var streamData = new MemoryStream(Convert.FromBase64String(base64Data));
List<T> list = new List<T>();
Type typeOfObject = typeof(T);
using (IXLWorkbook workbook = new XLWorkbook(streamData))
var worksheet = workbook.Worksheets.First(w => w.Name == sheetName);
PropertyDescriptorCollection properties = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(typeof(T));
// header column texts
var columns = worksheet.FirstRow().Cells().Select((v, i) => new { v.Value, Index = i + 1 });
// indexing in closedxml starts with 1 not from 0
// Skip first row which is used for column header texts
foreach (IXLRow row in worksheet.RowsUsed().Skip(1))
T item = (T)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T));
// T item = (T)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T));
foreach (PropertyDescriptor prop in properties)
int colIndex = columns.Single(
c => c.Value.ToString() == prop.Name).Index;
if (colIndex == 0) continue;
object? val = row.Cell(colIndex).Value;
var type = prop.PropertyType;
prop.SetValue(item, Convert.ChangeType(val, type));
if (item != null) list.Add(item);
return await Task.FromResult(list);

Presumably, Brand doesn't have a constructor without parameters. So, either add a parameterless constructor to Brand or pass parameter arguments to Activator.CreateInstance.


Facing problem to cover test class 75% coverage

This is my batch class. I am facing a problem in the test class.
So please give me some solution on it. How to write this condition into class or how to write a test class for this.
I have this batch class created:
public class processBatch implements database.Batchable<object>, Database.AllowsCallouts, Scheduable{
public string AccountURL;
public String ProcessURL;
Public String Key;
private class JsonUpsertResult
List<Database.Error> Error {get;set;}
string SFDCId{get;set;}
String visibleID{get;set;}
Boolean is Created {get;set;}
Boolean isSuccess {get;set;}
public ProcessBatch(){
SAP_Details__c SAP = SAP_Details__c. getOrgDefaults();
AccountURL =SAP.Account_API_URL__c;
ProcessURL =SAP.process_API_URL__c;
Key =SAP.API_Key__c;
system.debug('API:' + ProcessURL + '-' + Key);
public Iterable<Object> start (Database.BatchableContext BC) {
List<Object> results =new List <Object>();
http http = new http();
httpRequest request =new HttpRequest();
system.debug('API:' '+ ProcessURL+' -' + Key);
request.setHeader('Authorization', Key);
request.setHeader('Accept', '*/*');
request.setHeader ('content-type', 'application/json');
HttpResponse response =http.send(request);
if(responce.getStatusCode() == 200){
SAPProcessJsonApex2 gt = {SAPProcessJSON2Apex2) JSON.deserialize(response.getBody(), SAPProcessJSON2Apex.class);
List<SAPProcessJson2Apex.Result> res =gt.result;
system.debug('Size of Result: ' + res.size());
results = res;
return results;
public void execute (Database. BatchableContext BC, List<object> scope){
List<JSON2Apex.Results) accountResults = new List<JSON2Apex.Results>;
List<Process__c> ProcessToUpsert = new List<Process__c> ();
List<Process_Agent__c> CollectivesToupsert = new List<Process_Agent__c> ();
List<Department__c> departmentToupdate = new List<Department__c> ();
List<JSON2Apex.Results) revisedAccRes = new List JSON2Apex.Results> ();
List<SAPprocessJSON2Apex2.Results res = (List<SAPprocessJSO2Apex2.Results>) scope();
List<SAPprocessJSON2Apex2.Results revisedRes = nen List<SAPprocessJSONApex2.Results> ();
for (SAPprocessJSON2Apex2.Results r: res) {
SAPprocessJSON2Apex2.Document doc = r. document: List<SAPprocessJSON2 Apex2. Companies) comp = doc.companies;
List<SAPprocessJSON2Apex2.Companies> comp = doc.companies;
List<String> processTypes = doc.processTypes;
Lisk<String> categories = doc.categories;
Process__c pr = new Process__c ();
pr.Visibleprocess_No__c = doc.processId;
pr.Visible_method__c = 'SAP';
pr.process_Description__c = doc.description;
pr.Amount__c = doc.Amount;
pr.Construction_Type__c = doc.constructionType;
if(doc.phase == 'First planning'){
pr.Division=='First planning!';
} else if(doc.phase == 'Quotation'){
pr.Division == 'Main Step Quotation;
} else if(doc.phase = 'Contract Get') {
pr. Division== ' Main Step Agricultural';
pr.process_Full Name = doc.title;
pr.Name = doc.title.left (80);
if (categories.size() > 0){
if(categories [0] == 'Factory' || categories [0] = 'Storage' ){
pr.Sector__c = 'Industrial';
}else if(categories [0] == 'Packaging/Storage') {
pr. Type_of_Sector_c = 'Warehouse';
}else if(categories[0] == 'Shops and Retail' || categories [0]=='Any Showrooms') {
pr.Sector__c = 'Commercial';
if(pr.Sector__c != null && doc.Amount >= 50000){
ProcessToUpsert.ada (p);
revisedRes.ada (r);
} } }
public void finish (Database.BatchableContext BC) {
public void execute (SchedulableContext sc) {
database.executeBatch (new ProcessBatch (), 30);
&& d.Amount__c>= 50000 Whenever I write this condition in my class then my test class covers only 35%, and when I remove this condition it covers 80%. This condition is correct according to the requirement.
Test Class
#isIest (SeeAllData = true)
public class ProcessBatchTest {
#isTest public static void processBatchTest () {
Test.setMock (HttpCalloutMock.class, new HttpMock());
ProcessBatch pb = new ProcessBatch();
database.executeBatch (pb,30);
You control the HttpMock class that pretends it returns results from SAP callout in the test. Nothing stops you from going there and making it return 2 records (1 with amount below 50K, 1 with amount above), or multiple statuses or whatever else you need.

How to use Full Text Search for any property with QueryOver API

I'm trying to use the SQL function CONSTAINS to filter some data on QueryOver API.
The main issue is i can't use SqlFunction in where clause, it does not compile, because a ICriterion is needed.
var result = Session.QueryOver<Individual>()
"FullTextContains", NHibernateUtil.Boolean,
Projections.Property<Individual>(x => x.LastName),
I tried to match it to a TRUE constant, but when the query is executed it generates syntax error, because CONSTAINS function can't be used with equals operator.
var result = Session.QueryOver<Individual>()
"FullTextContains", NHibernateUtil.Boolean,
Projections.Property<Individual>(p => p.LastName),
Projections.Constant("something")), true))
How can i use a boolean sql function directly in where expression on QueryOver API?
This is my finding for letting QueryOver support it:
var projection = Projections.SqlFunction("FullTextContains",
Projections.Property<Individual>(x => x.LastName),
var result = Session.QueryOver<Individual>()
.Where(new ProjectionAsCriterion(projection))
To use a IProjection as a ICriterion I created my own implementation based on SimpleExpression class from NHibernate project.
public class ProjectionAsCriterion : AbstractCriterion
private readonly IProjection _projection;
public ProjectionAsCriterion(IProjection projection)
_projection = projection;
public override SqlString ToSqlString(ICriteria criteria, ICriteriaQuery criteriaQuery,
IDictionary<string, IFilter> enabledFilters)
var columnNames = CriterionUtil.GetColumnNamesForSimpleExpression(
null, _projection, criteriaQuery, criteria, enabledFilters, this, string.Empty);
var sqlBuilder = new SqlStringBuilder(4 * columnNames.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < columnNames.Length; i++)
if (i > 0)
sqlBuilder.Add(" and ");
return sqlBuilder.ToSqlString();
public override TypedValue[] GetTypedValues(ICriteria criteria, ICriteriaQuery criteriaQuery)
var typedValues = new List<TypedValue>();
if (_projection != null)
typedValues.AddRange(_projection.GetTypedValues(criteria, criteriaQuery));
typedValues.Add(GetParameterTypedValue(criteria, criteriaQuery));
return typedValues.ToArray();
private TypedValue GetParameterTypedValue(ICriteria criteria, ICriteriaQuery criteriaQuery)
return CriterionUtil.GetTypedValues(criteriaQuery, criteria, _projection, null).Single();
public override IProjection[] GetProjections()
return new[] { _projection };
public override string ToString()
return _projection.ToString();

Get List Name from full url

I have hundreds of different random URLs coming in, all documents in libs, without any other parameters from different farms and different site collections and sites, goal is to download a file as a binary array from SharePoint.
So e.g. incoming url = http://a.b.c.d.e/f.g/h.i/j/k/l/m.docx .
So how to get the (a) correct site collection root url (b) site root url (c) library root url from this? The only way I now think of is slowly stripping off each part of the url until e.g. .Rootfolder no longer gives an exception... or the other way around slowly adding bits by the first part of the url until rootfolder nog longers gives an exception then query for subwebs etc..
The point is that ClientContext constructor accepts the url of web/site only.
But if the url will be specified in the following format:
then the exception System.Net.WebException will occur.
The following example demonstrates how to resolve ClientContext from request Url:
public static class ClientContextUtilities
/// <summary>
/// Resolve client context
/// </summary>
/// <param name="requestUri"></param>
/// <param name="context"></param>
/// <param name="credentials"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static bool TryResolveClientContext(Uri requestUri, out ClientContext context, ICredentials credentials)
context = null;
var baseUrl = requestUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority);
for (int i = requestUri.Segments.Length; i >= 0; i--)
var path = string.Join(string.Empty, requestUri.Segments.Take(i));
string url = string.Format("{0}{1}", baseUrl, path);
context = new ClientContext(url);
if (credentials != null)
context.Credentials = credentials;
return true;
catch (Exception ex) {}
return false;
ClientContext context;
if (ClientContextUtilities.TryResolveClientContext(requestUri, out context, null))
using (context)
var baseUrl = requestUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority);
var fileServerRelativeUrl = requestUri.ToString().Replace(baseUrl, string.Empty);
var file = context.Web.GetFileByServerRelativeUrl(fileServerRelativeUrl);
Since your goal is to download a file, there is pretty straightforward way to accomplish it without parsing url parts.
For example, using WebClient.DownloadFile Method:
private static void DownloadFile(Uri fileUri, ICredentials credentials, string localFileName)
using(var client = new WebClient())
client.Credentials = credentials;
client.DownloadFile(fileUri, localFileName);
I have made a working method but it seems elaborate, so any suggestions for improvement are welcome just to "download file if one of the specific columns has value "yes":
public void getDocument(Document doc)
// get the filename
Uri uri = new Uri(doc.uri);
doc.filename = "";
doc.filename = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(uri.LocalPath);
//string fullPathWithoutFileName = docUri.Replace(filename, "");
// would also include ?a&b so:
string[] splitDocUri = doc.uri.Split('/');
string fullPathWithoutFileName = "";
for (int i = 0; i < splitDocUri.Length -1; i++)
fullPathWithoutFileName += (splitDocUri[i] + '/');
// get via "_api/contextinfo" the context info
HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(fullPathWithoutFileName + "_api/contextinfo");
req.Method = "POST";
req.Accept = "application/json; odata=verbose";
req.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(doc.username, doc.password, doc.domain);
req.ContentLength = 0;
HttpWebResponse rp = (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse();
Stream postStream = rp.GetResponseStream();
StreamReader postReader = new StreamReader(postStream);
string results = postReader.ReadToEnd();
// Now parse out some values needs system.web.extensions
JavaScriptSerializer jss = new JavaScriptSerializer();
var d = jss.Deserialize<dynamic>(results);
string formDigestValue = d["d"]["GetContextWebInformation"]["FormDigestValue"];
// the full url to the website e.g. "http://server:7777/level1/level 2"
string webFullUrl = d["d"]["GetContextWebInformation"]["WebFullUrl"];
// the full url to the site collection e.g. "http://server:7777"
string siteFullUrl = d["d"]["GetContextWebInformation"]["SiteFullUrl"];
// now we can create a context
ClientContext ctx = new ClientContext(webFullUrl);
ctx.ExecutingWebRequest +=
new EventHandler<WebRequestEventArgs>(ctx_MixedAuthRequest);
ctx.AuthenticationMode = ClientAuthenticationMode.Default;
ctx.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(doc.username, doc.password, doc.domain);
// Get the List
Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.File file = ctx.Web.GetFileByServerRelativeUrl(uri.AbsolutePath);
List list = file.ListItemAllFields.ParentList;
// execute a CAML query against it
CamlQuery camlQuery = new CamlQuery();
camlQuery.ViewXml =
"<View><Query><Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='FileLeafRef'/>" +
"<Value Type='Text'>" + doc.filename + "</Value></Eq></Where>" +
ListItemCollection listItems = list.GetItems(camlQuery);
try {
// e.g. : no access or the listname as incorrectly deduced
// and now retrieve the items needed
if (listItems.Count == 1)
ListItem item = listItems[0];
// some more checking from testColumn to decide if to download yes/no
string testColumn;
if (item.IsPropertyAvailable("testColumn")) {
testColumn = (string)item["testColumn"];
FileInformation fileInformation =
doc.bytes = ReadFully(fileInformation.Stream);
doc.errormessage = "Error: No document found";

The best overloaded method match for 'System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection has some invalid arguments

Can some one please tell me Why is this not possible? I am new to WPF and Linq
I am trying to select a value from my first combobox and display the related values in my second combobox.
private void initializeTransactionTypes()
var getAppCode = applicationVModel.GetAllApplications().FirstOrDefault(apps => apps.AppCode == selectedApplication);
var transTypeList = (from transName in transTypeVModel.GetAllTransactionTypes()
where transName.Id == getAppCode.Id
select transName.Name).ToList();
//cast list of string to observ.
ObservableCollection<TransactionTypeViewModel> transTypeObsList =
new ObservableCollection<TransactionTypeViewModel>(transTypeList);
TransactionTypes = transTypeObsList;
// }
// Bind trans type combobox to this
public ObservableCollection<TransactionTypeViewModel> TransactionTypes
return _transactionType;
It looks like transTypeList is a List<string> (assuming transName.Name is a string) and you are trying to use it to initialise an ObservableCollection<TransactionTypeViewModel>.
The constructor for ObservableCollection<T> requires a List<T> so you need to provide a List<TransactionTypeViewModel> instead.
It looks like you just need to change your linq query to:
var transTypeList = (from transName in transTypeVModel.GetAllTransactionTypes()
where transName.Id == getAppCode.Id
select transName).ToList();
or alternatively:
var transTypeList = transTypeVModel.GetAllTransactionTypes()
.Where(t => t.Id == getAppCode.Id)

Ignoring properties in Dapper

In Dapper (, is there a way to ignore properties in the model class, namely when using the Insert extension method?
My model class has a set of computed properties which are not persisted in the associated table.
Well, Dapper has no Insert extension method, that is in dapper.contrib, dapper extensions or dapper rainbow.
Dapper itself allows you to do:
Animal a = new Animal {Age = 10, Family = "Canine"}
// only insert Age
cnn.Execute("insert Animal(Age) values (#Age)", a);
To work around for some of the extension classes you can sometimes do:
cnn.InsertExtension("Animal", new{a.Age});
Regardless, you can always fall back to raw Dapper for your complex filtered inserts.
If you are using Dapper.Contrib, check out this code in SqlMapperExtensions:
private static List<PropertyInfo> ComputedPropertiesCache(Type type)
var computedProperties = TypePropertiesCache(type).Where(p => p.GetCustomAttributes(true).Any(a => a is ComputedAttribute)).ToList();
var computedProperties = ComputedPropertiesCache(type);
var allPropertiesExceptKeyAndComputed = allProperties.Except(keyProperties.Union(computedProperties)).ToList();
for (var i = 0; i < allPropertiesExceptKeyAndComputed.Count; i++)
So if you add a ComputedAttribute to your properties on your class, Dapper.Contrib won't try to insert them in to the database! You shouldn't have to worry about getting Dapper to ignore those properties, only Dapper.Contrib. Because if you use select * from tablename in your dapper queries,it will only try to map columns that exist. So you just don't create columns for the properties which you marked as [Computed].
Just add the [Computed] attribute to the properties in question.
If you just want to "hide" a property from your Insert/Update statements then there is one official way to do this in dapper extensions:
using DapperExtensions.Mapper;
public class UserMapper : ClassMapper<User>
public UserMapper()
base.Map(m => m.IsTrialUser).Ignore();
I wrote a modified version of the SqlMapperExtensions class and added a string[] parameter ExcludeProperties for excluding columns. Using this class you can make calls like:
// Insert
result = (int)cn.Insert<Animal>(box, new string[] { "Errors", "IsValid" });
// Update
cn.UpdateEntity<Animal>(box, new string[] { "Errors", "IsValid" });
In the statements above, the 'Errors' and 'IsValid' properties I added for will not be included in the SQL statements.
Here's the modified extensions class:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Data;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
using System.Threading;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
namespace Dapper.Contrib.Extensions
public static class SqlMapperExtensions
public interface IProxy
bool IsDirty { get; set; }
private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<RuntimeTypeHandle, IEnumerable<PropertyInfo>> KeyProperties = new ConcurrentDictionary<RuntimeTypeHandle, IEnumerable<PropertyInfo>>();
private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<RuntimeTypeHandle, IEnumerable<PropertyInfo>> TypeProperties = new ConcurrentDictionary<RuntimeTypeHandle, IEnumerable<PropertyInfo>>();
private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<RuntimeTypeHandle, string> GetQueries = new ConcurrentDictionary<RuntimeTypeHandle, string>();
private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<RuntimeTypeHandle, string> TypeTableName = new ConcurrentDictionary<RuntimeTypeHandle, string>();
private static IEnumerable<PropertyInfo> KeyPropertiesCache(Type type)
if (KeyProperties.ContainsKey(type.TypeHandle))
return KeyProperties[type.TypeHandle];
var allProperties = TypePropertiesCache(type);
var keyProperties = allProperties.Where(p => p.GetCustomAttributes(true).Any(a => a is KeyAttribute)).ToList();
if (keyProperties.Count == 0)
var idProp = allProperties.Where(p => p.Name.ToLower() == "id" || p.Name.ToLower() == (type.Name.ToLower() + "id")).FirstOrDefault();
if (idProp != null)
KeyProperties[type.TypeHandle] = keyProperties;
return keyProperties;
private static IEnumerable<PropertyInfo> TypePropertiesCache(Type type)
if (TypeProperties.ContainsKey(type.TypeHandle))
return TypeProperties[type.TypeHandle];
var properties = type.GetProperties();
TypeProperties[type.TypeHandle] = properties;
return properties;
/// <summary>
/// Returns a single entity by a single id from table "Ts". T must be of interface type.
/// Id must be marked with [Key] attribute.
/// Created entity is tracked/intercepted for changes and used by the Update() extension.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Interface type to create and populate</typeparam>
/// <param name="connection">Open SqlConnection</param>
/// <param name="id">Id of the entity to get, must be marked with [Key] attribute</param>
/// <returns>Entity of T</returns>
public static T GetEntity<T>(this IDbConnection connection, dynamic id, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null) where T : class
var type = typeof(T);
string sql;
if (!GetQueries.TryGetValue(type.TypeHandle, out sql))
var keys = KeyPropertiesCache(type);
if (keys.Count() > 1)
throw new DataException("Get<T> only supports an entity with a single [Key] property");
if (keys.Count() == 0)
throw new DataException("Get<T> only supports en entity with a [Key] property");
var onlyKey = keys.First();
var name = GetTableName(type);
// TODO: pluralizer
// TODO: query information schema and only select fields that are both in information schema and underlying class / interface
sql = "select * from " + name + " where " + onlyKey.Name + " = #id";
GetQueries[type.TypeHandle] = sql;
var dynParms = new DynamicParameters();
dynParms.Add("#id", id);
T obj = null;
if (type.IsInterface)
var res = connection.Query(sql, dynParms).FirstOrDefault() as IDictionary<string, object>;
if (res == null)
return (T)((object)null);
obj = ProxyGenerator.GetInterfaceProxy<T>();
foreach (var property in TypePropertiesCache(type))
var val = res[property.Name];
property.SetValue(obj, val, null);
((IProxy)obj).IsDirty = false; //reset change tracking and return
obj = connection.Query<T>(sql, dynParms, transaction: transaction, commandTimeout: commandTimeout).FirstOrDefault();
return obj;
private static string GetTableName(Type type)
string name;
if (!TypeTableName.TryGetValue(type.TypeHandle, out name))
//name = type.Name + "s";
name = type.Name;
if (type.IsInterface && name.StartsWith("I"))
name = name.Substring(1);
//NOTE: This as dynamic trick should be able to handle both our own Table-attribute as well as the one in EntityFramework
var tableattr = type.GetCustomAttributes(false).Where(attr => attr.GetType().Name == "TableAttribute").SingleOrDefault() as
if (tableattr != null)
name = tableattr.Name;
TypeTableName[type.TypeHandle] = name;
return name;
/// <summary>
/// Inserts an entity into table "Ts" and returns identity id.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="connection">Open SqlConnection</param>
/// <param name="entityToInsert">Entity to insert</param>
/// <returns>Identity of inserted entity</returns>
public static long Insert<T>(this IDbConnection connection, T entityToInsert, string[] ExcludeProperties = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null) where T : class
//using (var tx = connection.BeginTransaction())
var type = typeof(T);
var name = GetTableName(type);
var sb = new StringBuilder(null);
sb.AppendFormat("insert into {0} (", name);
var allProperties = TypePropertiesCache(type);
if (ExcludeProperties != null)
List<PropertyInfo> someProperties = allProperties.ToList();
foreach (PropertyInfo prop in allProperties.ToArray())
if (ExcludeProperties.Contains(prop.Name))
allProperties = someProperties.AsEnumerable();
var keyProperties = KeyPropertiesCache(type);
for (var i = 0; i < allProperties.Count(); i++)
var property = allProperties.ElementAt(i);
if (keyProperties.Contains(property)) continue;
if (i < allProperties.Count() - 1)
sb.Append(", ");
sb.Append(") values (");
for (var i = 0; i < allProperties.Count(); i++)
var property = allProperties.ElementAt(i);
if (keyProperties.Contains(property)) continue;
sb.AppendFormat("#{0}", property.Name);
if (i < allProperties.Count() - 1)
sb.Append(", ");
sb.Append(") ");
connection.Execute(sb.ToString(), entityToInsert, transaction: transaction, commandTimeout: commandTimeout);
//NOTE: would prefer to use IDENT_CURRENT('tablename') or IDENT_SCOPE but these are not available on SQLCE
var r = connection.Query("select ##IDENTITY id");
return (int)r.First().id;
/// <summary>
/// Updates entity in table "Ts", checks if the entity is modified if the entity is tracked by the Get() extension.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Type to be updated</typeparam>
/// <param name="connection">Open SqlConnection</param>
/// <param name="entityToUpdate">Entity to be updated</param>
/// <returns>true if updated, false if not found or not modified (tracked entities)</returns>
public static bool UpdateEntity<T>(this IDbConnection connection, T entityToUpdate, string[] ExcludeProperties = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null) where T : class
var proxy = entityToUpdate as IProxy;
if (proxy != null)
if (!proxy.IsDirty) return false;
var type = typeof(T);
var keyProperties = KeyPropertiesCache(type);
if (keyProperties.Count() == 0)
throw new ArgumentException("Entity must have at least one [Key] property");
var name = GetTableName(type);
var sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendFormat("update {0} set ", name);
var allProperties = TypePropertiesCache(type);
if (ExcludeProperties != null)
List<PropertyInfo> someProperties = allProperties.ToList();
foreach (PropertyInfo prop in allProperties.ToArray())
if (ExcludeProperties.Contains(prop.Name))
allProperties = someProperties.AsEnumerable();
var nonIdProps = allProperties.Where(a => !keyProperties.Contains(a));
for (var i = 0; i < nonIdProps.Count(); i++)
var property = nonIdProps.ElementAt(i);
sb.AppendFormat("{0} = #{1}", property.Name, property.Name);
if (i < nonIdProps.Count() - 1)
sb.AppendFormat(", ");
sb.Append(" where ");
for (var i = 0; i < keyProperties.Count(); i++)
var property = keyProperties.ElementAt(i);
sb.AppendFormat("{0} = #{1}", property.Name, property.Name);
if (i < keyProperties.Count() - 1)
sb.AppendFormat(" and ");
var updated = connection.Execute(sb.ToString(), entityToUpdate, commandTimeout: commandTimeout, transaction: transaction);
return updated > 0;
/// <summary>
/// Delete entity in table "Ts".
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Type of entity</typeparam>
/// <param name="connection">Open SqlConnection</param>
/// <param name="entityToDelete">Entity to delete</param>
/// <returns>true if deleted, false if not found</returns>
public static bool Delete<T>(this IDbConnection connection, T entityToDelete, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null) where T : class
var type = typeof(T);
var keyProperties = KeyPropertiesCache(type);
if (keyProperties.Count() == 0)
throw new ArgumentException("Entity must have at least one [Key] property");
var name = GetTableName(type);
var sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendFormat("delete from {0} where ", name);
for (var i = 0; i < keyProperties.Count(); i++)
var property = keyProperties.ElementAt(i);
sb.AppendFormat("{0} = #{1}", property.Name, property.Name);
if (i < keyProperties.Count() - 1)
sb.AppendFormat(" and ");
var deleted = connection.Execute(sb.ToString(), entityToDelete, transaction: transaction, commandTimeout: commandTimeout);
return deleted > 0;
class ProxyGenerator
private static readonly Dictionary<Type, object> TypeCache = new Dictionary<Type, object>();
private static AssemblyBuilder GetAsmBuilder(string name)
var assemblyBuilder = Thread.GetDomain().DefineDynamicAssembly(new AssemblyName { Name = name },
AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run); //NOTE: to save, use RunAndSave
return assemblyBuilder;
public static T GetClassProxy<T>()
// A class proxy could be implemented if all properties are virtual
// otherwise there is a pretty dangerous case where internal actions will not update dirty tracking
throw new NotImplementedException();
public static T GetInterfaceProxy<T>()
Type typeOfT = typeof(T);
if (TypeCache.ContainsKey(typeOfT))
return (T)TypeCache[typeOfT];
var assemblyBuilder = GetAsmBuilder(typeOfT.Name);
var moduleBuilder = assemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule("SqlMapperExtensions." + typeOfT.Name); //NOTE: to save, add "asdasd.dll" parameter
var interfaceType = typeof(Dapper.Contrib.Extensions.SqlMapperExtensions.IProxy);
var typeBuilder = moduleBuilder.DefineType(typeOfT.Name + "_" + Guid.NewGuid(),
TypeAttributes.Public | TypeAttributes.Class);
//create our _isDirty field, which implements IProxy
var setIsDirtyMethod = CreateIsDirtyProperty(typeBuilder);
// Generate a field for each property, which implements the T
foreach (var property in typeof(T).GetProperties())
var isId = property.GetCustomAttributes(true).Any(a => a is KeyAttribute);
CreateProperty<T>(typeBuilder, property.Name, property.PropertyType, setIsDirtyMethod, isId);
var generatedType = typeBuilder.CreateType();
//assemblyBuilder.Save(name + ".dll"); //NOTE: to save, uncomment
var generatedObject = Activator.CreateInstance(generatedType);
TypeCache.Add(typeOfT, generatedObject);
return (T)generatedObject;
private static MethodInfo CreateIsDirtyProperty(TypeBuilder typeBuilder)
var propType = typeof(bool);
var field = typeBuilder.DefineField("_" + "IsDirty", propType, FieldAttributes.Private);
var property = typeBuilder.DefineProperty("IsDirty",
new Type[] { propType });
const MethodAttributes getSetAttr = MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.NewSlot | MethodAttributes.SpecialName |
MethodAttributes.Final | MethodAttributes.Virtual | MethodAttributes.HideBySig;
// Define the "get" and "set" accessor methods
var currGetPropMthdBldr = typeBuilder.DefineMethod("get_" + "IsDirty",
var currGetIL = currGetPropMthdBldr.GetILGenerator();
currGetIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, field);
var currSetPropMthdBldr = typeBuilder.DefineMethod("set_" + "IsDirty",
new Type[] { propType });
var currSetIL = currSetPropMthdBldr.GetILGenerator();
currSetIL.Emit(OpCodes.Stfld, field);
var getMethod = typeof(Dapper.Contrib.Extensions.SqlMapperExtensions.IProxy).GetMethod("get_" + "IsDirty");
var setMethod = typeof(Dapper.Contrib.Extensions.SqlMapperExtensions.IProxy).GetMethod("set_" + "IsDirty");
typeBuilder.DefineMethodOverride(currGetPropMthdBldr, getMethod);
typeBuilder.DefineMethodOverride(currSetPropMthdBldr, setMethod);
return currSetPropMthdBldr;
private static void CreateProperty<T>(TypeBuilder typeBuilder, string propertyName, Type propType, MethodInfo setIsDirtyMethod, bool isIdentity)
//Define the field and the property
var field = typeBuilder.DefineField("_" + propertyName, propType, FieldAttributes.Private);
var property = typeBuilder.DefineProperty(propertyName,
new Type[] { propType });
const MethodAttributes getSetAttr = MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.Virtual |
// Define the "get" and "set" accessor methods
var currGetPropMthdBldr = typeBuilder.DefineMethod("get_" + propertyName,
var currGetIL = currGetPropMthdBldr.GetILGenerator();
currGetIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, field);
var currSetPropMthdBldr = typeBuilder.DefineMethod("set_" + propertyName,
new Type[] { propType });
//store value in private field and set the isdirty flag
var currSetIL = currSetPropMthdBldr.GetILGenerator();
currSetIL.Emit(OpCodes.Stfld, field);
currSetIL.Emit(OpCodes.Call, setIsDirtyMethod);
//TODO: Should copy all attributes defined by the interface?
if (isIdentity)
var keyAttribute = typeof(KeyAttribute);
var myConstructorInfo = keyAttribute.GetConstructor(new Type[] { });
var attributeBuilder = new CustomAttributeBuilder(myConstructorInfo, new object[] { });
var getMethod = typeof(T).GetMethod("get_" + propertyName);
var setMethod = typeof(T).GetMethod("set_" + propertyName);
typeBuilder.DefineMethodOverride(currGetPropMthdBldr, getMethod);
typeBuilder.DefineMethodOverride(currSetPropMthdBldr, setMethod);
public class TableAttribute : Attribute
public TableAttribute(string tableName)
Name = tableName;
public string Name { get; private set; }
I wrote a lightweight ORM that's an extension of Dapper. It actually does what you need. If you leave off the "Member" attribute of the property, the ORM will exclude it from the Insert.
You can access it at
