AutoDesk Maya MEL - iPhone Facecap transfer issue - maya

I am trying to copy facial motion data, head rotation specifically, gathered through an app called FaceCap via iPhone and transfer to Maya models.
I've gotten the data to successfully transfer but... the rotation is an exact mirror of original facial motion data.
Here's the code so far:
// rotation X copied
select -r grp_transform ;
selectKey -clear ;
selectKey -add -k grp_transform_rotateX;
copyKey ;
//rotation X pasted
select -r H_DDS_HighRes ;
selectKey -clear ;
pasteKey -time 1 -float 1 -option merge -copies 1 -connect 0 -timeOffset 0
floatOffset 0 -valueOffset 0 {"Head.rx"};
How do I make an exact transfer of data instead of mirroring it?


How to represent/read a cube in dxf file?

Trying to open a dxf file format (actual project in C++), I could understand the basic structure of the file, but I can't manage to find how a cube is actually represented.
For a cube in CAD, I expect at least 9 values:
X Y Z position
A B C rotation
W H D size of the cube
I expect X, Y, Z, A, B and C to be in the ENTITY section,
But Looking at example files, I see many settings, the preview image (taking a significant space in the file), layouts, etc.. But nothing that I can match to how the cube is actually build.
How to represent/read a cube in a dxf file?
More info
Here is the documentation about the file format:
Here is an example of file with a cube (created with BricsCAD). Unfortunately, I can't embed the file, as it is too big.
The "cube" is of 20mm x 25mm x 30mm.
I checked LibreCAD source-code, but it does not manage 3D models. Also, libdxfrw library is too generic (it just call the interface callback with the full Entity data).
This cube is embedded binary ACIS data (3DSOLID) and can not be interpreted without the libraries from Spatial Inc. For more information see my answer to another question:
How I can parse nurbs surface from dxf file? Or do you know library(for js, if exists or any other language) for parsing it?
EDIT: Find binary data of ACIS entities
Starting with R2013/AC1027 Modeler Geometry of ACIS data is stored in the section ACDSDATA in a ACDSRECORD these records have no handle, instead they have an ID. The record of your 3DSOLID starts at line 22393 and has the ID 10:
D2 <<< handle to 3DSOLID
9259 <<< size in bytes
41534D2042696E61... <<< binary data as multiple tags of group code 310
This is your 3DSOLD with handle D2 which starts at line 2187:
D2 <<< handle of your 3DSOLID
As you see there is no association from the 3DSOLID to the binary content as ACDSRECORD in the ACDSDATA section.
I have no knowledge of a table (DICTIONARY) that links this data together. The only way I know is to search all ACDSRECORD in the ACDSDATA section for links (group code 320) to ACIS objects.
FYI: In DXF versions prior to R2013 the ACIS data is stored in the entity itself as ascii text with a lousy xor "encryption". All my Knowledge about the DXF format is baked into my Python package: ezdxf.

Retrieving raster data by geographic location using Landsat and PostGIS

The project I am working on requires that I retrieve Landsat raster data at specific geographic (lon/lat) locations. After sifting through some tutorials and experimenting with GDAL, PostGIS, and QGIS, I successfully imported a GeoTIFF Landsat image into a PostGIS raster table and accessed values by geographic location from that table. However, there were a few issues in the result:
I do not understand the coordinate system being used by QGIS in its interface, as they range in the hundred thousands
The raster loaded into QGIS off the coast of Spain, rather than on top of Maine, USA as it was supposed to.
Here's some information about my process. I am fairly new to GIS in general, so I am almost certain theres a blatant error to be found here:
Download Landsat 8 GeoTIFF file from USGS GloVis
Rename the band 5 image to something more friendly to command ninja with.
Create postgres database for raster tables and run CREATE EXTENSION postgis;
Run gdalinfo LSSampleB5.TIF, printing the following output:
Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF
Files: LSSampleB5Test2.TIF
Size is 7871, 7971
Coordinate System is:
PROJCS["WGS 84 / UTM zone 19N",
SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,
Origin = (318285.000000000000000,5216715.000000000000000)
Pixel Size = (30.000000000000000,-30.000000000000000)
Image Structure Metadata:
Corner Coordinates:
Upper Left ( 318285.000, 5216715.000) ( 71d23'37.53"W, 47d 4'44.12"N)
Lower Left ( 318285.000, 4977585.000) ( 71d18' 9.77"W, 44d55'42.53"N)
Upper Right ( 554415.000, 5216715.000) ( 68d16'58.41"W, 47d 6' 6.11"N)
Lower Right ( 554415.000, 4977585.000) ( 68d18'36.69"W, 44d56'58.62"N)
Center ( 436350.000, 5097150.000) ( 69d49'20.56"W, 46d 1'29.87"N)
Band 1 Block=7871x1 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Gray
I interpretted this output as EPSG 4326 format (which may be my crime), so I ran the following command to import the GeoTIFF as a PostGIS raster:
raster2pgsql -s 4326 -I LSSampleB5.TIF -F -t 50x50 -d | psql -U postgres rastertest
This successfully imported a new table. I then used QGIS to get a visual intuition of what was going on.
Under Database -> DB Manager -> PostGIS -> rastertest -> public I added my lssampleb5 to the canvas.
I created a new XYZ Connection in QGIS to add Google satillite hybrid images for reference. The url I used was{x}&y={y}&z={z} with min and max zoom of 0 and 19 respectively.
Here is where I took note of the fact that the lssample layer landed off the coast of Spain on the Google Hybrid map.
I made sure both layers were on EPSG 4326 projection, no change.
Not too discouraged to move on, I tried a database query to get a single pixel value. Since my sample data landed near Spain, I used QGIS to sample a valid coordinate pair near there for the query. The query was:
SELECT rid, ST_Value(rast, 1, ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(448956,5041439), 4326)) as b5
FROM lssampleb5
WHERE ST_Intersects(rast, ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(448956,5041439), 4326)::geometry, 1);
This returned a valid row ID and an ST_VALUE of 5776. Trying coordinates outside the range displayed by QGIS resulted in no returned entries, which isn't unexpected.
So, first of all, I do not know what QGIS is using for its coordinate system. It's definitely not longitude and latitude in a raw form, but from my understanding, EPSG 4326 is supposed to be a geographic projection.
Second, I don't know why QGIS is misplacing the Landsat scene in the wrong place, or where in the process the scene was not transformed properly.
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To help you out here:
Indeed, your crime was the CRS. The top level PROJCRS tag is the
key here, it reads out "WGS 84 / UTM zone 19N" from the data, with
the EPSG reference at the bottom (AUTHORITY["EPSG","32619"]]).EPSG:32619 is a UTM projected CRS based on the WGS84 geoid (datum) and with units in meter, defined as the projected distance to the corresponding reference meridians (Easting) and the equator (Northing). Since you defined the wrong CRS during import (i.e. EPSG:4326), the inherent coordinate values of the raster were treated as degree´s and the whole thing placed to the other end of the world. Run UpdateRasterSRID (SELECT UpdateRasterSRID(<shema_name>, <your_raster_table>, rast, 32619);) to set the raster's metadata to the correct CRS and reload the layer.
As for QGIS: it uses the CRS that you tell it to use. QGIS comes with a very handy on-the-fly reprojection feature (OTF, check out the general man page on 'working with projections' here) that lets you define an arbitrary CRS for your data to be projected and displayed (i.e. it reprojects the data's CRS into the defined one in memory, the data's metadata stays untouched).You can find the quick link button to the OTF settings in the bottom right corner of the GUI; set it to your desired SRID (e.g. 4326) (you´ll notice how the visual representation of your data changes according to the chosen projection. also the displayed coordinates will use the CRS units, e.g. decimal degrees for WGS84).

How to match a video with a text file containing time stamps in windows forms application

I have a simple use case.
I have a video which has been recorded. And a corresponding text file containing timestamp(per second) which containes certain value depending on time.
Now I want to add this text file as a subtitle on the media file. What will be the best way to do this in windows forms application.
Please comment if you need more information.
Following is the format of the text file.
DATE 13/08/03
TIME 13:15:27
0 mA
0 mA
0 mV
DATE 13/08/03
TIME 13:15:27
0 mA
0 mA
0 mV
DATE 13/08/03
TIME 13:15:28
0 mA
0 mA
0 mV
DATE 13/08/03
TIME 13:15:28
0 mA
0 mA
0 mV
Never played video on forms, but there must be some control for it.
I'ld read the subtitles file into a list of SubtitleEntity objects.
This could be one entity's structure:
DATE 13/08/03
TIME 13:15:27
0 mA
0 mA
0 mV
Then use a simple label under the video, or on the video if you can do that, the rest is just time calculations.

Reusing inline data in gnuplot

Does anyone know how I can reuse inline data in Gnuplot, I've been googling it and can't find nothing everything suggests to input the data gain? Basically reuse the '-' file.
in place of a bare replot, you can use refresh if you're using gnuplot 4.3 or newer. If you actually want to add more data to be plotted, I think you're out of luck.
plot '-' u 1:2
1 2
2 3
set label "Hello World!" at 1.5,2.5
since I stumbled over this old question via Google...
There are two ways to having "inline data" (data in the gnuplot file):
the special filename '-', which reads the lines immediately following the plot command. This data can only be used once.
named datablocks with here documents, which can be reused:
$Data << EOD
0 0 0
1 1 1
2 2 4
3 3 9
4 4 16
plot $Data using 1:2 title 'linear' with linespoints, \
$Data using 1:3 title 'quadratic' with linespoints

SSIS Text file processing subset of rows

I have data in text files I am trying to process. When I connect to the data source using a flat file source it can only process a subset of the rows within the file. I am using SQL Server 2008 R2. Bellow is the sample data from a text file I am using.
PGH90961 Deep South Motors JAGUAR X-TYPE 2.2 D JAGUAR X400 JXX MZJAH511X6BE93589 R/C 2663 TNP990GP 55Q79510 1 0 16/02/2011MR D.J. JOHNSON NULL 0126675530 0827001220 E D.J. JOHNSON JOE De MAGGIO 178928
PGH90961 Deep South Motors FREELANDER DIESEL USED LANDROVER LUL MZLFA23B87H034028 7H034028 WCH432GP 55W74850 14 0 1
PGH90961 Deep South Motors JAGUAR X TYPE 3.0 Jaguar XT 3.0 JXT3.0 MZJAD53G25WE21791 R/C PBW641GP 55Q79630 1 0 16/02/2011MR D BUTCH 0116091630 0116301630 0834559627 E Mr.D BUTCH null JOE De MAGGIO 70091
PJP90961 Deep South Motors JAGUAR X TYPE 3.0 Jaguar XT 3.0 JXT3.0 MZJAD53G25WE21791 R/C PBW641GP 55Q77100 1 0 1
How can I possibly process all rows? Thank you.
