I am trying to move data from one sheet (Tracker) then add the data to the last row of another sheet (Released).
I can get the data to move but it replaces all the data on the second sheet.
I realize the line (Range("A2:K99").Select) needs to be replaced but I do not know the code to make it work.
Sub Quarantine()
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub
In the same workbook, I've got two worksheets: Model and Results.
My goal is to copy the value of a cell in Model (for e.g., F8) over to a cell in an array (c4 to I23) in Results called ResultsArray (see code below).
When I run my module, no error appears, but the code doesnt seem to work either (the value of F8 doesnt get copied over to the specified cell in ResultsArray).
Appreciate any help.
Tried running different variations of the code below
Sub CopyTest()
Dim ResultsArray As Variant
ResultsArray = Worksheets("Results").Range("C4:I23")
ResultsArray(1, 1) = Worksheets("Model").Range("F8").Value
End Sub
I'm using ResultsArray(1,1) because I am hoping to introduce a loop into the code to populate cells in the array based on the loop counter, e.g., ResultsArray(loopcounter,1)
So turns out I just needed to add "Set" in the 2nd line before "ResultsArray" when assigning the range from the worksheet "Model" to it:
Sub CopyTest()
Dim ResultsArray As Variant
Set ResultsArray = Worksheets("Results").Range("C4:I23")
ResultsArray(1, 1) = Worksheets("Model").Range("F8").Value
End Sub
I've tested this addition and it works
I want to copy cells of a certain colour in "Hacked" workbook to the "Official" workbook. I also want to loop across multiple sheets. Right now I am only testing on one sheet and the loop is already getting stuck.
Sub CopyBasel2()
Dim Hacked As Workbook
Set Hacked = Workbooks.Open("H:\BASEL Reporting - Oliver's Mock\Report Submission\BASEL2_0262CRT30062021G (Password Breaker).xls")
Dim Official As Workbook
Set Official = Workbooks.Open("H:\BASEL Reporting - Oliver's Mock\Report Submission\BASEL2_0262CRT30062021G.xls")
Dim Cell As Range
For Each Cell In Hacked.Sheets("SA-CR.1(CE)").UsedRange.Cells
If Cell.Interior.Color = 13434828 Then
Official.Sheets("SA-CR.1(CE)").Range(Cell.Address).Value = Cell.Value
End If
Next Cell
Debug.Print Hacked.Sheets("SA-CR.1(CE)").Range("C10").Interior.Color
End Sub
Thanks everyone for your guidance, I have managed to get my code to work as below, complete with a loop through an array of sheets.
The reason my earlier code couldn't work was because I was opening the "Official" file at the same time. When I closed it and ran my code, it ran smoothly. Anyone know the logic behind this?
Also, if anyone has a better/more elegant way of doing the array and the loops part, please feel free to share it.
Sub CopyBasel2()
Dim Hacked As Workbook
Set Hacked = Workbooks.Open("H:\BASEL Reporting - Oliver's Mock\Report Submission\BASEL2_0262CRT30062021G (Password Breaker).xls")
Dim Official As Workbook
Set Official = Workbooks.Open("H:\BASEL Reporting - Oliver's Mock\Report Submission\BASEL2_0262CRT30062021G.xls")
With Hacked
Set WSArray = .Sheets(Array("SA-CR.1(CE)", "SA-CR.2(CRM.1)", "SA-CR.3(CRM.2)", "SA-CR.4(RWA)", _
"SA-CR.6(OBS)", "SA-CR.6.1(CD)", "SA-CR.7(Recon)"))
End With
For Each ws In WSArray
For Each Cell In Hacked.Sheets(ws.Name).UsedRange
If Cell.Interior.Color = 13434828 Then
Official.Sheets(ws.Name).Range(Cell.Address).Value = Cell.Value
End If
Next Cell
Next ws
End Sub
I have an Excel macro which uses DIR in a lopp to retrieve all files from all folders and displays them on a worksheet. The bit of code which outputs to the worksheet on each iteration is:
rOut.Range("A1:B1").Offset(iFile).Value = Array(sName, sFile)
I would like to output the first cell as a hyperlink to the folder the file is located in (stored in variable sPath), and in the second cell I would like to output the filename, which is also a hyperlink to open the file.
I came up with this bit of code:
With rOut
With .Cells(1, 1)
.Offset(iFile).Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=.Offset(iFile), Address:=sPath, TextToDisplay:=sName
End With
With .Cells(1, 2)
.Offset(iFile).Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=.Offset(iFile), Address:=sName, TextToDisplay:=sFile
End With
End With
I know this is sloppy, and it is markedly slower than the above array syntax, but I just can't figure it out.
I'm relatively new to VBA. I have a program I'm writing where the user is given the option to change their input from a 2 dimensional array in another user form.
The first user form, UserForm1, allows the user to input the information from text fields and saves it to the respective array row, i, when pressing a Save command button.
When the user presses an OK command button, the user is asked if they want to add another set of data. If they say no, they are asked if they want to change data. If they say yes, then another user form, UserForm2, is opened.
The code for UserForm1 is similar to the code below:
Public MyArray as Variant, i as Integer
Sub Userform_Initialize()
ReDim MyArray(100,4)
End Sub
Sub SaveButton_click()
MyArray(i, 1) = TextField1.Value
MyArray(i, 2) = TextField2.Value
MyArray(i, 3) = TextField3.Value
MyArray(i, 4) = TextField4.Value
End Sub
Sub OKButton_click()
If msgbox("Do you want to add more data?", vbYesNo) = vbNo Then
If msgbox("Do you have corrections to be made?",vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
Load UserForm2
Else: Exit Sub
End If
Else: i = i + 1
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
In UserForm2, the user chooses the row number, i, from a combo box. When the row number is selected, the array information is automatically populated in text fields from UserForm1.
When the user presses the Save command button, it should pass the information from the text fields and write it to the respective row.
The code for UserForm2 is similar to the code below:
Public j as integer
Sub Userform_Initialize()
For j = 1 to UserForm1.i
ComboBox1.AddItem (j)
End Sub
Sub SaveButton_click()
UserForm1.MyArray(ComboBox1.Value, 1) = TextField1.Value
UserForm1.MyArray(ComboBox1.Value, 2) = TextField2.Value
UserForm1.MyArray(ComboBox1.Value, 3) = TextField3.Value
UserForm1.MyArray(ComboBox1.Value, 4) = TextField4.Value
End Sub
Stepping through the code, the values from MyArray should be properly referenced, and I can see the values initially saved from UserForm1. However, the values are not changing as I step to the next line.
Does anyone have a solution for my problem? Thank you in advance for your help!
I believe I found my solution. I had to declare the array in the module containing the code to start the program as a public variable. After I did that and modified the code, the values were written properly to the array.
If anyone has other solutions, though, I would like to know. I'm not that experienced with VBA, so I want to hear other solutions.
So I have a "master" excel file that I need to populate with data from excel files in a directory. I just need to access each file and copy one line from the second sheet in each workbook and paste that into my master file without opening the excel files.
I'm not an expert at this but I can handle some intermediate macros. The most important thing I need is to be able to access each file one by one without opening them. I really need this so any help is appreciated! Thanks!
So I've been trying to use the dir function to run through the directory with a loop, but I don't know how to move on from the first file. I saw this on a site, but for me the loop won't stop and it only accesses the first file in the directory.
Folder = "\\Drcs8570168\shasad\Test"
wbname = Dir(Folder & "\" & "*.xls")
Do While wbname <> ""
i = i + 1
ReDim Preserve wblist(1 To i)
wblist(i) = wbname
wbname = Dir(FolderName & "\" & "*.xls")
How does wbname move down the list of files?
You dont have to open the files (ADO may be an option, as is creating links with code, or using ExecuteExcel4Macro) but typically opening files with code is the most flexible and easiest approach.
Copy a range from a closed workbook (ADO)
Links method
But why don't you want to open the files - is this really a hard constraint?
My code in Macro to loop through all sheets that are placed between two named sheets and copy their data to a consolidated file pulls all data from all sheets in each workbook in a folder together (by opening the files in the background).
It could easily be tailored to just row X of sheet 2 if you are happy with this process
I just want to point out: You don't strictly need VBA to get values from a closed workbook. You can use a formula such as:
You can implement this approach in VBA as well:
Dim rngDestinationCell As Range
Dim rngSourceCell As Range
Dim xlsPath As String
Dim xlsFilename As String
Dim sourceSheetName As String
Set rngDestinationCell = Cells(3,1) ' or Range("A3")
Set rngSourceCell = Cells(3,1)
xlsPath = "C:\MyPath"
xlsFilename = "MyBook.xls"
sourceSheetName = "Sheet1"
rngDestinationCell.Formula = "=" _
& "'" & xlsPath & "\[" & xlsFilename & "]" & sourceSheetName & "'!" _
& rngSourceCell.Address
The other answers present fine solutions as well, perhaps more elegant than this.
brettdj and paulsm4 answers are giving much information but I still wanted to add my 2 cents.
As iDevlop answered in this thread ( Copy data from another Workbook through VBA ), you can also use GetInfoFromClosedFile().
Some bits from my class-wrapper for Excel:
Dim wb As Excel.Workbook
Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Set xlApp = New Excel.Application
xlApp.DisplayAlerts = False ''# prevents dialog boxes
xlApp.ScreenUpdating = False ''# prevents showing up
xlApp.EnableEvents = False ''# prevents all internal events even being fired
''# start your "reading from the files"-loop here
Set wb = xlApp.Workbooks.Add(sFilename) '' better than open, because it can read from files that are in use
''# read the cells you need...
''# [....]
wb.Close SaveChanges:=False ''# clean up workbook
''# end your "reading from the files"-loop here
''# after your're done with all files, properly clean up:
Set xlApp = Nothing
Good luck!
At the start of your macro add
Application.ScreenUpdating = false
then at the end
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
and you won't see any files open as the macro performs its function.