How to implement a vertical scroll indicator progressbar in React project - reactjs

Please check the red marked area of the picture. I need to implement this thing in a React project. It's a vertical scroll timeline indicator of all posts coming from the database.


Performance issue of flatList in Ext JS

I am facing a issue while trying to update scroll fast in my application. Screen became blank while scrolling fast.
I have added video link.Issue Video
I was trying to make smooth render on contact list but adding 50 per conacts scroll blank space was coming.

Is it possible to change user's phone orientation using react?

I have the next question. I am developing a react application with some images. The user has the possibility to click and open a full-page image. Because the image's orientation is horizontal on the mobile, it does not look good. My idea is when the user clicks on the full page icon, the orientation of the phone becomes horizontal as is implemented on youtube. I tried to find some information about that, but I am not sure if it is even possible, I saw that only by using react native and developing mobile applications you can have access to the user's orientation of the screen. But maybe there are some methods to do in the browser? Thanks in advance.
It is not possible to change this from the web, however you could simply rotate the image and display it full screen. This has been done here:
CSS Rotate Portrait Image 90 Degrees and Make Image Full Screen

How to enable scrolling in CanvasJS charts on mobile?

I am using the ReactJS version of the CanvasJS library.
I have some charts laid out on the screen such that they take up close to 100% height and width on a mobile device.
When I place my fingers on the chart and drag (in order to scroll down the page), I am unable to scroll. This issue doesn't happen on other parts of the page where I don't have the chart.
Is there any way to get scrolling working properly when touching these charts on mobile?
Figured it out.
I had the CanvasJS component wrapped inside a div component.
This div component had the following CSS attributes applied to it:
Once I removed those CSS attributes (which didn't need to be there in the first place) I was able to touch-drag on the chart component on mobile.

in a CodenameOne UI Designer App, why might Android scroll but iOS truncates?

I have a BorderLayout Form where the Center is a ScollableY container which is BorderLayout with it's center having a container where I add items dynamically (BoxLayoutY).
The problem I'm having is that on Android Simulator and Device, it scrolls as it should but on iOS Simulator it truncates the dynamic list of items when its out of room.
What should I be checking in my UI Designer or Dynamic Loading Code to determine what could be causing this strange inconsistency?
I've attached a screenshot of both side by side.
You can't make a BorderLayout Container scrollable. We implicitly disable this to prevent a common mistake. It looks like what you really want to do is to make the BoxLayout.Y_AXIS scrollable on Y.

Highstock not redraw immediately while dragging the navigator in mobile

I am using high stock to draw a stock chart, while moving the navigator, the chart should redraw and the setExtremes event should be triggered.
it works fine on the desktop browser, but in mobile, i found the chart is not re drawed immediately while dragging the navigator, util i let go, thus i can not get the date range while moving the navigator, that is not really good user experience.
Does anyone has a solution?
The behavior in mobile client seems the adaptToUpdatedData attribute is set to false
