unable to find svg files - react components - reactjs

I am running project in react Js.
when i click on inspect element, the portion of HTML that i find in page is not available in source code of project.
Is there any tool which can help me to find that code in my project?
I cant figure out where this code is available.
they are svg files.


ReactJS SSR app whole content disappears when "homepage": used in package.json

I have a reactJS SSR app deployed into server, I am trying to use one of the page /listpage as a widget into some other website
The list page is appearing nicely in other website however some of the click actions were not working, when I debugged it I found that the issue was with serving reactjs static js chunk files which were created by react run build. The issue was with relative path /static/js/xxxx
to fix this issue, one solution is to have a full path reference, to enable that I added homepage:"" in package.json
this worked and when I checked network tab in chrome browser i could see all static js files are referred using full path.
however a strange issue occurred , the whole list widget appears and suddenly disappears , when I inspect the elements I could see nothing inside thats where all react components suppose to be rendered.
for full code of SSR project kindly refer with explanation.
however the full code is in github

How to import react framework into vscode source code project to create UI component?

When i customize vscode source code, i found it hard to add a page.
I know there are many ways to do so, such as Part/Widget/Browserwindow, but only if i new a Browserwindow can i explicitly load html and js files like in chrome browser and it's friendly.
If i use a Part or a Widget, i need to use native js api to do dom manipulation, and it's so inefficient,
~~so i want to know how did vscode team decide to use no ui framework during the development? Is there some trade-off?~~
i tried to import react and react-dom directly in my own contrib file /vs/workbench/contrib/dialog/browser/dialog.ts, and then get successful compilation and the react component shows up, but i don't know how to add babel with the compilation procedure, so i use react without jsx.
so i want to know how to import react framework into vscode source code project to create ui component? Is there some practices?

Embedding full react application into an existing web page

I'm looking to embed my react application into an existing plain html / javascript website. What I've found so far is that you are only able to embed individual components into existing websites, not entire react applications.
Naturally I have an app component which contains the entire application. Am I able to embed the full application by embedding this component? My concern is all the modules I'm using (e.g. axios, bootstrap) will break.
I've been looking for a good tutorial on how to do this but I'm not finding many examples of trying to embed the entire application into an existing page.
My understanding of how to do this, is to reference the react javascript source links in the html page head, possibly also babel although its unclear to me if babel will work. Then we can use the renderDom method like we normally would.
On page load can I run my index.js file to insert my react app component into the dom? If this would work, are there any issues with file structure, file updates I would need to take care of?
If I'm driving off path out into the wilderness and there is a better way to handle it I'm open to suggestions. I'm just looking to see if someone else has experience doing this before I start down a bad path.
I was able to embed my full react application by doing the following...
I built my react app production files with npm run build
I copied those files into the existing web project at the root level
Then I opened the index.html file generated from npm run build and copied the scripts in the head and body sections to the page I wanted to drop in my application
Finally I added a div with the id root (this is what my renderDOM method is looking for) where I wanted my application to appear on the existing web page.
That was it. Super easy, thanks for the help!
Just wanted to add a quick additional approach here.
If you already have a Flask app and you're trying to put React components or an app (so the base component of an app) onto an existing HTML page in the Flask app, basically the only thing that you need is Babel, unless you are able to write React components without using JSX (so in plain Javascript) in which case you'd need nothing.
Step 1: To attach Babel to your project, you'll have to grab the Babel node modules which means your project will be associated with NPM for the sole purpose of using the Babel functions. You can do this by running the following commands in your project root directory (Node.js must be installed):
npm init -y
npm install babel-cli#6 babel-preset-react-app#3
Step 2: Once Babel is attached to your project, you'll have to actually transpile the existing React component .js files from JSX into plain Javascript like so:
npx babel --watch (jsdirectory) --out-dir (outputdirectory) --presets react-app/prod
where (jsdirectory) is the path to the directory where your React component files written using JSX are, and (outputdirectory) is where you want your translated files to show up--use . for (outputdirectory) to have transpiled files appear in your root directory.
Step 3: After the plain Javascript versions of your React files appear, make sure they are linked to your HTML page instead of the original JSX-utilizing files (replace the original script tag's .js file)
Step 4: Make sure the HTML page in question is linked to the .CSS files you want (they will modify the transpiled Javascript in the same manner as they did the JSX files in a project made using Create-React-App because the class names are the same) as well as the required React resources:
<script src="https://unpkg.com/react#16/umd/react.production.min.js" crossorigin></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/react-dom#16/umd/react-dom.production.min.js" crossorigin></script>
After you do those quick steps your React components should render no problem on that page in your Python-Flask application.

Applozic Meteor integration

I cant able to run applozic-web fullview ui with meteor (
I've put src folder under /client/compatiblity folder. I'm newbie and i'm not sure how exactly use jquery plugins. Here is my html code is on http://pastebin.com/6canHZnK
respective js code is nearly empty.
I got ui screen with no functionality.
Thanks in advance.

Unable to load angularjs on demo

I am trying to run drag and drop library of angular.js from https://github.com/marceljuenemann/angular-drag-and-drop-lists. But after downlaoding the code from github, i am unable to play the demo. I am extracting the folder and just playing the simple html page. I am unable to find the problem. Can anyone help!
