How can I write parametric tests for a function using AUnit? - aunit

I have a function with several boundary conditions, I would like to check.
However, writing a procedure for every case, which has always exactly one nearly equal line in body, does not make that much sense for me.
Is there a simple way to have the values for the arguments and the result in an array of record and test all of them?
Right now I have a for loop in a single test procedure, which iterates over all variants, but this obviously bails out after the first fail.
However, what I want is that I see the results for every case, even if some fail in between.


How can I read a parameter array from excel so that its values are available when stocks are initialized?

The problem:
I need to read a row of values from an excel spreadsheet into a parameter array and use these values to set the initial values of stocks.
The specifics:
a. I can successfully set the scalar parameters default values from excel using ExcelControlName.getCellNumericValue("ExcelSheetName", RowNumber, ColumnNumber).
b. Trying to set default values for array parameters with ExcelControlName.readHyperArray(DestinationArrayName,"ExcelSheetName",RowNumber, ColumnNumber, false) returns a "Cannot return a void result" error on build.
c. I can read the parameter arrays from a function called from the Agent actions "On startup:" section using ExcelControlName.readHyperArray(DestinationArrayName,"ExcelSheetName",RowNumber, ColumnNumber, false).
d. Stocks with their initial values set to the parameter array that was successfully loaded by the function are all zero even though the parameter array shows values (when run). Initial value: ParameterArrayName.
e. When I set the parameter array values through the value editor the stocks initialize correctly.
My suspicion:
I'm thinking that the issue has something to do with the internal timing within the entrails of the model generated by Anylogic such that the function to load the parameters is executed after the stocks get initial values - but that could just be the delirium caused by repeatedly smashing my forehead into the wall. But, if this is indeed the case, how can I sneak the function in earlier or, better yet, how would someone who actually knows what they're doing accomplish this?
What I'm trying to accomplish:
As a septuagenarian with lots of time on my hands and a vague recollection of dynamic modeling using Dynamo from a Systems Science program in the early seventies (and not used since), I thought I'd take a whack at age-based modeling of the COVID-19 pandemic. I wanted to see, among other things, whether establishing elder-prisons (in now vacant Club-Meds, Sandals... I'm sure) would be an economically advantageous strategy. Getting there requires dis-aggregating classic SIR approaches into age-specific chains of causality. So far, I'm at 27 age-specific parameters for eight age-groups and 24 scalar parameters. As much as I'd like to type and retype... all this data I'm really hoping there is a better way.
I must say that I am amazed at how far modeling has come in only 50 or so years and I am enthralled with Anylogic's application - even though it's a bit java-ish for me.
Thank you ever so much,
Carl Cottrell
Equivalent parameter arrays - one with values entered in edit the other read from excel file through a function
Not sure if I understand but here it goes:
I understand that you have the following structure:
and you want to initialize the stock as follows.
To do that, on the initial value of your parameter use a function that returns an HyperParameter:
the function getInitialValue should return an HyperParameter and I think this code should work for you (you have to choose RowNumber according to whatever is on your excelfile, MyDimension is the name of your dimension, and ExcelControlName is the excel in which you hold the values of the initial values of the stock)
HyperArray x=new HyperArray(MyDimension);
for(int i=0;i<=numColumns;i++){
x.set(ExcelControlName.getCellNumericValue("ExcelSheetName", RowNumber, i), i);
return x;

Minimal element of an array

An abstract question, not related to any particular language:
If I have a function as follows
min(int, int) :: int
which returns the smallest value in an array, and
concat([int], [int]) :: [int]
which combines two arrays, how should I write a function like
minInArray([int]) :: Int
which returns the smallest element in an array, but where the ouput could be chained like so, even with an empty input array:
min(minInArray(array1), minInArray(array2)) == minInArray(concat(array1, array2))
In other words, is there any commonly-used neutral element which minInArray could return on empty input, which wouldn't mess up min()?
One option would be to return some neutral value like null or NaN if the array has no elements, and then if the min() function is run and one of the arguments is the neutral value, then you just return the min of the other array. Another option would be to return the closest value the language has to +Infinity if the array is empty; this works and does not require modifying min(), but does have the side effect of returning an infinite value sometimes when the minInArray() function is called. This infinite value could work as a truly neutral value that works with the default min() function, but it may cause some confusion if the minimum value in an array really is infinite.
minInArray(arr1) to return null if arr1 is empty.
min() should return only non-null values over null. Meaning min() will only return null if both parameters are null. Otherwise, it will return the minimum non-null value.
While thinking about the issue we've come to seemingly the only solution possible:
if an array is empty - we should return the maximum possible value for int to satisfy the condition.
Not that nice actually...
Just to add some perspectives (not that this is a duplicate of the listed questions) -
All of these throw errors of some kind when asked to calculate min of an empty list or array: Java, Scala, Python, numpy, Javascript, C#. Probably more, but that's as far as I looked. I'm sure there are some that don't, but I'd expect most of those to be languages which have traded understandability and clarity for speed.
This question is about a specific language, but has answers relevant to all languages.
Note here how one can get around the issue in something like Python.
For Haskell in particular, note the advice in this question.
And lastly here's a response for a more general case of your question.
In general, it is always most important for code to work, but a close second to that is it must be understandable to humans. Perhaps it doesn't matter for your current project, if you'll be the only one dealing with that function, but the last thing I'd expect when calling a 'get_minimum' function, is Int.MAX.
I understand it makes the coding simple, but I'd urge you to beware of code that is easy to write and tricky to understand. A little more time spent making the code easy to read, with as much as possible having an immediately obvious meaning, will always save much more time later on.

Simple loop in datastage

I have a basic understanding problem with datastage. I am new to this field. It is about the implementation of loops. First I get several rows of a select query using the connector-stage. Now I would like to do several more steps for each row. The result of each row should now be used as a variable in further stages. How can I do that? I know the loop possibility in the transformer stage, but does not seem to solve my problem.
Should i work with the loop stage in the jop sequence? If yes how?
the Problem:
foreach($selectQueryResults as row) {
// do something with the row-value
I have to admit, I've not got access to DataStage anymore nor the code I once had.
This is to propagate stage variables at a Job Level
However the routine activity to accomplish your task would be as follows.
Propagate SQL as a variable
Use DSExecute to execute a command line function (to call SQLPlus, nzsql or whichever your command line is) and pass through your SQL variable
Return it's results into another variable
With that variable you can split the contents, first by line and then by delimiter using loop / for statement.
Use the DSSetParam to map the key value pairs to your parameters of a specific job by using the DSAttachJob function, or just propagate them as outputs from the routine activity
BASIC Language Reference
Remember that error handling and commenting is important within the BASIC routines otherwise
Subsequently, this is to propagate stage variables within a transformer and is a very powerful tool once it's been mastered.
Here is the documentation and examples for defining stage variables within a Transformer model and aggregating the output. Please note, the order of the stage variables is extremely important.
Within a transformer you can define incoming columns as stage variables, use those stage variables to aggregate, concatenate (strings), split, subtract... basically you can do a ridiculous amount once you get your head around it.
I would suggest going through the Transformer Examples first as I suspect that this may be what you're looking for.
Remember, it doesn't all have to be completed in a single Transformer stage, you can get the initial cleansing done in the first transformer and then do the complex loop in the second, break the steps down for what works for you.

How are HashTables in GLib Useful?

I'm familiar with the idea of a hash function but I'm unclear on how GLib's implementation is useful. I'll explain this with an example.
Suppose I have an expensive function that is recursive (somehow) on the positive real numbers in a weird way that depends on number theory (I'm a mathematician). Let's say I have an algorithm that needs to compute the function on some smallish-range of large numbers. Say [1000000000 - 1000999999].
I don't want to call my expensive function one million times, so I start memoizing values recursively. Then at each call I don't need to necessarily compute the whole function from scratch, I can hopefully remember any values of the function on the lower numbers (during my recursing) that I have already computed. Let's assume that the actual total number of calls at that first level of recursion is low. So that there are a lot of repeated values and memoizing actually saves you a lot of time.
This is my cartoony way of understanding why a hash table data structure is useful. What I don't get is how to do this without knowing exactly what keys I'll need in advance.
Since the recursive function is number theoretic in general I don't know which values it will take over and over again. So I'd like to just throw these in a bucket (hash table) as they pop out of recursive calls to my function
For GLib, it would seem that your (key,value) pairs are always pointers to data that you personally have to keep lying around somewhere. So if my function is computing for input x. I don't know how to tell if I've seen the value x before, the function g_hash_table_contains() for example needs a pointer, not the value x. So what's the use!?
I'm still learning so be kind. I'm familiar with coding in C, but haven't yet used hash tables in this language and I'm trying to do so and be adept at it with GLib but I just don't get this.
Let me take a dig at it to explain it.
First of all, if we are using hashmap, then we need [key, value] pair for sure as our input.
So as a user of hashmap, we have to be creative about choosing key, and it varies depending upon the usecase.
In your case, as far as I understood, you have a function which works on a range and gives you result. And when calculating, it uses memoization so that results of small problem, which constitutes the bigger problem, can be used.
So for example, your case, you can use string as your key where string will be [1000000009] which may use result of [1000999998] which may further use result of 1000999997 and so on, and you do not find results in hashmap, then you will calculate it and save it in hashmap.
In nutshell, as a user, we need to be creative about choosing keys.
The analogues to understand is how you would have done, if you have to think about choosing primary key of database.
Another example to think is how you would have thought about solving fibonacci(n) using the hashmap.

What is the best way to count the number of times a value occurs in an array?

I have been given an assignment to write a program that reads in a number of assignment marks from a text file into an array, and then counts how many marks there are within particular brackets, i.e. 40-49, 50-59 etc. A value of -1 in the text file means that the assignment was not handed in, and a value of 0 means that the assignment was so bad that it was ungraded.
I could do this easily using a couple of for loops, and then using if statements to check the values whilst incrementing appropriate integers to count the number of occurences, but in order to get higher marks I need to implement the program in a "better" way. What would be a better, more efficient way to do this? I'm not looking for code right now, just simply "This is what you should do". I've tried to think of different ways to do it, but none of them seem to be better, and I feel as if I'm just trying to make it complicated for the sake of it.
I tried using the 2D array that the values are stored in as a parameter of a function, and then using the function to print out the number of occurences of the particular values, but I couldn't get this to compile as my syntax was wrong for using a 2D array as a parameter, and I'm not too sure about how to do this.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
Why do you need a couple for loops? one is enough.
Create an array of size 10 where array[0] is marks between 0-9, array[1] is marks between 10-19, etc. When you see a number, put it in the appropriate array bucket using integer division, e.g. array[(int)mark/10]++. when you finish the array will contain the count of the number of marks in each bucket.
As food for thought, if this is a school assignment, you might want to apply other things you have learned in the course.
Did you learn sorting yet? Maybe you could sort the list first so that you are not iterating over the array several times. You can just go over it once, grab all the -1's, and spit out how many you have, then grab all the ones in the next bracket and so on.
edit: that is of course, assuming that you are using a 1d array.
