display grand total sales in column - sql-server

how to display month sales grand total in column for this query
select CONCAT(month(date),'-',YEAR(DATE)) as month, branch ,sum(total) as total
where DATE between '20220101' and '20220131' and branch = '701'
group by CONCAT(month(date),'-',YEAR(DATE)),
ORDER BY total
what I'm looking for
grand total

Just use a windowed SUM:
SUM(SUM(total)) OVER () AS GrandTotal
As the OVER clause doesn't have a PARTITION BY or ORDER BY clause, it'll give a SUM for the entire dataset.


How can i do cumulative total in SQL Server?

Company_Name Amount Cumulative Total
Company 6 100 100
Company 6 200 300
Company 6 150 450
Company 7 700 700
Company 7 1100 1800
Company 7 500 2300
How can I do cumulative sum group by company as shown in this example?
First, you need a column that specifies the ordering, because SQL tables represent unordered sets. Let me assume you have such a column.
Then the function is sum() as a window function:
select t.*,
sum(amount) over (partition by company order by <ordering col>)
from t;
Note: This does not return 0 for the "first" row for each company, so it really is a cumulative sum. For your logic, you need an additional conditional:
select t.*,
(case when row_number() over (partition by company order by <ordering col>) = 1
then 0
else sum(amount) over (partition by company order by <ordering col>)
from t;

Calculating number of con-consecutive total years donated in SQL

I have some sample donation history:
ID TransactionDate Amount
10 2001-12-19 00:00:00.000 75.00
10 2001-07-11 00:00:00.000 760.00
10 2010-10-15 00:00:00.000 2200.00
10 2012-08-15 00:00:00.000 1220.00
10 2013-09-16 00:00:00.000 610.00
100 2000-09-26 00:00:00.000 3000.00
100 1999-01-01 00:00:00.000 5000.00
I am trying to get a summary of giving by year by donor. The total does not have to be for consecutive years, but will just total overall # of years given. The total does not need to equal the number of transactions per year, just that the ID donated in that particular year.
For instance, ID 10 above would equal 4 indicating giving in 4 calendar years (2 donations in 2001, 1 in 2010, 1 in 2012, and 1 in 2013). ID 100 would equal 2.
The donations date back many years, so hard-coding dates is not very feasible.
Any ideas are appreciated.
Try this:
SELECT ID, DATEPART(yy,TransactionDate) Year, COUNT(*)
FROM tableName
GROUP BY ID, DATEPART(yy,TransactionDate)
You just need to return and then group on the relevant parts of your data, which is the ID and the year of the TransactionDate:
select d.ID
,count(1) as DonationYears
from(select distinct ID -- Sub query returns one row per ID and Year, which is counted up by ID in the outer query
,year(TransactionDate) as TranYear
from Donations
) d
group by d.ID

Query to Find the "Balance Amount after each Payment of corresponding Bill" in SQL Server

PaymentID SupplyInvoiceID Date TotalBill BillPaidAmount Remaining Bill
1 1 05-04-2018 2,10,000 20,000 1,90,000
2 1 10-05-2018 2,10,000 60,000 1,30,000
3 1 13-06-2018 2,10,000 1,30,000 0
4 2 10-05-2018 80,000 40,000 40,000
5 2 13-06-2018 80,000 20,000 20,000
6 2 13-06-2018 80,000 20,000 0
The payment of each Bill is paid in installments in different dates as shown above. How to find the remaining Bill amount each time when the partial payment of each bill is made?
I used the following Query:
SELECT siph.SupplyPaymentID,si.SupplyInvoiceID,
siph.DateOfPayment,si.TotalBill, siph.BillPaidAmount,
si.TotalBill - SUM(siph.BillPaidAmount) over(order by siph.SupplyPaymentID asc) as RemainingBillAmount,
from SupplyInvoicePaymentHistory siph inner join
SupplyInvoice si
on siph.SupplyInvoiceID = si.SupplyInvoiceID
But it works fine for only bill payments of 1st SupplyInvoiceID. As i enter the bill payments of 2nd and onward SupplyInvoiceID, i gets the wrong result as follows:
PaymentID SupplyInvoiceID Date TotalBill BillPaidAmount Remaining Bill
1 1 05-04-2018 2,10,000 20,000 1,90,000
2 1 10-05-2018 2,10,000 60,000 1,30,000
3 1 13-06-2018 2,10,000 1,30,000 0
4 2 10-05-2018 80,000 40,000 -1,70,000
5 2 13-06-2018 80,000 20,000 -1,90,000
6 2 15-06-2018 80,000 20,000 -2,10,000
..please help to find the correct result as tabulated at the first para of the above question.
You need to add PARTITION BY clause to your sum() over () to make it a cumulative sum for each Invoice ID.
Add this to your RemainingBillAmount column:
... - SUM(...) over (partition by si.SupplyInvoiceID ...)
Entire query:
SELECT siph.SupplyPaymentID,si.SupplyInvoiceID,
siph.DateOfPayment,si.TotalBill, siph.BillPaidAmount,
si.TotalBill - SUM(siph.BillPaidAmount) over(partition by si.SupplyInvoiceID order by siph.SupplyPaymentID asc) as RemainingBillAmount,
from SupplyInvoicePaymentHistory siph inner join
SupplyInvoice si
on siph.SupplyInvoiceID = si.SupplyInvoiceID

How to modify my SQL Server query?

I need to know the total number of Jobs completed by each Employee as well as the total Rate if I only have the following information.
One job can be completed by 2 different Employees.
For example, Employee A has completed 2 jobs (JobID and JobID 2). So the total segments of Employee A is 30 segments but per jobID is different segment rate.
But I just need the total rate of all segments. SO Employee A has complete 2 jobs and a total of 90USD
(10 x 5 USD) + (20 x 2 USD) = 90 USD
This is what I have so far:
EmployeeID, count(distinct JobID)
group by
But I do not know how to compute the total rate per employee.
Image of the table:
This will help you:
select EmployeeID, COUNT(distinct JobID) as [Total Jobs], SUM([Segements per Job] * [Rate per Segement (USD)]) as [Total Rate (USD)]
from Table_name
Group by EmployeeID
SUM([Segements per Job] * [Rate per Segement (USD)]) will multiply the segements and rate and then sum them for each employee as the query is grouped based on EmployeeID.

Compare the dates, compute the difference between them, postgres

I have a date column and a balance column for each user. Every time user makes a transaction, a new row gets added to this table. It could be that the user makes 15 transactions during the day, and no transaction at all during 5 days.
Like this one
date balance
2017-06-01 95.63
2017-06-01 97.13
2017-06-01 72.14
2017-06-06 45.04
2017-06-08 20.04
2017-06-09 10.63
2017-06-09 -29.37
2017-06-09 -51.35
2017-06-13 -107.55
2017-06-13 -101.35
2017-06-15 -157.55
2017-06-16 -159.55
2017-06-17 -161.55
The goal is to select the positive and negative transactions made during the same day, compute their average or min value and to consider it as one transaction.If the next day no transaction has been made, then the amount of the previous day should be used.
it means for each day in a month i should calculate an interest and it the balance has not been updated then the balance of the previous day should be used.
Hypothetically my table should look like
date balance
1/6/2017 72.14
6/2/2017 72.14
6/3/2017 72.14
6/4/2017 72.14
6/5/2017 72.14
6/6/2017 45.04
7/6/2017 45.04
8/6/2017 20.04
9/6/2017 -51.35
10/6/2017 -51.35
11/6/2017 -51.35
12/6/2017 -51.35
13/06/2017 -107.55
14/06/2017 -107.55
15/06/2017 -157.55
16/06/2017 -159.55
17/06/2017 -161.55
i have added those days that were missing and group the days that were duplicate.
Once I have this done, I can select the number of positive balance days, e.g. 8 days, compute the average positive balance, and multiply it by 0.4%.
The same should be done with negative balance. but with a different interest rate number of negative balance days, e.g. 9 multiplied by average negative balance during those days and 8.49%.
So my expected result is just to have these two columns
Neg Pos
-0.848 0.23
How can I do that it in postgres? The function OVERLAP does not really help since I need to specify the dates.
Besides i do not know how to
loop the days and to see if there is a duplicate.
See which days are missing and use the previous balance for each of these missing days.
please try this.. replace table with your table name
with cte as
Select "date" as date
,min(balance) as balance
,lead("date") over(order by "date") next_date
,Coalesce(ABS("date" - lead("date") over(order by "date")),1) date_diff
from table
group by "date"
cte2 as
Select date_diff*balance as tot_bal , date_diff
from cte
Where balance > 0
cte3 as
Select date_diff*balance as tot_bal , date_diff
from cte
Where balance < 0
Select (sum(cte2.tot_bal) / sum(cte2.date_diff) ) * 0.004 as pos
,(sum(cte3.tot_bal) / sum(cte3.date_diff) ) * 0.00849 as neg
from cte2
