React Testing Library - how to correctly test that my provider is being populated with data and the child components are displaying properly? - reactjs

I have a pretty simple use case - I have a global app context where I'm trying to store data fetched from an endpoint. My goal is to load this data into the context on app load and I'm going about it using the useReducer hook. I settled on the solution of calling an action getIssuerDetails() that dispatches various states throughout the method and invokes the issuerApi service to actually call the API (it's a simple Axios GET wrapper). This action is called from a useEffect within the Provider and is called on mount as shown below.
I'm having some trouble wrapping my head around how to properly test that 1) my AppProvider actually gets populated with the data fetched within the useEffect and 2) my child components within my AppProvider are being populated correctly with the data passed down from the provider. Am I approaching this data fetching portion correctly? I can either make the actual API call within my App component on mount and then dispatch actions to update the global state OR I keep my solution of fetching my data from within the useEffect of the provider.
I know I'm not supposed to be testing implementation details but I'm having a hard time separating out what data/methods I should mock and which ones I should allow to execute on their own. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
import { createContext, FC, useEffect, useContext, useReducer, useRef } from 'react';
import { getIssuerDetails } from './issuer/actions';
import { appStateReducer } from './global/reducer';
import { combineReducers } from '#utils/utils';
import { GlobalAppStateType } from './global/types';
* Our initial global app state. It just stores a bunch
* of defaults before the data is populated.
export const defaultInitialState = {
issuerDetails: {
loading: false,
error: null,
data: {
issuerId: -1,
issuerName: '',
ipoDate: '',
ticker: '',
export type AppStateContextProps = {
state: GlobalAppStateType;
export type AppDispatchContextProps = {
dispatch: React.Dispatch<any>;
export const AppStateContext = createContext<AppStateContextProps>({
state: defaultInitialState,
export const AppDispatchContext = createContext<AppDispatchContextProps>({
dispatch: () => null,
* #param
* #returns
export const mainReducer = combineReducers({
appState: appStateReducer,
export type AppProviderProps = {
mockInitialState?: GlobalAppStateType;
mockDispatch?: React.Dispatch<any>;
* Our main application provider that wraps our whole app
* #param mockInitialState - mainly used when testing if we want to alter the data stored in our
* context initially
* #param children - The child components that will gain access to the app state and dispatch values
export const AppProvider: FC<AppProviderProps> = ({ mockInitialState, mockDispatch, children }) => {
const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(mainReducer, mockInitialState ? mockInitialState : defaultInitialState);
const nState = mockInitialState ? mockInitialState : state;
const nDispatch = mockDispatch ? mockDispatch : dispatch;
// Ref that acts as a flag to aid in cleaning up our async data calls
const isCanceled = useRef(false);
useEffect(() => {
async function fetchData() {
// Await the API request to get issuer details
if (!isCanceled.current) {
await getIssuerDetails(nDispatch);
return () => {
isCanceled.current = true;
}, [nDispatch]);
return (
<AppStateContext.Provider value={{ state: nState }}>
<AppDispatchContext.Provider value={{ dispatch: nDispatch }}>{children}</AppDispatchContext.Provider>
* Custom hook that gives us access to the global
* app state
export const useAppState = () => {
const appStateContext = useContext(AppStateContext);
if (appStateContext === undefined) {
throw new Error('useAppState must be used within a AppProvider');
return appStateContext;
* Custom hook that gives us access to the global
* app dispatch method to be able to update our global state
export const useAppDispatch = () => {
const appDispatchContext = useContext(AppDispatchContext);
if (appDispatchContext === undefined) {
throw new Error('useAppDispatch must be used within a AppProvider');
return appDispatchContext;
Note: Code still needs to be cleaned up here but it's functioning at the moment.
import * as T from '#context/global/types';
export const appStateReducer = (state: T.GlobalAppStateType, action: T.GLOBAL_ACTION_TYPES) => {
let stateCopy;
switch (action.type) {
stateCopy = { ...state };
stateCopy.issuerDetails.loading = true;
return stateCopy;
stateCopy = { ...state };
stateCopy.issuerDetails.loading = false; = action.payload;
return stateCopy;
stateCopy = { ...state };
stateCopy.issuerDetails.loading = false;
stateCopy.issuerDetails.error = action.payload;
return stateCopy;
return state;
export const getIssuerDetails = async (dispatch: React.Dispatch<any>) => {
dispatch({ type: GlobalState.REQUEST_ISSUER_DETAILS, payload: null });
try {
// Fetch the issuer details
const response = await issuerApi.getIssuerDetails(TEST_ISSUER_ID);
if (response) {
* React Testing Library gives me an error on the line below:
* An update to AppProvider inside a test was not wrapped in act(...)
dispatch({ type: GlobalState.GET_ISSUER_DETAILS_SUCCESS, payload: response });
return response;
// No response
error: { message: 'Could not fetch issuer details.' },
} catch (error) {
dispatch({ type: GlobalState.GET_ISSUER_DETAILS_FAILURE, error });
import { render, screen, cleanup, act } from '#testing-library/react';
import { AppProvider, AppStateContext } from '#context/appContext';
import { GlobalAppStateType } from '#context/global/types';
afterEach(() => {
describe('Dashboard page', () => {
it('should render the page correctly', async () => {
act(() => {
<Dashboard />
expect(await screen.findByRole('heading', { level: 1 })).toHaveTextContent('Stock Transfer');

I won't dive into the code specifically since there is too much you want to test all at once.
From what I could gather, you are trying to do an Integration Test and not a Unitary Test anymore. No problem there, you just need to define where you want to draw the line. For me, it's pretty clear that the line lies in the issuerApi.getIssuerDetails call, from which you could easily mock to manipulate the data how you want.
1) my AppProvider actually gets populated with the data fetched within the useEffect and 2) my child components within my AppProvider are being populated correctly with the data passed down from the provider.
Well, I would advise you to make a simple mock component that uses the hook and displays the data after fetching. You could make a simple assertion for that, no need for an actual component (<Dashboard />).
Am I approaching this data fetching portion correctly?
It all depends on how you want to structure it but ideally the AppProvider should be thin and lay those data fetching and treatments inside a service just for that. This would provide a better way to unit test the components and smoother code maintenance.


React Recoil: State not being saved across navigation to different URLs within App

I'm getting started with Recoil for a React App, but running into some issues, or at least some behavior I'm not expecting.
I'd like to be able to use one component to render many different "views" based on the URL. I have a useEffect in this component that switches based on the location.pathname and based on that pathname, it'll make an API call. But before it makes the API call, it checks the length of the atom to see if it's empty or not, then will call the API and set the atom based on the API call.
However, when I navigate to a different URL and come back to one I've already visited, the API is called again, even though I've previously set the state for that URL.
The behavior I'm expecting is that once a URL has been visited and the return from the API is stored in an Atom, the API call isn't made again when leaving the URL and coming back.
Relevant code below:
export const reports = atom({ key: "reports", default: { country: [], network: [], }, });
the one component that will render different data based on the reports atom.
import { useRecoilState } from "recoil";
import { reports } from "../globalState/atom";
const TableView = ({ columns, }) => {
const location = useLocation();
const [report, setReport] = useRecoilState(reports);
const currentView = location.pathname.split("/")[1];
useEffect(() => {
const getReportsData = async () => {
switch (location.pathname) {
case "/network":
if (report[currentView].length === 0) {
const response = await fetch("/api");
const body = await response.json();
Object.assign({}, report, {
[currentView]: body,
}, [])
As previously mentioned, that console.log is ran every time I navigate to /network, even if I've already visited that URL.
I've also tried doing this with selectors.
export const networkState = atom({
key: "networkState",
default: networkSelector,
export const networkSelector = selector({
key: "networkSelector",
get: async ({ get }) => {
try {
const body = await fetch("/api/network").then((r) => r.json());
return body;
} catch (error) {
return [];
import {useRecoilStateLoadable} from "recoil"
import {networkState} from "../globalState/atom";
const Table = ({columns}) => {
const [networkData, setNetworkData] =
And then a switch statement based on networkData.state
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you!

Update single element of the array in redux state

I have a redux state that contains an array of objects, for each of these object I call an api to get more data
objects.forEach((obj, index) => {
let newObj = { ...obj };
.then(result => { = result;
let newObjects = [...this.props.objectsList] ;
let index = newObjects.findIndex(el => ===;
if (index != -1) {
newObjects[index] = newObj;
this.props.updateMyState({ objectsList: newObjects });
When I get two very close responses the state is not updated correctly, I lose the data of the first response.
What is the right way to update a single element of the array? Thanks!
So since i don't know what service is and there isn't that much here to go off, here is what I would do from my understanding of what it looks like your doing:
So first let's set up a reducer to handle the part of redux state that you want to modify:
// going to give the reducer a default state
// array just because I don't know
// the full use case
// you have an id in your example so this is the best I can do :(
const defaultState = [{ id: 123456 }, { id: 123457 }];
const someReducer = (state=defaultState, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
// this is the main thing we're gonna use
return [
// return a default state == the state argument
return [
export default someReducer;
Next you should set up some actions for the reducer, this is optional and you can do it all inline in your component but I'd personally do it this way:
// pass data to the reducer using an action
const updateReduxArray = data => {
return {
data: data
// export like this because there might
// be more actions to add later
export {
Then use the reducer and action with React to update / render or whatever else you want
import { useState } from 'react';
import { updateReduxArray } from 'path_to_actions_file';
import { useEffect } from 'react';
import { axios } from 'axios';
import { useSelector, useDispatch } from 'react-redux';
const SomeComponent = () => {
// set up redux dispatch
const dispatch = useDispatch();
// get your redux state
const reduxArray = useSelector(state => state.reduxArray) // your gonna have to name this however your's is named
// somewhere to store your objects (state)
const [arrayOfObjects, updateArrayOfObjects] = useState([]);
// function to get data from your API
const getData = async () => {
// I'm using axios for HTTP requests as its pretty
// easy to use
// if you use map you can just return the value of all API calls at once
const updatedData = await Promise.all( (object, index) => {
// make the api call
const response = axios.get(`https://some_api_endpoint/${}`)
.then(r =>
// return the original object with the addition of the new data
return {
// once all API calls are done update the state
// you could just update redux here but this is
// a clean way of doing it incase you wanna update
// the redux state more than once
// costs more memory to do this though
// basicity the same as component did mount
// if you're using classes
useEffect(() => {
// get some data from the api
}, [ ])
// every time arrayOfObjects is updated
// also update redux
useEffect(() => {
// dispatch your action to the reducer
}, [arrayOfObjects])
// render something to the page??
return (
{ reduxArray.length > 0
? => <p>I am { }</p>)
: <p>nothing to see here</p>
export default SomeComponent;
You could also do this so that you only update one object in redux at a time but even then you'd still be better off just passing the whole array to redux so I'd do the math on the component side rather than the reducer .
Note that in the component I used react state and useEffect. You might not need to do this, you could just handle it all in one place when the component mounts but we're using React so I just showcased it incase you want to use it somewhere else :)
Also lastly I'm using react-redux here so if you don't have that set up (you should do) please go away and do that first, adding your Provider to the root component. There are plenty of guides on this.

useSelector is not working, redux in react

When I use useSelector the variable is always holding its initial state. I have the feeling it is stored in some parallel galaxy and never updated. But when I retrieve the value with const store = useStore(); store.getState()... it gives the correct value (but lacks subscribtions). When I inspect the store in redux devtools I can see all the values are recorded in the store correctly. Values are just not retrieved from the store with useSelector.
What I wanted to achieve is to have some cache for user profiles, i.e. not fetch /api/profile/25 multiple times on the same page. I don't want to think of it as "caching" and make multiple requests just keeping in mind the requests are cached and are cheap but rather thinking of it as getting profiles from the store and keeping in mind profiles are fetched when needed, I mean some lazy update.
The implementation should look like a hook, i.e.
// use pattern
const client = useProfile(userId);
// I can also put console.log here to see if the component is getting updated
let outputProfileName;
if( client.state==='pending' ) {
outputProfileName = 'loading...';
} else if( client.state==='succeeded' ) {
outputProfileName = <span>{}</span>
} // ... etc
so I placed my code in use-profile.js, having redux-toolkit slice in profile-slice.js
import {
} from '#reduxjs/toolkit';
const entityInitialValue = {
data: undefined,
state: 'idle',
error: null
export const slice = createSlice({
name: 'profile',
initialState: {entities:{}},
reducers: {
updateData: (state,action) => {
// we received data, update the data and the status to 'succeeded'
state.entities[] = {
state: 'succeeded',
error: null
return; // I tried the other approach - return {...state,entities:{...state.entities,[]:{...}}} - both are updating the store, didn't notice any difference
dispatchPendStart: (state,action) => {
// no data - indicates we started fetching
state.entities[] = {
data: null,
state: 'pending',
error: null
return; // I tried the other approach - return {...state,entities:{...state.entities,[]:{...}}} - both are updating the store, didn't notice any difference
dispatchError: (state,action) => {
state.entities[] = {
data: null,
state: 'failed',
error: action.payload.error
return; // I tried the other approach - return {...state,entities:{...state.entities,[]:{...}}} - both are updating the store, didn't notice any difference
extraReducers: {
export const {updateData,dispatchPendStart,dispatchError} = slice.actions;
// export const selectProfile... not used
export default slice.reducer;
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { useDispatch, useSelector, useStore } from 'react-redux';
import {
updateData as actionUpdateData,
dispatchPendStart as actionDispatchPendStart,
dispatchError as actionDispatchError,
} from './profile-slice';
//import api...
function useProfile(userId) {
const dispatch = useDispatch();
const actionFunction = async () => {
const response = await client.get(`... api endpoint`);
return response;
const store = useStore();
// versionControl is a dummy variable added for testing to make sure the component is updated;
// it is updated: I tried adding console.log to my component function (where I have const client = useProfile(clientId)...)
const [versionControl,setVersionControl] = useState(0);
const updateVersion = () => setVersionControl(versionControl+1);
// TODO: useSelector not working
const updateData = newVal => { dispatch(actionUpdateData({id:userId,data:newVal})); updateVersion(); };
const dispatchPendStart = newVal => { dispatch(actionDispatchPendStart({id:userId})); updateVersion(); };
const dispatchError = newVal => { dispatch(actionDispatchError({id:userId,error:newVal})); updateVersion(); };
const [
] = [
() => (store.getState().profile.entities[userId]||{}).data,
() => (store.getState().profile.entities[userId]||{}).state,
() => (store.getState().profile.entities[userId]||{}).error,
const [
] = [
useSelector( state => !!state.profile.entities[userId] ? state.profile.entities[userId].data : undefined ),
useSelector( state => !!state.profile.entities[userId] ? state.profile.entities[userId].loadingState : 'idle' ),
useSelector( state => !!state.profile.entities[userId] ? state.profile.entities[userId].loadingError : undefined ),
useEffect( async () => {
if( !(['pending','succeeded','failed'].includes(getLoadingStateFromStoreGetter())) ) {
// if(requestOverflowCounter>100) { // TODO: protect against infinite loop of calls
try {
const result = await actionFunction();
} catch(e) {
throw e;
return {
versionControl, // "versionControl" is an approach to force component to update;
// it is updating, I added console.log to the component function and it runs, but the values
// from useSelector are the same all the time, never updated; the problem is somewhere else; useSelector is just not working
// get data() { return getDataFromStoreGetter(); }, // TODO: useSelector not working; but I need subscribtions
// get loadingState() { return getLoadingStateFromStoreGetter(); },
// get loadingError() { return getLoadingErrorFromStoreGetter(); },
data: dataFromUseSelector,
loadingState: loadingStateFromUseSelector,
loadingError: loadingErrorFromUseSelector,
export default useProfile;
import { configureStore,combineReducers } from '#reduxjs/toolkit';
import profileReducer from '../features/profile/profile-slice';
// import other reducers
export default configureStore({
reducer: {
profile: profileReducer,
// ... other reducers
component.js - actually see the use pattern above, there's nothing interesting besides the lines posted.
When I export loading state (I mean last lines in use-profile.js; I can suppress last three lines and uncomment the other three). So, if I use getLoadingStateFromStoreGetter (values retrieved via store.getState()...), then some profile names are displaying names that were fetched and some are holding "loading..." and are stuck forever. It makes sense. The correct data is retrieved from redux store and we have no subscribtions.
When I export the other version, created with useSelector, I always get its initial state. I never receive any user name or the value indicating "loading".
I have read many answers on StackOverflow. Some common mistakes include:
Some are saying your component is not getting updated. It's not the case, I tested it placing console.log to the code and adding the versionControl variable (see in the code) to make sure it updates.
Some answers are saying you don't update the store with reducers correctly and it still holds the same object. It's not the case, I tried both approaches, to return a fresh new object {...state,entities:{...state.entities...etc...}} and mutating the existing proxy object - both way my reducers should provide a new object and redux should notify changes.
Sometimes multiple store instances are created and things are messed. It's definitely not the case, I have a single call to configureStore() and a single component.
Also I don't see hook rules violation in my code. I have an if statement inside the useSelector fn but the useSelector hook itself is called unconditionally.
I have no idea what other reasons are causing useSelect to simply not work. Could anyone help me understand?
Ops, as usual, very simple typo is the reason. So many hours spent. Very sorry to those who have spent time trying to look at this and thanks for your time.
useSelector( state => !!state.profile.entities[userId] ? state.profile.entities[userId].loadingState : 'idle' )
There should be not .loadingState but .state. That's it.

How to share redux state client-side and props server-side in Next JS

I'm a newbie with Next JS.
I use Next JS and Redux.
I have a short code below:
const AdminContainer = (props) => {
return (
<DashboardView studentList={props.studentListServer}/>
export const getStaticProps = (async () => {
let response = await db.getInstance().query('SELECT * FROM student_register;');
return {
props: {
studentListServer: response
}, // will be passed to the page component as props
const mapStateToProps = state => ({
studentList: state.studentInfoReducers.studentList
const mapDispatchToProps = {
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(AdminContainer);
I also have studentList (array type) props is declare in Redux. I want to use it to pass data because I have many tasks to do with data such as filter, order,...
Is there any way to use studentList like this and my app still is server rendering first time.
If I dispatch studentListServer to studentList, it still work. But my app isn't server rendering.
<DashboardView studentList={props.studentList}/>
Or easier, I'll check to use props.studentList for client-side and props.studentListServer for server-side. But I think it's not good.
Thank you so much!
You could use the next-redux-wrapper package. It allows to sync a Redux state on server and client. Consider the example:
export const getStaticProps = wrapper.getStaticProps(async ({ store }) => {
let response = await db.getInstance().query('SELECT * FROM student_register;');
// dispatch the action that saves the data
store.dispatch({ type: 'SET_STUDENTS', payload: response });
return {
props: {
studentListServer: response
}, // will be passed to the page component as props
wrapper.getStaticProps wraps your getStaticProps function with the new parameter store that is a Redux store in fact.
Action with type SET_STUDENTS sets the student list on a server side. When Next.js generates the page, it will save this data in static JSON. So when the page opens on client side, next-redux-wrapper recreates a state dispatching HYDRATE action with saved on a build time static JSON that you can use to restore the studentInfoReducers reducer.
E.g. in your reducer you should implement something like:
import { HYDRATE } from 'next-redux-wrapper';
const initialState = { studentList: [] };
// studentInfoReducers reducer
function reducer(state = initialState, action) {
// this sets your student list
if (action.type === 'SET_STUDENTS') {
return {
studentList: action.payload,
// this rehydrates your store from server on a client
if (action.type === HYDRATE) {
return action.payload.studentInfoReducers;
return state;
So afterwards you should have a valid synced state on client and server at the same time:
const mapStateToProps = state => ({
studentList: state.studentInfoReducers.studentList // works on server and client
Let me know if you have any questions, next-redux-wrapper can be tricky from a first look.
You don't need to use Redux for that.
Using just cookies you can achieve bidirectional communication, see
Another example:
Client to Server: manually set a cookie in the client side and then read it in the server with req.headers.cookie or some library like 'cookie'
Server to Client: just read the cookie, and return what you need as a regular prop or update the cookie.
import { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import Cookie from "js-cookie";
import { parseCookies } from "../lib/parseCookies";
const Index = ({ initialRememberValue = true }) => {
const [rememberMe, setRememberMe] = useState(() =>
useEffect(() => {
//save/create the cookie with the value in the client
Cookie.set("rememberMe", JSON.stringify(rememberMe));
}, [rememberMe]);
return (
remember me
onChange={e => setRememberMe(}
Index.getInitialProps = ({ req }) => {
//read the cookie on the server
const cookies = parseCookies(req); //parseCookies is a simple custom function you can find
return {
//send the value as a regular prop
initialRememberValue: cookies.rememberMe
export default Index;

Best way to fetch data from a REST api using react hooks and context for state management?

I am trying out state management with react hooks and the context API. I have implemented a reducer pattern following some code from a todo app, but now I want to starting fetching data regularly from an API (e.g. implementing an infinite scroll), and I'm not sure now where the best place in the code is to make these async-REST-api calls.
I'm used to using a redux middleware library like redux-observable, redux-thunk, etc. for asynchronous tasks. But now that I'm not using redux, it's not clear to me what the best way is to do async updates. I suppose I could use await-promise reducers, but that doesn't feel right.
Any suggestions? (Having implemented a reducer pattern, I'm tempted to just fall back to a full redux-with-redux-obnservable implementation, though I was hoping context would slim down all that boilerplate.)
This is probably how I would implement it. I have a standard reducer. I will also create a helper functional component to help me set up the value for my context provider.
I also made some comments in the source code. I hope the following code snippet is simple enough to follow.
import React, { useReducer, useEffect, createContext } from 'react';
import FetchService from './util/FetchService'; // some helper functions
const OrderInfoContext = createContext();
const reducer = (state, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case 'init':
return {};
case 'changeData':
return action.payload;
return state;
const changeData = data => ({
type: 'changeData',
payload: data
* This is a helper component that generate the Provider wrapper
function OrderInfoProvider(props) {
// We will persist API payload in the state so we can assign it to the Context
const [orders, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, {});
// We use useEffect to make API calls.
useEffect(() => {
async function fetchData() {
* This is just a helper to fetch data from endpoints. It can be done using
* axios or similar libraries
const orders = await FetchService
}, []);
* we create a global object that is available to every child components
return <OrderInfoContext.Provider value={[orders, dispatch]} {...props} />;
// Helper function to get Context
function useOrderInfo() {
const context = useContext(OrderInfoContext);
if (!context) {
throw new Error('useOrderInfo must be used within a OrderInfoProvider');
return context;
export { OrderInfoProvider, useOrderInfo , changeData };
Here is an example that uses context and useReducer hook to set an app state and a context provider for state and dispatch.
The container uses useContext to get the state and the dispatch function, useEffect to do side effects like you'd use thunk, saga or middleware if you were using redux, useMemo to map state to props and useCallback to map each auto dispatched action to props (I assume you are familiar with react redux connect.
import React, {
} from 'react';
//store provider
const Store = React.createContext();
const initStoreProvider = (rootReducer, initialState) => ({
}) => {
const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(
return (
<Store.Provider value={{ state, dispatch }}>
//container for component
const ComponentContainer = ({ id }) => {
const { state, dispatch } = useContext(Store);
const num = state.find((n, index) => index === id);
//side effects, asynchonously add another one if num%5===0
//this is your redux thunk
const addAsync = num % 5 === 0;
useEffect(() => {
if (addAsync)
Promise.resolve().then(dispatch({ type: 'add', id }));
}, [addAsync, dispatch, id]);
//use callback so function does not needlessly change and would
//trigger render in Component. This is mapDispatch but only for
//one function, if you have more than one then use
//useCallback for each one
const add = useCallback(
() => dispatch({ type: 'add', id }),
[dispatch, id]
//This is your memoized mapStateToProps
const props = useMemo(() => ({ counter: num, id }), [
return (
<Component add={add} doNothing={dispatch} {...props} />
//use React.memo(Component) to avoid unnecessary renders
const Component = React.memo(
({ id, add, doNothing, counter }) =>
console.log('render in component', id) || (
<button onClick={add}>{counter}</button>
<button onClick={doNothing}>do nothing</button>
//initialize the store provider with root reducer and initial state
const StoreProvider = initStoreProvider(
(state, action) =>
action.type === 'add'
?, index) =>
index === ? n + 1 : n
: state,
[1, 8]
//using the store provider
export default () => (
<ComponentContainer id={0} />
<ComponentContainer id={1} />
Example is here uses the flux pattern just like you want, which allows things like middlwares, debuggability, etc. However, instead of having to write thousands of lines of state management, you just need a simple declarative data definition.
const getTodo = new RestEndpoint({
urlPrefix: '',
path: '/todos/:id',
function TodoDetail({ id }: { id: number }) {
const todo = useSuspense(getTodo, { id });
return <div>{todo.title}</div>;
