How to run function in cloudscript playfab using schedule tasks every 10 hours? - playfab

How to run function in cloudscript playfab using schedule tasks every 10 hours?
Currently I attempted the following cron-setup:
0 */10 * * *
However, the scheduling is not every 10 hours but the next schedule goes like this:
2022-07-18 20:00:00
2022-07-19 00:00:00
2022-07-19 10:00:00
2022-07-19 20:00:00
2022-07-20 00:00:00
while what I want is the result of the scheduling as follows:
2022-07-18 20:00:00
2022-07-19 06:00:00
2022-07-19 16:00:00
2022-07-20 02:00:00
2022-07-20 12:00:00
Any help would be greatly apricated!


Can we trigger snowflake task manually or enable to run at a specific day and time

Can we trigger snowflake task manually or enable to run at a specific day and time?
if the above is not feasible. Any other alternative ideas?
When using USING CRON the following format is accepted:
# __________ minute (0-59)
# | ________ hour (0-23)
# | | ______ day of month (1-31, or L)
# | | | ____ month (1-12, JAN-DEC)
# | | | | _ day of week (0-6, SUN-SAT, or L)
# | | | | |
# | | | | |
* * * * *
There is no year option, so something like this would work:
'USING CRON 0 9-17 * * SUN America/Los_Angeles'
every hour starting at 9 AM and ending at 5 PM on Sundays (America/Los_Angeles time zone)
Yes, it is possible to run task manually using
Manually triggers an asynchronous single run of a scheduled task (either a standalone task or the root task in a task tree) independent of the schedule defined for the task.
A successful run of a root task triggers a cascading run of child tasks in the tree as their precedent task completes, as though the root task had run on its defined schedule.
EXECUTE TASK <task_name>;

Extract a value from a ScheduledTask array in Powershell

everyone. I am newbie to Powershell. So your help is much appreciated.
My question is the following. I have a powershell small script that provides me with server Start, Stop, Kill ... tasks.
Here's the command
PS P:\> Get-ScheduledTask -TaskPath "*$someString*" | Get-ScheduledTaskInfo | Select TaskName,LastRunTime,NextRunTime
TaskName LastRunTime NextRunTime
-------- ----------- -----------
Archive 10/14/2017 7:00:00 AM 10/21/2017 7:00:00 AM
Kill 10/15/2017 12:50:50 PM 10/22/2017 12:50:50 PM
Restart 10/20/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/23/2017 12:00:00 AM
Start 10/15/2017 1:00:00 PM 10/22/2017 1:00:00 PM
Stop 10/13/2017 5:30:30 PM 10/20/2017 5:30:30 PM
I would like to extract the value of LastRunTime that corresponds to Start and the value of NextRunTime that corresponds to stop, and have them converted to a String.
Thank you.
Not very useful in the requested OP format, but here you go
C:\> $TaskNames = "Start","Stop"
C:\> $data = Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName $TaskNames | Get-ScheduledTaskInfo
C:\> [string]"$(($data | sort)[0].LastRunTime) $(($data | sort)[1].NextRunTime)"
10/20/2017 08:15:15 10/21/2017 09:16:16
this will only work right if your task names are actually in alphabetical order. Change the indexes (numbers in []) if the sort comes out in a different order.

How to view Query jobs submitted via GAE in BigQuery console

I have a cron job in GAE. This cron job will create a BigQuery Job and submit it.
When I login into BigQuery console, I don't see this Job. I see only the Job created from BigQuery console not the jobs created via this CRON job.
I want to see whether the job is completed successfully or not. How can see the jobs created via GAE in BigQuery console?
I am using Python in GAE and here is the code snippet of it
job = bigquery_client.run_async_query(job_name, query)
# We are using Standard SQL
job.use_legacy_sql = False
# Start BigQuery job
use the cli tool to obtain the most recent jobs:
bq ls -j -a --max_results=15
running this would display a table with job ids and the respective timing.
jobId Job Type State Start Time Duration
--------------------------------- ---------- --------- ----------------- ----------
bquijob_1864e679_15a84d8878a query SUCCESS 28 Feb 07:11:06 0:00:04
bquijob_770b512_15a84d8122c query FAILURE 28 Feb 07:10:35 0:00:00
bquijob_de0df03_15a84d6a4fa query FAILURE 28 Feb 07:09:02 0:00:00
bquijob_52c4f7d7_15a84d660e6 query FAILURE 28 Feb 07:08:44 0:00:00
bquijob_76a2c1be_15a84d5e769 query FAILURE 28 Feb 07:08:13 0:00:00
bquijob_7f51dde5_15a84d55afb query SUCCESS 28 Feb 07:07:41 0:00:08
bquijob_34f25864_15a84d50503 query SUCCESS 28 Feb 07:07:18 0:00:08
job_Ca0cuRTAjY7MEHAs7vTJMxtVYTs query SUCCESS 28 Feb 07:00:47 0:00:09
job_hHfmcdwyBsPsYF5dDvvOdR1Rmd0 load SUCCESS 28 Feb 07:00:26 0:00:20
job_mkiLf_mFHLKSplGJOtg-XDKzvv4 load SUCCESS 28 Feb 02:52:50 0:00:02
job_3RsPvttxWwv3SzVoOI9Cv_2yWtA query SUCCESS 27 Feb 21:18:40 0:00:08
job_JLsqJO0NEIlKNac6jkDWbwneGMg extract SUCCESS 27 Feb 11:35:04 0:00:17
job_KOS7vKX4aX0FNbK6dibE7cxzcQA query SUCCESS 27 Feb 11:33:44 0:00:37
bquijob_44046bec_15a802f703a query SUCCESS 27 Feb 09:27:48 0:00:07
job_2qQ6YSWeXaP2y2doONQJsIoga3c query SUCCESS 27 Feb 08:53:20 0:00:06
Second option is to enable audit logs, and locate the queries under the tables that are automatically created in one of the BigQuery datasets

how to run on an imported table and pass each row as a parameter to a query(SQL server)

I have a CSV file that I load into my DB( Without using SSIS) with about 20 rows and 3 columns(as below):
**start_date_local** **end_date_local** **provider_unit**
18/04/2017 16:00 19/04/2017 16:00 501638-52973
19/04/2017 05:30 19/04/2017 23:00 501613-52345
07/04/2017 14:30 08/04/2017 15:30 201447-20266
each row/record should act as a parameter in my query (SQL server) that consist the following 'Where' clause
((Transmission.Transmission_StartDateAccurate >= '**start_date_local**')
AND (Transmission.Transmission_EndDateAccurate <= **'end_date_local'**))
AND LIKE **'provider_unit'**
i would like to receive at my result set usage data (Which is in another table and that's fine) of each unit at its specific times - as follows:
start_date_local end_date_local provider_unit GB USAGE
18/04/2017 16:00 19/04/2017 16:00 501638-52973 35.3
19/04/2017 05:30 19/04/2017 23:00 501613-52345 42.4
07/04/2017 14:30 08/04/2017 15:30 201447-20266 4.5
please advice:)
If you are loading this data into a Staging table within your database, you can just join onto it to use the data in a set based manner, which will return your dataset for all instances.
Not having your full schema this is a bit of guess work, but you should be doing something like this:
select s.start_date_local
from Transmission t
join StagingTable s
on(t.Transmission_StartDateAccurate >= s.start_date_local
and t.Transmission_EndDateAccurate <= s.end_date_local
join Units u
on( like s.provider_unit);

How to get proper hour from $filter in angular?

I have input:
Tue Apr 15 2014 18:00:28 GMT+0300 (IDT)
When I try to run filter:
var currDate = $filter('date')(new Date(date), 'dd-MM-yyyy h:mm');
I get:
"15-04-2014 6:00"
In input hour is 18 but I get 6
Here is a Demo that demonstrates the problem.
You need to tell it to use the 24 hour clock, so instead of h use HH. Documented here
