Read camel context and routes from Database in spring boot app - apache-camel

I am using apache camel as my integration framework. I need to modify routes in runtime, So I am trying to read camel context and routes from database. I am developing a spring boot app. Is there any way to read routes from database and add to my spring boot app.


How can I run Reactjs and Spring boot application simultaneously?

When I run my spring boot project, I want the React js application to run at the same time. How can I do this?
My React application is an API.
After the user logged in, the warehouses would be listed and the products in the warehouses would also be listed.
There will be spring boot in the back-end and react js on the front-end.

Using Express and Spring boot dual backend for Single react Project

I have a react frontend project and I am using mongo DB as my database. I want to implement rest api with both spring boot and express JS. It means some of the api calls should done by spring boot and others should done by express js. Is there any option to do this?
I don't see why not. You will have two separate servers running - one NodeJS + ExpressJS, and the other would be Spring Boot. Your client does not need to know what the implementation of these servers are (i.e. Spring Boot, ExpressJS, Java, Python, whatever). The client will just need the URL of the endpoint that is being served by your servers.
This is the beauty of REST - de-coupled client and server.

Fetching Spring Cloud Config Server before context starts

I've got a Spring Boot application that uses AOP rules. These rules depend on application properties.
Now I have to make this application use Spring Cloud Config Server. But the problem is - AOP rules demand properties before my application fetches configuration from the Config Server. Is there any way to fetch properties from the server before AOP rules are being resolved?
Did you put Spring Cloud Config server properties in or bootstrap.yml?

integration between reactjs and spring mvc

I am trying to upgrade an existing application which has Spring MVC with JSP frontend to ReactJs. I am not sure how to integrate Reactjs frontend with Spring mvc backend. Right now i compile the react app and put it inside the backend app
Then spring mvc maps to the react app. The integration between is with spring rest.
What is the best practice? I think that it will be much easier to have 2 separate application React frontend and spring backend. There are 2 big issues with this solution.
How should the react app authenticate to backend? Backend use Spring security. I know that i can use rest tokens, but i am not sure how.
If i use react-router then i need to map all react-routes to spring mvc.
I dont find any good example online. Any help would be appropriated.

what is difference between spring & blueprint & router in apache camel?

I am new in Fuse. I am using Jboss Fuse and creating Fuse project.
I want to know basic difference between container like spring, blueprint and router?
Spring and blueprint are dependency injection frameworks. You use them to configure all the dependencies you will use in your JBoss Fuse application (just as jms queues or java Datasources).
Spring is a popular framework, whereas blueprint is OSGi-specific (that's why it is used in JBoss Fuse).
A router controls the flow of messages in your application. JBoss Fuse is built upon the Apache Camel lightweight integration framework, which does your routing. When you write a JBoss Fuse application, you will likely be defining Routes via Java or XML.
To read more about routing, I suggest you read about Enterprise Integration Patterns on the apache camel web site.
