What does rest().post("/{path}/*") mean in a Camel route? - apache-camel

What does rest().post("/{path}/*") mean in a Camel route? Is {path} a special value? I can't find it documented anywhere.

its a path variable. This value stores in header. It will be easier to explain with an example.
this endoint triggered when u call this urls.
You can access this value with this method
public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
String id = exchange.getIn().getHeader("id", String.class);


Can we provide a processor before onFallbackViaNetwork() in camel-hystrix-eip

I'm using camel-hystrix-eip in my project, I want a processor before my fallback, but it's not working
I want to alter my fallback_endpoint using a processor, but seems like after onFallbackViaNetwork() we have to immediately provide to().
please suggest if there any way to do so.
I tried something like below, but it's not working.
Actually, I'm using requestProcessor to override the actual endpoint, and in case of a fallback, fallback_endPoint is also getting overridden, is there any way to avoid this.
You can have a processor after onFallbackViaNetwork(). You can also use the toD EIP to send the message to a dynamic endpoint.
Based on your code, you could set a Header MyEndpoint which contains your new endpoint string, and then reference it using .toD("${header.MyEndpoint}"). Repeat this pattern whenever you need to set a dynamic endpoint.
For example:
.process(new Processor() {
public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
// do something
exchange.getIn().setHeader("EndpointHystrix", "mock:hystrix");
.process(new Processor() {
public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
// do something more
exchange.getIn().setHeader("EndpointFallback", "mock:fallback");
I've tested this in Camel 2.20.0 and 2.21.0.

How to pass parameters to a Camel route?

It is possible to pass parameters to a Camel route?, for instance, in the next code snippet:
public class MyRoute extends RouteBuilder {
public void configure() throws Exception {
The value for dataFormat is in hard code, but, what if I want set it dynamically?, passing a value from the code where route is called. I know this is possible adding a constructor and passing parameters in it, like this:
public class MyRoute extends RouteBuilder {
private String type;
public MyRoute(String type){
this.type = type;
public void configure() throws Exception {
.to("cxf:bean:inventoryEndpoint?dataFormat=" + type);
There is another way?
Thanks so much!
As you mentioned, you can use a constructor (or setters or any other Java/Framework instruments) if the parameters are static from a Camel point of view.
The parameters are configurable in the application, but after the application is started they do no more change. So, every message processed by the Camel route uses the same value.
In contrast, when the parameters are dynamic - i.e. they can change for every processed message, you can use the dynamic endpoint toD() of Camel. These endpoint addresses can contain expressions that are computed on runtime. For example the route
sends messages to a dynamic endpoint and takes the value from the message header named foo.
Or to use your example
This way you can set the dataformat for every message individually through a header.
You can find more about dynamic endpoints on this Camel documentation page

How to use Apache Camel exchange messages?

I am newcomer in Apache Camel. Please have a look to my code bellow:
I have a service which exposed as cxf webservice:
interface CxfService{
public OutputType hello(InputType input);
This is my route:
from("cxf:/test?serviceClass=" + CxfService.class.getName())
.process(new Processor(){
public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
InputType file = exchange.getIn().getBody(InputType.class);
exchange.getOut().setBody(new OutputType());
The code works as expected, it consume InputType and produce OutputType.
I want to borrow my body to do another stuffs, so i rewrite that like this:
from("cxf:/test?serviceClass=" + CxfService.class.getName())
.process(new Processor(){
public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
InputType file = exchange.getIn().getBody(InputType.class);
exchange.getOut().setHeader("header.temporary", new OutputType());
.to("some endpoint")
This webservice consume InputType and produce nothing. What wrong with that?
In your second piece of code, when setting the header.temporary, you should change two things:
setHeader("temporary", new OutputType()) - the 'header' prefix isn't
needed - you're addressing headers directly via the method call.
Use getIn() instead of getOut(). The input will get copied to the
output. You may want to do some research into the procedure for
Camel building the out message for details - I'm not 100% sure of
this one.
exchange.getOut().setHeader("header.temporary", new OutputType());
exchange.getIn().setHeader("temporary"), new OutputType());
.setHeader() is when you use the simple language. In 99% of the cases getIn() is sufficient.

OnException in Camel not returning a custom response

I am having this issue in my apache camel code which I am trying to resolve from last two days, but I could not resolve it.
I have two routes. First route is as below:
public class XXXRoute1 extends RouteBuilder {
public void configure() {
String endpointUri = "cxf:/XXX;
String logEndpoint = "log:" + XXX() + "?level=DEBUG";
Second Route:(In second route , I am catching some exception through onException)
public class Route2 extends RouteBuilder {
public void configure() throws Exception{
String integrationEndpoint = "xxx.integration";
onException(RuntimeException.class).handled(true).onWhen(exceptionMessage().contains("Invalid")).bean(translator, "translateSomeError(${property.XXX})").end();
. so on
Now , In my case, the object which I am populating through onException
public SomeObjectResponse translateSomeError(Object someObject) throws Exception{
SomeObjectResponse someObjectResponse = new SomeObjectResponse();
return someObjectResponse ;
However, In SOAP UI while testing I am getting an empty SOAP envelop
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
I am using cxf component in apache camel.
Can you post your route completely ? Where you have the onException ?
Also before you use your custom class, can you try this ? Just want to make sure anything set at onException is propagated back to CXF endpoint:
onException(RuntimeException.class).handled(true).setBody().simple("</Unexpected exception> ");
The onException() block appears to be in your second route and is consequently not in scope of your first route.
Make the onException() block global or add it to your CXF route so it's in scope.

Correlating messages on two Camel Routes

In my application I have a generic Camel Route such as the following
and then dynamically in my code I deploy another route:
When flowing from route 1 to route 2 a new Exchange will be created. Is there an idiomatic way to correlate both? Should I set EXCHANGE.Correlation_ID header on the first route before sending it out?
This should definitely all be processed on the one exchange. Run this test and you'll see the same camel Exchange, with the same properties, etc.
public class CamelExchangeTest {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
final Processor showExchangeIdProcessor = new Processor() {
public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
Main camelMain = new Main();
camelMain.addRouteBuilder(new RouteBuilder() {
public void configure() throws Exception {
.log("excgabge created!")
So something else is going on. When you say "direct:outgoing", do you mean exactly that or is it something different - a different component perhaps?
When you say the route is created dynamically, how exactly is that done, and when (and why?)
From the Camel doc:
Some EIP patterns will spin off a sub message, and in those cases, Camel will add a correlation id on the Exchange as a property with they key Exchange.CORRELATION_ID, which links back to the source Exchange. For example the Splitter, Multicast, Recipient List, and Wire Tap EIP does this.
Thus, Exchange.CORRELATION_ID is set by Camel and should not be set by your application. But feel free to set a custom header or property if you need to such as:
exchange.getIn().setProperty("myProperty", myIdentifier);
