I need made a combinatorial analysis on an array and generate a number with this - arrays

Hi i am an amateur in programing, but i propose me to getting better and because that i start to solve problems in online judges and i don't know how to do a combinatorial analysis, i found some similar question but i can't apply to my code, if you are able to explain me how to do it, i will be incredibly grateful.
so here is the full text of the problem, translated of Portuguese to English. At end is my code.
To prove her scientific skills Princess Bubblegum learned to program using BMO (The best computer in the Candy kingdom) and like every programmer she fell in love with binary numbers.
Because of her addiction to binary numbers she loves decimal numbers that look like a binary number (i.e. a decimal number that contains only digits 0 and 1, for example 101) so given a decimal number N she wants to find a multiple of that number that looks like a number binary, but for some numbers it was taking a long time to find that multiple, even with the help of BMO. Because of her problem-solving addiction, she wasn't doing anything until she found this multiple. Perfect situation for the Earl of Lemongrab, who has taken over the Candy Kingdom. As Finn and Jake, the heroes of the Candy kingdom, can't do anything against the Count and know nothing about multiples, they asked to find the multiples and thus save the kingdom.
The input contains up to 2*10^5 lines, each line with an integer N (0 < N < 10^12), the number Princess Bubblegum wants to find the multiple M (M != 0), this number must be smaller than 10^12, otherwise it doesn't fit in the BMO architecture.
Print a single integer per line, if there are multiple multiples print the smallest one. If there is no solution print -1
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
int main() // normal ways works fine but i have to do it faster, time limit is 2s//
//doing 11 fors works to but its have same tle problem//
long long int n, R, num, res, expo;
int b = 0, dig[11] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, E=0, an, anmax = 1024, reseter, cob, casa;
while (E < 200000)
num = 0;
scanf("%lld", &n); //I have to read a decimal number and from that found the smaller multiple number that is similar to a binary number, and cannot be 0//
if ((res==1) || (res==0)) // in case the read number is already similar to binary, this works fine//
{ b=1;
for ( num=n;((num>0) && (b==1)); num=num/10)
if ((res==1) || (res==0)){
if ((n > 0) && (n < 1000000000000))
if (n < 500000000000)
num = n;
for (expo = -1; num >= 1; expo++, num = num / 10)//so expo is a varieble to found the smaller house of input to made a number, its just for reduce cycles//
res = num % 10;
if (res > 1)
expo = expo + 1;
dig[expo] = 1;
R = ((dig[11] * 100000000000) + (dig[10] * 10000000000) + (dig[9] * 1000000000) + (dig[8] * 100000000) + (dig[7] * 10000000) + (dig[6] * 1000000) + (dig[5] * 100000) + (dig[4] * 10000) + (dig[3] * 1000) + (dig[2] * 100) + (dig[1] * 10) + (dig[0] * 1));
for (dig[expo] = 1; ((expo < 11) && (b == 0)); expo++)//// 1 is fixed value until no one of numbers is divisible//
anmax = pow(2, expo);//forget this line//
dig[expo] = 1;
for (casa = 0; ((casa < expo) && (b == 0)); casa++)//here is my problem i dont know how to alternate all values that can be ninary//
{ //this is my original idea to solve but this don't generate all possible values//
for (cob = 0; ((cob < 2) && (b == 0)); cob++)
dig[casa] = cob;
R = ((dig[11] * 100000000000) + (dig[10] * 10000000000) + (dig[9] * 1000000000) + (dig[8] * 100000000) + (dig[7] * 10000000) + (dig[6] * 1000000) + (dig[5] * 100000) + (dig[4] * 10000) + (dig[3] * 1000) + (dig[2] * 100) + (dig[1] * 10) + (dig[0] * 1));
if ((R % n) == 0)
b = 1;
if ((cob == 2) || (b==1))
for (reseter = expo; reseter >= 0; reseter--)//it works fine is just to start all values with 0 before its repeats//
dig[reseter] = 0;
R = -1;
if((R==11111111111) && ((n!=21649) || (n!=513239))){
R=-1; //its not important//
// reset para proximos valores//
b = 0;
printf("%lld\n", R);
return 0;


CS50 Credit: Luhn's Algorithm - Please assist

I'm a beginner in CS50 trying to do the Credit problem from Problem Set 1. We are using C. The problem asks us to validate credit card numbers using Luhn's algorithm. I was going to use an array, but code using one wasn't easy to understand for me.
I'm trying to type out the full Luhn formula to calculate. I don't know where I'm messing up. Every time I run a card number that's supposed to be valid, it's never card_total % 10 = 0 like it should be.
Example Card Number: 4003600000000014 => checksum total (int card_total) = 33
Below is just code that asks for the credit card number, runs it through the algorithm, and prints out the total checksum just for me to see if it's working properly. I know this is really long, but this is just for my understanding of all the pieces. I've written much shorter and nicer code before. I swear!
EDIT: I run my code in the cs50 VS virtual codespace, which uses Linux I think. I will take the advice of changing the other ints to longs and see if this fixes my problem. My formulas are consistent, so this is a formatting issue. Once this is fixed, the rest of the problem is easy to solve.
Someone mentioned my complicated calculations. Sorry. I know this could be more brief, but I just wanted to follow the algorithm so I can see what's going on. The lecture for this week didn't touch on going through arrays or manipulating strings, so I'm just doing what I know so far in C. This would be a lot easier in python.
EDIT 2: All that needed to change was int to long. The code now works perfectly and incorporates properly with the rest of my code checking for Amex, Visa, etc. THANK YOU SO MUCH!
#include <cs50.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int get_number(void);
int main(void)
long n = get_number();
//calculating card number with modulo
long a = ((n % 10000000000000000) / 1000000000000000);
long b = ((n % 1000000000000000) / 100000000000000);
long c = ((n % 100000000000000) / 10000000000000);
long d = ((n % 10000000000000) / 1000000000000);
long e = ((n % 1000000000000) / 100000000000);
long f = ((n % 100000000000) / 10000000000);
long g = ((n % 10000000000) / 1000000000);
long h = ((n % 1000000000) / 100000000);
long i = ((n % 100000000) / 10000000);
long j = ((n % 10000000) / 1000000);
long k = ((n % 1000000) / 100000);
long l = ((n % 100000) / 10000);
long m = ((n % 10000) / 1000);
long ene = ((n % 1000) / 100);
long o = ((n % 100) / 10);
long p = ((n % 10) / 1); //The "/ 1" is just for visualization
// multiply odd numbers by 2 //Also for visualization
long q = a * 2;
long r = c * 2;
long s = e * 2;
long t = g * 2;
long u = i * 2;
long v = k * 2;
long w = m * 2;
long x = o * 2;
//process odd products //Luhn's has exceptions for double digit numbers
long qq;
if (q < 10)
qq = ((q % 10) + ((q % 100)/10));
else if (q > 10)
qq = (q % 10) + 1;
else if (q == 10)
qq = 1;
qq = q;
long rr;
if (r < 10)
rr = ((r % 10) + ((r % 100) / 10));
else if (r > 10)
rr = (r % 10) + 1;
else if (r == 10)
rr = 1;
rr = r;
long ss;
if (s < 10)
ss = ((s % 10) + ((s % 100) / 10));
else if (s > 10)
ss = (s % 10) + 1;
else if (s == 10)
ss = 1;
ss = s;
long tt;
if (t < 10)
tt = ((t % 10) + ((t % 100) / 10));
else if (t > 10)
tt = (t % 10) + 1;
else if (t == 10)
tt = 1;
tt = t;
long uu;
if (u < 10)
uu = ((u % 10) + ((u % 100) / 10));
else if (u > 10)
uu = (u % 10) + 1;
else if (u == 10)
uu = 1;
uu = u;
long vv;
if (v < 10)
vv = ((v % 10) + ((v % 100) / 10));
else if (v > 10)
vv = (v % 10) + 1;
else if (v == 10)
vv = 1;
vv = v;
long ww;
if (w < 10)
ww = ((w % 10) + ((w % 100) / 10));
else if (w > 10)
ww = (w % 10) + 1;
else if (w == 10)
ww = 1;
ww = w;
long xx;
if (x < 10)
xx = ((x % 10) + ((x % 100) / 10));;
else if (x > 10)
xx = (x % 10) + 1;
else if (x == 10)
xx = 1;
xx = x;
//Sum processed odd products
long total_odd = qq + rr + ss + tt + uu + vv + ww + xx;
//sum total odd products and even card numbers
long bb = ((b % 10) + ((b % 100) / 10));
long dd = ((d % 10) + ((d % 100) / 10));
long ff = ((f % 10) + ((f % 100) / 10));
long hh = ((h % 10) + ((h % 100) / 10));
long jj = ((j % 10) + ((j % 100) / 10));
long ll = ((l % 10) + ((l % 100) / 10));
long eneene = ((ene % 10) + ((ene % 100) / 10));
long pp = ((p %10) + ((p % 100) / 10));
long total_even = bb + dd + ff + hh+ jj + ll + eneene + pp;
//sum odd & even
long card_total = total_odd + total_even;
printf(" %li\n", card_total);
int get_number(void) //Works perfectly
long n;
n = get_long("Number: "); // Records credit card number
while (n < 1000000000000 || n > 5599999999999999); // CC at least 13 digits but < 17 digits
return n;
Trying out your code and debugging it, the issue I found right away is that the return size element for your "get_number" function is too small.
int get_number(void);
When I debugged the returned value to the main function, the value was a negative number since the integer return value is too small for your long integer.
Changing the function definition to "long get_number(void)" in the prototype and the function, allowed for the entered value to flow back to the main function and get tested properly. Following was the test output on my terminal (FYI, I added a couple of printf statements to illustrate that the entered value was flowing through properly).
#Vera:~/C_Programs/Console/CC_Luhn/bin/Release$ ./CC_Luhn
Number: 4003600000000014
Value stored is: 4003600000000014
Returned number: 4003600000000014
Just as a double-check, I ran a Luhn calculator program I had built some time back to answer a similar problem. Following is the output again using your credit card example as input.
#Vera:~/C_Programs/Console/Luhn/bin/Release$ ./Luhn
Enter a number: 4003600000000014
Length of number is: 16
Digit is: 4 Value is: 8 Sum is 8
Digit is: 0 Value is: 0 Sum is 8
Digit is: 0 Value is: 0 Sum is 8
Digit is: 3 Value is: 3 Sum is 11
Digit is: 6 Value is: 3 Sum is 14
Digit is: 0 Value is: 0 Sum is 14
Digit is: 0 Value is: 0 Sum is 14
Digit is: 0 Value is: 0 Sum is 14
Digit is: 0 Value is: 0 Sum is 14
Digit is: 0 Value is: 0 Sum is 14
Digit is: 0 Value is: 0 Sum is 14
Digit is: 0 Value is: 0 Sum is 14
Digit is: 0 Value is: 0 Sum is 14
Digit is: 0 Value is: 0 Sum is 14
Digit is: 1 Value is: 2 Sum is 16
Digit is: 4 Value is: 4 Sum is 20
The result of the final calculation was the value of "20" which is a number that ends in zero, which indicates a valid number.
This might have been a bit verbose, but the bottom line is be careful mixing your integer sizes in functions and formulas.
Give that a try to see if it meets the spirit of your project.

Trying to implement Luhn's Algorithm in C

Iam trying to implement Luhn's algorithm in the C language to check credit card validity, for those who don't know... this is it:
Multiply every other digit by 2, starting with the number’s
second-to-last digit, and then add those products’ digits together.
Add the sum to the sum of the digits that weren’t multiplied by 2.
If the total’s last digit is 0 (or, put more formally, if the total
modulo 10 is congruent to 0), the number is valid!
and to implement that, I looped through the whole number and if the number place I was in had a modulo 2 equal to 0 then I would multiply by two and add to a variable called totalEven.
if that wasn't the case I would add the number I was in to totalOdd without multiplication.
I would then increment the place by one and check the other numbers until I reach 16 (the max digits for a card).
I would later add both variables and check if the total modulo ten was equal to 0. If it means the credit card number is correct, else it is false.
here is the code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cs50.h>
//list of variables
//is the card valid
bool isValid = true;
// the creditcard number
long input;
//mod stands for modules, and is used to single out each number as seen later
int mod = 10;
//the location at which number I am checking
int place = 1;
//num is the number I am checking that has been singled out
int num = 0;
//total of numbers * 2 located at locations numbered with even numbers
int totalEven = 0;
//total of numbers located at locations numbered with odd numbers
int totalOdd = 0;
//gets input and stores it in well.. input
input = get_long("Number: ");
// a formula to single out a number, starting with the ones and then as you can see, mod is muliplied by 10 to go over the second number.
num = ((input % mod) - (input % (mod /10))) / (mod/10);
//loops 16 times
for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
// if the place is even execute below
if(place % 2 == 0)
totalEven = totalEven + num * 2;
//else do this
else if (place % 2 != 0)
totalOdd = totalOdd + num;
//moves to the next number
mod = mod * 10;
//fufils the last step of the algorithm
if((totalEven + totalOdd) % 10 == 0 )
isValid = true;
isValid = false;
problem is that this block of code gives me invalid or !isValid even though the credit card number is supposed to be correct and I checked my "formula" and it works just fine...
I have absolutely no idea what to do... I am a humble hobbyist so plz don't roast me for the monstrosity above.
here is a complete version of the code
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cs50.h>
long power();
int main(void)
//AMERX 15 STRT 34 OR 37
//MC 16 STRT 51, 52, 53, 54, 55
//VZA 13 OR 16 STRT 4
long input;
bool isValid = true;
string type;
int mod = 10;
int place = 1;
int num = 0;
int totalEven = 0;
int totalOdd = 0;
input = get_long("Number: ");
while(input < 0);
for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
num = ((input % mod) - (input % (mod /10))) / (mod/10);
if(place % 2 == 0)
totalEven = totalEven + num * 2;
totalOdd = totalOdd + num;
mod = mod * 10;
if((totalEven + totalOdd) % 10 == 0 )
isValid = true;
isValid = false;
printf("%i , %i", totalEven, totalOdd);
if (isValid == true){
if((input < (38 * power(10, 13)) && input >=(37 * power(10, 13))) || (input < (35 * power(10,13)) && input >= (34 * power(10, 13))))
type = "AMEX\n";
else if(input >= (51 * power(10, 14)) && input < (56 * power(10, 14)))
type = "MASTERCARD\n";
else if((input < (5 * power(10, 12)) && input >= (4 * power(10, 12))) || (input < (5 * power(10, 15)) && input >= (4 * power(10, 15))))
type = "VISA\n";
type = "error\n";
type = "INVALID\n";
if((totalEven + totalOdd) % 10 == 0 )
isValid = true;
isValid = false;
printf("%s", type);
long power(int n, int p)
long result = 1;
for(int i = 0; i<p; i++)
result = result * n;
return result;
I'm not an expert in Luhn algorithm but when I read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luhn_algorithm it seems to me that you are doing it wrong.
Quote from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luhn_algorithm :
From the rightmost digit (excluding the check digit) and moving left, double the value of every second digit. The check digit is neither doubled nor included in this calculation; the first digit doubled is the digit located immediately left of the check digit. If the result of this doubling operation is greater than 9 (e.g., 8 × 2 = 16), then add the digits of the result (e.g., 16: 1 + 6 = 7, 18: 1 + 8 = 9) or, alternatively, the same final result can be found by subtracting 9 from that result (e.g., 16: 16 − 9 = 7, 18: 18 − 9 = 9).
I don't see anywhere in your code where you handle that bolded part.
Instead of
totalEven = totalEven + num * 2;
I think you need
int tmp = num * 2;
if (tmp > 9) tmp = tmp - 9;
totalEven = totalEven + tmp;
That said - I think you are making the implementation much more complex than needed by storing the input as a number. Instead of a number you could use an array of digits.
That is - instead of
long input = 1122334455667788
int digits[] = {8, 8, 7, 7, 6, 6, 5, 5, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1};
// Notice that index zero is the rightmost digit
In this way the algorithm is much more simple:
// Double every second element and check for overflow
for (idx = 1; idx < 16; idx += 2)
digits[idx] = 2 * digits[idx];
if (digits[idx] > 9) digits[idx] = digits[idx] - 9;
// Calculate the sum
sum = 0;
for (idx = 0; idx < 16; ++idx)
sum = sum + digits[idx];
If you must receive the input as a number, start by calling a function that converts the number to an array of digits. You can find many, many examples of how that conversion is done here on SO. Here Converting integer into array of digits is just one of many examples.
As I was looking at your code, there some mistakes I want to point out.
You forgot: #include <string.h> as you did declare string type in the code.
input = get_long("Number: "); should have its own do-while loop in case user inputs letters or incorrect numbers.
if(place % 2 == 0){
totalEven = totalEven + num * 2;
else if (place % 2 != 0){
totalEven = totalEven + num;
} should totalOdd = totalOdd + num for the second part
totalEven = totalEven + num * 2 is right and wrong at the same time. It only works if the number multiplied by 2 is less than 10. If the num * 2 >= 10, lets say num = 6, then 6 * 2 is 12 which would then be 1 + 2 + totalEven.
num = ((input % mod) - (input % (mod /10))) / (mod/10); This should be in the first for loop.
In #include <math.h>, there is a power function called pow which does exactly as your power() function.
Caution: I have made use of CS50X Library as the question seems to be the one from the same.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cs50.h>
// Luhn's Algorithm
int main(void)
long cardNumber = get_long("Please, enter your card number: ");
int sum1 = 0, num = 0, remainder = 0, sum2 = 0;
long temp = cardNumber;
while (temp > 0)
num = ((temp / 10) % 10) * 2; // Multiplying every other digit by 2, starting with the number’s second-to-last digit
while (num > 0)
remainder = num % 10;
sum1 += remainder; // Adding those products’ digits together
num /= 10;
temp /= 100;
// So as to restore the initial values of remainder and temp for the use in next loop
remainder = 0;
temp = cardNumber;
while (temp > 0)
remainder = temp % 10;
sum2 += remainder; // Sum of the digits that weren’t multiplied by 2
temp /= 100;
((sum1 + sum2) % 10) == 0 ? printf("Valid\n") : printf("Invalid\n");
return 0;

CS50 Pset1 Credit: Why isn't my program responding right?

I have basically no coding experience and am enrolled in CS50x on edX. I am currently working on Problem Set 1's Credit problem (in the C language). My program uses Luhn's Algorithm to determine whether a credit card number belongs to American Express, MasterCard, or Visa. When I test the program, inputing test credit card numbers gives me responses I don't want; every valid (test) credit card number I input gives no output.
I've been fighting with this for a few days. There was a point where my program recognized all 3 credit card company numbers, but allowed any random number to be inputted, while I wanted the program to print "INVALID" if that was the case.
Another problem I've had is getting an error for my integer variable, digitcount, (see code below) not being declared as a variable in one line of code (even though there are a few lines of code where digitcount is recognized just fine?)
I had fixed some of these bugs by reading into the error messages I got, but sometimes I can't understand them and just messing around ends up fixing them. It makes no sense to me. (Such as deleting or moving parenthesis and interchanging == with =.)
I have also tried looking at other peoples' codes, but when I try to use similar concepts to what I see, my program doesn't work.
Sorry if any of this is messy or hard to read! Even though I've been trying to teach myself what I need to know to make this work, I often get confused when using variable names like "n" and need some separation between certain parts of the code so I don't feel unorganized.
I could just skip Credit since I've done all the other problems in Problem Set 1, but I really want to learn and use any knowledge I come across to complete and understand as much as I can.
Here's my code! Many thanks to anyone who decides to take a look and help me understand where I'm wrong!
#include <cs50.h>
#include <math.h>
int main(void)
long long CCnumber;
//prompts the user for a credit card number
CCnumber = get_long_long("Enter your Credit Card Number: ");
while (CCnumber < 0);
//defines counter as a long type variable and digitcount as an integer type variable
int counter = 0;
int digitcount = 0;
//loop the counts the digit-length of the credit card number
while (counter > 0)
counter = CCnumber / 10;
//grabs every other digit in the credit card number, starting from the second to last digit
//% grabs the remainder of a number divided, while / grabs the quotient of the number divided
int digit1 = (((CCnumber % 100) / 10) * 2);
int digit1a = (digit1 / 10);
int digit1b = (digit1 % 10);
int digit2 = (((CCnumber % 10000) / 1000) * 2);
int digit2a = (digit1 / 10);
int digit2b = (digit1 % 10);
int digit3 = (((CCnumber % 1000000) / 100000) * 2);
int digit3a = (digit1 / 10);
int digit3b = (digit1 % 10);
int digit4 = (((CCnumber % 100000000) / 10000000) * 2);
int digit4a = (digit1 / 10);
int digit4b = (digit1 % 10);
int digit5 = (((CCnumber % 10000000000) / 1000000000) * 2);
int digit5a = (digit1 / 10);
int digit5b = (digit1 % 10);
int digit6 = (((CCnumber % 1000000000000) / 100000000000) * 2);
int digit6a = (digit1 / 10);
int digit6b = (digit1 % 10);
int digit7 = (((CCnumber % 100000000000000) / 10000000000000) * 2);
int digit7a = (digit1 / 10);
int digit7b = (digit1 % 10);
int digit8 = (((CCnumber % 10000000000000000) / 1000000000000000) * 2);
int digit8a = (digit1 / 10);
int digit8b = (digit1 % 10);
//adds all the digits together
int checksum1 = (digit1a + digit1b + digit2a + digit2b + digit3a + digit3b + digit4a + digit4b + digit5a + digit5b + digit6a + digit6b +digit7a +digit7b + digit8a +digit8b);
//grabs all the other digits from the credit card number
int otherdigit1 = ((CCnumber % 10) / 1);
int otherdigit2 = ((CCnumber % 1000) / 100);
int otherdigit3 = ((CCnumber % 100000) / 10000);
int otherdigit4 = ((CCnumber % 10000000) / 1000000);
int otherdigit5 = ((CCnumber % 1000000000) / 100000000);
int otherdigit6 = ((CCnumber % 100000000000) / 10000000000);
int otherdigit7 = ((CCnumber % 10000000000000) / 1000000000000);
int otherdigit8 = ((CCnumber % 1000000000000000) / 100000000000000);
//adds all the other digits together
int checksum2 = (otherdigit1 + otherdigit2 + otherdigit3 + otherdigit4 + otherdigit5 + otherdigit6 + otherdigit7 + otherdigit8);
//adds the checksum halfs together
int TOTALchecksum = (checksum1 + checksum2);
//checks the last digit of the total checksum
int lastdigit = (TOTALchecksum / 1);
//determines what the credit card number's first and second digits are (15-digit count)
int startingdigit115 = (CCnumber / 100000000000000);
int startingdigit215 = ((CCnumber / 10000000000000) % 10);
int startingdigitsum15 = (startingdigit115 + startingdigit215);
//determines what the credit card number's first and second digits are (16-digit count)
int startingdigit116 = (CCnumber / 1000000000000000);
int startingdigit216 = ((CCnumber / 100000000000000) % 10);
int startingdigitsum16 = (startingdigit116 + startingdigit216);
//determines what the cred card number's first and second digits are (13-digit count)
int startingdigit113 = (CCnumber / 1000000000000);
int startingdigit213 = ((CCnumber / 100000000000) % 10);
int startingdigitsum13 = (startingdigit113 + startingdigit213);
if ((lastdigit == 0) && (digitcount == 15))
//determines if credit card number belongs to American Express
if (startingdigitsum15 == 7 || startingdigitsum15 == 10)
else if ((lastdigit == 0) && (digitcount == 16))
//determines if credit card number belongs to MasterCard
if (startingdigitsum16 == 6 || startingdigitsum16 == 7 || startingdigitsum16 == 8 || startingdigitsum16 == 9 || startingdigitsum16 == 10)
else if ((lastdigit == 0 && digitcount == 13) || (lastdigit == 0 && digitcount == 16))
//determines if credit card number belongs to Visa
if ((startingdigit113 == 4 || startingdigit116 == 4))
else if ((lastdigit == 0 && digitcount != 13) || (lastdigit == 0 && digitcount != 15) || (lastdigit == 0 && digitcount != 16))
Counting leading zeroes is a little hard with numeric input. Maybe you should read the card number as string into a char * array using scanf; then, validate the CCNumber.
// max CCNumber char length is 16, plus 1 for string terminator '\0' = 17 chars
char CCNumber[17];
int notValidInput = 1;
int digitCount = 0;
while (notValidInput) {
notValidInput = 0;
scanf("%s", CCNumber);
digitCount = 0;
while (CCNumber[digitCount] != '\0') {
// CCNumber character validation
if (CCNumber[digitCount] < '0' || CCNumber[digitCount] > '9') {
notValidInput = 1;
printf("error: must contain numeric chars.\n");
else {

CS50 Credit Card Validation

#include <stdio.h>
#include <cs50.h>
int main(void)
long cc = get_long("Credit Card: "); // gets input
long len = 0; //intialized length
long x = cc; // set 2nd variable = to cc to prevent manipulation of cc
while (x != 0) // length count loop while x is divisable loop will continue will be stored as len
x = x / 10;
if ((len != 16) && (len != 15) && (len != 13)) //Checking for length to see if number matchs possible postive outcomes
return 0;
//pull 2nd to last and then every other digit
long cc_num1 = ((cc % 100) / 10);
long cc_num2 = ((cc % 10000) / 1000);
long cc_num3 = ((cc % 1000000) / (100000));
long cc_num4 = ((cc % 100000000) / (10000000));
long cc_num5 = ((cc % 10000000000) / (1000000000));
long cc_num6 = ((cc % 1000000000000) / (100000000000));
long cc_num7 = ((cc % 100000000000000) / (10000000000000));
long cc_num8 = ((cc % 10000000000000000) / (1000000000000000));
cc_num1 = (cc_num1 * 2); //Multiply digits pulled above by 2
cc_num2 = (cc_num2 * 2);
cc_num3 = (cc_num3 * 2);
cc_num4 = (cc_num4 * 2);
cc_num5 = (cc_num5 * 2);
cc_num6 = (cc_num6 * 2);
cc_num7 = (cc_num7 * 2);
cc_num8 = (cc_num8 * 2);
cc_num1 = ((cc_num1 / 10) + (cc_num1 % 10)); //split double digits and add to signles
cc_num2 = ((cc_num2 / 10) + (cc_num2 % 10));
cc_num3 = ((cc_num3 / 10) + (cc_num3 % 10));
cc_num4 = ((cc_num4 / 10) + (cc_num4 % 10));
cc_num5 = ((cc_num5 / 10) + (cc_num5 % 10));
cc_num6 = ((cc_num6 / 10) + (cc_num6 % 10));
cc_num7 = ((cc_num7 / 10) + (cc_num7 % 10));
cc_num8 = ((cc_num8 / 10) + (cc_num8 % 10));
long cc_sum = cc_num1 + cc_num2 + cc_num3 + cc_num4 + cc_num5 + cc_num6 + cc_num7 + cc_num8; // add sum of number above
long cc_num1x = ((cc % 10) / 1); //pulls last digit from card then everyother digit
long cc_num2x = ((cc % 1000) / 100);
long cc_num3x = ((cc % 100000) / 10000);
long cc_num4x = ((cc % 10000000) / 1000000);
long cc_num5x = ((cc % 1000000000) / 100000000);
long cc_num6x = ((cc % 100000000000) / 10000000000);
long cc_num7x = ((cc % 10000000000000) / 1000000000000);
long cc_num8x = ((cc % 1000000000000000) / 100000000000000);
long cc_sumx = cc_num1x + cc_num2x + cc_num3x + cc_num4x + cc_num5x + cc_num6x + cc_num7x +
cc_num8x; //adds last and everyother digit together
long sumofsums = cc_sum + cc_sumx; // adds sums of both sums created
if ((sumofsums % 10) != 0) // Luhn’s Algorithm results will close if not met
return 0;
if (len == 15) // checks for AMEX by using length then first 2 digits
long ax = cc / 10000000000000;
if ((ax == 34 || ax == 37))
return 0;
long mc = cc / 100000000000000;
long v = cc / 1000000000000000;
long v2 = cc / 1000000000000;
if (len == 16) // Checks for MC and Via (16 digits) by length then first 2 digits MC or 1 visa
if ((mc == 51 || mc == 52 || mc == 53 || mc == 54 || mc == 55))
else if (v == 4)
return 0;
if (len == 13) //Checks 2nd Visa length 13 digits then 1st digit
if (v2 == 4)
return 0;
There has to be a better way then the way I am planning to do this. The Length count loop is fine until 10 digits but then pulls random numbers.
The every other digit formula seems like it can be done through recursion but I am blanking on that. Since the number is limited to 16 at most the formula I am using seems to work.
Determine if card is 15 || 16 || 13 digits if not mark In valid in IF Else loop
Use CC check sum formula If else loop (In valid if it doesn't meet Criteria)
Look at 2 Starting numbers to determine AX, MC or Visa
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cs50.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(void)
long cc = get_long("Credit Card: " ); // gets input
int len = 0; //intialized length
int x = cc; // set 2nd variable = to cc to prevent manipulation of cc
while(x != 0) // length count loop while x is divisable loop will continue will be stored as len
x = x/10;
printf("%i\n", len); // REMOVE !!!!!!!!!!! BUG TEST
//pull 2nd to last and then every other digit
int cc_num1 = ((cc % 100)/10);
int cc_num2 = ((cc % 10000)/1000);
int cc_num3 = ((cc % 1000000)/(100000));
int cc_num4 = ((cc % 100000000)/(10000000));
int cc_num5 = ((cc % 10000000000)/(1000000000));
int cc_num6 = ((cc % 1000000000000)/(100000000000));
int cc_num7 = ((cc % 100000000000000)/(10000000000000));
int cc_num8 = ((cc % 10000000000000000)/(1000000000000000));
printf("%i %i %i %i %i %i %i %i", cc_num1, cc_num2, cc_num3, cc_num4 , cc_num5, cc_num6 , cc_num7 , cc_num8 );
Let's acknowledge the elephant in the room first.
long cc = get_long("Credit Card: " );
int x = cc;
The C standard specifies long to be at least 32 bits, whereas int must be at least 16 bits. The actual values are dependent on your system and your library implementation of course. But more often than not, long will be capable of storing more bits than an int. As is the case here. This means "numbers with more than 10 digits", essentially numbers that are too large to be stored into an int, will cause undefined behavior. To know exactly which number is the upper limit for int in your system/environment, you may print the value of INT_MAX, defined in limits.h.
The solution is, of course, to store the long variable in another long variable, not an int. Or, simply pass the value to a function that does the necessary work. Putting everything in main isn't being very organized now is it.
How about we make a function that basically prints all the details about a card given the card's number?
The signature will look like-
void print_card_details(long num)
Now we need a function to put the card through luhn's algorithm. We can also make a function for that-
int is_valid(long num)
int curr_digit, add_digit, prod_sum = 0, sum = 0;
for (int digit_count = 0; num != 0; num /= 10, digit_count++)
// Strip each digit from number, starting from the end
curr_digit = num % 10;
if (digit_count % 2 != 0)
// Every 2nd digit from the right goes through this
// The current digit gets doubled
// The digits of that result are added to the sum
add_digit = curr_digit * 2;
prod_sum += add_digit % 10 + add_digit / 10;
// The remaining digits go through this
// They are all summed up
sum += curr_digit;
if ((prod_sum + sum) % 10 != 0)
// If the sum of prod_sum + sum doesn't end in 0
// It is invalid
return 0;
// The card is valid
return 1;
The conventional way to iterate through the digits of a number is not to bruteforcefully divide arbitrary powers of 10 manually, but to iterate through it and divide and modulus by 10. For example, this snippet-
while (x != 0)
printf("Current digit: %d\n", x % 10);
x /= 10;
Will print all digits of the number stored in x. This is essentially what we've used in the luhn's algorithm loop. Except we also keep a count of the total digits, because we only want every second digit starting from the end. How do we know the current digit qualifies this criteria? We check if the current digit_count is even (by dividing by 2 and checking the leftover is 0).
The formula that follows-
add_digit = curr_digit * 2;
prod_sum += add_digit % 10 + add_digit / 10;
is basically the implementation of this-
Multiply every other digit by 2, starting with the number’s second-to-last digit, and then add those products’ digits together.
Make sure only the digits of the resulting add_digit is added. So if add_digit ended up being 12. We need to add 1 + 2. That's exactly what add_digit % 10 + add_digit / 10 does. 12 % 10 is, of course, 2. And 12 / 10 is 1.
This function returns 1 if the card is valid, 0 if it's not. You can fit this up in your main function and check the return value to know whether the card is valid.
If it is valid, move on to the next step of checking the number of digits the card has, as well as what it begins with.
We can make a loop to count the number of digits, as well as store the very first and second digit of the number.
int len = 0;
int curr_digit = 0, prev_digit = 0;
while(num != 0)
prev_digit = curr_digit;
curr_digit = num % 10;
num /= 10;
This will give you the length of the card number. Notice, in the last iteration, the value of prev_digit is the second digit and the curr_digit is the first. So curr_digit * 10 + prev_digit will yield the first 2 numbers (together) that the credit card number begins with.
Finally, you just need a bunch of simple if/else clauses to verify which card it is. You're only asked to check for a very small subset as well. So here it is-
// Construct the 2 digit number that this card num begins with
int begins_with = curr_digit * 10 + prev_digit;
if (len == 13 && begins_with / 10 == 4)
// We know only VISA uses 13 digits
// And it begins with 4 (second digit does not matter)
else if (len == 15 && begins_with == 34 ||)
// We know only AMEX uses 15 digits
else if (len == 16)
// Both VISA and MASTERCARD use 16 digits
if (curr_digit == 4)
// But VISA card number begins with 4
else if (curr_digit == 5)
// MASTERCARD number begins with 5
// Out of context for this problem
// Out of context for this problem
Put that all together, and you should hopefully get
void print_card_details(long num)
if (!is_valid(num))
// Card did not pass luhn's algo
int len = 0;
int curr_digit = 0, prev_digit = 0;
while(num != 0)
prev_digit = curr_digit;
curr_digit = num % 10;
num /= 10;
// Construct the 2 digit number that this card num begins with
int begins_with = curr_digit * 10 + prev_digit;
if (len == 13 && curr_digit == 4)
// We know only VISA uses 13 digits
// And it begins with 4 (second digit does not matter)
else if (len == 15 && (begins_with == 34 || begins_with == 37))
// We know only AMEX uses 15 digits
else if (len == 16)
// Both VISA and MASTERCARD use 16 digits
if (curr_digit == 4)
// But VISA card number begins with 4
else if (begins_with >= 51 && begins_with <= 55)
// MASTERCARD number begins with 51, 52, 53, 54, or 55
// Out of context for this problem
// Out of context for this problem

simple C problem

I have had to start to learning C as part of a project that I am doing. I have started doing the 'euler' problems in it and am having trouble with the first one. I have to find the sum of all multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000. Could someone please help me. Thanks.
int start;
int sum;
int main() {
while (start < 1001) {
if (start % 3 == 0) {
sum = sum + start;
start += 1;
} else {
start += 1;
if (start % 5 == 0) {
sum = sum + start;
start += 1;
} else {
start += 1;
printf("%d\n", sum);
You've gotten some great answers so far, mainly suggesting something like:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
int i;
int soln = 0;
for (i = 1; i < 1000; i++)
if ((i % 3 == 0) || (i % 5 == 0))
soln += i;
printf("%d\n", soln);
return 0;
So I'm going to take a different tack. I know you're doing this to learn C, so this may be a bit of a tangent.
Really, you're making the computer work too hard for this :). If we figured some things out ahead of time, it could make the task easier.
Well, how many multiples of 3 are less than 1000? There's one for each time that 3 goes into 1000 - 1.
mult3 = ⌊ (1000 - 1) / 3 ⌋ = 333
(the ⌊ and ⌋ mean that this is floor division, or, in programming terms, integer division, where the remainder is dropped).
And how many multiples of 5 are less than 1000?
mult5 = ⌊ (1000 - 1) / 5 ⌋ = 199
Now what is the sum of all the multiples of 3 less than 1000?
sum3 = 3 + 6 + 9 + ... + 996 + 999 = 3×(1 + 2 + 3 + ... + 332 + 333) = 3×∑i=1 to mult3 i
And the sum of all the multiples of 5 less than 1000?
sum5 = 5 + 10 + 15 + ... + 990 + 995 = 5×(1 + 2 + 3 + ... + 198 + 199) = 5×∑i = 1 to mult5 i
Some multiples of 3 are also multiples of 5. Those are the multiples of 15.
Since those count towards mult3 and mult5 (and therefore sum3 and sum5) we need to know mult15 and sum15 to avoid counting them twice.
mult15 = ⌊ (1000 - 1) /15 ⌋ = 66
sum15 = 15 + 30 + 45 + ... + 975 + 990 = 15×(1 + 2 + 3 + ... + 65 + 66) = 15×∑i = 1 to mult15 i
So the solution to the problem "find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000" is then
soln = sum3 + sum5 - sum15
So, if we wanted to, we could implement this directly:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
int i;
int const mult3 = (1000 - 1) / 3;
int const mult5 = (1000 - 1) / 5;
int const mult15 = (1000 - 1) / 15;
int sum3 = 0;
int sum5 = 0;
int sum15 = 0;
int soln;
for (i = 1; i <= mult3; i++) { sum3 += 3*i; }
for (i = 1; i <= mult5; i++) { sum5 += 5*i; }
for (i = 1; i <= mult15; i++) { sum15 += 15*i; }
soln = sum3 + sum5 - sum15;
printf("%d\n", soln);
return 0;
But we can do better. For calculating individual sums, we have Gauss's identity which says the sum from 1 to n (aka ∑i = 1 to n i) is n×(n+1)/2, so:
sum3 = 3×mult3×(mult3+1) / 2
sum5 = 5×mult5×(mult5+1) / 2
sum15 = 15×mult15×(mult15+1) / 2
(Note that we can use normal division or integer division here - it doesn't matter since one of n or n+1 must be divisible by 2)
Now this is kind of neat, since it means we can find the solution without using a loop:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int const mult3 = (1000 - 1) / 3;
int const mult5 = (1000 - 1) / 5;
int const mult15 = (1000 - 1) / 15;
int const sum3 = (3 * mult3 * (mult3 + 1)) / 2;
int const sum5 = (5 * mult5 * (mult5 + 1)) / 2;
int const sum15 = (15 * mult15 * (mult15 + 1)) / 2;
int const soln = sum3 + sum5 - sum15;
printf("%d\n", soln);
return 0;
Of course, since we've gone this far we could crank out the entire thing by hand:
sum3 = 3×333×(333+1) / 2 = 999×334 / 2 = 999×117 = 117000 - 117 = 116883
sum5 = 5×199×(199+1) / 2 = 995×200 / 2 = 995×100 = 99500
sum15 = 15×66×(66+1) / 2 = 990×67 / 2 = 495 × 67 = 33165
soln = 116883 + 99500 - 33165 = 233168
And write a much simpler program:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
return 0;
You could change your ifs:
if ((start % 3 == 0) || (start % 5 == 0))
sum += start;
start ++;
and don´t forget to initialize your sum with zero and start with one.
Also, change the while condition to < 1000.
You would be much better served by a for loop, and combining your conditionals.
Not tested:
int main()
int x;
int sum = 0;
for (x = 1; x <= 1000; x++)
if (x % 3 == 0 || x % 5 == 0)
sum += x;
printf("%d\n", sum);
return 0;
The answers are all good, but won't help you learn C.
What you really need to understand is how to find your own errors. A debugger could help you, and the most powerful debugger in C is called "printf". You want to know what your program is doing, and your program is not a "black box".
Your program already prints the sum, it's probably wrong, and you want to know why. For example:
printf("sum:%d start:%d\n", sum, start);
instead of
printf("%d\n", sum);
and save it into a text file, then try to understand what's going wrong.
does the count start with 1 and end with 999?
does it really go from 1 to 999 without skipping numbers?
does it work on a smaller range?
Eh right, well i can see roughly where you are going, I'm thinking the only thing wrong with it has been previously mentioned. I did this problem before on there, obviously you need to step through every multiple of 3 and 5 and sum them. I did it this way and it does work:
int accumulator = 0;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 1000; i += 3)
accumulator += i;
for (i = 0; i < 1000; i +=5) {
if (!(i%3==0)) {
accumulator += i;
printf("%d", accumulator);
EDIT: Also note its not 0 to 1000 inclusive, < 1000 stops at 999 since it is the last number below 1000, you have countered that by < 1001 which means you go all the way to 1000 which is a multiple of 5 meaning your answer will be 1000 higher than it should be.
You haven't said what the program is supposed to do, or what your problem is. That makes it hard to offer help.
At a guess, you really ought to initialize start and sum to zero, and perhaps the printf should be outside the loop.
Really you need a debugger, and to single-step through the code so that you can see what it's actually doing. Your basic problem is that the flow of control isn't going where you think it is, and rather than provide correct code as others have done, I'll try to explain what your code does. Here's what happens, step-by-step (I've numbered the lines):
1: while (start < 1001) {
2: if (start % 3 == 0) {
3: sum = sum + start;
4: start += 1;
5: }
6: else {
7: start += 1;
8: }
10: if (start % 5 == 0) {
11: sum = sum + start;
12: start += 1;
13: }
14: else {
15: start += 1;
16: }
17: printf("%d\n", sum);
18: }
line 1. sum is 0, start is 0. Loop condition true.
line 2. sum is 0, start is 0. If condition true.
line 3. sum is 0, start is 0. sum <- 0.
line 4. sum is 0, start is 0. start <- 1.
line 5. sum is 0, start is 1. jump over "else" clause
line 10. sum is 0, start is 1. If condition false, jump into "else" clause.
line 15. sum is 0, start is 1. start <- 2.
line 16 (skipped)
line 17. sum is 0, start is 2. Print "0\n".
line 18. sum is 0, start is 2. Jump to the top of the loop.
line 1. sum is 0, start is 2. Loop condition true.
line 2. sum is 0, start is 2. If condtion false, jump into "else" clause.
line 7. sum is 0, start is 2. start <- 3.
line 10. sum is 0, start is 3. If condition false, jump into "else" clause.
line 15. sum is 0, start is 3. start <- 4.
line 17. sum is 0, start is 4. Print "0\n".
You see how this is going? You seem to think that at line 4, after doing sum += 1, control goes back to the top of the loop. It doesn't, it goes to the next thing after the "if/else" construct.
You have forgotten to initialize your variables,
The problem with your code is that your incrementing the 'start' variable twice. This is due to having two if..else statements. What you need is an if..else if..else statement as so:
if (start % 3 == 0) {
sum = sum + start;
start += 1;
else if (start % 5 == 0) {
sum = sum + start;
start += 1;
else {
start += 1;
Or you could be more concise and write it as follows:
if(start % 3 == 0)
sum += start;
else if(start % 5 == 0)
sum += start;
Either of those two ways should work for you.
Good luck!
Here's a general solution which works with an arbitrary number of factors:
#include <stdio.h>
#define sum_multiples(BOUND, ...) \
_sum_multiples(BOUND, (unsigned []){ __VA_ARGS__, 0 })
static inline unsigned sum_single(unsigned bound, unsigned base)
unsigned n = bound / base;
return base * (n * (n + 1)) / 2;
unsigned _sum_multiples(unsigned bound, unsigned bases[])
unsigned sum = 0;
for(unsigned i = 0; bases[i]; ++i)
sum += sum_single(bound, bases[i]);
for(unsigned j = i + 1; bases[j]; ++j)
sum -= sum_single(bound, bases[i] * bases[j]);
return sum;
int main(void)
printf("%u\n", sum_multiples(999, 3, 5));
return 0;
