MUI button transition on focus - reactjs

I have a basic create-react-app with Material/MUI text field and button. When I tab from the textfield to the button, it creates an animation on the button where the middle part slightly grows and shrinks. I'm trying to figure out how to get rid of that animation and just show a simple button that has focus. Toggling the options in Chrome debugger hasn't helped me track down where this animation is being created (focus, hover, etc.). In fact, anytime I change any property in the CSS panel it turns the animation off and makes it harder to track down what is causing this.


Draggable disabled after opening a MUI modal, tooltip and popover

I use React MUI and some components disable my draggables.
I have put draggables on my page, that works perfectly.
When my draggable is dragged, I change some nodes in the page.
I'm on React MUI and I use tooltips, modals and menus on that page. After opening one of them and close it, no draggables can be dragged anymore. I mean that changing some nodes in the page makes that the drag ends directly.
Is there an event inserted or something like that that ends the drag action if an element is changing in the page ?
I found a workaround.
Actually this happens on Chrome and Safari only. Adding a setTimeout of 10ms before changing the DOM makes the job.

Rendering of MUI TextField causes unwanted vertical scrolling

I have a React App where the user can toggle between different views of the same data structure. When toggling from one view to another, the browser window sometimes automatically scrolls vertically. Instead I am expecting the window to not scroll when possible.
The CodeSandbox here reproduces the issue:
If you scroll down, then click on "CLICK TO SWITCH VIEW BELOW", you will notice that there's an automatic scroll to the top happening.
I suspect this is an issue with MUI TextField. If I change the MUI TextField to a div, the issue does not show up, so I don't think this is due to React.

React AntD Select Component: hover state

I've just started using React AntD library Select component. I noticed that when you have the select dropdown open and if you mouse leave it, the last hovered on option stays visible. Is there a way to override this behaviour? I want to remove the hovered on styling once my mouse leaves the select component...
Thanks in advance!
The last hovered on option stays visible only if you've clicked that placement. If you don't clicked that placement and just hover on option, then your last hovered on option will not stay visible. So, you can't override this behaviour.

React Animation of menuItem in MenuBar does not work

I'm using react and typescript.
The animation is done using framer-motion.
When the button is pressed, the menubar opens. frame-motion animation is implemented in the menuItem, but the menuItem is not moving.
I made it myself.
Refarence site
You need to inform the children that the animation changed from open to closed or vice-versa upon the menu button click.
With little modifications, I made it work for staggering the menu items upon menu open. You can check the codesandbox here

Material Popover Scrollable content

I use React and Material-UI. I use huge Popover with the Tooltip behaviour. The goal is to display data when the user hover some links. It's working well but i have a problem about scrolling.
I want to be able to scroll INSIDE the popover when the Mouse is inside it. The default behaviour is to let the user scroll the entire page instead of focus on the popover.
I have set a CodeSansBox to show you.
