All GA4 traffic shows as 'direct' traffic - analytics

Dear Stackoverflowers,
For some reason my GA4 and tag manager only show that traffic from the 'leads' is coming from 'Direct' traffic which is impossible because we are reaching the traffic through advertisements.
I have attached 2 images of what GA4 tracking actually shows about the visitors and that most of our traffic is not 'Direct'. For some reason it does not connect the data about 'Paid advertisement' or 'Social advertisement' on the Google Analytics Property.
What am I doing wrong on the 'Leads'? Shouldn't Google be automatically able to trace this type of data since it actually shows correctly on visitors data?
Thanks in advance,


Facing this Problem on my Firebase Storage

On Dec 13, 2021, the Firebase Storage team received multiple reports of object upload and preview errors from clients of several major ISPs in Korea: KT, SKT, LG U+. These ongoing errors are the result of an ISP-side domain block of
firebaser here
We've seen reports from users and developers in Korea about being unable to access data in Cloud Storage through Firebase SDKs or otherwise.
This seems to be happening before the requests hit our infrastructure, so I recommend reaching out to the relevant ISPs and asking them to investigate.

SMS or PUSH Notifications for "mobile first" orders delivery?

a general question about sending realtime messaging from a cloud server
to users with handsets.
I'm creating new ecommerce: ROSPO - Snap Commerce for Local Trades
( enjoy small video introduction: )
Now, my problem is to find the BEST way to deliver Online Orders
(submitted by online buyer) to a seller with a cell phone in his hands.
Order delivery must be in REALTIME and with a "delivery receipt"
confirmation requirement (I need to know for sure if order arrived into
the seller mobile phone, so no beloved e-mails, sorry).
1. Push Notifications
A native app with some sort of push notification protocol for orders
notifications ?
by example using for
Android, something similar fo IoS, something similar for Microsoft Phone
OS, etc.) ?
2. SMS
- Old plain "delivey receipt" SMS text messages. They always reach
receivers also in area without 3G coverage...
- SMSs do not require any native app. any sort of cellphone is ok.
sending (and receiving) SMSs is expensive! Let consider text message orders could be many SMS's segments... (an order is usually 160 x N chars), with N = 2-8. And just sending a single SMS, with some gateway providers in Europe cost is between 0.03 to 0.07 EUR.
Any further suggestion ?
BTW, any good experience with SMS gateway providers like: / ? I used until now with success Italian, but I
possibly need the CHEAPEST&AFFORDABLE provider that act in worlwide
countries (ROSPO servers will be instantiated in any city all around the
thanks :-)
I don't think any option is really able to provide reliable delivery receipt. SMS is unreliable in various countries, and device Push Notifications can be over-ridden on the local device but still look like they've been sent on your side.
That said SMS is the most general solution to the problem and will cover the most use cases. If you're going to go the Push Notification route though I guess that means you'll have an app on the user's device, in which case the most reliable way would be to have push notifications (or maybe give the user an option to have SMS aswell/instead?) which they then need to acknowledge receipt within the app. That way you're relying on their action to confirm acknowledge it rather than making assumptions based on delivery.
Update: Now there's Catapush: push notifications with sms fallback feature :)

Any reason why latency in updating timelineitem to my glass device?

i see latency issue - when i send a timelineitem from my glassware app, it takes a long time to appear on glass device.
I see the item in developer playground (
Is it isolated issue on my WiFi (unlikely)? or some optimization done at Mirror server which queues timelineitems and sending in a specific interval to glass device?
After doing some more investigation (In my case, i have setup private network inside enterprise network), i found out that some of the ports are blocked by firewall settings for incoming traffic from outside network, so glass device was not getting notifications from the Mirror Server.
It is possible either Channel API or XMPP is used in receiving notification messages from Mirror server to Glass. Those ports might have blocked by my firewall settings. I ran wireshark, still it is not clear which protocol or port is used in receiving notifications.
Also it is possible that glass device could get (HTTP GET) newly available cards from the mirror server by polling on specific time interval or other cases(changing WIFI network, etc).
I called Glass help, i could not get any feedback.
I would really appreciate if someone (from Google) could shed some light (port and protocol details) on how Glass gets notification from mirror server when new timeline card is available.
This is a known issue:
Issue has been fixed by updating to XE10.

refresh rate for insert/update for subscriptions? rate,quantity, etc

I have questions related pushing messages to a user.
Here is the use-case.
A user is walking inside a wifi enabled warehouse and we would like to use the glasses to send critical information and warnings about the components in that building which required the user to interact with the component(s).
We have used push notifications in android devices with ok results, but with a live hud I would like faster updates.
Basically we will send something like this to the user
"html": "<article>\n <section>\n <strong class=\"red\">ALERT </strong>13:10 device ABCD tolerance failure. \n </p>\n </section>\n</article>\n",
"notification": {
"level": "DEFAULT"
How quickly can we get the information to the device?
What is the update rate? If we see an alert from a machine can, how quickly can we refresh the user of its status.
Is there some type of flood protection that would cause us grief?
I assume native api will have more options, such as polling or some type of custom subscription service which we could use for faster updates than google's service. Is this correct?
This is not something that is expected to be done with the Mirror API. The GDK is where you would want to do this and they are taking feature requests. You might want to add your use case to this thread:
To answer some of your other questions:
1 - Mirror API card pushes happen within seconds
2 - Seconds
3 - You are currently limited to 1000 card pushes a day per developer account, so that would be shared across all your users
4 - Curently there is no supported way to do that
As a final thought, if you really want to do this without official support, you could watch this video which shows you how to run "normal" android apk's on Glass. It is a presentation from Google I/O 2013:

Get position data from mobile browser

I am developing a web app that will be hit frequently by mobile browsers. I am wondering if there is a way to get enough information from the browser request to lookup position data (triangulation or GPS) Not from the request directly, of course. A colleague suggested there some carriers supply a unique identifier in the request header that can be sent to a web service exposed by said provider that will return position data if the customer has enabled that. Can anyone point me in the right direction for this or any other method for gleaning position data, even very approximate. Obviously this is app candy, e.g. if the data is not available the app doesn't really care...
Or perhaps a web service by carrier that will provide triangulated data by IP?
Google has ClientLocation as part of their AJAX APIs. You'll need to load Google's AJAX API (requires an API key) and it'll try to resolve the user's location data for you.
I've got blackberry gps to javascript working OK in a GMaps mashup. Pretty simple, actually. -- help yrself to view source.
(I don't currently have a bb. A user emailed me with "... it seems to be polling every 15 seconds or so, so it keeps adding new locations ... ".)
I'm looking for javascript gps info on an iPhone equivalent. And Nokia, and ... .
Any information appreciated.
I have used this javascript library sucessfully:
The examples work great. The user will always be prompted to share their location--don't know a way to avoid that.
Use the source IP address to approximate a network location. No, you won't get latitude and longitude in an HTTP request from an iPhone. Not unless you write a 3rd party app and ask them to run it.
You might be better off just running a poll on your website.
I know that some providers in Japan have a tracking service for location of cellphones.
I also know that the information is not public. I think you need to have a very good reason before the provider gives that information free as it is in my opinion sensitive personal data. Of course they will give the information to police officers but not to the general public.
