How to create an Elasticsearch client - database

I am looking to connect my Elasticsearch to jupyter notebook. I need to create an Elastic client but I get this error :
init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'host'
Does someone has a solution ?


Error in consulting All Websites in the Matomo [fechada]

I’m configure matomo server in AWS cloud with server of 4 nucleos and 16GB RAM. The database is in RDS da AWS. But when I go to all websites and select data renge, I get the folloing error message: “Oops… there was a problem during the request.” I set all recommended settings. The other options in AllWebsites return the reports.
It sounds like there is an error on the Matomo servers and that the PHP process is failing with an error.
-> Can you please get the team to check your Web server error.log for the actual error message(s) logged by the server?
Once we see the error messages we will likely be able to understand where the problem is, and help provide a solution.

Error connecting a MongoDB database to MATLAB (Unable to load a message catalog 'mongodb:mongodb')

I have a MongoDB database I have storing a large dataset. I am trying to import my database into MATLAB to perform data visualization, but am getting strange errors that I have not been able to debug in doing so. I have my database running using mongod on localhost on port 27017.
I do have the Database Toolbox add on for MATLAB, and the MongoDB specific one as well.
Following the example of the MATLAB documentation, I created variables:
server = "" (I have also tried putting localhost here)
port = 27017
dbname = "NYPDData"
conn = mongo(server, port, dbname)
When I do so, I recieve the error that:
Error using error
Unable to load a message catalog 'mongodb:mongodb'. Please check
the file location and format.
Error in mongo (line 389)
When I try simple running conn = mongo() with any parameters however, it seems to work, and returns:
conn =
mongo with properties:
Database: ''
UserName: ''
Server: {}
CollectionNames: {}
If you have any insight on how to solve this error, please let me know. Thank you!
Type this before calling the mongo function : registerrealtimecataloglocation('c:\ProgramData\MATLAB\SupportPackages\R2017b')
It should return 1 if everything goes well. Don't forget to change the previous line by your number of version (R2017b here) with yours.
And then it should find the message in the catalog.

Setup Azure MSSQL Database in Ejabberd server?

I'm developing chat application, I'm using ejabberd for my project. I installed ejabberd server(16.06) successfully and it performing good in auth method as internal. But it is not working when I'm changed auth method as sql. These are the things I'm changed in ejabberd.yml file
default_db: sql
auth_method: sql
## ODBC compatible or MSSQL server:
sql_type: mssql
sql_server: "Server=azure_server_name;DSN=DB_Name;UID=azure_DB_username;PWD=azure_DB_password"
sql_pool_size: 10
sql_keepalive_interval: 28800
iqdisc: one_queue
db_type: sql
default: always
I'm getting following error for while I'm register new user and admin login into web admin portal
ejabberd_auth:is_user_exists:316 The authentication module ejabberd_auth_sql returned an error
when checking user <<"newuser">> in server <<"localhost">>
Error message: {timeout,{p1_fsm,sync_send_event,[<0.390.0>,{sql_cmd,{sql_query,{sql_query,<<"Q9525209">>,#Fun<sql_queries.9.38301790>,#Fun<sql_queries.10.38301790>,#Fun<sql_queries.11.38301790>,{sql_queries,145}}},3534866},60000]}}
I'm used register command:
bin>ejabberdctl register "newuser" "localhost" "password"
Thanks in advance. Please add your ideas and suggestions to resolve this issue.
Again- I am no Ejabberd expert- I imagine someone might have more experience with this; However, it seems that you're confusing Register which I assume is an action to create a login on the Ejabberd platform with the login that is being used on the database. (Or I'm misinterpreting your comments. One of the two.)
You will need to use a username/password combination that exists on the Azure SQL Database in your connection string.
Additionally, you might try the following connection string :

MSSQL Nodejs module throws invalid time in execution of a stored procedure

I've setup a nodejs server which provides an api to my mssql server.
I'm trying to execute a stored procedure of my mssql database in nodejs which inserts some data into one of my tables. I've got an input with the type 'sql.Time' which has the value '11:20:13'. Even tho the sql.Time Type requires sth like 'hh:mm:ss' which is the case, the mssql module in nodejs throws an error saying:
error: RequestError: Validation failed for parameter 'erreichbar_von'. Invalid time.
This is the testdata:
This is the log:
I hope somebody can help me out with this problem since I'm out of ideas.
With best regards,
I came across this error while working on a rest api for my sql server. I ended up having to pass the time as an ISO string instead of as "12:00". In javascript I used (new Date()).toISOString(); to produce "2020-02-18T04:32:23.019Z"

How to connect to a SQLite DB with Agile Toolkit 4?

I'd like to use SQLite3 with Agile Toolkit. I found it in the documentation that the SQLite driver is included with atk4, but I couldn't find any examples of how to connect to a SQLite DB.
I tried to change the DB connection of the example applications shipped with atk4 from MySql to SQLite using the format found in the Pear:DB DSN documentation:
but I keep getting the could not find driver PDO error:
Application Error: Database Connection Failed
BaseException, code: 0
Additional information:
* PDO error: could not find driver
* DSN: :host=;dbname=;charset=utf8
The SQLite PDO driver seems to be installed correctly on the server. Both the phpinfo() and an PHP/PDO/SQLite3 example page confirms that it works.
I'm learning Agile Toolkit, PHP and general web development, so I might be missing something trivial.
Can you try following syntax in your config.php?
Also please check if you have MySQL (yes, MySQL not SQLite) extension enabled in your php.ini. If not, then try to enable it and test again. If SQLite works with enabled MySQL extension then I guess I have found small bug in DB.php and could fix that.
Also it looks that you can pass DSN parameters in following format as array and maybe that's even better:
$config['dsn'] = array(
Please try 2 solutions described above and let me know if they work.
I can't test that myself now because I'm not at my developing computer.
