I'm trying to build simple raycasting game. I'm rendering wall based on light length. Wall size is calculated based on natural log formula.
Problem is fisheye! I tries cos formula but it's not applicable to my architecture.
Here's the code:
void draw_3d(t_cub3d *this, double len, int num_of_ray, double start)
double height;
double width;
double x;
double y;
height = 720 / log10(len + 1);
if (height > 720)
height = 720;
width = 1280.0 / 640;
y = (720 - height) / 2;
while (y < height)
x = 2 * num_of_ray;
while(x < 2 + width * num_of_ray)
my_mlx_pixel_put(this, (int)x, (int)y, 0xfffff);
int raycast(t_cub3d *this)
double start = this->raycast->pa - this->raycast->fov;
double end = this->raycast->pa + this->raycast->fov;
double ray_p_x;
double ray_p_y;
double len;
int num_of_ray;
num_of_ray = 0;
while (start <= end)
ray_p_x = this->raycast->px;
ray_p_y = this->raycast->py;
while (this->gameinfo->map[(int) ray_p_y / 30][(int) ray_p_x / 30] != '1' && this->gameinfo->map[(int) ray_p_y / 30][(int) ray_p_x / 30] != ' ')
ray_p_x += cos(start);
ray_p_y += sin(start);
len = fabs(this->raycast->px - ray_p_x) / fabs(cos(start));
len *= cos(this->raycast->pa - start);
start += this->raycast->fov / 320;
draw_3d(this, len, num_of_ray, start);
mlx_put_image_to_window(this->mlx_info->mlx, this->mlx_info->mlx_win, this->img->img, 0, 0);
return (0);
How to fix fisheye distortion if cos formula doesn't apply to my case.
How it looks like
How it looks like
In my open source project ( https://github.com/mmj-the-fighter/GraphicsLabFramework ) i am trying to add a image smoothening box filter for NxN kernel size. I have already implemented the algorithm for 3x3 kernel size. As you can see from the source code below I am not processing the image for edges. Using this logic, for a 5x5 kernel size I have to skip two rows or columns from top, right, bottom and left of the image. So the edges will not be blurred. Is there any other solution.
Here is the code:
/*applying a box filter of size 3x3*/
void blur_image(unsigned char *img, int width, int height)
int n = width * height;
int i, j;
int r, g, b;
int x, y;
float v = 1.0 / 9.0;
float kernel[3][3] =
{ v, v, v },
{ v, v, v },
{ v, v, v }
unsigned char* resimage = (unsigned char *)malloc(width * height * 4 * sizeof(unsigned char));
memcpy(resimage, img, width*height * 4);
for (x = 1; x < width - 1; ++x) {
for (y = 1; y < height - 1; ++y) {
float bs = 0.0;
float gs = 0.0;
float rs = 0.0;
for (i = -1; i <= 1; ++i) {
for (j = -1; j <= 1; ++j){
float weight = (float)kernel[i + 1][j + 1];
unsigned char* buffer = img + width * 4 * (y + j) + (x + i) * 4;
bs += weight * *buffer;
gs += weight * *(buffer + 1);
rs += weight * *(buffer + 2);
unsigned char* outbuffer = resimage + width * 4 * y + x * 4;
*outbuffer = bs;
*(outbuffer + 1) = gs;
*(outbuffer + 2) = rs;
*(outbuffer + 3) = 255;
memcpy(img, resimage, width*height * 4);
I tried to smoothen a line via the super-sampling anti-aliasing technique by adding transparency to neighboring pixels. Here is the code in C
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <png.h>
#define WIDTH 512
#define HEIGHT 512
int main()
// Image buffer
unsigned char image[HEIGHT][WIDTH][4];
for (int i = 0; i < HEIGHT; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < WIDTH; j++)
image[i][j][0] = 255;
image[i][j][1] = 255;
image[i][j][2] = 255;
image[i][j][3] = 0;
// A sample curve
for (double x = -M_PI; x <= M_PI; x += M_PI / WIDTH)
int y = (int)(HEIGHT / 2 - sin(x) * cos(x) * HEIGHT / 2);
int i = (int)(x * WIDTH / (2 * M_PI) + WIDTH / 2);
// The anti-aliasing part
int sample = 2; // how far we are sampling
double max_distance = sqrt(sample * sample + sample * sample);
for (int ii = -sample; ii <= sample; ii++)
for (int jj = -sample; jj <= sample; jj++)
int iii = i + ii;
int jjj = y + jj;
if (iii >= 0 && iii < WIDTH && jjj >= 0 && jjj < HEIGHT)
// Here is my question
int alpha = 255 - (int)(100.0 * sqrt(ii * ii + jj * jj) / max_distance);
image[jjj][iii][0] = 0;
image[jjj][iii][1] = 0;
image[jjj][iii][2] = 0;
image[jjj][iii][3] = alpha > image[jjj][iii][3] ? alpha : image[jjj][iii][3];
FILE *fp = fopen("curve.png", "wb");
png_structp png = png_create_write_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL);
png_infop info = png_create_info_struct(png);
png_init_io(png, fp);
png_write_info(png, info);
for (int i = 0; i < HEIGHT; i++)
png_write_row(png, (png_bytep)image[i]);
png_write_end(png, NULL);
return 0;
Although it does some smoothing, but the result is far from the available programs. Where did I do wrong?
I tried to calculate the transparency based on the distance of each neighboring pixel from the center of the line:
int alpha = 255 - (int)(100.0 * sqrt(ii * ii + jj * jj) / max_distance);
I used the factor of 100 instead of 255 since we do not need to go deep into full transparency.
The problem is how to set the alpha value for each pixel based on neighboring pixels when the transparency of each neighbor is subject to change according to its neighbors?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#define PI 3.14159265
double sin1x(double converted,int i);
double cos1x(double converted,int i);
int main(){
int r,i = 1;
double converted,p,results,results1;
printf("Insert degrees from 0..2π: ");
scanf("%d", &r);
if(r < 0 || r > 360)
converted = r * PI / 180;
printf("Conversion from degrees to rad = %.3f", converted);
results = sin1x(converted,i);
results1 = cos1x(converted,i);
printf("\nsin(%d) = %.3f\n", r, results);
printf("\nsin(%d) of c = %.3f\n", r,sin(converted));
printf("\ncos(%d) = %.3f\n", r, results1);
printf("\ncos(%d) of c = %.3f\n", r,cos(converted));
return 0;
double sin1x(double x, int i)
int j = 3;
double sinx,numerator = x,pr;
sinx = numerator;
pr = numerator;
numerator = pr * x * x / (j * (j - 1));
if(i % 2 == 0)
sinx = sinx + numerator;
if(i % 2 == 1)
sinx = sinx - numerator;
while(fabs(pr - numerator) > 0.000001);
return sinx;
double cos1x(double x, int i)
int j = 2;
double cosx,numerator = x,pr;
cosx = numerator;
pr = numerator;
numerator = pr * x * x / (j * (j - 1));
if(i % 2 == 0)
cosx = cosx + numerator;
if(i % 2 == 1)
cosx = cosx - numerator;
while(fabs(pr - numerator) > 0.000001);
return cosx;
Hello I try to make a program with cosx and sinx and for some reason I have a problem with cosx. I cannot find any issues with my program but the cos results are wrong.Also I have the sin() and cos() functions to compare the results. I tried changing j or making another
variable to factorial but it didn't change anything.
At least these problems:
Wrong initialization
// double cosx,numerator = x,pr;
double cosx,numerator = 1.0,pr;
Missing change to j
// Add to `cos1x()` do loop
j += 2;
Coarse PI
No reason to not use a more precise value.
// #define PI 3.14159265
#define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795
Convertion --> Conversion
Candidate simplification
double cos1x_alt(double x) {
double xx = x * x;
double term = 1.0;
double sum = term;
for (int i = 1; 1.0 + term != 1.0; i += 2) {
term *= -xx / (i * (i + 1));
sum += term;
return sum;
I'm trying to draw the direction of my player on a minimap. I have the ending point of where to draw and the starting point. I'd like to connect the two to actually draw the direction the player is facing.
I have found the ending point using the player direction X and Y.
I'm working with pixels.
I'm only allowed to use my school's library for drawing into a window.
Here's how I get the endpoint and starting point (x and y being the player's coordinate (int), dir_x and dir_y are doubles for the direction (double), start.x and y are (ints)).
start.x = x * MAP_ELEM_PX_SIZE + MAP_PLAYER_PX_SIZE / 2 + (MAP_PLAYER_PX_SIZE + 5) * pos.dir_x;
start.y = y * MAP_ELEM_PX_SIZE + MAP_PLAYER_PX_SIZE / 2 + (MAP_PLAYER_PX_SIZE + 5) * pos.dir_y;
I first tried by just iterating over the x and y at the same time like in this method
int draw_dir_ray(t_coord start, t_coord end, t_win *win)
int i;
int j;
i = 0;
j = 0;
if (start.x < end.x)
i = 1;
else if (start.x > end.x)
i = -1;
if (start.y < end.y)
j = 1;
else if (start.y > end.y)
j = -1;
while (start.x != end.x || start.y != end.y)
set_pixel(win, start.x, start.y, 0x009E00);
if (start.x != end.x)
start.x += i;
if (start.y != end.y)
start.y += j;
return (1);
Here are a few screenshots of what it's rendering. As you can see it's not really the expected result...
(Though I tried to give the most informations I can provide some more if needed)
Thanks to you guys I searched at the Bresenham's line algorithm and implemented it this way !
int draw_dir_ray(t_coord start, t_coord end, t_win *win)
int dx;
int dy;
int sx;
int sy;
int err;
int e2;
dx = abs(end.x - start.x);
dy = -abs(end.y - start.y);
sx = start.x < end.x ? 1 : -1;
sy = start.y < end.y ? 1 : -1;
err = dx + dy;
while (1)
set_pixel(win, start.x, start.y, 0xFF0000);
set_pixel(win, start.x - 1, start.y, 0xFF0000);
set_pixel(win, start.x, start.y - 1, 0xFF0000);
set_pixel(win, start.x - 1, start.y - 1, 0xFF0000);
if (start.y == end.y && start.x == end.x)
break ;
e2 = 2 * err;
if (e2 >= dy)
err += dy;
start.x += sx;
if (e2 <= dx)
err += dx;
start.y += sy;
return (1);
Im making a program to calculate convex hull length of 2D points.
On the input there is a number of points n and then the coordinates of each point.
for example:
-8 -3
-6 1
-5 -2
-3 1
-3 4
2 18
and output is simply the length of the convex hull.
my code looks like this so far:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
typedef struct point
double x;
double y;
POINT b[1000];
VECTOR normal;
int n;
int upper_lower(int i, VECTOR ab, double c) {
double x, y,result;
y = b[i].y;
x = normal.x*b[i].x;
result = -(x + c) / normal.y;
if (y>result) return 1;
if (y == result) return 0;
return -1;
int ccw(VECTOR v,VECTOR v2)
double cp;
cp = v2.x*v.y - v2.y*v.x;
if (cp == abs(cp)) return 1;
return -1;
double vector_length(VECTOR v)
return sqrt(pow(v.x, 2) + pow(v.y, 2));
int cmp_points(const void *p1, const void *p2)
const POINT *pt1 = p1;
const POINT *pt2 = p2;
// do primary compare on x
if (pt1->x > pt2->x)
return 1;
if (pt1->x < pt2->x)
return -1;
// pt1->x == pt2->x - do secondary compare on y...
if (pt1->y > pt2->y)
return 1;
if (pt1->y < pt2->y)
return -1;
// pt1 == pt2
return 0;
int main()
int i,poloha,upper[1000],lower[1000],h=0,d=0;
scanf("%d", &n);
if (n <= 0 && n > 1000) return 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
scanf("%lf %lf", &b[i].x, &b[i].y);
qsort(b, n, sizeof(POINT), cmp_points);
//split in half
double c;
ab.x = b[n - 1].x - b[0].x;
ab.y = b[n - 1].y - b[0].y;
normal.x = -ab.y;
normal.y = ab.x;
c = -normal.x*b[0].x - (normal.y*b[0].y);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
poloha = upper_lower(i,ab,c);
if (poloha == 1) upper[h++] = i;
if (poloha == -1) lower[d++]=i;
if (poloha == 0)
upper[h++] = i;
lower[d++] = i;
int j = 0;
double v, length = 0;
VECTOR v1, v2, v3,v4;
v3.x = 0; v3.y = 0;
//lower part
for (i = 0; ; i++)
int in = 0;
if (lower[i + 2] < 0)
v1.x = b[lower[i + 1]].x - b[lower[0]].x;
v1.y = b[lower[i + 1]].y - b[lower[0]].y;
v2.x = b[lower[i]].x - b[lower[i + 1]].x;
v2.y = b[lower[i]].y - b[lower[i + 1]].y;
lenght += vector_length(v1);
length += vector_length(v2);
v1.x = b[lower[i + 1]].x - b[lower[i]].x;
v1.y = b[lower[i + 1]].y - b[lower[i]].y;
v2.x = b[lower[i + 2]].x - b[lower[i]].x;
v2.y = b[lower[i + 2]].y - b[lower[i]].y;
in = ccw(v1, v2);
if (in == 1)
length += vector_length(v1);
v3 = v2;
v4 = v1;
if (in == -1)
length -= vector_length(v4);
if (v3.x != 0 && v3.y != 0)
length += vector_length(v3);
v3.x = 0; v3.y = 0;
length += vector_length(v2);
printf("%.3lf", length);
return 0;
the problem is that in the last part where I try to compute the length...I just dont know how to finish it..no matter what I try it never works as I want to. Could you guys give me some advice?
I can't see a standard answer, so here's the algorithm:
Choose a point roughly in the centre of your point cloud. Then sort the points radially, by angle from the centre. The topmost point must be in the convex hull, so define it as having an angle of 0.0 and being first in the list.
Now go though. Put point 2 in the "tentative" hull list. Then check point 3. If the angle P1-P2-P3 is concave (relative to the centre point), remove P2 from the list, if it is convex, keep it. Continue like this, backtracking and removing points if they go concave. You only need two points in your "tentative" list, once you have three, they become definite.
You stop when you go full circle and get back to P1.
There are many known convex hull algorithms, one of the simplest of which is the gift wrapping algorithm. Here's an implementation that fits in your program where the points have been input and sorted:
int j = 0; // after sorting, b[0] is leftmost point, must be on an edge
double length = 0;
VECTOR v1, v2, vv;
v1.x = 0, v1.y = 1; // start by measuring angles from vertical
int iv; // index of next edge point
do // find next egde point by minimum angle
double lv1 = vector_length(v1), lv2, lv;
double cv = -1; // minimal possible cosine value
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) if (i != j)
{ // compute cosine of angle between v1 and (b[j]-->b[i]) = v2
v2.x = b[i].x-b[j].x, v2.y = b[i].y-b[j].y;
double c = (v1.x*v2.x + v1.y*v2.y) / lv1 / (lv2 = vector_length(v2));
if (c > cv) cv = c, iv = i, lv = lv2, vv = v2; // new maximum cosine
if (v == -1) break;
// printf("%d:%f,%f-->%d:%f,%f = %f\n", j, b[j], iv, b[iv], lv);
length += lv;
v1 = vv; // found edge is new reference edge
} while (j = iv); // repeat while not at start again
printf("%.3lf\n", length);