unable to run schema_change job in tigergraph - graph-databases

I am able to create local schema change job for an existing graphDB.
When i try to run the job, i get the error
Current graph version 0, Fail to run job, nothing changed.


Does a Lightsail launch script only run at new instance initialisation?

When creating a new Ubuntu Lightsail instance and adding a launch script is the script you enter only run when you FIRST initialize the instance and NOT every time you reboot or restart the same instance? I would love to automate updates and install applications when I create the instance, but I would also like to run updates and start servers when the instance is rebooted or restarted.
Can I (should I) use the launch script for this? Or would it be better to create a second script to do all the tasks after reboot?

SSIS in SQL 2014 running an Execute Process Task failing

Running a Cmd.exe inside an ETL Process Task and it's failing with Exit code 1.
If I run the command as the same user I'm running the SQL Agent job as outside of the ETL it's running fine and giving Exit code 0.
I've seen some DCOM errors in Event Viewer and Ive taken steps to give permissions to the user I'm running the ETL through the SQL Agent Job for. However it's still failing.
Are there other things I should check about running a CMD command across servers as a specific user?
Just to say this was a permission issue ultimately for it to write a file inside the Default folder. It wasn't manifesting as such until I dumped out the Log a little more. I had to make the user I was running the agent job to be a part of the Administrators group on the SSIS server to allow the process to work.

SSIS Job Change Schedule

I am trying to change a job start time in SQL Server by Removing the existing schedule and creating a new one.
Unfortunately, Microsoft doesn't want to let me delete the existing schedule from the job. I get the error
Only owner...can delete the job schedule.
I am the owner. I created the job using the same login that I am using to change it. My username is in the properties as the Owner (FU MS).
I am only trying to remove the schedule from the Job but the error seems to indicate that I am trying to delete the schedule. I think my original mistake was to use an existing schedule rather than create a new duplicate one.
How do I work-around (yet another stupid) permission problem? Or am I doing this wrong?
If it didn't have so many steps, I would just (try to) delete it.

SQL Agent Job doesn't execute SSIS package, but doesn't fail

I set up a job to run a SSIS package in the SSIS Catalog, but the SSIS package doesn't start. If I right-click the package and run it, it completes successfully.
When I look in the execution history of the package in the Catalog, there is no sign that it the package was even started by the job.
I created a test package to make sure it isn't the specific package failing, so the package I'm testing with has a SQL Task that does a 'SELECT 1'. Still fails.
The job just stays in the "Executing" state until I stop the job.
I am running SQL Server 2014 Standard Edition, and running the job with a sysadmin account.
Why is the SQL Agent Job not running my package?
Edit: I had a look through this article but it either doesn't apply or I gave it a shot and it didn't work either.
Edit 2: I found an error under the SQL Server Agent Job History: Unable to terminate process 1850 launched by step 1 of job 0x5DAD5416FA09C445B82ABDBB49F75E38 (reason: Access is denied)
Does that mean my service account doesn't have enough permissions on the local machine? However, I AM able to run the job with DTEXEC using the service account without issues...
I have also faced this scenario many times but when I checked running the package manually,its completing successfully because I was using for each loop container and sequence container as well.In both cases for each loop and sequence were completing without validating other ones.So I checked precedence constraint and change it,Now it working and all the component ran successfully. Sometimes we miss to choose appropriate precedence constraint, there are many option like on Success ,failure,completion and then for you can choose values from Constraint ,Expression,Expression AND Constraint and Expression OR Constraint. Initially i was using Expression OR Constraint for success and now changed it to Expression AND Constraint, its working fine for me. You also need to do this,it will definitely work please try and let me know.
When you look at the connections in the SSIS package, did you put in a user id and password? If so, did you add a package password? The reason I ask is that if you don't add a package password, it will strip out things it thinks should be secure (like passwords). You might want to try putting the connection password in a configuration file, and add that file to the job. Either that or password encrypt the SSIS package but you will have to take special care when you run the package for the first time (or when you create the job) because you will need to provide the password that you used to encrypt the package.
Reboot fixes this issue. Reason is because if you look at this message. Unable to terminate process 1850. That is a windows process. I would say reboot. If you really like to enquire before rebooting. You could use sysinternals process explorer. Download it and use that to find process id 1850 which may be hung process in windows.

Seed does not run when entity framework migrations are applied automatically

When I deploy my app to our staging server, when it starts it checks the database and applies any migrations if necessary, but it does not run the Seed() method. I just changed the connection string to an empty database, restarted the app and it recreated the entire database, but no seed data.
Am I missing something here? Do I need to do anything special to get the Seed() to run when migrations are applied automatically/implicitly?
Everything runs as expected on my dev environment because I apply the migrations explicitly using update-database and Seed is run every time I call update-database.
