Can't get cordova videoplayer to work in a ionic react environment - reactjs

I get the next error message
react_devtools_backend.js:4026 Native: tried calling, but Cordova is not available. Make sure to include cordova.js or run in a device/simulator


Integrate React into Wordpress Dashboard-Plugin

I am currently building a wordpress plugin for the dashboard.
Everything works so far, but at the moment I handle everything with jQuery.
I would now like to integrate React instead of jQuery for practice.
For this I have first created a React app in my plugin
npx create-react-app reactapp
In my dashboard I created a page with the following code:
echo "<div id='root'></div>";
Now I wanted to load React:
wp_register_script('react-js', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__). "templates/reactapp/src/index.js" , array(),null, true);
But there is now the following error in the console if I open the page in the Dashboard:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module (at index.js:1:1)
What is the best way to proceed?

How to get DeviceInfo and DeviceId in React js web application Not React-Native Application

I have Installed React-native-device-info API in my React js project. But when running npm start command in command prompt it was throwing error like " Module not found: Can't resolve 'react-native' in '\node_modules\react-native-device-info\lib\module' .
I have tried all the solutions on google. But the implementations are related to react-native applications only. I need some help how to get deviceinfo and deviceid for REACTJS web application.
use the library => react-device-detect
link :
Detect device, and render view according to the detected device type.

How can I debug a newly cloned React Native app

I am starting to help someone with a new project. This project is React (React Native as is a mobile app).
The project is working fine on her laptop (in her browser), and when I scan the Expo QR code, the app works fine on my Android device.
However, trying to run it in my browser is throwing all these errors:
The 'Can't resolve' error doesn't make sense, because the correct react native files are there. Is this a cache problem? I have tried deleting the .expo/web/cache folder and starting over.
Also, why are there multiple errors in my console, but only one being shown in the information on the actual web page? Does this mean that the single error being shown is causing all the other errors, or it is the only one which needs fixing, or will it show the next error when I fix the one that is being shown?
Seems to have been a known problem re babel. See the links below:
how to solve this error You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type

Unable to execute JS call: __fbBatchedBridge is undefined

I get this error only, when I use bundled js.Before bundled app works properly ,used react native version is 0.19.How to remove this error while bundled please help me
The screen shot is attached below
Ensure that your AppDelegate.m file is not registering the React URL as pointing to disk. In 0.19, no on-disk bundle is created when deploying to the simulator. It must fetch the bundle over localhost or another IP.

issue with running Angle - Bootstrap Admin app (angular-meteor version): TypeError: $browser.addPollFn is not a function angular-cookies.js:60

just purchased Angle - Bootstrap Admin app from wrapbootstrap
Tried to run the angular-meteor version of the app
The first issue was that meteor did not like the contents of the default index.html, so I renamed the file to be
Now the error I'm getting in the browser console is:
TypeError: $browser.addPollFn is not a function angular-cookies.js:60
What can be done to fix this?
Not sure about wrapbootstrap, but generally this error means you are using incompatible versions of angular and angular-cookies.
The external angular modules you use (e.g. ngAnimate, ngCookies, ngResource, ngRoute etc), should always be the same version as angular.
This issue can be Resolved by using same Version of angular.min.js and angular-cookies.js.
It always good to use same version of files
