Does AnyStock for AnyChart provide you with pattern recognition capabilities? - anychart

I noticed in the demo on the website it highlighted what looked like an ascending triangle pattern, does anystock provide pattern recognition for you?

Unfortunately, there is no pattern recognition built-in. AnyChart Stock Chart Component supports building of several types of annotations like triangle, which can be added programmatically.


How to make a contour plot in WPF?

I am going to make a contour plot of some data. I have a component called Telerik and a component called SciChart for making graphs. I have looked at their homepages and searched the internet and i dont think they support contour plots.
So how would i make a contour plot in WPF?
you can use
it is better documented than d3 and currently supported.
There is a question on Telerik site with the question, that may be interesting for you too.
And also Dynamic Data Display on CodePlex.

Three Line Break chart using Silverlight

I need to create interactive "Three Line Break chart". It is a type of chart that mainly used in financial/stock analysis.
I downloaded ASP.NET chart control samples from msdn and played around with the "Three line break chart" type that included in the package. It looks great but it is not interactive (chart gennerated is an image ) so I can not just use it.
So, I think I need to use Silverlight, I am wondering anyone knows if there is any free Silverlight chart control package that provides this type of chart out of box?
Thanks a lot.
The Silverlight Toolkit provides some charting controls. Samples can be watch here. An other good library that provides chart ist visifire. But you need a licence if you want to use it commercial.

Zooming on Silverlight Toolkit charts?

I need to enable zooming on the Silverlight charts I use - at the moment this is Silverlight Toolkit. As far as I've understood the SL Toolkit charts don't support zooming, however I'm looking into implementing this functionality. So far I haven't managed to get far: applying ScaleTransforms to the Series elements doesn't work as expected.
Can anyone provide me with example code on implementing zooming in Silverlight Toolkit?
I've previously looked into implementing zooming on the Silverlight Toolkit charts, however failed because of (probably) the following reasons:
Silverlight Toolkit charts don't seem to have been designed to be able to extend for zooming. There are no hooks that you could easily attack some zooming logic to, if you want to create zooming on them, you have to go much deeer.
The simplest way of implementing zooming is using ScaleTransform and RenderTransform to elements. In case of Silverlight Toolkit you want to apply this to the series. However just calculating the correct ScaleTransform and OffsetTransform are difficult enough
When scaling, you don't want everything to scale. If you zoom in 4x on a line series with points on it, you don't want the line to be 4x thicker and the points to be 4x larger. This means that even if you did implement applying the ScaleTransforms and RenderTransforms correctly, all you would get is a magnifying glass, which is still far from ideal.
After a few hours I gave up on adding this kind of support to the SL toolkit charts and instead looked for other components that support zooming and have a decent API to deal with it. These are the components I've found (though I'm sure there's more):
Visiblox Charts free version: it has a nice API and implenting zooming takes only a few lines of XAML according to this blog post (also see a post on a comparison with SL toolkit charts). Full disclosure: I have been heavily involved in development of this library.
Infragistics xamWebChart also claim to have support for zoom in the premium version of their charts
Telerik RadCharts also seem to allow zooming based on this example - though it's not clear to me whether you'd have to implement this functionality yourself.
Summing it up, I think the easiest way for you to go it with a component that already has zooming implemented - from my experience it would take a lot of investment to add proper zooming + panning to Silverlight Toolkit charts.
You should take a look at user610173's blog post. Specifically, download the full example code here: Very helpful!
Adding to Gergely Orozy comment about Telerik:
You can easily add the Zoom functionality with the following XAML.
<charting:ZoomScrollSettings ScrollMode="ScrollAndZoom" MinZoomRange="0.005"/>
You can check out a demo by clicking here and the source code is also available on that same tab.

Looking for a simple Silverlight map component

I am looking for a light-weight map component that displays a map of the US and allows users to click on a State and see information pertaining to that state. The data I want to display is in my database. I just need to know what state was selected so I can display the detail. This is something I am doing to get familiar with Silverlight.
All the searches for Silverlight/ Maps I have done so far have pointed me at solutions that are far more complicated than I need. My perception is that using Bing Maps to do this simple task would a waste of the features provide by Bing.
Anyone know of such a Component? Am I wrong that Bing Maps is not the right tool for the job?
If you have access to Expression Studio (specifically Expression Design), creating maps as vector based images is quite easy. Poly-paths in Xaml are also relatively efficient to store and serve up compared to images.
You import a map as a background image and use the pen tool to dot-to-dot trace around the country. Combine all those path segments into a single path. Then create a separate poly-path for each state (close them to allow for a fill).
It will take a few hours to build all this (I know having done this for a world map country selector... took 4-5 hours solid for the one polygon styled below):
By having each state represented by a filled polygon-path highlighting (by changing the fill colour) is trivial on mouse-enter/mouse-leave events.
If you want stylistic map, remove the image, otherwise use transparency on the state polygons to show the map through the roll-overs.
And if you get yourself a graphic tablet and pen this sort of point-to-point work is about 5 times faster than with a mouse!
The interaction with Bing Maps in Silverlight is really strong and provide you with easy communication between the map and your data. I would give Bing Maps a try.
I'm not sure if you've already come across this, but it seems you can also use the control with custom tile sources. Here are a few resources.
Custom Rendering in Bing Silverlight Control

Rich look and feel in WPF

I am searching for good samples for WPF that gives rich look and feel in WPF. Like for example a fancy TreeView Control with icons ..or Outllok like layout...
Samples that shows the real power of WPF in terms of rich look and feel..
Check out official wpf site
There are lots of samples and videos
I'd look up , there are usually some good materials there regarding WPF/ Blend etc.
If you have access to the Expression Blend product, there are several sample apps bundled in that may give you the inspiration you seek.
Check out the demo on Xceed's website for some great examples of WPF Controls (including Grids and TreeViews). They also have a 45 day free-trial if you'd like to play with the controls on your own machine.
