I'm trying to create a github action that triggers once a new registry_package (trying to target a specific one) is uploaded to the org. I've gone through all the documentation I can find with various versions and iterations of this, but none of them work for me. So far, this is the only format I've found that doesn't just bomb out immediately (as well as trigger immediately)
name: Release New Image
- updated
- 'testpackage'
but when I ran the test package through its build paces and it uploaded to the package repo (I'm dealing with docker images so its uploading to ghcr.io/ORGNAME/testpackage:latest) it didn't trigger. The documentation here says that it needs to be in the default branch, so I tried that as well but it still isn't triggering. Has anyone gotten this trigger working that can point out what I'm doing wrong?
So the issue appears to be related to the fact that I'm using docker images for my stuff. From GitHub support:
"At the moment, the events that can trigger a workflow are those occurring on the repository itself. When you publish a container package on GitHub Packages, you are publishing the package at the organization-level scope, so it's not actually tied to a specific repository. The registry_package trigger for now only works for packages that are repository-based such as npm and NuGet packages.
At the moment, you would need to set up an external server that listens to the registry_package webhook at the organization level and then manually triggers a workflow run in the repository, either through the workflow_dispatch or repository_dispatch" - Paul (GitHub Support)
No public link available for this feature request
In the registry_package pay load object, the action key doesn't have "updated" as value.
The following are valid:
published: a release, pre-release, or draft of a release is published
unpublished: a release or pre-release is deleted
created: a draft is saved, or a release or pre-release is published without previously being saved as a draft
edited: a release, pre-release, or draft release is edited
deleted: a release, pre-release, or draft release is deleted
prereleased: a pre-release is created
released: a release is published, or a pre-release is changed to a release
We have 4 containers in an array, we show the first perfectly, but when we set as current the next container to show it, we call forceRevalidate() on it but only the most general container is showed.
When i update the project libraries through Codename One Settings -> Basic -> Update Project Libs and clean&build project the error persist.
It hasn't changed locally for a while since we didn't push an update for Ant in ages. I suggest migrating to maven where you can check such functionality.
Notice that if this applies only to device builds those do get updated for Ant and will be consistent with the latest maven version.
Who can help me, with what the page version contains?
i found the link in update.php
* Holds the AnchorCMS update check URL
const UPDATE_URL = 'https://anchorcms.com/version';
Since the project AnchorsCMS is shut down because the initial developer has sadly passed away, the development team has decided to take everything offline and stop the development.
The contents of that file was just a blank page with the version of the latest release. The latest release before take down is 0.12.7.
If you want a release check that works, you need to change the URL in the update.php file in the libraries folder to a URL that just displays "0.12.7". If you want you can use mine at https://1ago.be/version-anchorcms
Kind regards,
I know this is a repeated question, but still I am posting the question as I unable to find the answer by all the method i check in the previous links. So, please help me instead of marking duplicate or voting down.
I have build an app with some cordova plugin including the push notification, but in some handsets its working good and in some its showing me as "Unfortunately appname has stopped" and the app is exits.
I have tried with some options like updating google play services, sdk update, adb logcat, keyboard uninstall and install, even platform also i have added again but no use.
Please save me from the bug.
Ultimately I have found the solution.
The error was the cordova-android#7.0.0 version.
I just updated my package from 7.0.0 to 7.1.0 and just re-installed all the plugins and its working pretty fine.
Now all the plugins even the push notifications are working good.
If anyone has the issue can just follow the same procedure and it will help you.
I'm really stucked at my final stage of coding. I've created a custom button in lead section and i'm calling custom setting url in javascript code.
It works very well in my developer organization but it fails when I installs this in other developer organization.
Here is the code for your reference;
var uname = encodeURI('{!$Setup.UserDetails__c.UName__c}');
var ukey= encodeURI('{!$Setup.UserDetails__c.Sha1Key__c}');
var rurl= escape('/handleapprequest?email={!Lead.Email}&fname ={!Lead.FirstName}&lastname={!Lead.LastName}&company={!Lead.Company}');
window.open('{!$Setup.UserDetails__c.Url__c}login/' + uname + '/'+ ukey +'?returnurl='+rurl, 'Send Email', 'height=600,location=no,resizable=yes,toolbar=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=1', 1)
When I install my package to different developer organization, the button which executes onClick javascript, thows an exception 'A problem with the OnClick JavaScript for this button or link was encountered: Field Setup.UserDetails_c.UName_c does not exists check spelling'
Please, let me know what is going wrong here? I've already created Beta package and I can not change or remove code from my developer org.
Thanks a lot.
Firstly, you should check whether you actually included the Custom Setting in your package. If you don't do that then it just won't exist in the new org.
Even if you do have the Custom Setting in the package, you still have to put a value in it in the destination org. Packages include metadata only, not data, and so you'll have to add a row to this custom setting for your button to pick it up. You can do this manually in the destination org, or you can do it automatically with a post-install trigger. Even if you've got a beta managed package, you can still add objects and code to it, by the way.
To update or deploy your code to AppEngine, I just use the command:
appcfg.py update <my_app_name>
That seems to work fine, but if I made any change and try to redeploy, it does not to override with the new code. This begs the question:
What am I doing wrong?
How can I delete existing files that were previously uploaded?
You've almost certainly changed the major version ID of your app, but not set it as the default version. Go into the admin console for your app (on appengine.google.com), and set the new version as the default in the 'versions' panel.
I didn't change the version ID, but I still didn't see the new version until several minutes after "Closing update: new version is ready to start serving." I kept reloading and refreshing, and finally created a stackoverflow account and wrote a detailed message describing the problem, which I've now deleted/edited. Only then did it start working. Should Google change the message to "Closing update: new version will start serving in a few minutes"?