How con I fix my tweet data's date range problem with rtweet? - screen-scraping

I'm trying to scrap tweets from Twitter. I want my data from a certain date range but my code is giving me last 48 hours' tweets.
Here is my code.
if (!requireNamespace("remotes", quietly = TRUE))
rt <- search_tweets("DoktorlarGrevde", n = 1000, include_rts = FALSE)
I looked for some blogs and forums but I couldn't find anything about with date trouble.
I tried like this
rt <- search_tweets("DoktorlarGrevde", n = 1000, include_rts = FALSE, since = "2022-01-01", until = "2022-01-02")
But this code gave me this answer in View command.
No data available in table
How can I fix it? Or what should I change, what should I do?
Thanks from now on.


What should be onLoad dataset for stock highcharts with multiple lines

In the given example, I have two lines to be displayed and datasets/time series data records for them are here dataset1: mock-data/i.js & dataset2: mock-data/iv.
Time range is between 2015 to 2021 years. In each data set there are around 60K to 70K records.
In reality it would be millions of records in each dataset and there will be multiple dataset/lines(40 to 60 datasets/lines).
Question: 1The part which I don't understand is, when I load the chart for the first time, which data should I display ??????? (as there are many records in the dataset)
I checked highcharts example: and I feel like, from given time range, it shows each month's first date data when being loaded for the first time.
function getInitialDataPointsFromBackEnd() {
const onLoadDataset = [];
let timestamp;
for (let i = 0; i < dataset.length; i++) {
const { name, datapoints } = dataset[i];
const tempDataset = { name: name, datapoints: [] };
for (let j = 0; j < datapoints.length; j++) {
// push 0th record blindly to onLoadDataset
if (j === 0) {
timestamp = datapoints[j][0];
timestamp = timestamp + 2.628e9; // timestamp with one month difference
// push last record blindly to onLoadDataset
if (j === datapoints.length - 1) {
// start finding next month timestamp record
const filteredMonthlyRecord = datapoints.find(
(x) => x[0] === timestamp
if (filteredMonthlyRecord) {
// if record is found increse time stamp by one month
timestamp = timestamp + 2.628e9; // timestamp with one month difference
return onLoadDataset;
So I'm trying to apply the similar kind of logic using getInitialDataPointsFromBackEnd function. Assume this is BE functionality or BE implementation in reality but just to make example more understandable I'm using in FE side, which should extract out each month's first record for given range(In my case time range is from 2011 to 2021).
But, since, in each dataset, there are around 60K to 70K records, I have to loop through all of them and prepare my first-load data.
This is very time consuming process. If I have 60 to 70 datasets and from each dataset If I have to extract out each month record, it will take forever to serve the data to front-end.
I'm sure, I'm missing something or making some basic mistakes.
Please help me understand what should be the onLoad dataset if you have two time series datasets as shown below.
My efforts:
Question 2: Also, bottom navigator keeps on updating every time when you try to change the selection and redraws lines in wrong way. How can I fix it too ? Ideally it should not update lining part only scroll trasparent window should be updated. isn't it?

Xamarin Sqlite query with sum()

i got a sqlite db with some values, one of it is called "NWPrice". i want to Sum() the price, so i can put it into a string(label) later on. its like in a normal online shop, you got some stuff with a price and its added to "summe" in the end. (dont worry, its not a real shop, was just an exampel). so here is the code i got( i tried it in 2 ways, so thats why there are "summe" and "z"):
var summe = await _connection.QueryAsync<Bestellung>("SELECT SUM(NWPrice) FROM Bestellung");
var z = summe.ToList().FirstOrDefault();
SummeEinkauf.Text = summe.ToString();
Summenlabel.Text = z.ToString();
and the outcome for z its writing "Projektname.PackegeName" and for summe its writing "system.collections.generic.list´1[projektname.models.classname]"
can you help me :D?
by the way(found this allready here):
var ent = conn.Table<Transaction>().Where(t => t.price > 0);
entLabel.Text = (ent.Sum(t => t.price)).ToString();
this one doesnt work, it says it cant convert a string to a bool in the "where-
Finally here´s an answer:
var ent = await _connection.ExecuteScalarAsync<int>("SELECT SUM(NWPreis) FROM BESTELLUNG");
SummeEinkauf.Text = ent.ToString();
if there s anybody who can tell me (exactly for my case) how i can write the answer in this format "0.00" and not (like it is now) in thie "0" or this "0.0" it would be grat. but the most is done :)

Google apps script can't read the 1001'th row from google spreadsheets

The function bellow returns the first empty row on column A.
The sheet became full, I extended it with another 9000 rows, I ran main manually and I got an error, "TypeError: Cannot read property "0" from undefined".
The problem it seems to be that the 1001'th row cannot be read, values[1001] returns nothing, undefined. Am I missing something or am I limited to 1000 rows of data ?
Thank you for reading, here is the code:
function getLastRowNumber(sheetName){
// sheetName: string; returns intege (the last row number based on column A)
var sheet = getSheet(sheetName);
var column = sheet.getRange('A1:A'); // THIS IS THE PROBLEM
var values = column.getValues(); // get all data in one call
var ct = 0;
while (values[ct][0] != "") {
return (ct);
Solution: use .getRange('A:A'); instead of the 'A1:A' notation.
Thank you #tehhowch for the solution.
Posting this answer so people can see it, the solution was provided by #tehhowch.
By using "A:A" as the argument of getRange fixes the problem.

Save the for-loop index for certain values to be used later

I'm trying to create two spreadsheets: one tracks student attendance at school, the other tracks their attendance at Track practice. The goal is to write a function, that I can set up as a button, that I can click that will automatically send emails to several people if the student is present at school but is absent for sports without getting excused.
Right now, the whole thing is working pretty well, but I have one issue. I have a column that will read "Good" or "Bad" depending on whether the student meets the above condition. The function turns these into an array. I would like to use the index of the "Bad"'s to find the necessary email addresses, which are stored at the same index point in another array that I make from the spreadsheet. I'm not sure how to save this index point and use it to reference the email addresses. Code below.
function sendEmailsMonday() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("TrackAttendance");
var dataRange = sheet.getRange("D2:D30");
var data = dataRange.getValues();// Gets array of "Good" and "Bad"
for (i in data) {
if(i = "Bad") {
var place = data.indexOf(i);
var dataRange2 = sheet.getRange("M2:M30");// Gets array of email addresses
var data2 = dataRange2.getValues();
var emailAddress = data2[place];
var message = "This is an automated email informing you that your child/advisee ____ was present at school today, but missed Track without being excused. Feel free to email Mr. # with any questions.";
var subject = "___ missed Track Practice";
MailApp.sendEmail(emailAddress, subject, message);
So, the issue comes in with the index lines. If I get rid of
var place = data.indexOf(i);
and replace
var emailAddress = data[place];
var emailAddress = data[28];
or any other number, it will grab the email address and send it. But then it has nothing to do with the values in the other column.
Seems like this should be an easy fix but I'm bad at this.
Very late responding now. I think you are almost there.
Your IF statement should read:
if(i == "Bad") {
And then replace 'place' with i:
var emailAddress = data2[i];
It should work as expected now.

get_by_id() not returning values

I am writing an application that shows the user a number of elements, where he has to select a few of them to process. When he does so, the application queries the DB for the rest of the data on these elements, and stacks them with their full data on the next page.
I made an HTML form loop with a checkbox next to each element, and then in Python I check for this checkbox's value to get the data.
Even when I'm just trying to query the data, ndb doesn't return anything.
pitemkeys are the ids for the elements to be queried. inpochecks is the checkbox variable.
preqitems is the dict to save the items after getting the data.
The next page queries nothing and is blank.
The comments are my original intended code, which produced lots of errors because of not querying anything.
request_code = self.request.get_all('rcode')
pitemkeys = self.request.get_all('pitemkey')
inpochecks = self.request.get_all('inpo')
preqitems = {}
#idx = 0
#for ix, pitemkey in enumerate(pitemkeys):
# if inpochecks[ix] == 'on':
# preqitems[idx] = Preqitems.get_by_id(pitemkey)
# preqitems[idx].rcode = request_code[ix]
# idx += 1
for ix, pitemkey in enumerate(pitemkeys):
preqitems[ix] = Preqitems.get_by_id(pitemkey)
#preqitems[ix].rcode = request_code[ix]
Update: When trying
preqitems = ndb.get_multi([ndb.Key(Preqitems, k) for k in pitemkeys])
preqitems returns a list full of None values, as if the db couldn't find data for these keys.. I checked the keys and for some reason they are in unicode format, could that be the reason? They look like so.
[u'T-SQ-00301-0002-0001', u'U-T-MT-00334-0007-0002', u'U-T-MT-00334-0008-0001']
Probably you need to do: int(pitemkey) or str(pitemkey), depending if you are using integer or string id
