Currently I am trying to connect from azure data studio hsqldb file. I wanted to know if this is possible , to connect from azure data studio?
Thanks in advance
I am trying to setup an oracle connector in SSIS via visual studio 2017 and receive this error.
However I am able to connect via the windows ODBC
My tnsnames.ora file is correct. There is another user that is able to use the oracle connector via SSDT and connect successfully.
Any tips please?
I have a db in sql server 2014 and i am trying to deploy the database to Azure db using Tasks-> Deploy database to Azure SQL Database.
I installed DAC framework but still i am not able to. When i try to connect to my local Azure server from SQL Server i am able to connect to it. Is there anything else that i am missing ?
Keep in mind that Azure SQL PaaS was quite immature in 2014.
Please upgrade your SSMS version to 17.x. This will work fine with your SQL 14 databases but have all the upgraded tooling for Azure SQL included.
trying to follow this tutorial I'm not able to select the sql server provider as data source.
I've only file and sql compact.
I've installed sql server 2008 express and management studio.
What do I miss ?
Thanks in advance for any help
Best regards
It seems that with web developper express, we can access to this data source although with visual c# express, we can't
I have a question about SQL Server 2008.
I can't connect to SQL Server with Visual Studio 2010. When I try to connect, there are only default templates like tempdb, master etc. The database which I made it, isn't there.
How can I solve this..?
Thank you..
Looks like a permissions issue. Make sure credentials you are using have appropriate permissions to connect to your database.
Is there a way to view Azure Tables form SQL Server Management Studio or some similar tool?
You can install the Nov CTP of SQL Server 2008 . The SSMS supports connecting to Azure like connecting to any other on-premise database.
You could also try this tool -
Another option is a tool by Cerebrata.
As Joannes mentioned, it's unclear whether you are looking to browse SQL Azure or Azure Table Storage.
If it's SQL Azure you're asking about, then it's an easy answer: Yes. Simply go to your SQL Azure account online and grab the server name (, and use that from SQL Server Management Studio when connecting to your database. Specify your admin username and password, and you're off and running.
If you're talking about viewing Azure Table storage, there are a few tools floating around. The most current seems to be the Azure Storage Explorer on CodePlex. It'll let you view all of your Azure tables, and edit text blobs.