Edit a JSON file in azure blob storage by react - reactjs

I have a json file in my container in azure blob storage. I want to edit it using react js. Like if I have something like "name" : "sandy"; I want to be able to change the name using react


How to fetch text file from google drive with json contents React Native

I need to access a simple text file from my google drive in React Native.
I saw in this post about how you can use this link structure to get a photo from google drive: https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=YOUR PHOTO ID. Is there a structure like this to get a text document?
People keep telling me to setup a backend using sqlite or something but it seems so overkill for the very little that I need. I don't need to set data I just need to read it from a URL. Also, I tried doing a backend but from my limited knowledge, I can't use a backend server on iOS.
Any Ideas?

uploading a doc file to alfresco using rest api and react js

I'm trying to send a document file to alfresco via a simple react js interface with a single upload button like the image. But I don't know how should I approach it. I managed to upload a file using postman but I'm a beginner in this field. What should I do?

Image upload to firebase storage with React Jodit WYSIWYG Editor

I'm using Jodit to create a WYSIWYG editor. My application is developed on React JS and Firebase handles the database and storage.
I am unable to add a custom function to allow image upload to firebase using Jodit Editor. Is there any possibility to add this directly? I would like to avoid using a function using NodeJs for image uploads only.
Possible workarounds:
Enable the following option within the default image uploader then use a cloud function to convert the base64 string to firebase storage and replace the string with the publicly accessible URL.
"uploader": { "insertImageAsBase64URI": true },
Create a http-accessible endpoint with cloud functions to process the image according to this documentation.

How can I store a img into a MongoDB?

I need to make a "gallery" like Google Photos for a class project. My idea consists in a web app that allows a user to upload a file (image) and save it to a db and after that to show it in the web app. I just want to know how should the structure of my collection be if that collection saves a file (<16MB I read for >16MB we have to use gridfs).
For the back-end, I will use Node (with Express, Mongoose ... and so on) and for the front-end I will use react or vue.js. I am not sure yet.
Any suggestion is accepted.
You can do the following two things.
Upload image to s3 and save its link in the mongoDB. More Read(https://medium.com/#fabianopb/upload-files-with-node-and-react-to-aws-s3-in-3-steps-fdaa8581f2bd).
Save image in database in a GridFS collection. More Read

Uploading users data using CSV file with flow JS

I want to provide upload functionality to my angular JS application , I want to restrict user to upload only CSV/XSL files only,and the File size must be restricted to 100KB ,the users data from the file should be stored in the local storage of browser using Flow JS, I am new to Flow JS ,can anyone give me hint or code-snippet to implement this.I don't wanna use any backend only local storage to store my data
To restrict selectable files to CSV and XLS or XSLX, use FlowJS assignBrowse method :
.assignBrowse(domNodes, isDirectory, singleFile, attributes)
This way
flow.assignBrowse(element, false, false, {"accept": ".csv,.xls,.xlsx"});
Read official docs for more : https://github.com/flowjs/flow.js/#methods
Unfortunately, this is no limit for filesize.
But you'll find some useful information on this thread which could help :
