ReactJS delay update in useState from axios response - reactjs

I am new to react js and I am having a hard time figuring out how to prevent delay updating of use state from axios response
Here's my code:
First, I declared countUsername as useState
const [countUsername, setUsername] = useState(0);
Second, I created arrow function checking if the username is still available
const checkUser = () => {
.then(response => {
.catch(e => {
So, every time I check the value of countUsername, it has delay like if I trigger the button and run checkUser(), the latest won't save.
Scenario if I console.log() countUseranme
I entered username1(not available), the value of countUsername is still 0 because it has default value of 0 then when I trigger the function once again, then that will just be the time that the value will be replaced.
const saveUser = () => {
Is there anything that I have forgot to consider? Thank you

usually there is a delay for every api call, so for that you can consider an state like below:
const [loading,toggleLoading] = useState(false)
beside that you can change arrow function to be async like below:
const checking = async ()=>{
const res = await RestaurantDataService.checkUsername(user.username);
in the above function you can toggle loading state for spceifing checking state and disable button during that or shwoing spinner in it:
<button onClick={checking } disabled={loading}>Go
i hope this help

.then is not synchronous, it's more of a callback and will get called later when the api finishes. So your console log actually goes first most of the time before the state actually saves. That's not really something you control.
You can do an async / await and return the data if you need to use it right away before the state changes. And I believe the way state works is that it happens after the execution:
"State Updates May Be Asynchronous" so you can't really control when to use it because you can't make it wait.
In my experience you use the data right away from the service and update the state or create a useEffect, i.g., useEffect(() => {}, [user]), to update the page with state.
const checkUser = async () => {
try {
return await RestaurantDataService.checkUsername(user.username);
} catch(e) {
const saveUser = async () => {
const user = await checkUser();
// do whatever you want with user


usestate can change the state value after axios in useEffect

I expected to get the url with category=business,but the web automatically reset my state to the url that dosent have the category.I dont know the reason behind
let {id}=useParams()
const [newsurl,setNewsurl]=useState(()=>{
const initialstate=""
return initialstate;})
const [articles, setActicles] = useState([]);
useEffect( ()=>{
if(id === 2)
useEffect(() => {
const getArticles = async () => {
const res = await Axios.get(newsurl);
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
// Whatever else we want to do after the state ha
s been updated.
}, [newsurl])
//return "";}
return (<><Newsnavbar />{articles?.map(({title,description,url,urlToImage,publishedAt,source})=>(
source={} />
)) } </>
one more things is that when i save the code the page will change to have category but when i refresh it ,it change back to the inital state.Same case when typing the url with no id.May i know how to fix this and the reason behind?
Setting the state in React acts like an async function.
Meaning that the when you set the state and put a console.log right after it, it will likely run before the state has actually finished updating.
You can instead, for example, use a useEffect hook that is dependant on the relevant state in-order to see that the state value actually gets updates as anticipated.
useEffect(() => {
// Whatever else we want to do after the state has been updated.
}, [newsurl])
This console.log will run only after the state has finished changing and a render has occurred.
Note: "newsurl" in the example is interchangeable with whatever other state piece you're dealing with.
Check the documentation for more info about this.
setState is an async operation so in the first render both your useEffetcs run when your url is equal to the default value you pass to the useState hook. in the next render your url is changed but the second useEffect is not running anymore because you passed an empty array as it's dependency so it runs just once.
you can rewrite your code like the snippet below to solve the problem.
const [articles, setActicles] = useState([]);
const Id =;
useEffect(() => {
const getArticles = async () => {
const newsurl =
Id === 2
? ""
: "";
const res = await Axios.get(newsurl);
}, []);

refetch in reactQuery is not return the data

I am using reactQuery in my react application. I need to call one get API in button click. for that i am using refetch option in reactQuery. API call is working fine but my response data is coming undefined. I checked in browser network there i can see the response.
My API call using reactQuery
const { data: roles, refetch: roleRefetch } = useQuery('getRoles', () => api.getRoles('ID_234'), { enabled: false });
My click event
const handleAdd = (e) => { roleRefetch(); console.log(roles) }
My action call using axios
export const getRoles = (name) => axios.get(roles/list?sa_id=${name}, { headers: setHeader }).then(res => res);
const handleAdd = (e) => { roleRefetch(); console.log(roles) }
this not how react works, and it's not react-query specific. calling a function that updates some state will not have your state be available in the next line. It will make it available in the next render cycle. Conceptually, you want this to work, which cannot with how react is designed:
const [state, setState] = React.useState(0)
<button onClick={() => {
here, the log statement will log 0, not 1, because the update doesn't happen immediately, and this is totally expected.
With react-query, what you can do is await the refetch, because its async, and it will give you the result back:
const handleAdd = async (e) => {
const { data } = await roleRefetch();
or, depending on what you actually want to do, you can:
use data in the render function to render something - it will always be up-to-date.
use theonSuccess callback of useQuery to trigger side-effects whenever data is fetched
spawn a useEffect in the render function that does the logging:
const { data: roles, refetch: roleRefetch } = useQuery('getRoles', () => api.getRoles('ID_234'), { enabled: false });
React.useEffect(() => {
}, [roles])
on a more general note, I think disabling a query and then calling refetch on a button click is very likely not idiomatic react-query. Usually, you have some local state that drives the query. in your case, that's likely the id. Dependencies of the query should go to the queryKey, and react-query will trigger a refetch automatically when the key changes. This will also give you caching by id. You can use enabled to defer querying when your dependencies are not yet ready. Here's what I would likely do:
const [id, setId] = React.useState(undefined)
const { data: roles } = useQuery(['getRoles', id], () => api.getRoles(id), { enabled: !!id });
const handleAdd = (e) => { setId('ID_234') }
of course, id doesn't have to come from local state - it could be some other form of client state as well, e.g. a more global one.

Update state in setInterval via dispatch outside component

I currently have a functional component Form that triggers a task to occur. Once the submission is complete, I create a setInterval poll to poll for the status of the task. The code roughly looks like
export function Form(props: FormProps) {
const dispatch = useDispatch()
const pollTaskStatus = () => {
const intervalId = setInterval(async() => {
const response = await fetchTaskStatus() // Function in different file
if (response.status === 'COMPLETE') {
const submitForm = async() => {
await onSubmitForm() // Function in different file
return (
<button onClick={submitForm}>Submit</button>
When the action is dispatched, the redux store is supposed to be updated and a component is supposed to update alongside it showing a message that the task is complete. However, I see the action logged with an updated store state but nothing occurs. If I just try to dispatch the same action with useEffect() wrapped around it outside the submitForm functions, the message appears. I've searched online and people say that you need to wrap useEffect around setInterval but I can't do that because the function that calls setInterval is not a custom hook or component. Is there a way to do this?
It's a bit difficult to answer your question without seeing all the code.
But my guts feeling is that this might no have anything to do with React.
const pollTaskStatus = () => {
const intervalId = setInterval(async() => {
console.log('fire to fetch')
const response = await fetchTaskStatus() // Function in different file
if (response.status === 'COMPLETE') {
console.log('success from fetch')
Let's add two console lines to your code. What we want to see is to answer the following questions.
is the setInterval called in every 500ms?
is any of the call finished as success?
how many dispatch has been fired after submission
If you can answer all these questions, most likely you can figure out what went wrong.

Ho to wait with fetch until redux state is available?

I want to fetch some data from a database, and depending on the user the returned data should differ. The way i tried it, was by passing the userid as a query. The id is stored as a redux state. The problem is, that it takes some time before the redux state is available. Ive tried fixing this with if statements, and rerunning the useEffect everytime the auth state is updated. This doesn't work.
I want to fetch, when the redux state is available. Which it is like .1 sec after the initial load.
Here is my code:
const auth = useSelector((state) => state.auth);
useEffect(async () => {
if (auth.token.length > 0) {
const res = await getData(`calendar/?userId=${}`);
}, [auth, date]);
I believe useEffect is already asynchronous, so you don't need to use the async keyword in the anonymous callback. You can create the async function for that logic elsewhere and call it within the useEffect.
Similarly, you could put in self calling async function within your useEffect as such:
useEffect(() => {
(async () => {
if (auth.token.length) {
try {
const res = await getData(`calendar/?userId=${}`);
}catch (err) {console.log(err);}
}, [auth, date]);
I think this link may be helpful:
React Hook Warnings for async function in useEffect: useEffect function must return a cleanup function or nothing
So with the basic understanding, I assume that you need to call the API whenever userId is available. try the below useEffect
useEffect(async () => {
// check user id is available here
if (auth.user && {
const res = await getData(`calendar/?userId=${}`);
// some other statements
}, [auth, date]);

Function inside useEffect fire twice even with empty dependency array

I have this example from
The effect works fine (fires once) but for some reason, the functions inside are called twice.
useEffect(() => {
const cancelAuthListener = firebase
.onIdTokenChanged(async (user) => {
console.log('once or twice?')
if (user) {
// This fires twice
const userData = await mapUserData(user)
} else {
const userFromCookie = getUserFromCookie()
if (!userFromCookie) {
console.log(' i fire once')
return () => {
console.log('clean up')
}, [])
How can I make it to fire once?
I added some console logs:
On the first render I get: 'i fire once', 'once or twice', 'once or twice'
If I leave the page the cleanup console log fires (as it's supposed to do)
Many thanks
Later edit:
this is the code
export const mapUserData = async (user) => {
const { uid, email } = user
const token = await user.getIdToken()
return {
id: uid,
If getIdToken() gets 'true' as an argument it will force a refresh regardless of token expiration.
the user was calling getIdToken(true) which forces a refresh.
Sorry guys, my bad!!!
You have a setState() inside useEffect thats the culprit, where useEffect having empty params [], one request on initial mount and another when do
setUser(userData) the component re-renders and useEffect() is invoked again.
Instead of using user as state, try using as ref and check. That might resolve this.
