GCC can't find headers on Windows - c

I'm new in winAPI and I was learning how code programs with some special functions and such, so I downloaded the Windows's SDK.
Problem is, GCC decided to put the blind glasses and say:
Documents_path.c:6:25: fatal error: KnownFolders.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
I said "OK, next one then" and there's another header with the same problem:
thread.c:3:30: fatal error: processthreadsapi.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
I checked if these headers are even in my PC and here they are setting with windows.h, which it was working when I tried basic functions with it.
I searched an answer for this problem but didn't find any, either it was a external\binary libraries problem, is it local or not or a macro fix (which it didn't work).
How can I fix the problem?
I'm using VS Code
This is the code of "Documents_path.c" example:
#pragma comment(lib, "user32.lib")
int main(){
int a;
PWSTR path = NULL;
HRESULT hr = SHGetKnownFolderPath(&FOLDERID_Documents, 0, NULL, &path);
printf("path for Documents is: %ls", path);
return 0;
And I'm reading the basics of winAPI from this website:
as for structure of project folder:
C:\Users\ %USER%\Documents\C\dawd

MSVC uses Windows SDK while GCC does not.
On Windows GCC uses MinGW or MinGW-w64 as standard library, which is an open source implementation of Windows API.
So GCC+MinGW will use its own headers and will not look for any Windows SDK. So GCC+MinGW on Windows works without having any Microsoft developer tools installed at all.
MinGW-w64 - which is more recent than MinGW and which supports both Windows 32-bit and 64-bit - exists in a standalone package that can be downloaded from https://winlibs.com/. But you can still use it from an IDE like VSCode or Code::Blocks.
MinGW-w64 has the files like knownfolders.h and processthreadsapi.h which you had issues with.
But be aware that #pragma comment(lib, "user32.lib") is MSVC-specific and will not work in other compilers like GCC. Instead you must use linker flag -luser32. Because you call CoTaskMemFree() you will also need to add -lole32.
I tried your code on my system and it compiles and links fine with:
gcc -c -o Documents_path.o Documents_path.c
gcc -o Documents_path.exe Documents_path.o -luser32 -lole32


MinGW/GCC GLFW linker issue - undefined reference to "glfwInit"

TL;DR - I have tried all solutions I could find, nothing has worked so far.
Hello, I have searched far and wide but I cannot find an answer to my problem. When I try to compile my C program with GCC, I get an undefined reference to glfwInit(). First, I tried putting the glfw .dll in the same location as the program, which did seemingly nothing. After this I tried removing the glfw libraries from MinGW's "lib" directory and replacing them with the .dll, and adding #define GLFW_DLL to the top of my .c file (same error). I also tried changing the linking order around, adding -lopengl32 and -lgdi32, renaming one of the static libraries just in case the compiler was confused, etc. Nothing seems to be working here, but I have previously installed and developed with SDL2 in the same fashion.
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if(!glfwInit()) {
return -1;
return 0;
Instructions to the compiler:
gcc -std=c99 -o project.exe main.c -lglfw3 -lglfw3dll
Alright, I have finally solved the problem. I followed the instructions in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIK95aWk-Bo. The gist of the video is that you need to download CMake as well as the GLFW version found here: https://www.glfw.org/
Then, you need to hit "Configure" after setting the source and build paths. After this, hit "Generate." Then, you need to open a command prompt and locate the newly created MakeFile. I am using Windows, which means I needed to use the command mingw32-make. The library files then built successfully!
After doing this, I put the created .dll and .a files in the MinGW "lib" folder. Then, I copied the .dll and placed it in the same directory as my executable.

Failed to compile a simple c code with architecture not supported on mac os

The code is
#include <stdio.h>
main () {
And the simple code is compiled with
gcc test.c -o test
clang test.c -o test
It throws ...
In file included from test.c:1:
In file included from /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS12.2.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:64:
In file included from /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS12.2.sdk/usr/include/_stdio.h:68:
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS12.2.sdk/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h:784:2: error: Unsupported architecture
#error Unsupported architecture
In file included from test.c:1:
In file included from /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS12.2.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:64:
In file included from /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS12.2.sdk/usr/include/_stdio.h:71:
In file included from /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS12.2.sdk/usr/include/_types.h:27:
In file included from /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS12.2.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types.h:33:
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS12.2.sdk/usr/include/machine/_types.h:34:2: error: architecture not supported
#error architecture not supported
In file included from test.c:1:
In file included from /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS12.2.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:64:
In file included from /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS12.2.sdk/usr/include/_stdio.h:71:
In file included from /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS12.2.sdk/usr/include/_types.h:27:
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS12.2.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types.h:55:9: error: unknown type name '__int64_t'; did
you mean '__int128_t'?
typedef __int64_t __darwin_blkcnt_t; /* total blocks */
note: '__int128_t' declared here
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS12.2.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types.h:56:9: error: unknown type name '__int32_t'; did
you mean '__int128_t'?
typedef __int32_t __darwin_blksize_t; /* preferred block size */
note: '__int128_t' declared here
And more similar errors.
Of course the compiler properly works before, but after I updated mac os to 10.14.5 (18F132), it happens. Looks like there are some problems on compiler settings but I don't have any ideas where to start.
My clang version is
Apple LLVM version 10.0.1 (clang-1001.0.46.4)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin18.6.0
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin
Thanks #robthebloke,
I reinstalled everything related to xcode and it doesnt work. I rebooted the mac so that environmental variable are reset and it does work!
It looks like somehow I accidentally touched the environmental variables but I couldn't verify exactly which one is causing the problem.
FYI: I usually compile a bunch of c codes into several platforms: mac os, android, and ios. I guess my cross compile scripts have problem with the updated os or compiler(?).
And as #Clifford said, printenv | grep iPhoneOS might identify the problem.

Debugging C code that uses libtiff

I've written a lot of code over the years, but I haven't done much with C in the context of linux. Nor am I as familiar as I feel I should be with someone of the tools and utilities. Thanks in advance for your indulgence.
I'm trying to write some C code that uses libtiff. I need to be able to debug it line by line, including stepping through the libtiff source as appropriate. I'm using the Code::Blocks IDE and have that configured and working for basic "hello world" code, as well as a rudimentary calling of libtiff for proof-of-concept purposes. This is all working.
Here's my code:
#include "tiffio.h"
TIFF* tif = TIFFOpen("test0.tiff", "r");
if (tif) {
uint32 imagelength;
tdata_t buf;
uint32 row;
TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH, &imagelength);
buf = _TIFFmalloc(TIFFScanlineSize(tif));
for (row = 0; row < imagelength; row++)
TIFFReadScanline(tif, buf, row, 0);
Stepping through my code above works fine. However, I can't step into any
of the libtiff function calls. I'm currently on ubuntu, using the default libtiff installed via apt-get. I'm assuming based on some reading I've done that the library isn't built with debugging symbols, which may be the source of my problem.
I'm assuming if that's indeed the problem, that I can compile a custom version of libtiff with the options I need, and have Code::Blocks compile/link against it instead of against the system default libraries. I've downloaded a fresh copy of libtiff, and am familiar with the make/make install process, but I'm not sure about the specifics of getting the compile set up properly for what I need. Some direction would be much appreciated.
Problem solved by uninstalling the system libtiff (not strictly necessary but was easiest for me to avoid any ambiguity on what version of libtiff I was using). Then configured Code::Blocks as follows (Project->Build Options):
Produce debubging symbols (-g) is checked
Enable common compiler warnings is checked
Other Compiler Options set to -fPIC
Linker Settings -> Other Linker Options set to -ltiff -L
Search Directories -> Compiler set to
Search Directories -> Linker set to
$LD_LIBRARY_PATH set to /home/depaan/amcdev/libtiff0/lib in Settings -> Environment -> Environment Variables (menu)
I'd previously complied libtiff locally as per the usual configure, make, make install... with
./configure --prefix=<desired_libtiff_location>
And CFLAGS set to "-g"
export CFLAGS="-g"

Problems with linking a library with a c program in linux

I want to run serial commands from a Bealgebone to a 4Dsystems display. Therefore I copied the c library found here into a directory and created a test program main.c:
#include "Picaso_const4D.h"
#include "Picaso_Serial_4DLibrary.h"
int main(int argc,char *argv[])
OpenComm("/dev/ttyUSB0", B115200); // Matches with the display "Comms" rate
while (1) {}
Now when I do gcc -o main main.c its says
main.c:2:37: fatal error: Picaso_Serial_4DLibrary.h: No such file or
So I try linking it:
which gives me the same error. Then I tried to create a static library:
which gives me this:
PICASO_SERIAL_4DLIBRARY.C:1:21: fatal error: windows.h: No such file
or directory compilation terminated.
What am I doing wrong? the git page clearly says this library is created for people who do not run windows.
Thanks in advance!
You're not getting a linker error; you're getting a preprocessor error. Specifically, your preprocessor can't find Picaso_Serial_4DLibrary.h. Make sure that it's in your include path; you can add directories to your include path using the -I argument to gcc.
You've had two problems. First was the picaso_whatever.h file that couldn't be found. You fixed that with the -I you added. But, now, the picaso.h wants windows.h
What are you building on? WinX or BSD/Linux?
If you're compiling on WinX, you need to install the "platform sdk" for visual studio.
If you're using mingw or cygwin, you need to do something else.
If on WinX, cd to the C: directory. Do find . -type f -name windows.h and add a -I for the containing directory.
If under Linux, repeat the find at the source tree top level. Otherwise, there is probably some compatibility cross-build library that you need to install.
Or, you'll have to find WinX that has it as Picaso clearly includes it. You could try commenting out one or more of the #include's for it and see if things are better or worse.
If you can't find a real one, create an empty windows.h and add -I to it and see how bad [or good] things are.
You may need the mingw cross-compiler. See https://forums.wxwidgets.org/viewtopic.php?t=7729
Okay ... Wow ... You are on the right track and close, but this is, IMO, ugly WinX stuff.
The primary need of Picaso is getting a serial comm port connection, so the need from within windows.h is [thankfully] minimal. It needs basic boilerplate definitions for WORD, DWORD, etc.
mingw or cygwin will provide their own copies of windows.h. These are "clean room" reimplementations, so no copyright issues.
mingw is a collection of compile/build tools that let you use gcc/ld/make build utilities.
cygwin is more like: I'd like a complete shell-like environment similar to BSD/Linux. You get bash, ls, gcc, tar, and just about any GNU utility you want.
Caveat: I use cygwin, but have never used mingw. The mingw version of windows.h [and a suite of .h files that it includes underneath], being open source, can be reused by other projects (e.g. cygwin, wine).
Under Linux, wine (windows emulator) is a program/suite that attempts to allow you to run WinX binaries under Linux (e.g. wine mywinpgm).
I git cloned the Picaso library and after some fiddling, I was able to get it to compile after pointing it to wine's version of windows.h
Picaso's OpenComm is doing CreateFile [a win32 API call]. So, you'll probably need cygwin. You're opening /dev/ttyUSB0. /dev/* implies cygwin. But, /dev/ttyUSB0 is a Linux-like name. You may need some WinX-style name like "COM:" or whatever. Under the cygwin terminal [which gives you a bash prompt], do ls /dev and see what's available.
You can get cygwin from: http://cygwin.com/ If you have a 64 bit system, be sure to use the 64 bit version of the installer: setup-x86_64.exe It's semi-graphical and will want two directories, one for the "root" FS and one to store packages. On my system, I use C:\cygwin64 and C:\cygwin64_packages--YMMV.
Note that the installer won't install gcc by default. You can [graphically] select which packages to install. You may also need some "devel" packages. They have libraries and .h files that a non-developer wouldn't need. As, docs mention, you can rerun the installer as often as you need. You can add packages that you forgot to specify or even remove ones that you installed that you don't need anymore.
Remember that you'll need to adjust makefile -I and/or -L option appropriately. Also, when building the picaso library, gcc generated a ton of warnings about overflow of a "large integer". The code was doing:
#define control_code -279
unsigned char buf[2];
buf[0] = control_code >> 8;
buf[1] = control_code;
The code is okay, and the warning is correct [because the code is sloppy]. If the code had done:
#define control_code -279
unsigned char buf[2];
buf[0] = (unsigned) control_code >> 8;
buf[1] = (unsigned) control_code;
it probably would have been silent. Use -Wno-overflow in your Makefile to get rid of the warnings rather that edit 50 or so lines

Load DLL Library

Is it possible to load a DLL with C and use its functions?
I am new in C, and I am trying to search some good references on the internet for this; but I can't find any.
Any help would be appreciated!
I am using GNU GCC in Code::Blocks on Windows 7, 64 Bit.
HMODULE hModule = LoadLibrary(<dll file name>) followed by GetProcAddress(hModule, <function name>) will do this job using the WinAPI.
An example could be found here.
I think you should investigate the LoadLibrary function.
Loads the specified module into the address space of the calling process. The specified module may cause other modules to be loaded.
Building a DLL using MinGW, here are some instructions:
First, you need to mark your functions for export, so they can be used by callers of the DLL. To do this, modify them so they look like (for example)
__declspec( dllexport ) int add2(int num){
return num + 2;
then, assuming your functions are in a file called funcs.c, you can compile them:
gcc -shared -o mylib.dll funcs.c
The -shared flag tells gcc to create a DLL.
For a free IDE which will automate all the flags etc. needed to build DLLs, take a look at the excellent Code::Blocks, which works very well with MinGW.
Also, see the article Creating a MinGW DLL for Use with Visual Basic on the MinGW Wiki.
