Using NextJS's built in server vs Express - reactjs

I'm completely new to using Nextjs and want to learn it by building a project. I also want to use tRPC with it. I was reading the docs on using NextJS and tRPC and I learnt that there is a built in server in the /api under the pages folder. All the endpoints and server functions lives there.
I was wondering if I should be deploying all my server functions inside just the api folder or creating a separate custom Express server. It seems unscalable and weird to put all my server code into one client endpoint. To be clear I just want to do Authentication and CRUD functions but for future bigger projects, where such code would be split into microservices, would that then be deployed on a custom Express server instead?


Should I develop a separate express server, or handle all API calls in my next.js app?

My website will perform CRUD operations and will work with MongoDB and Firebase storage+auth.
What are the reasons / advantages to developing a separate Express server instead of integrating everything in my next.js app?
As far as I have seen, it can all be done in my next.js app, but I still see many projects working with a separate server.
Depends on what your app does and how you are hosting it.
Running Next.Js on a standard server will be of little difference whether you are using nextjs's /api or expressjs.
However if you are hosting on serverless (e.g. Vercel), I would recommend using a separate express server if you have alot of CRUD operations because the warming up of serverless is really bad user experience.
Build and Deployment
Next/JS - If you want to edit something on the backend, and push the changes, it will require you to build the entire JS app, and depending on how big is your app, it can take alot of time (especially if alot of static generated pages).
Express - If you running express separately, you can build and deploy front end and backend separately. It's time saving, and you can also better organise your codes frontend/backend.
Choice of deployment
I have a choice to take advantage of Vercel to host my frontend, with static generated pages and some server side generated pages (automatic scaling, caching, CDN etc), and host my backend with a separate cluster of servers.
PS: I moved from single Next.JS app to NextJs+Express
I can think of a few things why they would have a different server from the one NextJS provides:
Familiarity with Express, Koa, etc. All next-connect helps with this
There is an already existing API in PHP, Express, Flask, etc.
It is literally based on what you would want to do, the extra interactions with MongoDB & Firebase would be same on both the technologies, unless you want to isolate respective things separately, I don't see any harm in doing everything together on next.
Given that the idea of using next.js, as per my understanding would be to utilise server side rendering.
I've been using Next.js with Typescript for quite a while now and I, as of now, have found one reason not to include express.js in my project. And the reason is Vercel.
Since I use Vercel for continuous deployment of my projects, and Vercel Not supporting any custom server as of there Docs here, I refrain from using Express or any other custom servers.
I didn't face any problem performing CRUD operations with MongoDB, can't say about firebase.
On Next.js Docs, I found these points to be considered:
A custom server can not be deployed on Vercel, the platform Next.js was made for.
A custom server will remove important performance optimizations, like serverless functions and Automatic Static Optimization.
But at the end of the day it very personal opinion weather to use a custom server or not. It might depend on a very specific use case you might be looking for.
Personally, I try to keep it to just NextJS, but if I have to manage real-time data with, I get a separate server because other than WebSockets, serverless functions can do everything else.

How to deploy a simple json-server?

I completed an online React course and deployed my application to Heroku. During development, I used the 'json-server' module found at This served up a folder on my computer which contained a simple json file and a few images for my website while conforming with the REST API. What do I need to do to get the server to operate independently of my machine so that my application can fetch the data ? I have zero experience doing this.
if you mean you want to create a server for your site,
first of all, you need to get a server, which can run nodejs , then you need to deploy and run your JSON server via a nodejs(express) app.
then you can connect to your server via your website/app
in order to do these things, you can follow tutorials
there are lots of tutorials about it.
hope you got the idea.

How to deploy React App on production with Server Side Rendering

I have created my application using create-react-app. It is working fine with SSR. Everything is in place but I don't know how to deploy it?
What I ideally want is :
Generate a build folder and will upload in cdn. Want to serve my static assets from there. I want to create a distribution from my code and take that to another machine to deploy. I am not able to figure out how to do highlighted part. How can I create bundle for server? npm run build creates my bundle for client.
PS: I am using React libraries like React Router 4, Redux.. in my application. Hope this does not affect my answer.
For SSR , I have used express.
Server side rendering means you need a server (which is express) that will serve all the requests: server-rendered pages, including the static assets. So CDN is not enough.
You might want to try following free cloud services that support Node server:
You can create server bundle using Webpack, with target: "node" and use
The details can be complicated, so you can just visit for the reference.
I tried whit Firebase, but I can't, In the function's documentation says that execute the function can't be more than 60s, and my function takes more.
When I deployed other basic functions, it deploys without problems.
And If you achieve deploy it, give you a status 403, because you have to put the function in public mode.
If you want to deploy an app whit SSR make it whit Express, like in my case, you can deploy it like an API.
You can deploy it too whit Doker using AWS or Google cloud.
Heroku is the easiest way to do it, but I don't want to have all my apps here.

Debug AngularJS and NodeJS in Webstorm At Once (Without CORS)

I have a client/server app running on NodeJS with an AngularJS frontend. I want to use the built in debugging features of Webstorm, but it just won't work.
Imagine following scenario:
I have a webstorm project with a client folder and a server folder. I can start the debuggers for the client and the server, and it works. But both sessions are on different ports. So an AJAX request to the server inside the client doesn't work without using CORS and telling AngularJS to use a different server address.
In the production version the client will be published under the server, but for developing there is no need to do this.
Does anyone know how achieve this? Something like: The system should behave like one server, under one URL.
Or is my approach stupid?
Best regards,

one express server and two or multiple angular clients

fullstack to build my app
What I'm trying to do is having multiple angular clients with one server.
To be specific, I want a website and a mobile website.
the function of both sites is same. Thus, I want only one express server using REST API.
Since I'm using angular-fullstack, I already made a website(angular app) and REST API(express) server.
I want to add another angular app to my angular-fullstack project.
Is there any documents about those kind of structure? or any advice?
