Description and default value not appearing in Storybook when rendering React/Mui components - reactjs

I'm using Storybook v6.5.9 to render out my React/MUI components. Everything works fine, but I can't get the description or default value to appear in the canvas under the Controls tab:
The description appears fine when looking at the Docs tab:
There's nothing in the default export and I haven't changed any default options out of the box.

According to the React Storybook docs under controls here
Under the directory of .storybook/preview.js
We need to add the following under controls key
export const parameters = {
controls: {
expanded: true
This ensures that each control is viewed in expanded mode globally (both in Canvas and Docs tabs)


Storybook - How to set preview layout centered for only some components, not for all components

I am building storybook and have following problem.
I want to set layout centered in preview.
I tried
export const parameters = {
layout: 'centered',
in the .storybook/preview.js
But this sets layout centered for all components.
Is there any good way to show in center for only some components?
The Storybook documentation contains a section for component level layout.
Instead of configuring it globally in the preview, you can add it to the individual story file.
// *.stories.js|jsx|ts|tsx
export default {
// Other config options...
// Sets the layout parameter component wide.
parameters: {
layout: 'centered',

Darkmode not working on tailwind headless UI

Darkmode works everywhere in my react app, except on a headless ui combobox. I put a styled h1 in the same component and applied dark:bg-red-200(and any other style) no problem. The combobox accept all other tailwind utilities including attibutes like hover: but not the dark: property.
For others (such as me) stumbling upon this:
E.g. the Dialog-component (and I assume others too) render right in the body tag (source)
If you are using "the class strategy" to handle dark mode (i.e. adding a "dark" class to the wrapper) this will be a problem, because the class is not anymore parent to the Dialog
Solution I ended up using:
I ended up using useEffect to add the dark class to the body:
useEffect(() => {
}, [darkMode])

How can I test a popover from chakra-ui

I need to test a popover from chakra-ui in a React App.
I tried with this. But It does not find the popover. If I try by text, then I cannot assert if it is visible.
it('show a popover when hover terms and conditions', () => {
render(<SummaryForm />);
const link = screen.getByText(/terms and conditions/i);
const popover = screen.getByRole('dialog');
Try using the hidden option of the API:
const popover = screen.getByRole('dialog', {hidden: true})
ChakraUI renders a wrapper div around the section that has the dialog role. You can see this by using screen.debug() if you are using the testing-library. Notice the wrapper controls the visibility of said section, which starts as hidden, with styling elements and aria tags.
Using the hidden option allows you to look amognst the elements that aren't visible in the accessibility tree.
Since you want to test the popover, you should know there are some issues with modifying and checking the visibility of the popover when using jest-dom.
The chakra Modal applies a transform style to toggle its visibility. toBeVisible only checks a limited set of style attributes - transform is not one of them - so you might have to check for those instead, for example:
For invisibility:
expect(screen.getByRole('dialog')).toHaveStyle('transform: translateX(0px) translateY(0.18967%) translateZ(0);')
try toBeInTheDocument() or toMatchSnapshot()

How to insert JSX in Storybook control

Running Storybook I'd like to navigate to my component and play with Docs tab and check its behavior as I change control value for each property. I implemented a component Footer that could receive string | JSX.Element | React.FunctionComponent types (I'm using TypeScript along ReactJS).
Unfortunately, when I type <div>my jsx</div> inside control field, a red border comes up pointing error and doesn't update the component in the preview as expected.
This is the screen I'm trying to insert into control field:
In the .stories.js file I have at the end:
export const Default = Template.bind({});
Default.args = {
subscribe: "Replace me by the Subscribe component of Design System.",
brand: <figure>Put branding logo here!</figure>,
links: <div><div>first column of links</div><div>second column of links</div></div>,
bottom: "All rights reserved."
The Links text is the default value for link property (from the actual React component file). As the code and image above can show us, it seems the JSX argument passed on Default.args in .stories.js file is completely ignored.
I'd like to insert a JSX into control field of storybook playground and then get Footer component live updated with JSX component rendered in the preview. How can I achieve that?

Docusaurus 2 How to add custom react component in navbar

From the docusaurus docs, the navbar items can only have certain types like link, dropdown and search.
How do I add custom buttons like if I want to add login button ?
This would really depend on the type of functionality you're wanting to see out of the item you add to the navbar, but the development patterns should be similar across various implementations.
If you're trying to trigger something like a login modal when the user clicks your custom button, you could specify the following in docusaurus.config.js:
module.exports = {
themeConfig: {
navbar: {
items: [
href: '#login',
label: 'Login'
scripts: [
Then in a script, customscript.js, you could include the following:
.addEventListener('click', () => {
console.log('Login button clicked.');
Docusaurus requires that either href or to is given on each navbar item, so that's why I chose the weird selector, but if you wished, you could also specify className on the item, and then use that as a selector too. If you want the item to be something other than a link, you could set the outerHTML in your custom script or use replaceWith().
Keep in-mind that depending on the way your site's routing is configured, you may need to re-apply the logic in your custom script if the link node is re-written to the DOM by React.
As far as I know, there isn't really a perfect way to accomplish this at the moment, but v2 is also still in development, so the plugin exposures are getting better with each release.
The temporary workaround works well
