Azure AD and user management for application that allows user registration - azure-active-directory

I am creating an application deployed to azure app service that allows users to register to create accounts. Users can also provide profile information such as phone, address, username, etc. Can this type of application be integrated with Azure AD such that users are created in Azure AD with the the custom profile properties they input when they register? Or does this have to be managed outside Azure AD?

You can use the MS Graph SDK in tandem with more than 7 programming languages to manage Azure AD resources such as users, groups and more.
Properties such as phone, address, username are standard properties of the user resource.
Also, you can store additional information using 4 different type of extensions.
Finally, if feasible, you can store more information externally and relate it to each user using its object identifier (user id property).


How to allow external users to sign in to an app that is secure by Microsoft identity using Azure AD

I have an app (ASP.Net Classic) that is using Azure AD authentication. Now, we want to allow user outside of the organization to sign in. I read few document B2C and B2B, but I am unable to see which one to good for me.
I am looking that members in the organization should sign in and doesn't have to create new account. One of the option B2B suggested that to add user to in AD as a guest user but this is the manual process, it would be good if it can be automated. Also that doesn't describe how user would send the request to for login info.
It depends on your use case.
Imagine a large company. They have Azure AD for their employees. Now they want some suppliers to have access to their billing system. Those suppliers are guest users. That's B2B.
For guest users, an admin can send an invitation email that contains a redemption link.
B2C is for the customers of the company. They use the company's e-commerce system. They do not need access to the billing system.
B2C is self-service i.e. these users self-register and can change their profile or reset their password.

Use Active Directory App Roles with social accounts

Are Azure Active Directory app roles only supported for accounts in the same tenancy?
I am trying to use Azure Active Directory to authenticate users both on my tenancy, others, and social accounts, and be able to manually assign different app-level roles.
What I would like:
Users would sign up using any of these methods, and I would see them in the 'Users and groups' blade of the Enterprise Application in Azure portal (or I could invite them). I would assign app roles (roles specific to my app, eg engineer/technician/residential user) via the 'Add user/group' button.
When logging in to my app, I retrieve the app roles via idTokenClaims.roles[]
What happens instead:
This works fine for user accounts already in my Azure tenancy. But for other Microsoft accounts (eg or MS accounts created with any email address), the user doesn't appear in Azure portal after logging in unless I manually invite them. After inviting them (and accepting the invite), I see a user like I can assign app roles to this user, but their idTokenClaims.roles[] is not returned.
Other social accounts (eg Twitter, facebook) seem to not be supported at all
What else I tried
I also investigated AD B2C, which gives the developer more control over the login flow, and supports other social accounts other than MS (which looks good), but it seems that doesn't support app roles at all.
Am I trying to use the wrong tool for the job?
All I want to do is support any user to sign up to my app, and for an admin to set what their app-specific roles should be.
I am using the MSAL auth library, following the instructions should be one of the following:
If your application supports accounts in this organizational directory, replace this value with the Tenant ID or Tenant name. For example,
If your application supports accounts in any organizational directory, replace this value with organizations.
If your application supports accounts in any organizational directory and personal Microsoft accounts, replace this value with common.
To restrict support to personal Microsoft accounts only, replace this value with consumers.
Because I wanted this to work with any social account, I chose This shows a UI that allows you to use any organisation or personal MS account, or sign up for a personal MS account with any email address. But I noticed the objectId returned for personal accounts is different to the id when I manually invite the account in azure portal. I changed to use my TenantID instead, and that worked. Personal accounts that have been previously invited via portal can log in. Other personal accounts get an error and cant log in. App roles are now returned for these personal accounts. This now partially solves my original problem, but I still have some unsolved issues:
this method shows a slightly different UI that doesn't allow the user to sign up for a new MS account in this flow
I still can't use other oauth accounts eg Twitter/Facebook. Do these not support app roles at all?
the instructions quoted above seem incorrect, clearly it is possible to log in using "accounts in any organizational directory and personal Microsoft accounts" via TenentID, not common, once they've been invited to the app
App roles absolutely support guest accounts. But as you can see, the id token of the guest account does not seem to contain the roles claim, and it is not clear whether this is by design. But the roles claim will appear in the access token.
I think an access token you can be used, and the access token also contains user information.

Azure AD / Graph API - Determine User Source & Tenant

In our organization, we have been inviting guest users to our AAD Tenant to successfully share resources with our B2B partners. However, we have a fear that there may be some business users that have been oversharing with individuals (e.g. accounts or Business accounts we don't approve of).
We would like to better monitor these scenarios, and I've been able to determine a user's source via the Azure Portal:
Here, we can easily see that this particular user is coming from an External Azure Active Directory.
Is there a Microsoft Graph API or Azure AD API where I can get this information, so we can write some automation around this? Also, is there a way to determine which tenant this user is homed in? I have played around with the Users endpoint a bit, but don't see this information...maybe there is a different endpoint or permissions scope that I need?
Thanks for any assistance!
You cannot get tenant information of a guest user, but we can handle users by domain the user belongs to. you can allow or block invitations to B2B users from specific organizations .Please refer to this document.

Migrating users with social login to Azure AD B2C

I'm trying to migrate user accounts from our database to Azure AD B2C following an article and simple app that's coupled with the article -- see below.
All user accounts we have in our database used social login e.g. Google, LinkedIn and Facebook. I'm looking at the code in the migration app and I don't see any reference to user's social login. I don't see any properties for login type or anything like that.
How will I specify how the user registered in our system and has been using his/her social account to log into our app? The migration structure seems very simple i.e. just name, last name, email, etc.
I do NOT have to use this app but not sure if there's a simpler way to handle this.
The article I'm following is:
And here's a link to the simple migration app:
For a social account, Azure AD B2C finds the user object using a composite key that includes the social user identifier (e.g. the "id" claim that is issued by the social identity provider) and the social identity provider name (e.g. "").
This composite key is stored in the "alternativeSecurityId" attribute of the user object.
Currently, you can't read or write this "alternativeSecurityId" attribute of the user object using the Azure AD Graph API, which means you can't migrate the social accounts from your existing identity store using a similar method to that described in the user migration guide.
I don't see any reference to user's social login. I don't see any
properties for login type or anything like that.
About migration: Azure AD B2C can let social accounts to sign up and sign in . For your scenario, after migrating users to Azure AD B2C, the users from any social identities can sign in the Application in your Azure AD B2C. (You can also change your policy to check and set the user migration status.)
About where users information are stored: After migrating, all the users can be seen in the Users and Groups of Azure AD B2C. Additional,There is an App called b2c-extensions-app, is visible in App registrations. It is used by the Azure AD B2C service to store information about users and custom attributes.
About Login type: Also, you may want to know which properties for login type you can choose, Email address or Username. This configuration can be done in Azure Portal.
Go to Azure Portal > You B2C tenant > Identity providers > local accounts > Choose Email or User name for sign-up and sign-in.
How will I specify how the user registered in our system and has been
using his/her social account to log into our app? The migration
structure seems very simple i.e. just name, last name, email, etc.
Yes, the migration is very simple. If you want to specify how the users to sign-up and sign-in , you need to built-in Sign-up or Sign-in policies for those users. Also, you can use Custom policies.

How to secure my multi tenant webapp that is running on Azure

I'm struggling with my MVC5 webapp that is hosted on Azure. I need to secure it (of course) but I don't want to let the users create yet another account, with another password they can forget.
So I've looked into Azure Access Control (ACS). It looks nice, but the Identity Providers provided are very limited. I'm missing LinkedIn as an IP for example. Therefore a lot of users will have to create a new account with a company emailaddress. Facebook user typically use their private emailaddress.
So Azure Active Directory looks fine. You can federate with a local Active Directory. But after diving into it, it seems that you cannot create a tenant from you code. So the user must first do thing in the Azure portal, and that is confusing and I want to make things as easy as possible.
What do I need:
authentications of users without storing their password myself
creation of new users by code
be able to federate to a customer's Active Directory (on premise or Azure Active Directory)
user must be able to use whatever emailaddress they're using
Do you have good suggestions to accomplish this?
You can manage users in AAD using the Graph API.
Using DirSync or AADSync, you can propagate your on-premise users to AAD.
User will have to logon on-premise and again in the cloud but using the same credentials. (Same Sign On).
Adding ADFS to the mix gives you SSO. (Single Sign On).
Typically, only the corporate domain can be used for email address.
For other applications, look at: Azure Active Directory applications.
