passing props form child to parent component in react - reactjs

<RadioOptions />
<GenButton />
<OutputPass />
I recently worked on my side-project and I found an issue in my code. inRadiooptions  I used some useState hooks, and I want to pass that state from Radiooptions component to its parent(passGen) and then from there, pass that state toGet Button component to check some condition and if nothings wrong, generate the password. (I'll also attach my GitHub repo for better access to my source code)

You can't pass props from child to parent in React, it's only one way (from parent to child).
You should either:
Put the state in the parent component and manipulate it from the child component by passing the setter function in the props
Use something like Redux Toolkit to create a global state that all components can have access to


react with typescript and props

In order to update a prop inside a child component, I was passing a function that updates this prop as a prop to the child component. So the question is that a good approach? and
what is the best approach to update a prop from a child component when using Typescript ?
this is called lifting state up and it is a common approach in React to keep components in sync,
it works by moving the state to the parent component (so you can share it with other siblings) and then passing the state and the event handler as a props
for more details see the official react docs

Pass formik validation errors to parent component

I am creating a component that internally has other 2 components with Formik each one, I did it in that way because each internal component submits separately on blur.
What I want to do is, once Formik validates, the errors should be showed within the parent component.
This is a quick example of the structure:
<FirstInputField onChange={firstChangeHandler} />
<Divider />
<SecondInputField onChange={secondChangeHandler} />
<ErrorMessages>I WANT ERRORS TO BE HERE</ErrorMessages>
The first approach was to send an "onError(error)" to the child component and call it to update the state on the parent component with the errors but I am getting a warning.
Cannot update a component (parent) while rendering a different component (child)
So I'd like to see if there is another way to do this.
Context Api to manage the error state would solve your issue.
Reference for similar implementation you can check this post.

Change of state in another component

How to solve the problem attached in the drawing?
I am talking about the best possible way of getting used without using redux.
When a button is pressed in a nested component, something has to change in another (it does not inherit from itself)
For example, in one component I choose the element and in the other I want to display details.
You can have a shared parent hold the state you want to change and pass to the first component while sending the onClick function to the other. Then, when one component changes the state through the onClick function, the changed prop will be passed on to the second component.
You should not change the state from one component via another component:
props get passed to the component (similar to function parameters)
whereas state is managed within the component (similar to variables
declared within a function).
For "States" between components, you should use props from the store, via react-redux
First of all, I will suggest you to look into lift state up in react.
Now, how you'll do it: (just a pseudo example)
onClick={this.onClick} stateProps={this.state.stateProps}
onClick() {
The component will be used like: (again just a pseudo example)
<ParentComponent onClick={this.onClick} stateProps={this.state.stateProps}>
<ComponentA onClick={props.onClick} />
<ComponentB stateProps={props.stateProps} />

When a component can edit properties in react?

I was going through a code and found that
this.props.formVisibility = false
As one cannot update the properties in react's component, the code shouldnt have work but the execution went without any errors.
Now I am wondering, On what conditions one is able to edit props in the component?
Suppose you have parent - child relationship. where parent's state pass as props to child component then whenever you want to update props you need to update parents state not props in child component. once state get updated this will update to props as well in child component hope so it clear the point
refer :

Mutate state of children

I have two components in my react application, one is parent and the second is the child.
I pass fakedata state as a props to child and then in child component save this as state of child component. But when I change something in child it's affect on parent state and I don't want this I want it's only effect on child state.
This is how I call child component from parent :
<FakeDataAddEditComponent {...this.props} fakedata={{...this.state.fakedata}} />
and in child component this is how I set fakedata props to state :
componentDidMount() {
but when I change fakedata state in child it's also changend in fakedata of parent and I don't want this.
To answer your question directly, the reason you are seeing this behaviour is because Javascript passes a reference to the original object down the props and to the state of child component. When you update the child component it is the same instance as the parent is holding.
To fix the problem you should use Object.assign to make a copy of the object, however keep in ming that you will run into problems with nested objects.
Also, if parent object mutates the state in any way after the child state changed it will pass old object as props to the child.
In general you're trying to do something you shouldn't do because you will run into trouble.
On a high level you should go for a proper state management solution like Redux of Flux.
