U-Boot: how to load U-Boot from SD card, but have it load its Environment from QSPI Flash? - arm

I'm having some difficulty configuring U-Boot, in particular setting it up so that it can load from an SD card, but access its Environment from QSPI Flash.
First of all, is this even possible? Can the U-Boot environment be stored in a different location from where U-Boot was loaded?
Currently, I have a U-Boot image running from QSPI Flash on a Xilinx MPSoC ARM64 platform. I'm using Xilinx
PetaLinux however I think I understand how this configures U-Boot "under the hood" so I'll try to refer to
uboot.cfg​ as much as I can.
Along with all the defaults, I have set:
#define CONFIG_ENV_OFFSET 0x2E00000
On this particular platform, there is a physical switch to switch the Xilinx first-stage bootloader (and ARM
Trusted Firmware) between QSPI Flash and SD card modes. This platform also requires a so-called "BOOT.BIN", which
is an aggregation of the u-boot binary, the Xilinx FSBL, ARM Trusted Firmware, an FPGA image and
other things, to be written to QSPI Flash, which I have done. This is all working correctly, and the serial console
looks like this at reset or power-on:
Xilinx Zynq MP First Stage Boot Loader
Release 2021.2 Oct 13 2021 - 07:15:53
NOTICE: BL31: v2.4(release):xlnx_rebase_v2.4_2021.1_update1-23-g9188496b9
NOTICE: BL31: Built : 07:41:24, Oct 13 2021
U-Boot 2021.01 (Oct 12 2021 - 09:28:42 +0000)
Silicon: v3
Model: ZynqMP ZCU208 RevA
Board: Xilinx ZynqMP
PMUFW: v1.1
EL Level: EL2
Chip ID: zu48dr
MMC: mmc#ff170000: 0
Loading Environment from SPIFlash... SF: Detected mt25qu02g with page size 512 Bytes, erase size 128 KiB, total 512 MiB
As you can see, U-Boot loads from QSPI Flash and the Environment is also loaded from QSPI Flash. All good.
What I want to do is modify the system so that the First Stage Boot Loader loads U-Boot from the SD card. In my config I
already have CONFIG_ENV_IS_IN_FAT set to 1. When I copy BOOT.BIN to the first, FAT partition on an SD card, and set my
platform's boot mode to "SD Card" via the physical switch, the unit loads U-Boot from the SD card successfully, and the
serial console shows output similar to the above but with:
Loading Environment from FAT... *** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment
It works, although this warning is expected because there is no Environment saved on the SD card yet.
It does show that the SD card is being checked for the Environment though, so that's good.
Note that this is the same build that I used for the QSPI flash boot earlier, but it's looking for the config on FAT, so I'm currently under the impression that
U-Boot only looks for its Environment based on where it was loaded from, even if other locations are enabled. I also tried in QEMU and it seemed to think that the config came from "nowhere", but that may be a distraction.
The issue is that I would like to configure U-Boot to be loaded from the SD card (for ease of upgrade / development), but to use QSPI for its Environment,
so that I can store persistent U-Boot configuration on the board itself.
In particular, the MAC address for the board is not readable via software so must be manually configured in U-Boot, and I'd like that to follow around the board, not the SD card. There are a few other options I'd like to set per-board also.
According to the U-Boot documentation I've read, disabling FAT as the default should be achievable by unsetting the
following in u-boot.cfg:
Performing the same installation steps as above, to have this new U-Boot loaded from the SD card, results in the
following output:
Xilinx Zynq MP First Stage Boot Loader
Release 2021.2 Oct 13 2021 - 07:15:53
NOTICE: BL31: v2.4(release):xlnx_rebase_v2.4_2021.1_update1-23-g9188496b9
NOTICE: BL31: Built : 07:41:24, Oct 13 2021
And that's it! No more output. There is an LED on the board that goes from red to green, which I think indicates that
the FPGA image within BOOT.BIN has been loaded into the gate array successfully, so I think the earlier boot loader
has found BOOT.BIN. I have no reason therefore to think that U-Boot has not also been loaded, but if it has, it is
generating no output. I tried increasing the debug level of U-Boot to 7 (DEBUG) in the hope of seeing something
from U-Boot, but that makes no difference. It's also not booting Linux, which would normally happen next.
Can anyone shed any light on why making this change might result in this behaviour? Is there some other
configuration option I need to set to ensure that U-Boot can run from the SD card when CONFIG_ENV_IS_IN_FAT
and friends are not set? Or perhaps I can keep CONFIG_ENV_IS_IN_FAT etc. and there's some other way to instruct
U-Boot to use the QSPI Flash for its environment, even though it was loaded from SD card?
Note: I've also enabled ATF debugging, which produces the following output, but it still hangs with no sign of U-Boot:
INFO: PSCI Power Domain Map:
INFO: Domain Node : Level 1, parent_node -1, State ON (0x0)
INFO: Domain Node : Level 0, parent_node 0, State ON (0x0)
INFO: Domain Node : Level 0, parent_node 0, State ON (0x0)
INFO: Domain Node : Level 0, parent_node 0, State ON (0x0)
INFO: CPU Node : MPID 0x0, parent_node 0, State ON (0x0)
INFO: CPU Node : MPID 0x1, parent_node 0, State ON (0x0)
INFO: CPU Node : MPID 0x2, parent_node 0, State ON (0x0)
INFO: CPU Node : MPID 0x3, parent_node 0, State ON (0x0)
Xilinx Zynq MP First Stage Boot Loader
Release 2021.2 Oct 13 2021 - 07:15:53
WARNING: BL31: invalid exception level (3)
NOTICE: BL31: v2.4(debug):xlnx_rebase_v2.4_2021.1_update1-23-g9188496b9
NOTICE: BL31: Built : 07:41:24, Oct 13 2021
INFO: ARM GICv2 driver initialized
INFO: BL31: Initializing runtime services
INFO: BL31: PM Service Init Complete: API v1.1
INFO: BL31: cortex_a53: CPU workaround for 855873 was applied
WARNING: BL31: cortex_a53: CPU workaround for 1530924 was missing!
INFO: BL31: Preparing for EL3 exit to normal world
INFO: Entry point address = 0x8000000
INFO: SPSR = 0x3c9

Answering my own question:
I do not know why the console remains blank/dead in this case, but the related code is this function here:
According to this switch statement, when the boot mode is SD_MODE, the case does not consider CONFIG_ENV_IS_IN_SPI_FLASH at all, and therefore the function returns ENVL_NOWHERE when booted from SD with CONFIG_ENV_IS_IN_FAT disabled.
Modifying this function to return ENVL_SPI_FLASH in this case enables U-Boot access to the Environment in the QSPI Flash:
case SD_MODE1:
return ENVL_FAT;
return ENVL_EXT4;
++ return ENVL_SPI_FLASH;


nucleo-f746zg board programming with openocd

I have a nucleo-144 board with stm32f746zg MCU. I'm trying to program the board with openocd, using gnu make and the makefile generated from stm32cubemx. I've added following line to my makefile to automate the flashing process:
flash: all
openocd -f interface/stlink.cfg -f target/stm32f7x.cfg -c "program $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET).elf verify reset exit"
The code compiles without any problem and when I type make flash in the terminal the result is:
❯ make flash
openocd -f interface/stlink.cfg -f target/stm32f7x.cfg -c "program build/my-board.elf verify reset exit"
Open On-Chip Debugger 0.11.0 (2021-11-18) [https://github.com/sysprogs/openocd]
Licensed under GNU GPL v2
libusb1 09e75e98b4d9ea7909e8837b7a3f00dda4589dc3
For bug reports, read
Info : auto-selecting first available session transport "hla_swd". To override use 'transport select <transport>'.
Info : The selected transport took over low-level target control. The results might differ compared to plain JTAG/SWD
Info : DEPRECATED target event trace-config; use TPIU events {pre,post}-{enable,disable}
Info : clock speed 2000 kHz
Error: libusb_open() failed with LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED
Info : STLINK V2J33M25 (API v2) VID:PID 0483:374B
Info : Target voltage: 3.236769
Info : stm32f7x.cpu: Cortex-M7 r0p1 processor detected
Warn : Silicon bug: single stepping may enter pending exception handler!
Info : stm32f7x.cpu: target has 8 breakpoints, 4 watchpoints
Info : starting gdb server for stm32f7x.cpu on 3333
Error: couldn't bind gdb to socket on port 3333: No error
Info : Unable to match requested speed 2000 kHz, using 1800 kHz
Info : Unable to match requested speed 2000 kHz, using 1800 kHz
target halted due to debug-request, current mode: Thread
xPSR: 0x01000000 pc: 0x08002a18 msp: 0x20050000
Info : Unable to match requested speed 8000 kHz, using 4000 kHz
Info : Unable to match requested speed 8000 kHz, using 4000 kHz
** Programming Started **
Info : device id = 0x10016449
Info : flash size = 1024 kbytes
** Programming Finished **
** Verify Started **
** Verified OK **
** Resetting Target **
Info : Unable to match requested speed 2000 kHz, using 1800 kHz
Info : Unable to match requested speed 2000 kHz, using 1800 kHz
shutdown command invoked
But the program doesn't run on the board and there's no blinking. I tried this in windows and wsl ubuntu. In both cases the results are the same. Also tried loading the binary file instead of .elf but again no luck.
Can somebody tell me what am I doing wrong here?
Ok. I'm not sure if I should post this as an answer, but the problem wasn't either openocd or the broken hardware.
When I started the project in cubemx, I initialized the default nucleo-f746zg peripherals and for some reason (probably one of the peripherals need higher clock frequency to work properly) in clock configuration the default clock source is selected as HSE and this option cannot be changed. On the other hand the nucleo board doesn't come with an external oscillator and it should be soldered by the user. So after generating the code and flashing it to the board it causes an error and the program doesn't run. Although, I think there was a block of code in clock configuration of HAL libraries that would "try" to use HSE and PLL as clock source and in case of not responding or any problem in settings, the HSI would be used as default source.
Anyway when I start the project from MCU selector in cubemx and don't use nucleo initializations, I can set the clock to HSI and everything works fine.

Load u-boot.ldr in bf548 ezkit using sd card

i am working on BF548 EZKIT LITE, i had done tftp booting in it. Kernel and jffs2 file system loaded successfully and got the root prompt.
But now i need to use SD card for booting, I had made ext2 partition into sd card and copy u-boot.ldr(boot loader) in it, but when try to load this file after inserting SD card into board i had got an error like
tranfering data failed
** ext4fs_devread read error - block
Failed to mount ext2 filesystem...
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
search on net but could not find anything , add log for detail which shows SD card is detected.
bfin> mmcinfo
Device: Blackfin SDH
Manufacturer ID: 3
OEM: 5344
Name: SD02G
Tran Speed: 25000000
Rd Block Len: 512
SD version 2.0
High Capacity: No
Capacity: 1.8 GiB
Bus Width: 4-bit
bfin> ext2load mmc 0 0x1000000 u-boot.ldr
tranfering data failed
** ext4fs_devread read error - block
Failed to mount ext2 filesystem...
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
I had tried different sd card also but still got the same problem, Any one have clue about this? Please share.
U-boot version= 2014.07.
Linux kernel = 4.5.4
I am using Buildroot for making board support package.
Thank in advance....
Ah, so your problem is:
bfin> ext2load mmc 0 0x1000000 u-boot.ldr
and this should be:
bfin> ext4load mmc 0:1 0x1000000 u-boot.ldr
as you need to specify both the MMC device (0) and the partition on the device (1 as you made 1 partition on the SD card and formatted that). Just saying 0 causes it to try and read the whole device as where the filesystem is which fails when it runs into the partition table. And you need to use 'ext4load' (or just load, if you have the generic commands enabled) as well since you've got ext3/ext4 most likely and not just ext2.

Can I easily compile u-boot with more commands for arm versatile bp

I have compiled u-boot from u-boot-2013.01.y branch for versatilebp board (arm), and I need fatload command that is not present in this configuation.
I'm running u-boot under qemu
DRAM: 128 MiB
WARNING: Caches not enabled
Using default environment
In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial
Net: SMC91111-0
Warning: SMC91111-0 using MAC address from net device
VersatilePB # fat
Unknown command 'fat' - try 'help'
VersatilePB # help
? - alias for 'help'
base - print or set address offset
bdinfo - print Board Info structure
bootm - boot application image from memory
bootp - boot image via network using BOOTP/TFTP protocol
cmp - memory compare
cp - memory copy
crc32 - checksum calculation
dhcp - boot image via network using DHCP/TFTP protocol
env - environment handling commands
erase - erase FLASH memory
flinfo - print FLASH memory information
go - start application at address 'addr'
help - print command description/usage
iminfo - print header information for application image
loop - infinite loop on address range
md - memory display
mm - memory modify (auto-incrementing address)
mtest - simple RAM read/write test
mw - memory write (fill)
nm - memory modify (constant address)
ping - send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network host
printenv- print environment variables
protect - enable or disable FLASH write protection
reset - Perform RESET of the CPU
setenv - set environment variables
tftpboot- boot image via network using TFTP protocol
version - print monitor, compiler and linker version
VersatilePB #
I need fatload to load file containing image of fat filesystem containing kernel of freebsd. Can I somehow change compile config for that board to compile u-boot with fatload command? Or it's just not possible/not supported for that board?
Having done more or less exactly this for a Versatile AB, it's most certainly possible. The simplest way is to find where that board's command set is defined, and hack in the commands you want by defining the relevant CONFIG_CMD_* symbols. In this case, that place is include/configs/versatile.h.
Looking at my checkout of 2015.07, I seem to have added, among others (I think I was trying to convince the MMC to work at the time), these lines:

STM32F2 removal of readout protection

The STM32F2 micro-controller has build in capabilities to prevent readout of application code using a debug interface. It works fine and is accomplished pretty easily by configuring the read protection(RDP) level to '1' (!0xAA || !0xCC) or '2' (0xCC which is irreversible). Except trying to turn it off is where i run in to issues.
The expected behavior when the RDP level is lowered back to 0:
The chip will perform a mass flash erase.
Followed by clearing the protection flag.
System reset
Except after a power cycle the flash has been successfully erased but the protection flag remains on level '1' (0x55) keeping the debug interface disabled. And thus preventing me from writing any new application code. It is possible to fiddle around with the debugger and force the flag to level 0 (0xAA) manually though..
Is there anyone who have had the same or similar issues with the STM32F2xx series that can help me out? I'm using the STM32 standard peripheral drivers for programming the flash.
// Enable read out protection
// Restart platform
// Disable read out protection
// Restart platform
This is because before the clearing the protection flag, and in the middle of mass flash erase, you restart the chip.
The only way to recover the chip is to use the system bootloader.
Force boot0 pin to be 1 and force boot1 pin to be 0 at power up, start bootloader then connect USB and program the chip with DFU programmer.
You can download the DFU programmer here.
I used the library as follows (it was not working without FLASH_Unlock();):
// Flash Readout Protection Level 1
if (FLASH_OB_GetRDP() != SET) {
FLASH_Unlock(); // this line is critical!
FLASH_OB_Launch(); // Option Bytes programming
No need for NVIC_SystemReset();.
Checking functionality worked best with STM32 ST-LINK utility CLI for me:
> "C:\Program Files (x86)\STMicroelectronics\STM32 ST-LINK Utility\ST-LINK Utility\ST-LINK_CLI.exe" -c SWD -rOB
STM32 ST-LINK CLI v3.0.0.0
STM32 ST-LINK Command Line Interface
ST-LINK SN : 51FF6D064989525019422287
ST-LINK Firmware version : V2J27S0
Connected via SWD.
SWD Frequency = 4000K.
Target voltage = 2.9 V.
Connection mode : Normal.
Device ID:0x422
Device flash Size : 256 Kbytes
Device family :STM32F302xB-xC/F303xB-xC/F358xx
Option bytes:
RDP : Level 1
nBoot1 : 1
VDDA : 1
Data0 : 0xFF
Data1 : 0xFF
nSRAM_Parity: 1
Not really a solution, but I hope this saves someone some time.

Can't boot basic OpenEmbedded-Core on Freescale i.MX28

I've been trying to build and boot OpenEmbedded-Core on the evaluation kit for Freescale's ARM i.MX28, using the Freescale ARM layer for OpenEmbedded-Core. Unfortunately, I can't find a basic "Getting Started" guide (though there is a Yocto getting-started guide). Unfortunately, I haven't been able to "get started", to the point of successfully booting to a basic command prompt on the board's debug serial port.
Here is what I've been able to piece together, and as far as I've managed to get so far.
Fetch sources
mkdir -p oe-core/freescale-arm
cd oe-core/freescale-arm
git clone git://git.openembedded.org/openembedded-core oe-core
git clone git://github.com/Freescale/meta-fsl-arm.git
cd oe-core
git clone git://git.openembedded.org/meta-openembedded
git clone git://git.openembedded.org/bitbake bitbake
Set up environment
. ./oe-init-build-env
That puts us in a new sub-directory build and sets certain environment variables.
Edit configuration
Edit the conf/bblayers.conf and local.conf files:
conf/bblayers.conf should have the meta-fls-arm and meta-oe layers added for BBLAYERS. E.g.:
/home/craigm/oe-core/freescale-arm/oe-core/meta \
/home/craigm/oe-core/freescale-arm/oe-core/meta-openembedded/meta-oe \
${TOPDIR}/../../meta-fsl-arm \
In conf/local.conf, I set:
MACHINE = "imx28evk"
bitbake core-image-minimal
I ran this build overnight, and it has completed successfully for me. Output files were in ~/oe-core/freescale-arm/oe-core/build/tmp-eglibc/deploy/images.
There are two boot options that I'd like to try, as described below. Boot from SD card is simpler, but takes quite a long time (~30 min) to write the image to the SD card. Booting from TFTP + NFS is faster, but requires more set-up.
Boot from SD Card
Write image to SD card:
sudo dd if=tmp-eglibc/deploy/images/core-image-minimal-imx28evk.sdcard of=/dev/sdc
It took something like 30 minutes (3.5 GB file). Then I put it in the board's SD card slot 0, and powered-up. It got as far as loading the kernel, then stopped:
U-Boot 2012.04.01-00059-g4e6e824 (Aug 23 2012 - 18:08:54)
Freescale i.MX28 family at 454 MHz
DRAM: 128 MiB
*** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment
In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial
Net: FEC0, FEC1
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
reading boot.scr
** Unable to read "boot.scr" from mmc 0:2 **
reading uImage
2598200 bytes read
Booting from mmc ...
## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at 42000000 ...
Image Name: Linux-
Created: 2012-08-23 7:53:40 UTC
Image Type: ARM Linux Kernel Image (uncompressed)
Data Size: 2598136 Bytes = 2.5 MiB
Load Address: 40008000
Entry Point: 40008000
Verifying Checksum ... OK
Loading Kernel Image ... OK
Starting kernel ...
Uncompressing Linux... done, booting the kernel.
Boot from TFTP + NFS
First, I tried to write U-Boot onto an SD card:
sudo dd if=tmp-eglibc/deploy/images/u-boot-imx28evk.mxsboot-sdcard of=/dev/sdc
Then I put it in the board's SD card slot 0, and powered-up. But all I got in the debug serial port was:
So, I decided to use Freescale's distribution of U-Boot for i.MX28 (from their LTIB distribution) onto an SD card. I set suitable U-Boot parameters for NFS booting with parameters from DHCP.
setenv bootargs console=ttyAMA0,115200n8
setenv bootargs_nfs setenv bootargs ${bootargs} root=/dev/nfs ip=dhcp nfsroot=,v3,tcp fec_mac=${ethaddr}
I connected to a DD-WRT router with the following DNSmasq settings:
On my host PC, I set up a TFTP server to serve the uImage file from ~/oe-core/freescale-arm/oe-core/build/tmp-eglibc/deploy/images/.
I also set up a root NFS server to serve the root file system. I edited /etc/exports to serve /home/craigm/rootfs. I extracted the root file system:
bitbake meta-ide-support
rm -Rf ~/rootfs
runqemu-extract-sdk tmp-eglibc/deploy/images/core-image-minimal-imx28evk.tar.bz2 ~/rootfs
Then I put the U-Boot SD card in the board's SD card slot 0, and powered-up. It got as far as this, then stopped:
TCP cubic registered
NET: Registered protocol family 17
can: controller area network core (rev 20090105 abi 8)
NET: Registered protocol family 29
can: raw protocol (rev 20090105)
mxs-rtc mxs-rtc.0: setting system clock to 1970-01-01 00:03:33 UTC (213)
eth0: Freescale FEC PHY driver [Generic PHY] (mii_bus:phy_addr=0:00, irq=-1)
eth1: Freescale FEC PHY driver [Generic PHY] (mii_bus:phy_addr=0:01, irq=-1)
Sending DHCP requests .
PHY: 0:00 - Link is Up - 100/Full
., OK
IP-Config: Got DHCP answer from, my address is
IP-Config: Complete:
device=eth0, addr=, mask=, gw=,
host=, domain=, nis-domain=(none),
bootserver=, rootserver=, rootpath=/home/craigm/rootfs
Looking up port of RPC 100003/3 on
Looking up port of RPC 100005/3 on
VFS: Mounted root (nfs filesystem) on device 0:15.
Freeing init memory: 160K
I'm not sure if it's running without a serial console, or some other problem. I can ping it on, but I can't Telnet or SSH to it.
Is there any sort of "getting started" guide for OpenEmbedded-Core on Freescale's i.MX28?
Is the Freescale ARM layer really intended for use with OpenEmbedded-Core, Yocto, or what? I don't really understand how those projects relate.
Has anyone else had success booting a minimal image of OpenEmbedded-Core on Freescale's i.MX28? If so, how did your procedure differ from mine?
I'm not sure at this stage whether the problem is just a non-functional serial console, or some other sort of issue. It's hard to diagnose these problems that prevent even getting a basic system running. Any pointers on how to diagnose at this point?
Why would the U-Boot be broken so it can't even boot?
From the boot message it looks like U-boot is working fine. U-boot is not broken.
The following boot message
2598200 bytes read
Booting from mmc ...
## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at 42000000 ...
Image Name: Linux-
Created: 2012-08-23 7:53:40 UTC
Image Type: ARM Linux Kernel Image (uncompressed)
Data Size: 2598136 Bytes = 2.5 MiB
Load Address: 40008000
Entry Point: 40008000
Verifying Checksum ... OK
Loading Kernel Image ... OK
Starting kernel ...
Uncompressing Linux... done, booting the kernel.
By the above log u-boot has done its job.
"Booting the kernel" is the point where bootloader given the control to the kernel.
I guess the problem might be in kernel image or in memory.
To eliminate the problem of memory, try to check the manual and try to read and write in the RAM using the board's reference manual.
From the boot log RAM looks like has no problem. It has been initialized.
DRAM: 128 MiB
Check if the following message is not causing any problem.
* Warning - bad CRC, using default environment
Check if all the devices have been initialized and nothing is skipped after the bad crc warning.
