In React, how to encapsulate logic in a Todo component? - reactjs

In a Todo app made with React, like this one, we have a function toggleTaskCompleted in the App component which gets passed as a prop to each Todo component. This function can then be called in the Todo component when a button is clicked resp. a checkbox is toggled.
I wonder if we can move this logic entirely to the Todo component. For example, this is possible in Svelte and Vue. In Vue, we create a ref for the list (and in Svelte, a regular variable), loop through it to list all todos and pass the respective todo as a prop. When we change the todo in the Todo component (for example, mark it as complete), this change is automatically also seen by the parent App component. (Meanwhile, the approach by passing a function as a prop is also possible in Svelte and Vue.)
I prefer this approach much more, it is more encapsulated, and we have to write less code. So I wonder if we can do the same in React.
Edit. Actually, the list is updated in the App component. However, this does not effect a rerender, and also useEffect, depending on the list, won't notice this change. So my question is basically how to inform the component about this change (without writing too much code or even using external state mangement).

I guess it would be better to use React Context in this case because you'll need to applay the state and the logic for your Todos in many components (like a navbar to track number of todos ...) . In this case React Context is a way to manage state globally. So it allow your components to access some global data (In your case your todos and the function toggleTaskCompleted ) and and re-render when that global data is changed . this is a simple Demo how to use it


How to limit scope of re-rendering to single component in React?

My components are structured looks like this. Each component is it's own functional component in its own file - this is just a schematic of how they interract.
// propValue is declared on this level with useState hook.
<SecondLevelComponent someProp={propValue}>
<ChildComponent2 someProp={propValue}></ChildComponent2>
someProp is declared in state in the FirstLevelComponent and is passed along to the SecondLevelComponent and when it changes, it triggers the re-render of the entire SecondLevelComponent. But the only dependency on that prop is in one of the children. The rest of the children are unaffected.
What would be the best way to isolate that behavior and only limit scope of re-rendering to the single child that depends on that prop?
Some constraints:
This is a huge production application so something like Just add redux would not be an easy solution.
Refactoring SecondLevelComponent will be a challenge (1500 lines of code), while I am open to such opportunity`, I am looking for the way to achieve this assuming it's not a hello world project. Solutions that are easy and ideal for application in its early stages are quite a rework when we are dealing with legacy code.
and only limit scope of re-rendering to the single child that depends on that prop?
What you're looking to accomplish goes against the nature of React. If a parent component has state, and that state changes, React will react and rerender the component.
Stopping the parent component from rerendering when its state changes is an anti pattern (as opposed to simply stopping its children from rerendering with useMemo).
The way I see it, you have the following options:
Add state to the child component instead. If it's the only component reliant on this state, it should be a simple refactor.
Replace useState with useRef in the parent component. Pass this to the child for creating initial state.
Option two could lead to other implications if anything else in the app is dependant on this piece of state.
Now, if you just want to keep the extra children from rerendering, which isn't exactly what I quoted above from the question, you could just simply use useMemo (and useCallback if passing a function as a prop)..
I saw the same problem, also big application
Option 1
You can take advantage of render from React composition if you can move propValue state and ChildComponent2 component into SecondLevelComponent
Explanation: the states in SecondLevelComponent wont rerender his childs like ChildComponent1 and ChildComponent3
Option 2
You can memoize you components using React.useMemo not React.memo because you are not passing propValue in ChildComponent1 and ChildComponent3 like this:
// How to memoize
const ChildComponent1Memoized = React.useMemo(()=><ChildComponent1/>,[propValue])
// In this case ChildComponent1Memoized will not rerender again
<SecondLevelComponent someProp={propValue}>
{ChildComponent1Memoized} // <---
<ChildComponent2 someProp={propValue}></ChildComponent2>
if you are passing functions as props be sure you are using useCallbak in every function, because they are rebuilding in every render, that cause Memo dosent work

How to pass value of state variable from one component to a sibling component?

I want to pass state variable from Filter to PaginatedTable component. How to impement it? Maybe I should use redux? (I have no idea how redux works, but I heard it is used to manage state of application)
import React from "react";
function CompanyTable(): JSX.Element{
return <>
Redux seems like overkill for this simple use case, particularly if you have to learn redux first.
I assume you have a state variable and a function to set the state variable in your Filter component, and you want the value to be available in your PaginatedTable component. Using hooks, I would do it this way
import React, { useState } from "react";
function CompanyTable(): JSX.Element{
const [yourVariable, setYourVariable] = useState(yourVariablesInitialState)
return <>
<Filter setYourVariable={setYourVariable}/>
<PaginatedTable yourVariable={yourVariable}/>
You can now call props.setYourVariable in your Filter component and the value you pass will be available in your PaginatedTable component. And you no longer need to have the variable in the Filter component's state. If you also want to have it there, you can pass it down as a prop as with PaginatedTable. You should change the names from my example as those names are pretty bad.
There are various ways to go about it, you can decide based upon your needs.
If you have a very basic application, then passing the state as props can help.
If you have an application like a complex to-do list or anything of that scale you can use context API.
Or, If you have a very large application like an e-commerce website where you have to share many states or your states are dynamic in nature then you can use redux.
Here are the links for your reference.
Passing states as props
Managing state as Context API
Managing state with Redux

Editing a form is not working on react redux

I am new on react. I am working on react application with redux. I have a form (I am using redux-form) by which I can save data or edit data.
my problem is , In edit mode I populate data using componentWillReceiveProps. and populated perfectly, now when I try to clear any field on form its again fill.
this.props.dispatch(initialize('NewProject', nextProps.project.project[0]));
I would be grateful for any help.
Is there a reason you're not dispatching this action somewhere else, like in componentDidMount? I can't say without seeing more code, but it's possible that whenever you edit your form, React again calls componentWillReceiveProps and overwrites whatever you did with the behavior you've given your component.
Per the React documentation:
Note that React may call this method even if the props have not changed, so make sure to compare the current and next values if you only want to handle changes. This may occur when the parent component causes your component to re-render.
It may be a good idea for you to move your dispatch to a more predictable event if possible, like componentDidMount. Typically, your render method should be capable of handling different cases if a component has multiple possible states. You could also create an edit and save version of your component, and render one or the other based on the props you receive. The best way to "populate" data, as you put it, is to define propTypes for your component, and then use your props to insert that data into elements in the render method.

Refresh logic in react component or flux/redux?

So i'm fairly new to React and I can't wrap my head around a concept on how to re-render a main component based on another component.
Lets say we have a to-do application and a to-do item can have a state (new, running, closed). We are displaying all to-do items in a list and we can filter the items based on their state. We are using a bootstrap dropdownbutton like component to set the filter, which is a React component. Now when we change the filter we obviously want to refresh the to-do items.
My question is, does the logic of the selected state belong in Flux/Redux or does the filter component just say "refresh your items" to the main component?
When you use Redux in React application, follow one simple rule - all your components are stateless (means, no component initializes its state or calls .setState() anywhere).
The redux way of design based on state container, one big object that holds all application state. As React component, being connected to Redux store, Redux will pass the state (or portion of it) into that component, as this.props.state property.
That high-order component (or smart component), renders its children components (or dumb components) and handles events from them.
If child component requires change, it triggers corresponding handler (which typically passed as props). The only way to change the state is to dispatch an action. That action contains a type and a payload and based on that type, corresponding reducer is selected. The reducer then produces a new state, based on previous state and action payload.
If in the result of reducer call, state got changed, Redux will re-render high-order component, passing new state in properties. So, all child components will be updated correspondingly.
Check this example and trace how AddTodo component calls .handleClick() and then upper to .onAddClick() which dispatches an action.
If you are using redux, then on your dropdown you should have an onchange handler that dispatches an action every time the value is changed with the selected state (new, running, closed).
Redux reducer will handle this action by changing some state accordingly in the store for example: display = 'completed'. In addition to this, your todo list should also be stored in the store and it will likely be an array.
Your react component should receive a the todo array and display as props, and therefore everytime any prop (todo array or display) change, it will trigger a re-render.
In this case, your component should only display those todos that are complete (i.e. in the render you check if the state of each todo === this.props.display.
So to answer your question: redux keeps the state of the dropdown, which is passed to your main component, your main component then render only the todo's that matches the criteria.
So in a very minimal way, you could pass a function down to the select box, which calls setState on the top-level component. When that state changes, it will re-render its child components. This pattern doesn't scale well, and leads to the same hell React + Flux is trying to get us away from (state everywhere). I would say, using Flux (or even better, Redux), trigger an action that sets the filter in your store, and use derived data based on the filter state + your list of todo's in the todo list.

ReactJS: Why is passing the component initial state a prop an anti-pattern?

I've created a small ReactJS dashboard with the help of SocketIO for live updates. Even though I have the dashboard updating, it bugs me that I'm not quite sure if I did it correctly.
What bugs me the most is the Props in getInitialState as anti-pattern post. I've created a dashboard that gets live updates from a server, requiring no user interaction beyond loading the page. From what I've read, this.state should contain things that will determine whether the component should be re-rendered, and this.props.... I don't know yet.
However, when you initially call React.render(<MyComponent />, ...), you can only pass props. In my case, I get all data from the server, so the initial props just end up in this.state anyway. So all of my components have something like this:
getInitialState: function() {
return {
progress: this.props.progress,
latest_update: this.props.latest_update,
nearest_center: this.props.nearest_center
Which, unless I've misinterpreted the aforementioned blog post, is an anti-pattern. But I see no other way of injecting the state into the Component, and I don't understand why it's an anti-pattern unless I relabel all of my props to prepend initial on them. If anything, I feel like that's an anti-pattern because now I have to keep track of more variables than I did before (those prepended with initial and those without).
Disclaimer: When I answered this question I was learning / trying to
implement vanilla Flux and I was a bit skeptic about it. Later on I
migrated everything to Redux. So, an advice: Just go with Redux or
MobX. Chances are you won't even need the answer to this question
anymore (except for the science).
Passing the intial state to a component as a prop is an anti-pattern because the getInitialState method is only called the first time the component renders. Meaning that, if you re-render that component passing a different value as a prop, the component will not react accordingly, because the component will keep the state from the first time it was rendered. It's very error prone.
And here is what you should do:
Try to make your components as stateless as possible. Stateless components are easier to test because they render an output based on an input. Simple like that.
But hey.. my components data change.. I can't make them stateless
Yes you can, for most of them. In order to do that, select an outer component to be the state holder. Using your example, you could create a Dashboard component that contains the data, and a Widget component that is completely stateless. The Dashboard is responsible for getting all the data and then rendering multiple Widgets that receive everything they need through props.
But my widgets have some state.. the user can configure them. How do I make them stateless?
Your Widget can expose events that, when handled, cause the state contained in Dashboard to change, causing every Widget to be rerendered. You create "events" in your Widget by having props that receive a function.
Ok, so now, Dashboard keeps the state, but how do I pass the initial state to it?
You have two options. The most recomended one, is that you make an Ajax call in the Dashboard getInitialState method to get the initial state from the server. You can also use Flux, which is a more sophisticated way for managing data. Flux is more of a pattern, rather than an implementation. You can use pure Flux with the Facebook's implementation of the Dispatcher, but you can use third-party implementations like Redux, Alt or Fluxxor.
Alternatively, you can pass this initial state as a prop to the Dashboard, explicitly declaring that this is just the initial state.. like initialData, for instance. If you choose this path, though, you can't pass a different initial state to it aftwards, because it will "remember" the state after the first render.
You are not quite right in your definitions.
State is used to store mutable data, that is, data that is going to change during the component life-cycle. Changes in the state should be made through the setState method and will cause the component to re-render.
Props are used to pass in imutable data to the components. They should not change during the component life-cycle. Components that only use props are stateless.
This is a relevant source on the "how to pass the initial state to components".
