I'm getting the following error:
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 2
Incorrect syntax near '('.
When executing this query:
'Average Total Comp' AS AverageTotalComp,
[2016], [2015], [2014]
DATEPART(yyyy, [Fiscal Year End Date]),
[Total Compensation ($)]
dbo.MDexec e) AS SourceTable
(AVG([Total Compensation ($)])
FOR DATEPART(yyyy, [Fiscal Year End Date])
IN ([2016], [2015], [2014])) AS PivotTable;
I attempted to use both YEAR and DATEPART. The error is referencing the opening parentheses on the second DATEPART.
You need to assign an alias to the datepart expression and use that in your pivot clause:
SELECT 'Average Total Comp' AS AverageTotalComp,
[2016], [2015], [2014]
FROM (SELECT datepart(yyyy,[Fiscal Year End Date]) AS dp,
[Total Compensation ($)] FROM dbo.MDexec e)
AS SourceTable
avg([Total Compensation ($)])
FOR dp
IN ([2016], [2015], [2014])) AS PivotTable;
You don't need Pivot to do this. Try this way
SELECT AverageTotalComp = 'Average Total Comp',
[2016] = Avg(case when year([Fiscal Year End Date]) = 2016 then [Total Compensation ($)] end),
[2017] = Avg(case when year([Fiscal Year End Date]) = 2017 then [Total Compensation ($)] end),
[2018] = Avg(case when year([Fiscal Year End Date]) = 2018 then [Total Compensation ($)] end)
FROM dbo.MDexec e
Where [Fiscal Year End Date] >= '2015-01-01'
and [Fiscal Year End Date] < '2019-01-01'
I have a query that I have been using to track users sales. Previously they ere required to make a quota each month. Now, however they would like to change the rule to allow them to start any month, so they may go from June to June or whatever. they also want users to start over immediately if they miss a month. This does seem to be a more equitable system because if they didn't make the quota in March, for example, they were unable to count any they made after that month for the entire year. This really messes up my query though, and I don't know how to fix it. anyone have a solution?
here is the existing t-sql.
#Year int
DECLARE #DateStart datetime
DECLARE #DateStop datetime
SELECT #DateStart = CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT( char(4), #Year) + '-01- 01')
SELECT #DateStop = CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT( char(4), #Year + 1) + '-01- 01')
SELECT r.riderid,
DATEPART(yyyy, m.ridedate),
SUM(CASE DATEPART(mm, m.datesale) WHEN 1 THEN m.quota ELSE 0 END) AS [jan],
SUM(CASE DATEPART(mm, m.datesale) WHEN 2 THEN m.quota ELSE 0 END) AS [feb],
SUM(CASE DATEPART(mm, m.datesale) WHEN 3 THEN m.quota ELSE 0 END) AS [mar],
SUM(CASE DATEPART(mm, m.datesale) WHEN 4 THEN m.quota ELSE 0 END) AS [apr],
SUM(CASE DATEPART(mm, m.datesale) WHEN 5 THEN m.quota ELSE 0 END) AS [may],
SUM(CASE DATEPART(mm, m.datesale) WHEN 6 THEN m.quota ELSE 0 END) AS [jun],
SUM(CASE DATEPART(mm, m.datesale) WHEN 7 THEN m.quota ELSE 0 END) AS [jul],
SUM(CASE DATEPART(mm, m.datesale) WHEN 8 THEN m.quota ELSE 0 END) AS [aug],
SUM(CASE DATEPART(mm, m.datesale) WHEN 9 THEN m.quota ELSE 0 END) AS [sep],
SUM(CASE DATEPART(mm, m.datesale) WHEN 10 THEN m.quota ELSE 0 END) AS [oct],
SUM(CASE DATEPART(mm, m.datesale) WHEN 11 THEN m.quota ELSE 0 END) AS [nov],
SUM(CASE DATEPART(mm, m.datesale) WHEN 12 THEN m.quota ELSE 0 END) AS [dec],
SUM(m.quota) as [tot]
FROM users u
JOIN mysales m
ON m.riderid = u.riderid
Where m.datesale Between #DateStart AND #DateStop
GROUP BY DATEPART(yyyy, m.datesale), u.userid
ORDER BY DATEPART(yyyy, m.datesale), SUM(m.quota) DESC
OK -here is data
The table holds the users id, the customer id , amount of sale and date of sale
The query pulls the user, the sum of sales by month. User 250 made quota in July/2016, but did not in August, so he should get an entry in #quota for July, and September, but because he did not in August he has to restart in September; user# 300 has made quota from Jan 2016 to SEPT so he has qualified for his bonus as long as he finishes the 12 months. User 350 has successfully finished the year and should get a bonus. at this time in prod there is no quota table, would that simplify? What I need is a list of users that are in the running.
--drop table #sales
--drop table #quota
create table #sales
--saleid int --PK
userid int -- salesperson FK
, customerid int --FK
, sale_amt decimal
, date_sale datetime
insert into #sales values
(250,1840, 2701.32,'8-15-2016'),
Select userid
, sum(sale_amt) Sale
, DATEPART(mm,date_sale) as[month]
from #sales
group by userid, DATEPART(mm,date_sale) order by userid
create table #quota
qid int --PK
, userid int -- salesperson FK
, quota bit -- awarded when sales => $2500.00
, datesale datetime -- date quota made
Just one possible way to write a query that looks back #running_months number of months to verify that no quotas have been missed during the window for each user:
select userid from users u
where not exists (
select 1 from #sales s
where s.userid = u.userid
and date_sale > dateadd(month, -#running_months - 1, current_timestamp)
and datediff(month, sales_date, current_timestamp) between 1 and #running_months
group by month(sales_amt)
having sum(sales_amt) < 2500
EDIT: I later realized that you probably do have users with no sales during a month so you'll probably need to actually verify the condition that all the months are over quota rather than none of the months are under quota:
select userid from users u
where userid in (
select userid from
select userid from #sales s
where s.userid = u.userid
and date_sale > dateadd(month, -#running_months - 1, current_timestamp)
and datediff(month, sales_date, current_timestamp) between 1 and #running_months
group by month(sales_amt)
having sum(sales_amt) >= 2500
) q
group by userid
having count(*) = #running_months
Hi I am trying to duplicate a complex IIF function I used in MS Access but can't seem to translating it into a SLQ 2008 using CASE. I am trying to create a WHERE clause something like this
(IIF([Created Date]= NULL, IIF(DATEDIFF(day,[Created Date],[POSTED Date])<=3,1,IIF([Created Date] BETWEEN [Disti Reported Sales Date] AND [Posted Date]),1,NULL)))=1
Basically what its doing is looking at a date from one column and comparing it to two other columns but if one of the columns is NULL then it uses a different comparison.
The literal translation should look close to this:
WHEN [Created Date] IS NULL
WHEN DATEDIFF(DD, [Created Date], [POSTED Date]) <= 3
WHEN [Created Date] BETWEEN [Disti Reported Sales Date] AND [Posted Date]
END) = 1
However, this can be simplified to something like this:
WHEN [Created Date] IS NULL AND DATEDIFF(DD, [Created Date], [POSTED Date]) <= 3 THEN 1
WHEN [Created Date] IS NULL AND [Created Date] BETWEEN [Disti Reported Sales Date] AND [Posted Date] THEN 1
ELSE 0 END) = 1
As noted in my comment, it still seems odd that if [Created Date] IS NULL, you are trying to still use it in any calculation.
I am tryig to write what must be a fairly common audit report; number of rows added to a table over time; reported back against previous cycles to understand the trends in the data.
I have a table that audits creation of rows in the database. It has a field RowEnteredDate date time. I am looking to create an audit report Week/ Month/ Current Quarter / Year.
In my head I am looking at this as multiple passes over the data around the dates; which is quite costly in my database. My reasoning at the moment is
I started out with working out the dates for my year / month / quarter
set datefirst 1
declare #dateranges table (
rangelabel varchar(100),
startdate datetime,
enddate datetime,
myrowcount integer identity(1,1)
insert into #dateranges (Rangelabel, startdate, enddate)
'Current Year',
DATEADD(ms,-3,DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy,0,GETDATE() )+1, 0))
insert into #dateranges (Rangelabel, startdate, enddate)
'Current Quarter',
DATEADD(qq, DATEDIFF(qq, - 1, getdate()), - 1)
insert into #dateranges (Rangelabel, startdate, enddate)
'Current Month',
DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, 0, getdate()), 0),
If my table is tblOfUsefullFacts and my date row is RowEnteredDate what is the best way to get the aggregate; broken by Day.
Date Range Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Year To date 12000 13000 12000 3200 98000 8900 4000
Quarter 1 302 407 201 97 1732 120 37
Month ...
I can get the totals by day easily enough using a query like this
count(*) ,
datepart(weekday, RowEnteredDate)
tblOfUsefullFacts aa
datepart(weekday, RowEnteredDate) is not null
group by datepart(weekday, RowEnteredDate)
order by datepart(weekday, RowEnteredDate) sac
This selects the data out row by row; which i could pivot and loop round to get the data. Im slightly nervous as the real numbers are in the 10's of millions in them and would like to not impact the underlying processing if i can avoid it.
As i need to do this in multiple passes is there a lighter way to do this without running the loops to get the totals? Or a mechanism in SQL my fuzzy brain is ignoring.
This should give you an idea how to do it. Sorry for any syntax errors, it isn't tested.
;with cte as
datepart(weekday, RowEnteredDate) as WkDay,
count(*) as RowCt
from tblOfUsefullFacts f
join #dateranges d on f.RowEnteredDate between d.startdate and d.enddate
Where datepart(weekday, RowEnteredDate) is not null
group by d.rangelabel,datepart(weekday, RowEnteredDate)
sum(case when WkDay = 1 then RowCt else 0 end) as Sunday,
sum(case when WkDay = 2 then RowCt else 0 end) as Monday,
sum(case when WkDay = 3 then RowCt else 0 end) as Tuesday,
sum(case when WkDay = 4 then RowCt else 0 end) as Wednesday,
sum(case when WkDay = 5 then RowCt else 0 end) as Thursday,
sum(case when WkDay = 6 then RowCt else 0 end) as Friday,
sum(case when WkDay = 7 then RowCt else 0 end) as Saturday
from cte
group by RangeLabel
Doing a pie chart in SRSS and i am trying to produce a proper sql query for it. Basically i am trying to analyze a table with files only opened in the last month. There is a Date_Opened field which i can use for this scenario:
SELECT count(*) AS NoOfFiles,
WHEN DATEPART(MONTH, Date_Opened) >= DATEPART(MONTH, DATEADD(m, 1, getdate()))
AND DATEPART(YEAR, Date_Opened) >= DATEPART(YEAR, DATEADD(m, -1, getdate()))
AND Case_Category_ID = 225 THEN 1
END) AS InDischargeLoan,
WHEN DATEPART(MONTH, Date_Opened) >= DATEPART(MONTH, DATEADD(m, 1, getdate()))
AND DATEPART(YEAR, Date_Opened) >= DATEPART(YEAR, DATEADD(m, -1, getdate()))
AND Case_Category_ID = 226 THEN 1
END) AS TechnicalDev,
FROM dbo.Cases
The above query will add columns equal to zero. But i only want non zero columns. I think
using 'having' or group by might work but unsure how to use these commands?